19 research outputs found

    Using Tree Kernels for Classifying Temporal Relations between Events

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    PACLIC 23 / City University of Hong Kong / 3-5 December 200

    Araknion: Inducción de modelos lingüísticos a partir de corpora

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    El proyecto Araknion tiene como objetivo general dotar al español y al catalán de una infraestructura básica de recursos lingüísticos para el procesamiento semántico de corpus en el marco de la Web 2.0 sean de origen oral o escrito

    Técnicas aplicadas al reconocimiento de implicación textual.

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    Tras establecer qué se entiende por implicación textual, se expone la situación actual y el futuro deseable de los sistemas dirigidos a reconocerla. Se realiza una identificación de las técnicas que implementan actualmente los principales sistemas de Reconocimiento de Implicación Textual

    Extraction automatique de paraphrases à partir de petits corpus

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    International audienceThis paper presents a versatile system intended to acquire paraphrastic phrases from a small-size representative corpus. In order to decrease the time spent on the elaboration of resources for NLP system (for example for Information Extraction), we suggest to use a knowledge acquisition module that helps extracting new information despite linguistic variation. This knowledge is semi-automatically derived from the text collection, in interaction with a large semantic network.Cet article présente un système permettant d'acquérir de manière semi-automatique des paraphrases à partir de corpus représentatifs de petite taille. Afin de réduire le temps passé à l'élaboration de ressources pour des systèmes de traitement des langues (notamment l'extraction d'information), nous décrivons un module qui vise à extraire ces connaissances en prenant en compte la variation linguistique. Les connaissances sont directement extraites des textes à l'aide d'un réseau sémantique de grande taille

    Inductive probabilistic taxonomy learning using singular value decomposition

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    Capturing word meaning is one of the challenges of natural language processing (NLP). Formal models of meaning, such as networks of words or concepts, are knowledge repositories used in a variety of applications. To be effectively used, these networks have to be large or, at least, adapted to specific domains. Learning word meaning from texts is then an active area of research. Lexico-syntactic pattern methods are one of the possible solutions. Yet, these models do not use structural properties of target semantic relations, e.g. transitivity, during learning. In this paper, we propose a novel lexico-syntactic pattern probabilistic method for learning taxonomies that explicitly models transitivity and naturally exploits vector space model techniques for reducing space dimensions. We define two probabilistic models: the direct probabilistic model and the induced probabilistic model. The first is directly estimated on observations over text collections. The second uses transitivity on the direct probabilistic model to induce probabilities of derived events. Within our probabilistic model, we also propose a novel way of using singular value decomposition as unsupervised method for feature selection in estimating direct probabilities. We empirically show that the induced probabilistic taxonomy learning model outperforms state-of-the-art probabilistic models and our unsupervised feature selection method improves performance

    A Machine learning approach to textual entailment recognition

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    Designing models for learning textual entailment recognizers from annotated examples is not an easy task, as it requires modeling the semantic relations and interactions involved between two pairs of text fragments. In this paper, we approach the problem by first introducing the class of pair feature spaces, which allow supervised machine learning algorithms to derive first-order rewrite rules from annotated examples. In particular, we propose syntactic and shallow semantic feature spaces, and compare them to standard ones. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed spaces learn first-order derivations, while standard ones are not expressive enough to do so