23,615 research outputs found

    Test exploration and validation using transaction level models

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    The complexity of the test infrastructure and test strategies in systems-on-chip approaches the complexity of the functional design space. This paper presents test design space exploration and validation of test strategies and schedules using transaction level models (TLMs). Since many aspects of testing involve the transfer of a significant amount of test stimuli and responses, the communication-centric view of TLMs suits this purpose exceptionally wel

    High definition systems in Japan

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    The successful implementation of a strategy to produce high-definition systems within the Japanese economy will favorably affect the fundamental competitiveness of Japan relative to the rest of the world. The development of an infrastructure necessary to support high-definition products and systems in that country involves major commitments of engineering resources, plants and equipment, educational programs and funding. The results of these efforts appear to affect virtually every aspect of the Japanese industrial complex. The results of assessments of the current progress of Japan toward the development of high-definition products and systems are presented. The assessments are based on the findings of a panel of U.S. experts made up of individuals from U.S. academia and industry, and derived from a study of the Japanese literature combined with visits to the primary relevant industrial laboratories and development agencies in Japan. Specific coverage includes an evaluation of progress in R&D for high-definition television (HDTV) displays that are evolving in Japan; high-definition standards and equipment development; Japanese intentions for the use of HDTV; economic evaluation of Japan's public policy initiatives in support of high-definition systems; management analysis of Japan's strategy of leverage with respect to high-definition products and systems

    Assessment of the added value of the Twente Photoacoustic Mammoscope in breast cancer diagnosis\ud

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    Purpose: Photoacoustic (PA) imaging is a recently developed breast cancer imaging technique. In order to enhance successful clinical implementation, we quantified the potential clinical value of different scenarios incorporating PA imaging by means of multi-criteria analysis. From this analysis, the most promising area of application for PA imaging in breast cancer diagnosis is determined, and recommendations are provided to optimize the design of PA imaging. - \ud Methods: The added value of PA imaging was assessed in two areas of application in the diagnostic track. These areas include PA imaging as an alternative to x-ray mammography and ultrasonography in early stage diagnosis, and PA imaging as an alternative to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in later stage diagnosis. The added value of PA imaging was assessed with respect to four main criteria (costs, diagnostic performance, patient comfort and risks). An expert panel composed of medical, technical and management experts was asked to assess the relative importance of the criteria in comparing the alternative diagnostic devices. The judgments of the experts were quantified based on the validated pairwise comparison technique of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, a technique for multi-criteria analysis. Sensitivity analysis was applied to account for the uncertainty of the outcomes. - \ud Results: Among the considered alternatives, PA imaging is the preferred technique due to its non-invasiveness, low cost and low risks. However, the experts do not expect large differences in diagnostic performance. The outcomes suggest that design changes to improve the diagnostic performance of PA imaging should focus on the quality of the reconstruction algorithm, detector sensitivity, detector bandwidth and the number of wavelengths used. - \ud Conclusion: The AHP method was useful in recommending the most promising area of application in the diagnostic track for which PA imaging can be implemented, this being early diagnosis, as a substitute for the combined use of x-ray mammography and ultrasonography

    Three dimensional asset documentation using terrestrial laser scanner technology

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    Asset documentation is a detailed record or inventory of the properties located within a room or a building. It is important to record the assets in case of property loss happen inside the premise especially when that premise caught fire, earthquake, robbery and others. The instrument used in this study is Faro Laser Scanner Photon 120/20. The object of the study is the computer room of Photogrammetry Lab, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate. The final output of this study is the 3D model of the assets available inside the building. Before 3D model can be formed, the scanned data which is in the form of point cloud generated from the laser scanner have to be registered and georeferenced in order to combine the scans. The combine scans is the representation of the whole area of work surveyed from every scan points. These processes use Faro Scene, software that comes together with the laser scanner. By introducing this method, large scale asset documentation such as for factories and schools would be very beneficial rather than conventional method. The next process is to model the point cloud using AutoCAD 2011. Every item available on the room such as desks, chairs, cubicles, computers, whiteboard, projectors and cupboard are modeled and each of these items was inserted with attributes so that we can know the information of each item

    Towards 3D printed multifunctional immobilization for proton therapy: initial materials characterization

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    Purpose: 3D printing technology is investigated for the purpose of patient immobilization during proton therapy. It potentially enables a merge of patient immobilization, bolus range shifting, and other functions into one single patient-speci c structure. In this rst step, a set of 3D printed materials is characterized in detail, in terms of structural and radiological properties, elemental composition, directional dependence, and structural changes induced by radiation damage. These data will serve as inputs for the design of 3D printed immobilization structure prototypes. Methods: Using four di erent 3D printing techniques, in total eight materials were subjected to testing. Samples with a nominal dimension of 20×20×80 mm3 were 3D printed. The geometrical printing accuracy of each test sample was measured with a dial gage. To assess the mechanical response of the samples, standardized compression tests were performed to determine the Young’s modulus. To investigate the e ect of radiation on the mechanical response, the mechanical tests were performed both prior and after the administration of clinically relevant dose levels (70 Gy), multiplied with a safety factor of 1.4. Dual energy computed tomography (DECT) methods were used to calculate the relative electron density to water ρe, the e ective atomic number Ze , and the proton stopping power ratio (SPR) to water SPR. In order to validate the DECT based calculation of radiological properties, beam measurements were performed on the 3D printed samples as well. Photon irradiations were performed to measure the photon linear attenuation coe cients, while proton irradiations were performed to measure the proton range shift of the samples. The direc- tional dependence of these properties was investigated by performing the irradiations for di erent orientations of the samples. Results: The printed test objects showed reduced geometric printing accuracy for 2 materials (deviation > 0.25 mm). Compression tests yielded Young’s moduli ranging from 0.6 to 2940 MPa. No deterioration in the mechanical response was observed after exposure of the samples to 100 Gy in a therapeutic MV photon beam. The DECT-based characterization yielded Ze ranging from 5.91 to 10.43. The SPR and ρe both ranged from 0.6 to 1.22. The measured photon attenuation coe cients at clinical energies scaled linearly with ρe. Good agreement was seen between the DECT estimated SPR and the measured range shift, except for the higher Ze . As opposed to the photon attenuation, the proton range shifting appeared to be printing orientation dependent for certain materials. Conclusions: In this study, the rst step toward 3D printed, multifunctional immobilization was performed, by going through a candidate clinical work ow for the rst time: from the material printing to DECT characterization with a veri cation through beam measurements. Besides a proof of concept for beam modi cation, the mechanical response of printed materials was also investigated to assess their capabilities for positioning functionality. For the studied set of printing techniques and materials, a wide variety of mechanical and radiological properties can be selected from for the intended purpose. Moreover the elaborated hybrid DECT methods aid in performing in-house quality assurance of 3D printed components, as these methods enable the estimation of the radiological properties relevant for use in radiation therapy

    Low velocity impact modelling in laminate composite panels with discrete interface elements

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    A model enabling the detection of damages developing during a low velocity/low energy impact test on laminate composite panels has been elaborated. The ply model is composed of interface type elements to describe matrix cracks and volumic finite elements. This mesh device allows to respect the material orthotropy of the ply and accounts for the discontinuity experimentally observed. Afterwards delaminations are described with interfaces similar to the ones observed with matrix cracks and the coupling between these two damages are established. In the first step, simple stress criteria are used to drive these interface type elements in order to assess the relevance of model principle. Nevertheless, the well known problem of mesh sensitivity of these criteria prevents the use of this model for now as a predictive tool but rather as a qualitative tool. An experimental validation is carried out thanks to impact experimental tests performed by Aboissiere (2003) and a very good match has been found. However, this model could predictivelly be used and would allow to foresee an original method to detect delaminations during an experimental test. This modelling has been successfully tested experimentally and compared to a C-Scan ultrasonic investigation
