1,143 research outputs found

    Stochastic Models for the Kinematics of Moisture Transport and Condensation in Homogeneous Turbulent Flows

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    The transport of a condensing passive scalar is studied as a prototype model for the kinematics of moisture transport on isentropic surfaces. Condensation occurs whenever the scalar concentration exceeds a specified local saturation value. Since condensation rates are strongly nonlinear functions of moisture content, the mean moisture flux is generally not diffusive. To relate the mean moisture content, mean condensation rate, and mean moisture flux to statistics of the advecting velocity field, a one-dimensional stochastic model is developed in which the Lagrangian velocities of air parcels are independent Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (Gaussian colored noise) processes. The mean moisture evolution equation for the stochastic model is derived in the Brownian and ballistic limits of small and large Lagrangian velocity correlation time. The evolution equation involves expressions for the mean moisture flux and mean condensation rate that are nonlocal but remarkably simple. In a series of simulations of homogeneous two-dimensional turbulence, the dependence of mean moisture flux and mean condensation rate on mean saturation deficit is shown to be reproducible by the one-dimensional stochastic model, provided eddy length and time scales are taken as given. For nonzero Lagrangian velocity correlation times, condensation reduces the mean moisture flux for a given mean moisture gradient compared with the mean flux of a noncondensing scalar

    Large-eddy simulation of mixing in a recirculating shear flow

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    The flow field and mixing in an expansion-ramp geometry is studied using large-eddy simulation (LES) with subgrid scale (SGS) modelling. The expansion-ramp geometry was developed to investigate enhanced mixing and flameholding characteristics while maintaining low total-pressure losses. Passive mixing was considered without taking into account the effects of chemical reactions and heat release, an approximation that is adequate for experiments conducted in parallel. The primary objective of the current work is to validate the LES–SGS closure in the case of passive turbulent mixing in a complex configuration and, if successful, to rely on numerical simulation results for flow details unavailable via experiment. Total (resolved-scale plus subgrid contribution) probability density functions (p.d.f.s) of the mixture fraction are estimated using a presumed beta-distribution model for the subgrid field. Flow and mixing statistics are in good agreement with the experimental measurements, indicating that the mixing on a molecular scale is correctly predicted by the LES– SGS model. Finally, statistics are shown to be resolution-independent by computing the flow for three resolutions, at twice and four times the resolution of the coarsest simulation

    Statistical steady state in turbulent droplet condensation

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    Motivated by systems in which droplets grow and shrink in a turbulence-driven supersaturation field, we investigate the problem of turbulent condensation in a general manner. Using direct numerical simulations we show that the turbulent fluctuations of the supersaturation field offer different conditions for the growth of droplets which evolve in time due to turbulent transport and mixing. Based on that, we propose a Lagrangian stochastic model for condensation and evaporation of small droplets in turbulent flows. It consists of a set of stochastic integro-differential equations for the joint evolution of the squared radius and the supersaturation along the droplet trajectories. The model has two parameters fixed by the total amount of water and the thermodynamic properties, as well as the Lagrangian integral timescale of the turbulent supersaturation. The model reproduces very well the droplet size distributions obtained from direct numerical simulations and their time evolution. A noticeable result is that, after a stage where the squared radius simply diffuses, the system converges exponentially fast to a statistical steady state independent of the initial conditions. The main mechanism involved in this convergence is a loss of memory induced by a significant number of droplets undergoing a complete evaporation before growing again. The statistical steady state is characterised by an exponential tail in the droplet mass distribution. These results reconcile those of earlier numerical studies, once these various regimes are considered.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    LES of Reacting Mixing Layers: Species Concentration Boundedness and Inflow Conditions

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    The present work carries out large-eddy simulations of the low-speed, high-Reynolds number, chemically-reacting mixing layer experiments by Slessor et. al. In particular, we study the low-heat release case with prescribed turbulent inflow conditions. The objective of the present work is to gain insight into the physics of the reacting shear layer and to address some associated computational challenges. This set of experiments are at subsonic conditions and use hydrogen and fluorine as the fuel and oxidizer, respectively. The hypergolic reaction between H_2 and F_2, as it was run in the Slessor et al. experiments, is characterized by a large Damköhler number, making the chemistry fast compared to the flow time scales: the product formation and temperature-rise in the flow is mixing-limited. In this work, we attempt to address the issue of overshoots and undershoots of species mass-frictions, often observed in LES of high-Reynolds number flows, by modifying the convective fluxes. We observe that the modified fluxes eliminate the global excursions of species mass-fraction concentration. A three dimensional simulation is performed by imposing synthetic turbulence at the inflow, generated using the digital filter approach of Klein et al., to mimic the experimental flow conditions. The velocity profiles, growth rate, and product thickness obtained from the simulations show a good match with the experimental data, but the peak value of temperature-rise is slightly over predicted

    Single-particle dispersion in stably stratified turbulence

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    We present models for single-particle dispersion in vertical and horizontal directions of stably stratified flows. The model in the vertical direction is based on the observed Lagrangian spectrum of the vertical velocity, while the model in the horizontal direction is a combination of a continuous-time eddy-constrained random walk process with a contribution to transport from horizontal winds. Transport at times larger than the Lagrangian turnover time is not universal and dependent on these winds. The models yield results in good agreement with direct numerical simulations of stratified turbulence, for which single-particle dispersion differs from the well studied case of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence

    New Regime of MHD Turbulence: Cascade Below Viscous Cutoff

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    In astrophysical situations, e.g. in the interstellar medium (ISM), neutrals can provide viscous damping on scales much larger than the magnetic diffusion scale. Through numerical simulations, we have found that the magnetic field can have a rich structure below the dissipation cutoff scale. This implies that magnetic fields in the ISM can have structures on scales much smaller than parsec scales. Our results show that the magnetic energy contained in a wavenumber band is independent of the wavenumber and magnetic structures are intermittent and extremely anisotropic. We discuss the relation between our results and the formation of the tiny-scale atomic structure (TSAS).Comment: ApJ Letters, accepted (Feb. 10, 2002; ApJ, 566, L...); 10 pages, 3 figure

    Going forth and back in time: a fast and parsimonious algorithm for mixed initial/final-value problems

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    We present an efficient and parsimonious algorithm to solve mixed initial/final-value problems. The algorithm optimally limits the memory storage and the computational time requirements: with respect to a simple forward integration, the cost factor is only logarithmic in the number of time-steps. As an example, we discuss the solution of the final-value problem for a Fokker-Planck equation whose drift velocity solves a different initial-value problem -- a relevant issue in the context of turbulent scalar transport.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Inertial range scaling of the scalar flux spectrum in two-dimensional turbulence

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    Two-dimensional statistically stationary isotropic turbulence with an imposed uniform scalar gradient is investigated. Dimensional arguments are presented to predict the inertial range scaling of the turbulent scalar flux spectrum in both the inverse cascade range and the enstrophy cascade range for small and unity Schmidt numbers. The scaling predictions are checked by direct numerical simulations and good agreement is observed
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