77 research outputs found

    An Efficient Job-Grouping Based Scheduling Algorithm for Fine-Grained Jobs in Computational Grids

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    Grid computing is a high performance computing environment to solve large-scale computational demands. Computational grids emerged as a next generation computing platform which is a collection of heterogeneous computing resources connected by a network across dynamic and geographically dispersed organizations, to form a distributed high performance computing infrastructure. In computational grid main emphasis is given on resource management and job scheduling. The main goal of scheduling is to maximize the resource utilization and minimize processing time of the jobs. Various research works has been done on job scheduling problem in grid, but still further analysis and research needs to be done to improve the performance of scheduling algorithm in computational grid. In this thesis, an efficient job-grouping based approach has been proposed for fine-grained job scheduling in computational grids. Resources in computational grid are heterogeneous in nature, owned and managed by different organizations with different allocation policies. In our scheduling algorithm jobs are scheduled based on resources computational and communication capabilities. Independent fine-grained jobs are grouped together based on the chosen resources characteristics, to maximize resource utilization and minimize processing time and cost. Job scheduling is a decision process by which application components are assigned to available resources to optimize various performance metrics. Hence in this thesis, we have specially focused on improving computational grid performance in terms of makespan and total computation time. A simulation of proposed approach using GridSim toolkit is conducted. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using above mentioned performance parameters. A comparison of our proposed approach with other existing fine-grained job scheduling strategies is provided. Experimental results show proposed algorithm performs efficiently in computational grid environment

    DRS: Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Real-Time Analytics over Fast Streams

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    In a data stream management system (DSMS), users register continuous queries, and receive result updates as data arrive and expire. We focus on applications with real-time constraints, in which the user must receive each result update within a given period after the update occurs. To handle fast data, the DSMS is commonly placed on top of a cloud infrastructure. Because stream properties such as arrival rates can fluctuate unpredictably, cloud resources must be dynamically provisioned and scheduled accordingly to ensure real-time response. It is quite essential, for the existing systems or future developments, to possess the ability of scheduling resources dynamically according to the current workload, in order to avoid wasting resources, or failing in delivering correct results on time. Motivated by this, we propose DRS, a novel dynamic resource scheduler for cloud-based DSMSs. DRS overcomes three fundamental challenges: (a) how to model the relationship between the provisioned resources and query response time (b) where to best place resources; and (c) how to measure system load with minimal overhead. In particular, DRS includes an accurate performance model based on the theory of \emph{Jackson open queueing networks} and is capable of handling \emph{arbitrary} operator topologies, possibly with loops, splits and joins. Extensive experiments with real data confirm that DRS achieves real-time response with close to optimal resource consumption.Comment: This is the our latest version with certain modificatio

    Space Station Mission Planning System (MPS) development study. Volume 2

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    The process and existing software used for Spacelab payload mission planning were studied. A complete baseline definition of the Spacelab payload mission planning process was established, along with a definition of existing software capabilities for potential extrapolation to the Space Station. This information was used as a basis for defining system requirements to support Space Station mission planning. The Space Station mission planning concept was reviewed for the purpose of identifying areas where artificial intelligence concepts might offer substantially improved capability. Three specific artificial intelligence concepts were to be investigated for applicability: natural language interfaces; expert systems; and automatic programming. The advantages and disadvantages of interfacing an artificial intelligence language with existing FORTRAN programs or of converting totally to a new programming language were identified

    Working Notes from the 1992 AAAI Workshop on Automating Software Design. Theme: Domain Specific Software Design

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    The goal of this workshop is to identify different architectural approaches to building domain-specific software design systems and to explore issues unique to domain-specific (vs. general-purpose) software design. Some general issues that cut across the particular software design domain include: (1) knowledge representation, acquisition, and maintenance; (2) specialized software design techniques; and (3) user interaction and user interface

    Analysis and evaluation of multi-agent systems for digital production planning and control

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    Industrial manufacturing companies have different IT control functions that can be represented with a so-called hierarchical automation pyramid. While these conventional software systems especially support the mass production with consistent demand, the future project “Industry 4.0” focuses on customer-oriented and adaptable production processes. In order to move from conventional production systems to a factory of the future, the control levels must be redistributed. With the help of cyber-physical production systems, an interoperable architecture must be, implemented which removes the hierarchical connection of the former control levels. The accompanied digitalisation of industrial companies makes the transition to modular production possible. At the same time, the requirements for production planning and control are increasing, which can be solved with approaches such as multi-agent systems (MASs). These software solutions are autonomous and intelligent objects with a distinct collaborative ability. There are different modelling methods, communication and interaction structures, as well as different development frameworks for these new systems. Since multi-agent systems have not yet been established as an industrial standard due to their high complexity, they are usually only tested in simulations. In this bachelor thesis, a detailed literature review on the topic of MASs in the field of production planning and control is presented. In addition, selected multi-agent approaches are evaluated and compared using specific classification criteria. In addition, the applicability of using these systems in digital and modular production is assessed

    An ADA model of the AEGIS radar scheduler.

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    Distributed Decision Making: A Multiagent Decision Support System For Street Management

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005Bu çalışmada, işbirlikçi dağıtık bir insan organizasyonundaki karar etkinliğinin, taktik ve stratejik seviyelerde dağıtık karar destek araçlarıyla arttırılabileceği öngörülmüştür. Çok ajanlı mimariye dayalı ve kullanıcıların karar süreçlerinde aktif olarak yer aldığı yeni bir dağıtık karar destek sistemi önerilmiştir. Sistemin performans modeli bulanık bilişsel haritalama yönetimi kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Önerilen sistemin uygulanabilirliği, Java ortamında geliştirilen bir örnek program ile test edilmiştir ve uygulama alanı olarak dağıtık karar vermenin iyi bir örneği olan cadde yönetim sistemi seçilmiştir. Örnek uygulama başarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.In this study, it is suggested that, decisional effectiveness in a cooperative distributed human system can be increased by distributed decision support tools at tactical and strategic levels. A new distributed decision support system based on multiagent architecture is proposed, in which human agents are also actively involved in the decision process. The performance model of the system was established using fuzzy cognitive map approach. The applicability of the proposed system was tested on a sample implementation program developed in Java environment and street management is selected as the application domain since it is a good example of distributed decision making. The sample implementation was successfully realized.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Uses and applications of artificial intelligence in manufacturing

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    The purpose of the THESIS is to provide engineers and personnels with a overview of the concepts that underline Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Artificial Intelligence is concerned with the developments of theories and techniques required to provide a computational engine with the abilities to perceive, think and act, in an intelligent manner in a complex environment. Expert system is branch of Artificial Intelligence where the methods of reasoning emulate those of human experts. Artificial Intelligence derives it\u27s power from its ability to represent complex forms of knowledge, some of it common sense, heuristic and symbolic, and the ability to apply the knowledge in searching for solutions. The Thesis will review : The components of an intelligent system, The basics of knowledge representation, Search based problem solving methods, Expert system technologies, Uses and applications of AI in various manufacturing areas like Design, Process Planning, Production Management, Energy Management, Quality Assurance, Manufacturing Simulation, Robotics, Machine Vision etc. Prime objectives of the Thesis are to understand the basic concepts underlying Artificial Intelligence and be able to identify where the technology may be applied in the field of Manufacturing Engineering