7 research outputs found

    NPM-BUNDLE: Non-Preemptive Multitask Scheduling for Jobs with BUNDLE-Based Thread-Level Scheduling

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    The BUNDLE and BUNDLEP scheduling algorithms are cache-cognizant thread-level scheduling algorithms and associated worst case execution time and cache overhead (WCETO) techniques for hard real-time multi-threaded tasks. The BUNDLE-based approaches utilize the inter-thread cache benefit to reduce WCETO values for jobs. Currently, the BUNDLE-based approaches are limited to scheduling a single task. This work aims to expand the applicability of BUNDLE-based scheduling to multiple task multi-threaded task sets. BUNDLE-based scheduling leverages knowledge of potential cache conflicts to selectively preempt one thread in favor of another from the same job. This thread-level preemption is a requirement for the run-time behavior and WCETO calculation to receive the benefit of BUNDLE-based approaches. This work proposes scheduling BUNDLE-based jobs non-preemptively according to the earliest deadline first (EDF) policy. Jobs are forbidden from preempting one another, while threads within a job are allowed to preempt other threads. An accompanying schedulability test is provided, named Threads Per Job (TPJ). TPJ is a novel schedulability test, input is a task set specification which may be transformed (under certain restrictions); dividing threads among tasks in an effort to find a feasible task set. Enhanced by the flexibility to transform task sets and taking advantage of the inter-thread cache benefit, the evaluation shows TPJ scheduling task sets fully preemptive EDF cannot

    Effective And Efficient Preemption Placement For Cache Overhead Minimization In Hard Real-Time Systems

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    Schedulability analysis for real-time systems has been the subject of prominent research over the past several decades. One of the key foundations of schedulability analysis is an accurate worst case execution time (WCET) for each task. In preemption based real-time systems, the CRPD can represent a significant component (up to 44% as documented in research literature) of variability to overall task WCET. Several methods have been employed to calculate CRPD with significant levels of pessimism that may result in a task set erroneously declared as non-schedulable. Furthermore, they do not take into account that CRPD cost is inherently a function of where preemptions actually occur. Our approach for computing CRPD via loaded cache blocks (LCBs) is more accurate in the sense that cache state reflects which cache blocks and the specific program locations where they are reloaded. Limited preemption models attempt to minimize preemption overhead (CRPD) by reducing the number of allowed preemptions and/or allowing preemption at program locations where the CRPD effect is minimized. These algorithms rely heavily on accurate CRPD measurements or estimation models in order to identify an optimal set of preemption points. Our approach improves the effectiveness of limited optimal preemption point placement algorithms by calculating the LCBs for each pair of adjacent preemptions to more accurately model task WCET and maximize schedulability as compared to existing preemption point placement approaches. We utilize dynamic programming technique to develop an optimal preemption point placement algorithm. Lastly, we will demonstrate, using a case study, improved task set schedulability and optimal preemption point placement via our new LCB characterization. We propose a new CRPD metric, called loaded cache blocks (LCB) which accurately characterizes the CRPD a real-time task may be subjected to due to the preemptive execution of higher priority tasks. We show how to integrate our new LCB metric into our newly developed algorithms that automatically place preemption points supporting linear control flow graphs (CFGs) for limited preemption scheduling applications. We extend the derivation of loaded cache blocks (LCB), that was proposed for linear control flow graphs (CFGs) to conditional CFGs. We show how to integrate our revised LCB metric into our newly developed algorithms that automatically place preemption points supporting conditional control flow graphs (CFGs) for limited preemption scheduling applications. For future work, we will verify the correctness of our framework through other measurable physical and hardware constraints. Also, we plan to complete our work on developing a generalized framework that can be seamlessly integrated into real-time schedulability analysis

    Analysis of preemptively scheduled hard real-time systems

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    As timing is a major property of hard real-time, proving timing correctness is of utter importance. A static timing analysis derives upper bounds on the execution time of tasks, a scheduling analysis uses these bounds and checks if each task meets its timing constraints. In preemptively scheduled systems with caches, this interface between timing analysis and scheduling analysis must be considered outdated. On a context switch, a preempting task may evict cached data of a preempted task that need to be reloaded again after preemption. The additional execution time due to these reloads, called cache-related preemption delay (CRPD), may substantially prolong a task\u27s execution time and strongly influence the system\u27s performance. In this thesis, we present a formal definition of the cache-related preemption delay and determine the applicability and the limitations of a separate CRPD computation. To bound the CRPD based on the analysis of the preempted task, we introduce the concept of definitely cached useful cache blocks. This new concept eliminates substantial pessimism with respect to former analyses by considering the over-approximation of a preceding timing analysis. We consider the impact of the preempting task to further refine the CRPD bounds. To this end, we present the notion of resilience. The resilience of a cache block is a measure for the amount of disturbance of a preempting task a cache block of the preempted task may survive. Based on these CRPD bounds, we show how to correctly account for the CRPD in the schedulability analysis for fixed-priority preemptive systems and present new CRPD-aware response time analyses: ECB-Union and Multiset approaches.Da das Zeitverhalten ein Hauptbestandteil harter Echtzeitsysteme ist, ist das Beweisen der zeitlichen Korrektheit von großer Bedeutung. Eine statische Zeitanalyse berechnet obere Schranken der AusfĂŒhrungszeiten von Programmen, eine Planbarkeitsanalyse benutzt diese und prĂŒft ob jedes Programm die Zeitanforderungen erfĂŒllt. In prĂ€emptiv geplanten Systemen mit Caches, muss die Nahtstelle zwischen Zeitanalyse und Planbarkeitsanalyse als veraltet angesehen werden. Im Falle eines Kontextwechsels kann das unterbrechende Programm Cache-daten des unterbrochenen Programms entfernen. Diese Daten mĂŒssen nach der Unterbrechung erneut geladen werden. Die zusĂ€tzliche AusfĂŒhrungszeit durch das Nachladen der Daten, welche Cache-bezogene PrĂ€emptions-Verzögerung (engl. Cache-related Preemption Delay (CR-PD)) genannt wird, kann die AusfĂŒhrungszeit des Programm wesentlich erhöhen und hat somit einen starken Einfluss auf die Gesamtleistung des Systems. Wir prĂ€sentieren in dieser Arbeit eine formale Definition der Cache-bezogene PrĂ€emptions-Verzögerung und bestimmen die EinschrĂ€nkungen und die Anwendbarkeit einer separaten Berechnung der CRPD. Basierend auf der Analyse des unterbrochenen Programms prĂ€sentieren wir das Konzept der definitiv gecachten nĂŒtzlichen Cacheblöcke. Verglichen mit bisherigen CRPD-Analysen eleminiert dieses neue Konzept wesentliche ÜberschĂ€tzung indem die ÜberschĂ€tzung der vorherigen Zeitanalyse mit in Betracht gezogen wird. Wir analysieren den Einfluss des unterbrechenden Programms um die CRPD-Schranken weiter zu verbessern. Hierzu fĂŒhren wir das Konzept der Belastbarkeit ein. Die Belastbarkeit eines Cacheblocks ist ein Maß fĂŒr die Störung durch das unterbrechende Programm, die ein nĂŒtzlicher Cacheblock ĂŒberleben kann. Basierend auf diesen CRPD-Schranken zeigen wir, wie die Cache-bezogene PrĂ€emptions-Verzögerung korrekt in die Planbarkeitsanalyse fĂŒr Systeme mit statischen PrioritĂ€ten integriert werden kann und prĂ€sentieren neue CRPD-bewußte Antwortzeitanalysen: die ECB-Union und die Multimengen-AnsĂ€tze

    Performanzanalyse von Multiprozessor-Echtzeitsystemen mit gemeinsamen Ressourcen

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    Scheduling and locking in multiprocessor real-time operating systems

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    With the widespread adoption of multicore architectures, multiprocessors are now a standard deployment platform for (soft) real-time applications. This dissertation addresses two questions fundamental to the design of multicore-ready real-time operating systems: (1) Which scheduling policies offer the greatest flexibility in satisfying temporal constraints; and (2) which locking algorithms should be used to avoid unpredictable delays? With regard to Question 1, LITMUSRT, a real-time extension of the Linux kernel, is presented and its design is discussed in detail. Notably, LITMUSRT implements link-based scheduling, a novel approach to controlling blocking due to non-preemptive sections. Each implemented scheduler (22 configurations in total) is evaluated under consideration of overheads on a 24-core Intel Xeon platform. The experiments show that partitioned earliest-deadline first (EDF) scheduling is generally preferable in a hard real-time setting, whereas global and clustered EDF scheduling are effective in a soft real-time setting. With regard to Question 2, real-time locking protocols are required to ensure that the maximum delay due to priority inversion can be bounded a priori. Several spinlock- and semaphore-based multiprocessor real-time locking protocols for mutual exclusion (mutex), reader-writer (RW) exclusion, and k-exclusion are proposed and analyzed. A new category of RW locks suited to worst-case analysis, termed phase-fair locks, is proposed and three efficient phase-fair spinlock implementations are provided (one with few atomic operations, one with low space requirements, and one with constant RMR complexity). Maximum priority-inversion blocking is proposed as a natural complexity measure for semaphore protocols. It is shown that there are two classes of schedulability analysis, namely suspension-oblivious and suspension-aware analysis, that yield two different lower bounds on blocking. Five asymptotically optimal locking protocols are designed and analyzed: a family of mutex, RW, and k-exclusion protocols for global, partitioned, and clustered scheduling that are asymptotically optimal in the suspension-oblivious case, and a mutex protocol for partitioned scheduling that is asymptotically optimal in the suspension-aware case. A LITMUSRT-based empirical evaluation is presented that shows these protocols to be practical