14 research outputs found

    A battery hardware-in-the-loop setup for concurrent design and evaluation of real-time optimal HEV power management controllers

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    Razavian, R. S., Azad, N. L., & McPhee, J. (2013). A battery hardware-in-the-loop setup for concurrent design and evaluation of real-time optimal HEV power management controllers. International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 5(3), 177. Final version published by Inderscience Publishers, and available at: https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEHV.2013.057604We have developed a battery hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) setup, which can expedite the design and evaluation of power management controllers for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) in a novel cost- and time-effective manner. The battery dynamics have a significant effect on the HEV power management controller design; therefore, physical batteries are included in the simulation loop for greater simulation fidelity. We use Buckingham's Pi Theorem in the scaled-down battery HIL setup to reduce development and testing efforts, while maintaining the flexibility and fidelity of the control loop. In this paper, usefulness of the setup in parameter identification of a simple control-oriented battery model is shown. The model is then used in the power management controller design, and the real-time performance of the designed controller is tested with the same setup in a realistic control environment. Test results show that the designed controller can accurately capture the dynamics of the real system, from which the assumptions made in its design process can be confidently justified.Financial support for this research has been provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Toyota, and Maplesoft

    Scaling of wind energy conversion system for time-accelerated and size-scaled experiments

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    This paper presents a scaling methodology based on dimensional analysis and applicable to systems’ mathematical models. The main goal of this research is to propose time-accelerated and size-scaled HIL (Hardware In the Loop) experiments, while keeping similarity with respect to the dynamics of the original system. The scaling process is presented using a simple wind turbine model. The scaling method is validated through simulations in which a wind turbine model and an electrochemical battery model are connected together. Finally, an experimental real-time validation is performed using physical emulators

    High efficiency two stroke opposed piston engine for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle applications: evaluation under homologation and real driving conditions

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    [EN] The potential of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions highly depends on the vehicle usage and electricity source. In addition, the high costs of the battery pack and electric components suppose a challenge to the vehicle manufacturers. However, the internal combustion engine complexity can be reduced due to its lower use as compared to the no-hybrid vehicles. This work evaluates the use of a new opposed piston 2-stroke engine, based on rod-less innovative kinematics, in a series PHEV architecture based on rod-less innovative kinematics along different driving routes in Europe. A 0D-vehicle model fed with experimental tests is used. The battery size is optimized under homologation conditions for two different vehicle types. The optimum case is tested in several real driving conditions under different vehicle modes and battery states of charge. The main contribution of this work is the demonstration of the potential to reduce the vehicle CO2 emissions and cost with an innovative 2-stroke engine. The results show that 24 kWh is the optimum battery size for both vehicle platforms. Charge depleting mode shows 70% of CO2 tailpipe reduction in urban cycles and 22% in long travels compared to the no-hybrid version. Charge sustaining mode results show a CO2 tailpipe reduction of 20% in urban cycles and 2% in long distance travels with respect to the no-hybrid version. In spite of the CO2 contribution of the battery manufacturing, the results show a reduction of LCA CO2 emissions in 52% in charge depleting and 7% charge sustaining against the no-hybrid case.This work has been partially supported by "Conselleria de Innovacion, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana" through grant number GV/2020/017. The authors acknowledge FEDER and Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for partially supporting this research through TRANCO project (TRA2017-87694-R). The authors want to thank INNengine for providing the engine and the help in the experimental campaign. Lastly, acknowledge to Gamma Technologies for the numerical simulation support and provide the GT-RealDrive licensesSerrano, J.; García Martínez, A.; Monsalve-Serrano, J.; Martínez-Boggio, SD. (2021). High efficiency two stroke opposed piston engine for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle applications: evaluation under homologation and real driving conditions. Applied Energy. 282(Part A):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.116078S117282Part

    Real-time predictive control strategy for a plug-in hybrid electric powertrain

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mechatronics.2015.04.020 © 2015. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Model predictive control is a promising approach to exploit the potentials of modern concepts and to fulfill the automotive requirements. Since, it is able to handle constrained multi-input multi-output optimal control problems. However, when it comes to implementation, the MPC computational effort may cause a concern for real-time applications. To maintain the advantage of a predictive control approach and improve its implementation speed, we can solve the problem parametrically. In this paper, we design a power management strategy for a Toyota Prius plug-in hybrid powertrain (PHEV) using explicit model predictive control (eMPC) based on a new control-oriented model to improve the real-time implementation performance. By implementing the controller to a PHEV model through model and hardware-in-the-loop simulation, we get promising fuel economy as well as real-time simulation speed.NSERCToyotaMaplesoft Industrial Research Chair progra

    New torque-speed balance method to determine road load of electric two-wheeler and development of hardware-in-the-loop simulator for its driving performance testing on motor dynamometer

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 기계항공공학부, 2016. 2. 김민수.In this study, the new method to determine road load of electric two-wheelers was developed and the dynamic simulation, hardware in the loop simulation (HILS) to evaluate the drive performance on motor dynamometer was conducted and the applicability of this simulation method was analyzed. First, we developed a new method to determine the road load occurring in a road drive, different from the coastdown test generally applied to vehicles. In our proposed method, the correlation between the speed and the road load is derived from fitting the motors current consumption and speed while driving at constant speed on a uniform horizontal road. Because the inertial resistance is almost negligible while the vehicle drives at constant speed on a uniform horizontal road, the output of the engine or drive electric motor is the same as the running resistance. The output torque of drive motor of electric two-wheeler is proportional to current consumption and this linear coefficient is expressed by kt, torque constant. So the running resistance of electric two-wheeler driving at constant speed on a uniform horizontal road can be determined by measuring the current consumption of electric two-wheelers drive motor and calculating the drive motors output torque. The correlation between the output torque and the current consumption was derived from the motor characteristic test on a motor dynamometer. And during the motor characteristic test and the real road tests the temperature of motors windings was monitored so that the effects of the thermal equilibrium, saturation to the performance characteristics were evaluated. The difference between the road load which were derived in the case of the saturation state and non-saturation state respectively were 0.2 Nm. And the difference between the road load which were derived in the case of the non-saturation state and coastdown test was 1.0 Nm. If the new method is applied for determination of the road load, the road load can be determined through the new method though the coastdown test is not available for the regenerative braking when coasting. Also it was ensured from the road tests that the new method needed driving tracks shorter than that in the coastdown tests. Second, we conducted HILS on a motor dynamometer by including real hardware to simulate the e-bikes field drive test, through which we verified the applicability of our new method. In order to apply the road load the test motor on motor dynamometer, the load machines are necessary for the dynamic simulations and the powder brake and servo motor were used for load machine on the separate test bed. On the motor dynamometer equipped with the powder brake, after the road load was calculated from the correlation between the speed and the road load obtained from the coastdown tests, the rodad load was applied to test motor through the powder brake by setting the above road load as the set value of the PI controller and comparing and compensating the set value and the present value. Because the powder brake can impose a passive load, it cannot operate at speed control mode. So the powder brake operated at torque control mode during the dynamic simulation. Unlike the powder brake, the servo motor can operate both at speed control mode and torque control mode, so the servo motor can impose a passive load as well as an active load. While the servo motor applied the road load to the test motor at speed control mode, the simulation was sequentially progressed calculating the dynamic equation based on the torque and rotational speed measured from the sensor and the loop time. The powder brake and the servo motor included in the motor dynamometer simulated the road load derived from our proposed method and the coastdown test. If the dynamic simulation conducted in this study is applied for pre-evaluation of the drive module consisting of the motor, MCU, and battery, time, cost, and human resources necessary for the real road test being installed on the complete vehicles will be considerably reduced.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Literature survey 11 1.2.1 Test method to determine road load 12 1.2.2 HILS of vehicle drive performance 13 1.3 Objective and scope of the study 15 Chapter 2. New torque-speed balance method to determine road load 18 2.1 Introduction 18 2.2 Dynamic equation in EV while driving 22 2.3 Motor characteristic test on motor dynamometer 25 2.3.1 Experimental setup 27 2.3.2 Test results 32 2.3.3 Correlation of current consumption and motors output torque 36 2.4 Field test 39 2.4.1 Coastdown test 43 2.4.2 New method under constant speed condition 46 2.5 Comparison of the test results between the coastdown test and new method 50 2.6 Summary 56 Chapter 3. HILS under torque control mode on motor dynamometer combined with the powder brake 58 3.1 Introduction 58 3.2 Experimental setup 59 3.2.1 Test setup for field test 59 3.2.2 Dynamic simulator 66 3.2.3 Calibration of the measurements from motor dynamometer test and field test 66 3.3 Coastdown test 69 3.4 Dynamic simualtion 73 3.5 Starting characteristics of the e-bike in the dynamic simulation 77 3.6 Comparative analysis of simulation and field test 82 3.7 Summary 95 Chapter 4. HILS under speed control mode on motor dynamometer combined with the servo motor 96 4.1 Introduction 96 4.2 Experimental setup 101 4.2.1 Test setup for field test 101 4.2.2 Dynamic simulator 104 4.3 Field test 105 4.3.1 Coastdown test 105 4.3.2 Acceleratin test 109 4.4 Dynamic simualtion 109 4.4.1 Simulation process 109 4.4.2 Coastdown simulation 116 4.4.3 Acceleration simulation 120 4.5 Energy efficiency evaluation on motor dynamometer 125 4.5.1 Effect of the weight 126 4.5.2 Effect of the aerodynamic resistance 128 4.6 Summary 130 Chapter 5. Conclusion 132 References 135 Abstract (in Korean) 143Docto

    Development of a control scheme for a quarter car test rig

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    Road holding performance and vibration isolation of an automobile are some of the most important criteria for human perception of ride quality. For this, the accurate estimation of car body vibration is a prerequisite. A 2-DOF quarter car is a simple, but still reasonable approach to study the dynamic behaviour of a car body. This thesis illustrates the development of control scheme hardware for a quarter car model based on an existing test rig. The test rig parameters are estimated using different static and dynamic tests. The parameters are then used to develop a passive nonlinear model for the test rig. A similar linear model is used to develop an idealized controller. The controller is then applied to the nonlinear simulation model to make it active, and its performance is found to be slightly better at low frequencies for the nonlinear model. The actuator dynamics are then included in the active model to make it realistic. A comparative study of the ideal and realistic model shows that the realistic active model generally shows better ride quality, specially at high frequencies. This model will offer the future researchers a realistic control scheme for the quarter car test rig. The thesis shows the implementation of a new software (20-sim 4C) and hardware system to allow control signals to be sent from the simulation software to the physical quarter car, and verification of the software and hardware by controlling a voice coil actuator using pulse-width modulation to follow a position command signal and then a force command signal. It is observed that as the frequency of the command signal increases, the amplitude loss in the response increases. The actuator can generate only about 5 N force when the frequency of the force command signal is above about 10 Hz. A more robust actuator with higher bandwidth will be required for hardware replication of the maximum potential active suspension benefit predicted by the simulation models

    Strategies to correct the effects of delay on the Hardware In the Loop (HIL) systems

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    Orientador: Janito Vaqueiro FerreiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: O conceito de Hardware In the Loop (HIL) é bastante útil em indústrias automotivas e em indústrias espaciais, já que sistemas complexos são difíceis de se modelar. Este conceito proporciona uma grande confiabilidade aos resultados, diminui o risco de avaria dos equipamentos e dos usuários em seu funcionamento, como também uma diminuição do tempo no desenvolvimento de projetos. Tudo isto sem precisar de um orçamento elevado ou protótipos elaborados para realização de testes. Neste trabalho propõem-se duas estratégias para solucionar o problema do atraso (delay) apresentado pelo sinal de resposta nos sistemas HIL em tempo real, levando-se em conta a sequência de execução real dos processos, bem como também outros aspectos como dos sistemas de aquisição e atuação (inercia, limitações de hardware e software, tempo de amostragem). Os resultados obtidos através das estratégias propostas foram analisados e comparados com resultados numéricos em uma bancada experimental obtendo uma boa concordância eliminando o atraso na respostaAbstract: The Hardware In the Loop (HIL) concept is useful in automotive and spaceship industries, because of the difficulty of modeling complex systems. This concept provides great reliability at the results, decrease the risk of damage to the equipment and to the user operation, as well as decreasing the time of projects development. All of this without requiring a high budget or developing prototypes for testing. This study propose a strategy to solve the delay problem presented by the response signal in real time HIL systems, considering a real execution sequence of the process, as well as other aspects such as in the acquisition and the actuation systems (inertia, hardware and software limitations, sample time). The results obtained through the proposed strategies was analyzed and compared with numerical results in a testing platform with excellent concordance eliminating the delay in the responseMestradoMecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto MecanicoMestre em Engenharia Mecânic

    Fundamental investigastions considering energy efficiency and EMC of electric vehicle by using a scaled Power-HiL-Setup

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    Die Elektromobilität ist als ein Teil der Energiewende eines der aktuellen Themen in der technischen Forschung. Die Idee dabei ist der Einsatz von elektrischen Antrieben in Fahrzeugen zur Reduzierung des CO2-Ausstroßes im Individualverkehr. Trotz der hohen Wirkungsgrade der eingesetzten Elektro-antriebe ist die Reichweite aktueller Elektrofahrzeuge aufgrund der begrenzten Batteriekapazität auf etwa 100-200km begrenzt. Zudem werden energieintensive Nebenverbraucher, wie die Heizung und der Klimakompressor an der Antriebsbatterie betrieben, was die Reichweite weiter reduziert. Die begrenzte Reichweite in Kombination mit den langen Ladezeiten zeigt, dass eine optimale Nutzung der verfügbaren Energie bei der Entwicklung von Elektrofahrzeugen berücksichtigt werden muss. Zudem ergeben sich durch die Integration von leistungselektronisch geregelten Antriebssystemen in die bestehenden Fahrzeugarchitekturen (12V-Bordnetz) enorme Herausforderungen bzgl. der EMV Anforderungen, die einen Anpassungsprozess der relevanten EMV-Standards im Fahrzeugbereich bedingt haben. Um einen störungsfreien Parallelbetrieb der beiden Bordnetze zu gewährleisten, wird das Antriebsbordnetz isoliert vom 12V-Bordnetz realisiert und zudem vollständig geschirmt. Aufgrund von Kostenfaktoren und dem geringen Platzangebot im Fahrzeug ist die Anzahl der zusätzlich realisierbaren Gegenmaßnahmen begrenzt. Um sowohl die Energieeffizienz von Elektrofahrzeugen als auch die im Antriebsbordnetz auftretenden Störaussendungen basierend auf realen Komponenten zu untersuchen, wird eine Power-HiL Umgeb-ung des Antriebsstrangs eines Elektrofahrzeugs realisiert. Zur Untersuchung der Energieeffizienz von Elektrofahrzeugen, wird das Antriebsbordnetz aus energietechnischer Sicht als Netzwerk mit Erzeugern und Verbrauchern betrachtet. Um sowohl unterschiedliche Fahrzeuge als auch unterschiedliche Antriebsysteme zu untersuchen, wird eine Skalierungsmethode vorgestellt, welche auch auf andere Prüfstände adaptierbar ist. Mit dem Aufbau wird der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Fahr-zyklen, Antriebssysteme, Rekuperationsleistungen und Hochvolt-Nebenverbraucher auf die Reich-weite der Fahrzeuge umfassend untersucht. Zur Untersuchung der EMV des elektrischen Antriebsstrangs wird die Power-HiL Umgebung ver-wendet, um die Störaussendung des Antriebssystems von Elektrofahrzeugen und deren Ausbreitung im Fahrzeug zu untersuchen. In den aktuellen EMV-Standards werden die leitungsgeführten Störaus-sendungen an den Antriebs- und Traktionsleitungen des Umrichters in konstanten Betriebspunkten gemessen. Diese Störungen breiten sich zudem über die Antriebswelle, die eine Schwachstelle im aktuellen Schirmkonzept darstellt, im Fahrzeug aus. Da diese Wellenströme in der aktuellen Normung nicht berücksichtigt sind, werden sie mit der Power-HiL Umgebung erstmalig untersucht. Zudem wird ein Messaufbau vorgestellt, mit dem die Störaussendung im Frequenzbereich über der Zeit während eines dynamischen Fahrzyklus untersucht werden kann.Electro mobility is part of the energy turnaround in Germany and thus one of the actual topics in technical research. The main idea is the reduction of CO2 emissions of public and individual traffic by using electric drives for vehicle propulsion. Despite the high efficiency of the electric traction systems electric vehicles have a limited driving range of 100-200 km. This limitation is caused by the capacity of the propulsion batteries used. In addition energy-intensive loads like the electric air conditioning compressor and the interior heating are supplied by this battery further reducing the vehicle’s driving range. Compared to vehicles with internal combustion engine electric vehicles can recuperate energy into the battery during the braking process. Especially in inner city traffic this causes an increase of the overall driving range. However, the combination of the limited driving range and the long duration of the recharge process indicates, that the optimal usage of this energy is one of the main topics during the development process of electric vehicles. Furthermore, integrating electric traction systems in the existing vehicle electric architectures causes enormous challenges with respect to the EMC requirements. Due to this process all affected automotive EMC standards are actually adapted. Inside the power electronic components fast switching power semiconductors are used. In order to further increase the efficiency of the components the switching frequency of power semiconductors and the system’s operational voltage is increased. Beside the better efficiency of the components the electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated by the drive system increases. In order to provide an undisturbed operation of the 12V- and the traction system the traction system is built up isolated and completely shielded from the vehicle’s chassis. Due to costs factors and the limited space inside the vehicle the amount realizable further countermeasures is limited. Thus the disturbances generated by and the coupling passes inside the traction system has to be considered in an early stage in the component development process. To investigate the impact of e.g. different usage scenarios on the energy efficiency and the EMI of an electric vehicle traction system a Power-HiL setup including the complete electric vehicle drive is used. Focussing on the energy efficiency investigations, the traction system is considered as an energy supply network consisting of energy sources and sinks. In order to simulate different electric vehicles and drives the Power-HiL setup is scaled, using method which can be adapted to other test setups. Using the scaled Power-HiL setup the impact of different electric drives, regenerative braking limitations, usage scenarios and the usage of energy intensive loads on the driving range of electric vehicles is comprehensively investigated. On the other hand the Power-HiL setup is used to investigate the EMI generated and the coupling paths inside an electric vehicle traction system. In the actual EMC standards the conducted emissions of a drive inverter are measured at the motor and the battery cables while the drive is operated in constant operation. However, inside the motor these conducted emissions are coupling via the bearings onto the drive’s shaft. The shaft is not shielded and represents a weak point of the actual shielding concept. As these shaft currents are not considered in the actual standard, they are comprehensively analyzed using the Power-HiL setup. Furthermore, a realistic drive scenario of an electric vehicle represents a dynamic operation of the traction system, which is not considered in the actual standards. In order to investigate the impact of a dynamic operation of the drive on the conducted emissions the Power-HiL setup is used. For analysing the emissions in dynamic operation a setup measuring the EMI in frequency domain in discrete time steps is used

    Nouvelles approches en conception préliminaire basée sur les modèles des actionneurs embarqués

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    L objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des approches innovantes de conceptionpréliminaire d actionneurs embarqués. Cette démarche répond à un besoin fort de l industrie,en particulier en aéronautique. Dans un premier temps, une méthode hybride de générationd architectures solutions et de sélection vis-à-vis des exigences du cahier des charges et del état de l art technologique est proposée. Dans un deuxième temps, une étude de l effet del incertitude sur les modèles de conception préliminaire a été réalisée. Une troisième pa rtie adémontré l intérêt de lier les approches et les outils de modélisation 0D/1D et 3D afin depermettre l accélération des phases de conception et afin de mieux remonter la connaissanceliée à la géométrie. Enfin, une méthode utilisant les métamodèles basées sur les lois d échellevisant à l obtention de formes mathématiques simples pour le besoin de dimensionnent descomposants mécatroniques a été développéeThe objective of this thesis is to propose an innovative approaches for embeddedactuators preliminary design. This approach responds to a strong need for the industry,particularly in aeronautics. As a first step, a hybrid method of architectures generation andselection depending on the specifications and the technological state of the art is proposed. Ina second step, a study of the effect of uncertainty in preliminary design models wascompleted. A third part demonstrated the value of combining modeling approaches tools0D/1D and 3D to enable the design phases acceleration and to have better knowledge relatedto the geometry. Finally, a method using meta-models based on scaling laws for obtainingsimple mathematical forms needed for sizing mechatronic components has been developedTOULOUSE-INSA-Bib. electronique (315559905) / SudocSudocFranceF