8 research outputs found

    Trust and distrust in contradictory information transmission

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    We analyse the problem of contradictory information distribution in networks of agents with positive and negative trust. The networks of interest are built by ranked agents with different epistemic attitudes. In this context, positive trust is a property of the communication between agents required when message passing is executed bottom-up in the hierarchy, or as a result of a sceptic agent checking information. These two situations are associated with a confirmation procedure that has an epistemic cost. Negative trust results from refusing verification, either of contradictory information or because of a lazy attitude. We offer first a natural deduction system called SecureNDsim to model these interactions and consider some meta-theoretical properties of its derivations. We then implement it in a NetLogo simulation to test experimentally its formal properties. Our analysis concerns in particular: conditions for consensus-reaching transmissions; epistemic costs induced by confirmation and rejection operations; the influence of ranking of the initially labelled nodes on consensus and costs; complexity results

    Trust and distrust in contradictory information transmission

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    We analyse the problem of contradictory information distribution in networks of agents with positive and negative trust. The networks of interest are built by ranked agents with different epistemic attitudes. In this context, positive trust is a property of the communication between agents required when message passing is executed bottom-up in the hierarchy, or as a result of a sceptic agent checking information. These two situations are associated with a confirmation procedure that has an epistemic cost. Negative trust results from refusing verification, either of contradictory information or because of a lazy attitude. We offer first a natural deduction system called SecureNDsim to model these interactions and consider some meta-theoretical properties of its derivations. We then implement it in a NetLogo simulation to test experimentally its formal properties. Our analysis concerns in particular: conditions for consensus-reaching transmissions; epistemic costs induced by confirmation and rejection operations; the influence of ranking of the initially labelled nodes on consensus and costs; complexity results

    M-STAR: A Modular, Evidence-based Software Trustworthiness Framework

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    Despite years of intensive research in the field of software vulnerabilities discovery, exploits are becoming ever more common. Consequently, it is more necessary than ever to choose software configurations that minimize systems' exposure surface to these threats. In order to support users in assessing the security risks induced by their software configurations and in making informed decisions, we introduce M-STAR, a Modular Software Trustworthiness ARchitecture and framework for probabilistically assessing the trustworthiness of software systems, based on evidence, such as their vulnerability history and source code properties. Integral to M-STAR is a software trustworthiness model, consistent with the concept of computational trust. Computational trust models are rooted in Bayesian probability and Dempster-Shafer Belief theory, offering mathematical soundness and expressiveness to our framework. To evaluate our framework, we instantiate M-STAR for Debian Linux packages, and investigate real-world deployment scenarios. In our experiments with real-world data, M-STAR could assess the relative trustworthiness of complete software configurations with an error of less than 10%. Due to its modular design, our proposed framework is agile, as it can incorporate future advances in the field of code analysis and vulnerability prediction. Our results point out that M-STAR can be a valuable tool for system administrators, regular users and developers, helping them assess and manage risks associated with their software configurations.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    A systematic literature review on trust in the software ecosystem

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    The worldwide software ecosystem is a trust-rich part of the world. Throughout the software life cycle, software engineers, end-users, and other stakeholders collaboratively place their trust in major hubs in the ecosystem, such as package managers, repository services, and software components. However, as our reliance on software grows, this trust is frequently violated by bad actors and crippling vulnerabilities in the software supply chain. This study aims to define software trust in the worldwide SECO, that is, to determine what signifies a trustworthy system, actor, or hub. We conduct a systematic literature review on the concept of trust in the software ecosystem. We acknowledge that trust is something between two actors in the software ecosystem, and we examine what role trust plays in the relationships between end-users and (1) software products, (2) package managers, (3) software producing organizations, and (4) software engineers. Two major findings emerged from the systematic literature review. To begin, we define trust in the software ecosystem by examining the definition and characteristics of trust. Second, we provide a list of trust factors that can be used to assemble an overview of software trust. Trust is critical in the communication between actors in the worldwide software ecosystem, particularly regarding software selection and evaluation. With this comprehensive overview of trust, software engineering researchers have a new foundation to understand and use trust to create a trustworthy software ecosystem

    Establishing mandatory access control on Android OS

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    Common characteristic of all mobile operating systems for smart devices is an extensive middleware that provides a feature-rich API for the onboard sensors and user’s data (e.g., contacts). To effectively protect the device’s integrity, the user’s privacy, and to ensure non-interference between mutually distrusting apps, it is imperative that the middleware enforces rigid security and privacy policies. This thesis presents a line of work that integrates mandatory access control (MAC) mechanisms into the middleware of the popular, open source Android OS. While our early work established a basic understanding for the integration of enforcement hooks and targeted very specific use-cases, such as multi-persona phones, our most recent works adopt important lessons learned and design patterns from established MAC architectures on commodity systems and intertwine them with the particular security requirements of mobile OS architectures like Android. Our most recent work also complemented the Android IPC mechanism with provisioning of better provenance information on the origins of IPC communication. Such information is a crucial building block for any access control mechanism on Android. Lastly, this dissertation outlines further directions of ongoing and future research on access control on modern mobile operating systems.Gemeinsame Charakteristik aller modernen mobilen Betriebssysteme für sog. ”smart devices” ist eine umfangreiche Diensteschicht, die funktionsreiche Programmierschnittstellen zu der Gerätehardware sowie den Endbenutzerdaten (z.B. Adressbuch) bereitstellt. Um die Systemintegrität, die Privatsphäre des Endbenutzers, sowie die Abgrenzung sich gegenseitig nicht vertrauender Apps effektiv zu gewährleisten, ist es unabdingbar, dass diese Diensteschichten rigide Sicherheitspolitiken umsetzen. Diese Dissertation präsentiert mehrere Forschungsarbeiten, die “Mandatory Access Control” (MAC) in die Diensteschicht des weit verbreiteten Android Betriebssystems integrieren. Die ersten dieser Arbeiten schufen ein grundlegendes Verständnis für die Integration von Zugriffsmechanismen in das Android Betriebssystem und waren auf sehr spezielle Anwendungsszenarien ausgerichtet. Neuere Arbeiten haben hingegen wichtige Erkenntnisse und Designprinzipien etablierter MAC Architekturen auf herkömmlichen Betriebssystemen für Android adaptiert und mit den speziellen Sicherheitsanforderungen mobiler Systeme verflochten. Die letzte Arbeit in dieser Reihe hat zudem Androids IPC Mechanismus untersucht und dahingehend ergänzt, dass er bessere Informationen über den Ursprung von IPC Nachrichten bereitstellt. Diese Informationen sind fundamental für jedwede Art von Zugriffskontrolle auf Android. Zuletzt diskutiert diese Dissertation aktuelle und zukünftige Forschungsthemen für Zugriffskontrollen auf modernen, mobilen Endgeräten

    Security considerations in the open source software ecosystem

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    Open source software plays an important role in the software supply chain, allowing stakeholders to utilize open source components as building blocks in their software, tooling, and infrastructure. But relying on the open source ecosystem introduces unique challenges, both in terms of security and trust, as well as in terms of supply chain reliability. In this dissertation, I investigate approaches, considerations, and encountered challenges of stakeholders in the context of security, privacy, and trustworthiness of the open source software supply chain. Overall, my research aims to empower and support software experts with the knowledge and resources necessary to achieve a more secure and trustworthy open source software ecosystem. In the first part of this dissertation, I describe a research study investigating the security and trust practices in open source projects by interviewing 27 owners, maintainers, and contributors from a diverse set of projects to explore their behind-the-scenes processes, guidance and policies, incident handling, and encountered challenges, finding that participants’ projects are highly diverse in terms of their deployed security measures and trust processes, as well as their underlying motivations. More on the consumer side of the open source software supply chain, I investigated the use of open source components in industry projects by interviewing 25 software developers, architects, and engineers to understand their projects’ processes, decisions, and considerations in the context of external open source code, finding that open source components play an important role in many of the industry projects, and that most projects have some form of company policy or best practice for including external code. On the side of end-user focused software, I present a study investigating the use of software obfuscation in Android applications, which is a recommended practice to protect against plagiarism and repackaging. The study leveraged a multi-pronged approach including a large-scale measurement, a developer survey, and a programming experiment, finding that only 24.92% of apps are obfuscated by their developer, that developers do not fear theft of their own apps, and have difficulties obfuscating their own apps. Lastly, to involve end users themselves, I describe a survey with 200 users of cloud office suites to investigate their security and privacy perceptions and expectations, with findings suggesting that users are generally aware of basic security implications, but lack technical knowledge for envisioning some threat models. The key findings of this dissertation include that open source projects have highly diverse security measures, trust processes, and underlying motivations. That the projects’ security and trust needs are likely best met in ways that consider their individual strengths, limitations, and project stage, especially for smaller projects with limited access to resources. That open source components play an important role in industry projects, and that those projects often have some form of company policy or best practice for including external code, but developers wish for more resources to better audit included components. This dissertation emphasizes the importance of collaboration and shared responsibility in building and maintaining the open source software ecosystem, with developers, maintainers, end users, researchers, and other stakeholders alike ensuring that the ecosystem remains a secure, trustworthy, and healthy resource for everyone to rely on

    Scalable Trust Establishment with Software Reputation

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    Users and administrators are often faced with the choice between different software solutions, sometimes even have to assess the security of complete software systems. With sufficient time and resources, such decisions can be based on extensive testing and review. However, in practice this is often too expensive and time consuming: When a user decides between two alternative software solutions or a veri- fier should assess the security of a complete software system during remote attestation, such assessments should happen almost in realtime. In this paper, we present a pragmatic, but highly scalable approach for the trustworthiness assessment of software pro- grams based on their security history. The approach can be used to, e.g. automatically sort programs in an App store by their security record or on top of remote attestation schemes that aim to access the trustworthiness of complex software configurations. We implement our approach for the popu- lar Debian GNU/Linux system, using publicly available in- formation from open-source repositories and vulnerability databases. Our evaluation shows reasonable prediction ac- curacy for the more vulnerable packets and good accuracy when considering entire system installations