569 research outputs found

    Efficient Web Service Discovery and Selection Model

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    Selection of an optimal web service is a challenging task due to the uncertainty of Quality of Service, which is the deciding factor to identify the accurate web service. Several discovery mechanisms have proposed but most of the research work does not consider the non-functional characteristics called Quality of service. The proposed model for web service selection combines two techniques. First, with Skyline method reduce the search space by filtering the redundant service and secondly to calculate the Relevancy function to normalize the skyline services. The experimental results show that the proposed technique outperforms the existing method

    A New Manufacturing Service Selection and Composition Method Using Improved Flower Pollination Algorithm

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    With an increasing number of manufacturing services, the means by which to select and compose these manufacturing services have become a challenging problem. It can be regarded as a multiobjective optimization problem that involves a variety of conflicting quality of service (QoS) attributes. In this study, a multiobjective optimization model of manufacturing service composition is presented that is based on QoS and an environmental index. Next, the skyline operator is applied to reduce the solution space. And then a new method called improved Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) is proposed for solving the problem of manufacturing service selection and composition. The improved FPA enhances the performance of basic FPA by combining the latter with crossover and mutation operators of the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm. Finally, a case study is conducted to compare the proposed method with other evolutionary algorithms, including the Genetic Algorithm, DE, basic FPA, and extended FPA. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method performs best at solving the problem of manufacturing service selection and composition

    Elastic-PPQ: A two-level autonomic system for spatial preference query processing over dynamic data streams

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    Paradigms like Internet of Things and the most recent Internet of Everything are shifting the attention towards systems able to process unbounded sequences of items in the form of data streams. In the real world, data streams may be highly variable, exhibiting burstiness in the arrival rate and non-stationarities such as trends and cyclic behaviors. Furthermore, input items may be not ordered according to timestamps. This raises the complexity of stream processing systems, which must support elastic resource management and autonomic QoS control through sophisticated strategies and run-time mechanisms. In this paper we present Elastic-PPQ, a system for processing spatial preference queries over dynamic data streams. The key aspect of the system design is the existence of two adaptation levels handling workload variations at different time-scales. To address fast time-scale variations we design a fine regulatory mechanism of load balancing supported by a control-theoretic approach. The logic of the second adaptation level, targeting slower time-scale variations, is incorporated in a Fuzzy Logic Controller that makes scale in/out decisions of the system parallelism degree. The approach has been successfully evaluated under synthetic and real-world datasets

    Full Solution Indexing and Efficient Compressed Graph Representation for Web Service Composition

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    Service-oriented computing enhances business scalability and flexibility; providers who expect to benefit from it may bring explosive growth of web services. Searching an optimal composition solution with both functional and non-functional requirements is a computationally demanding problem: the time and space requirements may be infeasible due to the high number of available services. In this thesis, we study QoS-aware service composition problems which satisfy functional requirements as well as non-functional requirements. We use optimization algorithms to enhance accuracy of our searching algorithms. In the first approach, we propose a database-based approach to search a service composition solution. Current in-memory methods are limited by expensive and volatile physical memory, to deal with this problem, we want to use the large space available in relational database on persistence disk. In our database-based approach, all possible service combinations are generated beforehand and stored in a relational database. When a user request comes, SQL queries are composed to search in the database and K best solutions are returned. We test the performance of the proposed approach with a service challenge data set; experiment results demonstrate that this approach can always successfully find top-K valid solutions.We offer three main contributions in this approach. First, we overcome the disadvantages of in-memory composition algorithms, such as volatile and expensive, and provide a solution suitable to cloud environments. Second, we fetch top-K solutions in case the optimal solution is not available as backup solutions to the user. Third, compared with other pre-computing composition methods, we use a single SQL query: there is no need to eliminate spurious services iteratively. Then, we propose the application of a skyline operator to reduce the search space and improve the scalability. Skyline analysis returns all of the elements that are not dominated by another element. We use skyline analysis to find a set of candidate services referred to as "skyline services", therefore, less competitive services are reduced. This allows us to find a solution for a large composition problem with less storage and increased speed. In reality, different users may have same requests, we are motivated to pick some popular requests and generate paths for fast delivery. These paths are stored in a separate table of the relational database. When a user request comes, we first search to find a nearly ready-made solution. Only as a last resort do we search the table with whole paths to find a solution. Finally, to deal with the problem that the search space may explore, we apply a compressed data structure to represent the service composition graph. The goal is to allow algorithms running in in-memory over larger graphs. In this approach, we use compact K2-trees to represent the service composition graph. When a user request comes, we search the K2-tree for a satisfactory solution. We use an array to store values in the last level of the compact tree, which represents relationships between services and concepts. In our algorithms, we find services' inputs (resp. outputs) by locating elements in this array directly, therefore, decompressing the graph is unnecessary. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first attempt to consider compact structure in solving web service composition problems. Experiment results demonstrate that this approach takes less space and has good scalability when handling a large number of web services. We provide different approaches to search a solution for the user. If the user want to find an optimal solution with fewer services, he may use the database-based approach to search for a solution. If the user want to get a solution in a short time, he may choose the in-memory approach

    Modeling and Selection of Software Service Variants

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    Providers and consumers have to deal with variants, meaning alternative instances of a service?s design, implementation, deployment, or operation, when developing or delivering software services. This work presents service feature modeling to deal with associated challenges, comprising a language to represent software service variants and a set of methods for modeling and subsequent variant selection. This work?s evaluation includes a POC implementation and two real-life use cases

    A novel cloud services recommendation system based on automatic learning techniques

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    The Cloud Computing technology is evolving constantly but essence remains the same that is to offer distinct cost saving opportunities by consolidating and restructuring information technology as a service. With the continuously increasing cloud provisions, cloud consumers start to have difficulties to find the best relevant services that suit their requirements. Therefore, selecting best services by cloud users is becoming a greater challenge. In this paper, we present a framework of services' recommendation system in a Cloud environment, using automatic learning techniques. The system aims at finding the services that suit the interests and preferences of cloud consumers by combining content based and behaviour based recommendations. In this paper, we present, USTHBCLOUD, a cloud services recommendation prototype evaluated with an experimental study. © 2017 IEEE

    Deployment and Operation of Complex Software in Heterogeneous Execution Environments

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    This open access book provides an overview of the work developed within the SODALITE project, which aims at facilitating the deployment and operation of distributed software on top of heterogeneous infrastructures, including cloud, HPC and edge resources. The experts participating in the project describe how SODALITE works and how it can be exploited by end users. While multiple languages and tools are available in the literature to support DevOps teams in the automation of deployment and operation steps, still these activities require specific know-how and skills that cannot be found in average teams. The SODALITE framework tackles this problem by offering modelling and smart editing features to allow those we call Application Ops Experts to work without knowing low level details about the adopted, potentially heterogeneous, infrastructures. The framework offers also mechanisms to verify the quality of the defined models, generate the corresponding executable infrastructural code, automatically wrap application components within proper execution containers, orchestrate all activities concerned with deployment and operation of all system components, and support on-the-fly self-adaptation and refactoring
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