420 research outputs found

    New Perspectives for NoSQL Database Design: A Systematic Review

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    The use of NoSQL databases has increasingly become a trend in software development, mainly due to the expansion of Web 2.0 systems. However, there is not yet a standard to be used for the design of this type of database even with the growing number of studies related to this subject. This paper presents a systematic review looking for new trends regarding strategies used in this context. The result of this process demonstrates that there are still few methodologies for the NoSQL database design and there are no design methodologies capable of working with polyglot persistence

    NoSQL baze podataka

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    Ubrzani razvoj interneta, pogotovo pojava weba 2.0 i društvenih mreža, pružio je izazov relacijskim bazama podataka. Stroga struktura relacijskog modela nije najbolje odgovarala ogromnoj količini nestrukturiranih podataka na webu, koje je bilo teško pohraniti u bazu na učinkovit način, osiguravajući dostupnost i sigurnost. Posljednjih godina se pojavila nova vrsta baze podataka nazvana NoSQL (engl. Not Only SQL) koja je nastala je zbog potrebe za pohranom rastuće količine podataka što je promijenilo način na koji se gleda sustave za pohranu. Naziv „NoSQL“ nije strogo definiran. Upotrijebljava se kod opisivanja raznih baza podataka koje nisu bazirane na relacijskom modelu. Obuhvaćaju podatke bez sheme (engl. schemaless data), vrte se na klasterima (engl. cluster) te umjesto tradicionalne konzistentnosti stavljaju prioritet na druga svojstva. Zagovaratelji NoSQL-a često govore da se NoSQL-om mogu raditi sustavi koji imaju bolje preformanse, veću skalabilnost i lakši su za programiranje

    Service Oriented Big Data Management for Transport

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    International audienceThe increasing power of computer hardware and the sophistication of computer software have brought many new possibilities to information world. On one side the possibility to analyse massive data sets has brought new insight, knowledge and information. On the other, it has enabled to massively distribute computing and has opened to a new programming paradigm called Service Oriented Computing particularly well adapted to cloud computing. Applying these new technologies to the transport industry can bring new understanding to town transport infrastructures. The objective of our work is to manage and aggregate cloud services for managing big data and assist decision making for transport systems. Thus this paper presents our approach to propose a service oriented architecture for big data analytics for transport systems based on the cloud. Proposing big data management strategies for data produced by transport infra‐ structures, whilst maintaining cost effective systems deployed on the cloud, is a promising approach. We present the advancement for developing the Data acquisition service and Information extraction and cleaning service as well as the analysis for choosing a sharding strategy

    Model-Driven Cloud Data Storage

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    ISBN: 978-87-643-1014-6 - http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/conferences/ECMFA-2012/proceedings/International audienceThe increasing adoption of the cloud computing paradigm has motivated a re definition of traditional software development methods. In particular, data storage management has received a great deal of attention, due to a growing interest in the challenges and opportunities associated to the NoSQL movement. However, appropriate selection, administration and use of cloud storage implementations remain a highly technical endeavor, due to large differences in the way data is represented, stored and accessed by these systems. This position paper motivates the use of model-driven techniques to avoid dependencies between high-level data models and cloud storage implementations. In this way, developers depend only on high-level data models, and then rely on transformation procedures to deal with particular cloud storage details, such as different APIs and deployment providers, and are able to target multiple cloud storage environments, without modifying their core data models

    Perbandingan Perangkat Lunak Database NoSQL, Studi Kasus: Cassandra dan MongoDB

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    Most of applications development require data storage are not in relation form. The exsistence of nosql database keeps the users more careful in the selection of database that appropriate for application needs. This paper will discuss the comparison of Cassandra and mongodb. The parameters used for comparison of Cassandra and mongodb are feature s, integrity, distribution, the architecture needs, concurrency, and performance