48 research outputs found

    Workload based provenance capture reduction

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    Multiple solutions have been developed that collect provenance in Data-Intensive Scalable Computing (DISC) systems like Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop. Existing solutions include RAMP, Newt, Lipstick and Titian. Though these solutions support debugging within the dataflow programs, they introduce a space overhead of 30-50% of the size of the input data during provenance collection. In a productive environment, this overhead is too high to permanently track provenance and to store all the provenance information. That is why solutions exist that reduce the amount of provenance data after their collection. Among those are Prox, Propolis and distillations. However, they do not address the problem of incurring space overhead during the execution of a dataflow program. The existing provenance reduction techniques do not consider optimizing the provenance reduction based on particular use cases or applications of provenance. The goal of this thesis is to find and evaluate application-dependent provenance data reduction techniques that are applicable during execution of dataflow programs. To this end, we survey multiple applications and use cases of provenance like data exploration, monitoring, data quality etc. In addition, we analyze how provenance is being used in them. Furthermore, we introduce nine data reduction techniques that can be applied to provenance in the context of different use cases. We formally describe and evaluate four out of the nine techniques - sampling, histogram, clustering and equivalence classes on top of Apache Spark. There is no benchmark available to test different provenance solutions. Hence, we define six scenarios on two different datasets to evaluate them. We also consider the application of provenance in each scenario. We use these techniques to obtain reduced provenance data then, we introduce three metrics to compare the reduced provenance data to full provenance. We perform a quantitative analysis to compare different techniques based on these metrics. Afterwards, we perform a qualitative analysis to examine the effectiveness of different reduction techniques in the context of a particular use case

    <i>Active</i> provenance for Data-Intensive workflows: engaging users and developers

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    We present a practical approach for provenance capturing in Data-Intensive workflow systems. It provides contextualisation by recording injected domain metadata with the provenance stream. It offers control over lineage precision, combining automation with specified adaptations. We address provenance tasks such as extraction of domain metadata, injection of custom annotations, accuracy and integration of records from multiple independent workflows running in distributed contexts. To allow such flexibility, we introduce the concepts of programmable Provenance Types and Provenance Configuration.Provenance Types handle domain contextualisation and allow developers to model lineage patterns by re-defining API methods, composing easy-to-use extensions. Provenance Configuration, instead, enables users of a Data-Intensive workflow execution to prepare it for provenance capture, by configuring the attribution of Provenance Types to components and by specifying grouping into semantic clusters. This enables better searches over the lineage records. Provenance Types and Provenance Configuration are demonstrated in a system being used by computational seismologists. It is based on an extended provenance model, S-PROV.PublishedSan Diego (CA, USA)3IT. Calcolo scientific

    Fine-Grained Provenance And Applications To Data Analytics Computation

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    Data provenance tools seek to facilitate reproducible data science and auditable data analyses by capturing the analytics steps used in generating data analysis results. However, analysts must choose among workflow provenance systems, which allow arbitrary code but only track provenance at the granularity of files; prove-nance APIs, which provide tuple-level provenance, but incur overhead in all computations; and database provenance tools, which track tuple-level provenance through relational operators and support optimization, but support a limited subset of data science tasks. None of these solutions are well suited for tracing errors introduced during common ETL, record alignment, and matching tasks – for data types such as strings, images, etc.Additionally, we need a provenance archival layer to store and manage the tracked fine-grained prove-nance that enables future sophisticated reasoning about why individual output results appear or fail to appear. For reproducibility and auditing, the provenance archival system should be tamper-resistant. On the other hand, the provenance collecting over time or within the same query computation tends to be repeated partially (i.e., the same operation with the same input records in the middle computation step). Hence, we desire efficient provenance storage (i.e., it compresses repeated results). We address these challenges with novel formalisms and algorithms, implemented in the PROVision system, for reconstructing fine-grained provenance for a broad class of ETL-style workflows. We extend database-style provenance techniques to capture equivalences, support optimizations, and enable lazy evaluations. We develop solutions for storing fine-grained provenance in relational storage systems while both compressing and protecting it via cryptographic hashes. We experimentally validate our proposed solutions using both scientific and OLAP workloads