19 research outputs found

    Trip-Based Public Transit Routing Using Condensed Search Trees

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    We study the problem of planning Pareto-optimal journeys in public transit networks. Most existing algorithms and speed-up techniques work by computing subjourneys to intermediary stops until the destination is reached. In contrast, the trip-based model focuses on trips and transfers between them, constructing journeys as a sequence of trips. In this paper, we develop a speed-up technique for this model inspired by principles behind existing state-of-the-art speed-up techniques, Transfer Pattern and Hub Labelling. The resulting algorithm allows us to compute Pareto-optimal (with respect to arrival time and number of transfers) 24-hour profiles on very large real-world networks in less than half a millisecond. Compared to the current state of the art for bicriteria queries on public transit networks, this is up to two orders of magnitude faster, while increasing preprocessing overhead by at most one order of magnitude

    Geospatial partitioning of open transit data

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    Public Transit Routing with Unrestricted Walking

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    We study the problem of answering profile queries in public transportation networks that allow unrestricted walking. That is, finding all Pareto-optimal journeys regarding travel time and number of transfers in a given time interval. We introduce a novel algorithm that, unlike most state-of-the-art algorithms, can compute profiles efficiently in a setting that allows arbitrary walking. Using our algorithm, we show in an extensive experimental study that allowing unrestricted walking, significantly reduces travel times, compared to settings where walking is restricted. Beyond that, we publish the transportation networks of Switzerland that we used in our study, in order to encourage further research on this topic

    An Efficient Index for Reachability Queries in Public Transport Networks

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    Computing path queries such as the shortest path in public transport networks is challenging because the path costs between nodes change over time. A reachability query from a node at a given start time on such a network retrieves all points of interest (POIs) that are reachable within a given cost budget. Reachability queries are essential building blocks in many applications, for example, group recommendations, ranking spatial queries, or geomarketing. We propose an efficient solution for reachability queries in public transport networks. Currently, there are two options to solve reachability queries. (1) Execute a modified version of Dijkstra’s algorithm that supports time-dependent edge traversal costs; this solution is slow since it must expand edge by edge and does not use an index. (2) Issue a separate path query for each single POI, i.e., a single reachability query requires answering many path queries. None of these solutions scales to large networks with many POIs. We propose a novel and lightweight reachability index. The key idea is to partition the network into cells. Then, in contrast to other approaches, we expand the network cell by cell. Empirical evaluations on synthetic and real-world networks confirm the efficiency and the effectiveness of our index-based reachability query solution

    UnLimited TRAnsfers for Multi-Modal Route Planning: An Efficient Solution

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    We study a multi-modal route planning scenario consisting of a public transit network and a transfer graph representing a secondary transportation mode (e.g., walking or taxis). The objective is to compute all journeys that are Pareto-optimal with respect to arrival time and the number of required transfers. While various existing algorithms can efficiently compute optimal journeys in either a pure public transit network or a pure transfer graph, combining the two increases running times significantly. As a result, even walking between stops is typically limited by a maximal duration or distance, or by requiring the transfer graph to be transitively closed. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose a novel preprocessing technique called ULTRA (UnLimited TRAnsfers): Given a complete transfer graph (without any limitations, representing an arbitrary non-schedule-based mode of transportation), we compute a small number of transfer shortcuts that are provably sufficient for computing all Pareto-optimal journeys. We demonstrate the practicality of our approach by showing that these transfer shortcuts can be integrated into a variety of state-of-the-art public transit algorithms, establishing the ULTRA-Query algorithm family. Our extensive experimental evaluation shows that ULTRA is able to improve these algorithms from limited to unlimited transfers without sacrificing query speed, yielding the fastest known algorithms for multi-modal routing. This is true not just for walking, but also for other transfer modes such as cycling or driving

    Arc-Flags Meet Trip-Based Public Transit Routing

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    We present Arc-Flag TB, a journey planning algorithm for public transit networks which combines Trip-Based Public Transit Routing (TB) with the Arc-Flags speedup technique. Compared to previous attempts to apply Arc-Flags to public transit networks, which saw limited success, our approach uses stronger pruning rules to reduce the search space. Our experiments show that Arc-Flag TB achieves a speedup of up to two orders of magnitude over TB, offering query times of less than a millisecond even on large countrywide networks. Compared to the state-of-the-art speedup technique Trip-Based Public Transit Routing Using Condensed Search Trees (TB-CST), our algorithm achieves similar query times but requires significantly less additional memory. Other state-of-the-art algorithms which achieve even faster query times, e.g., Public Transit Labeling, require enormous memory usage. In contrast, Arc-Flag TB offers a tradeoff between query performance and memory usage due to the fact that the number of regions in the network partition required by our algorithm is a configurable parameter. We also identify an issue in the transfer precomputation of TB that affects both TB-CST and Arc-Flag TB, leading to incorrect answers for some queries. This has not been previously recognized by the author of TB-CST. We provide discussion on how to resolve this issue in the future. Currently, Arc-Flag TB answers 1-6% of queries incorrectly, compared to over 20% for TB-CST on some networks

    Faster Preprocessing for the Trip-Based Public Transit Routing Algorithm

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    We propose an additional preprocessing step for the Trip-Based Public Transit Routing algorithm, an exact state-of-the art algorithm for bi-criteria min cost path problems in public transit networks. This additional step reduces significantly the preprocessing time, while preserving the correctness and the computation times of the queries. We test our approach on three large scale networks and show that the improved preprocessing is compatible with frequent real-time updates, even on the larger data set. The experiments also indicate that it is possible, if preprocessing time is an issue, to use the proposed preprocessing step on its own to obtain already a significant reduction of the query times compared to the no pruning scenario

    Faster Transit Routing by Hyper Partitioning

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    We present a preprocessing-based acceleration technique for computing bi-criteria Pareto-optimal journeys in public transit networks, based on the well-known RAPTOR algorithm [Delling et al 2015]. Our key idea is to first partition a hypergraph into cells, in which vertices correspond to routes (e.g., bus lines) and hyperedges to stops, and to then mark routes sufficient for optimal travel across cells. The query can then be restricted to marked routes and those in the source and target cells. This results in a practical approach, suitable for networks that are too large to be efficiently handled by the basic RAPTOR algorithm