84 research outputs found


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    Recent years have witnessed a massive growth of global data generated from web services, social media networks, and science experiments, as well as the  “tsunami" of Internet-of-Things devices. According to a Cisco forecast, total data center traffic is projected to hit 15.3 zettabytes (ZB) by the end of 2020. Gaining insight into a vast amount of data is highly important because valuable data are the driving force for business decisions and processes, as well as scientists\u27 exploration and discovery.To facilitate analytics, data are usually indexed in advance. Depending on the workloads, such as online transaction processing (OLTP) workloads and online analytics processing (OLAP) workloads, several indexing frameworks have been proposed. Specifically, B+-tree and hash are two common indexing methods in OLTP, where the number of querying and updating processes are nearly similar. Unlike OLTP, OLAP concentrates on querying in a huge historical storage, where updating processes are irregular. Most queries in OLAP are also highly complex and involve aggregations, while the execution time is often limited. To address these challenges, a bitmap index (BI) was proposed and has been proven as a promising candidate for OLAP-like workloads.A BI is a bit-level matrix, whose number of rows and columns are the length and cardinality of the datasets, respectively. With a BI, answering multi-dimensional queries becomes a series of bitwise operators, e.g. AND, OR, XOR, and NOT, on bit columns. As a result, a BI has proven profitable for solving complex queries in large enterprise databases and scientific databases. More significantly, because of the usage of low-hardware logical operators, a BI appears to be suitable for advanced parallel-processing platforms, such as multi-core CPUs, graphics processing units (GPUs), field-programmable logic arrays (FPGAs), and application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC).Modern FPGAs and ASICs have become increasingly important in data analytics because they can confront both data-intensive and computing-intensive tasks effectively. Furthermore, FPGAs and ASICs can provide higher energy efficiency, compared to CPUs and GPUs. As a result, since 2010, Microsoft has been working on the so-called Catapult project, where FPGAs were integrated into datacenter servers to accelerate their search engine as well as AI applications. In 2016, Oracle for the first time introduced SPARC S7 and M7 processors that are used for accelerating the OLTP databases. Nonetheless, a study on the feasibility of BI-based analytics systems using FPGAs and ASICs has not yet been developed.This dissertation, therefore, focuses on implementing the data analytics systems, in both FPGAs and ASICs, using BI. The advantages of the proposed systems include scalability, low data input/output cost, high processing throughput, and high energy efficiency. Three main modules are proposed: (1) a BI creator that indexes the given records by a list of keys and outputs the BI vectors to the external memory; (2) a BI-based query processor that employs the given BI vectors to answer users\u27 queries and outputs the results to the external memory; and (3) an BI encoder that returns the positions of one-bits of bitmap results to the external memory. Six hardware systems based on those three modules are implemented in an FPGA in advance for functional verification and then partially in two ASICs|180-nm bulk complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) and 65-nm Silicon-On-Thin-Buried-Oxide (SOTB) CMOS technology―for physical design verification. Based on the experimental results, these proposed systems outperform other CPU-based and GPU-based designs, especially in terms of energy efficiency.電気通信大学201

    Towards Terabit Carrier Ethernet and Energy Efficient Optical Transport Networks

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    Mémoires associatives algorithmiques pou l'opération de recherche du plus long préfixe sur FPGA

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    RÉSUMÉ Les réseaux prédiffusés programmables — en anglais Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)— sont omniprésents dans les centres de données, pour accélérer des tâches d’indexations et d’apprentissage machine, mais aussi plus récemment, pour accélérer des opérations réseaux. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à l’opération de recherche du plus long préfixe en anglais Longest Prefix Match (LPM) — sur FPGA. Cette opération est utilisée soit pour router des paquets, soit comme un bloc de base dans un plan de données programmable. Bien que l’opération LPM soit primordiale dans un réseau, celle-ci souffre d’inefficacité sur FPGA. Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons que la performance de l’opération LPM sur FPGA peut être substantiellement améliorée en utilisant une approche algorithmique, où l’opération LPM est implémentée à l’aide d’une structure de données. Par ailleurs, les résultats présentés permettent de réfléchir à une question plus large : est-ce que l’architecture des FPGA devrait être spécialisée pour les applications réseaux ? Premièrement, pour l’application de routage IPv6 dans le réseau Internet, nous présentons SHIP. Cette solution exploite les caractéristiques des préfixes pour construire une structure de données compacte, pouvant être implémentée de manière efficace sur FPGA. SHIP utilise l’approche ńdiviser pour régnerż pour séparer les préfixes en groupes de faible cardinalité et ayant des caractéristiques similaires. Les préfixes contenus dans chaque groupe sont en-suite encodés dans une structure de données hybride, où l’encodage des préfixes est adapté suivant leurs caractéristiques. Sur FPGA, SHIP augmente l’efficacité de l’opération LPM comparativement à l’état de l’art, tout en supportant un débit supérieur à 100 Gb/s. Deuxièment, nous présentons comment implémenter efficacement l’opération LPM pour un plan de données programmable sur FPGA. Dans ce cas, contrairement au routage de pa-quets, aucune connaissance à priori des préfixes ne peut être utilisée. Par conséquent, nous présentons un cadre de travail comprenant une structure de données efficace, indépendam-ment des caractéristiques des préfixes contenus, et des méthodes permettant d’implémenter efficacement la structure de données sur FPGA. Un arbre B, étendu pour l’opération LPM, est utilisé en raison de sa faible complexité algorithmique. Nous présentons une méthode pour allouer à la compilation le minimum de ressources requis par l’abre B pour encoder un ensemble de préfixes, indépendamment de leurs caractéristiques. Plusieurs méthodes sont ensuite présentées pour augmenter l’efficacité mémoire après implémentation de la structure de données sur FPGA. Évaluée sur plusieurs scénarios, cette solution est capable de traiter plus de 100 Gb/s, tout en améliorant la performance par rapport à l’état de l’art.----------ABSTRACT FPGAs are becoming ubiquitous in data centers. First introduced to accelerate indexing services and machine learning tasks, FPGAs are now also used to accelerate networking operations, including the LPM operation. This operation is used for packet routing and as a building block in programmable data planes. However, for the two uses cases considered, the LPM operation is inefficiently implemented in FPGAs. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the performance of LPM operation can be significantly improved using an algorithmic approach, where the LPM operation is implemented using a data structure. In addition, using the results presented in this thesis, we can answer a broader question: Should the FPGA architecture be specialized for networking? First, we present the SHIP data structure that is tailored to routing IPv6 packets in the Internet network. SHIP exploits the prefix characteristics to build a compact data structure that can be efficiently mapped to FPGAs. First, SHIP uses a "divide and conquer" approach to bin prefixes in groups with a small cardinality and sharing similar characteristics. Second, a hybrid-trie-tree data structure is used to encode the prefixes held in each group. The hybrid data structure adapts the prefix encoding method to their characteristics. Then, we demonstrated that SHIP can be efficiently implemented in FPGAs. Implemented on FPGAs, the proposed solution improves the memory efficiency over the state of the art solutions, while supporting a packet throughput greater than 100 Gbps.While the prefixes and their characteristics are known when routing packets in the Internet network, this is not true for programmable data planes. Hence, the second solution, designed for programmable data planes, does not exploit any prior knowledge of the prefix stored. We present a framework comprising an efficient data structure to encode the prefixes and methods to map the data structure efficiently to FPGAs. First, the framework leverages a B-tree, extended to support the LPM operation, for its low algorithmic complexity. Second, we present a method to allocate at compile time the minimum amount of resources that can be used by the B-tree. Third, our framework selects the B-tree parameters to increase the post-implementation memory efficiency and generates the corresponding hardware architecture. Implemented on FPGAs, this solution supports packet throughput greater than 100 Gbps, while improving the performance over the state of the art

    Computer vision algorithms on reconfigurable logic arrays

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    Interconnect technologies for very large spiking neural networks

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    In the scope of this thesis, a neural event communication architecture has been developed for use in an accelerated neuromorphic computing system and with a packet-based high performance interconnection network. Existing neuromorphic computing systems mostly use highly customised interconnection networks, directly routing single spike events to their destination. In contrast, the approach of this thesis uses a general purpose packet-based interconnection network and accumulates multiple spike events at the source node into larger network packets destined to common destinations. This is required to optimise the payload efficiency, given relatively large packet headers as compared to the size of neural spike events. Theoretical considerations are made about the efficiency of different event aggregation strategies. Thereby, important factors are the number of occurring event network-destinations and their relative frequency, as well as the number of available accumulation buffers. Based on the concept of Markov Chains, an analytical method is developed and used to evaluate these aggregation strategies. Additionally, some of these strategies are stochastically simulated in order to verify the analytical method and evaluate them beyond its applicability. Based on the results of this analysis, an optimisation strategy is proposed for the mapping of neural populations onto interconnected neuromorphic chips, as well as the joint assignment of event network-destinations to a set of accumulation buffers. During this thesis, such an event communication architecture has been implemented on the communication FPGAs in the BrainScaleS-2 accelerated neuromorphic computing system. Thereby, its usability can be scaled beyond single chip setups. For this, the EXTOLL network technology is used to transport and route the aggregated neural event packets with high bandwidth and low latency. At the FPGA, a network bandwidth of up to 12 Gbit/s is usable at a maximum payload efficiency of 94 %. The latency has been measured in the scope of this thesis to a range between 1.6 μs and 2.3 μs across the network between two neuron circuits on separate chips. This latency is thereby mostly dominated by the path from the neuromorphic chip across the communication FPGA into the network and back on the receiving side. As the EXTOLL network hardware itself is clocked at a much higher frequency than the FPGAs, the latency is expected to scale in the order of only approximately 75 ns for each additional hop through the network. For being able to globally interpret the arrival timestamps that are transmitted with every spike event, the system time counters on the FPGAs are synchronised across the network. For this, the global interrupt mechanism implemented in the EXTOLL hardware is characterised and used within this thesis. With this, a synchronisation accuracy of ±40ns could be measured. At the end of this thesis, the successful emulation of a neural signal propagation model, distributed across two BrainScaleS-2 chips and FPGAs is demonstrated using the implemented event communication architecture and the described synchronisation mechanism

    A Survey on Data Plane Programming with P4: Fundamentals, Advances, and Applied Research

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    With traditional networking, users can configure control plane protocols to match the specific network configuration, but without the ability to fundamentally change the underlying algorithms. With SDN, the users may provide their own control plane, that can control network devices through their data plane APIs. Programmable data planes allow users to define their own data plane algorithms for network devices including appropriate data plane APIs which may be leveraged by user-defined SDN control. Thus, programmable data planes and SDN offer great flexibility for network customization, be it for specialized, commercial appliances, e.g., in 5G or data center networks, or for rapid prototyping in industrial and academic research. Programming protocol-independent packet processors (P4) has emerged as the currently most widespread abstraction, programming language, and concept for data plane programming. It is developed and standardized by an open community and it is supported by various software and hardware platforms. In this paper, we survey the literature from 2015 to 2020 on data plane programming with P4. Our survey covers 497 references of which 367 are scientific publications. We organize our work into two parts. In the first part, we give an overview of data plane programming models, the programming language, architectures, compilers, targets, and data plane APIs. We also consider research efforts to advance P4 technology. In the second part, we analyze a large body of literature considering P4-based applied research. We categorize 241 research papers into different application domains, summarize their contributions, and extract prototypes, target platforms, and source code availability.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMS) on 2021-01-2

    Hardware Acceleration of Network Intrusion Detection System Using FPGA

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    This thesis presents new algorithms and hardware designs for Signature-based Network Intrusion Detection System (SB-NIDS) optimisation exploiting a hybrid hardwaresoftware co-designed embedded processing platform. The work describe concentrates on optimisation of a complete SB-NIDS Snort application software on a FPGA based hardware-software target rather than on the implementation of a single functional unit for hardware acceleration. Pattern Matching Hardware Accelerator (PMHA) based on Bloom filter was designed to optimise SB-NIDS performance for execution on a Xilinx MicroBlaze soft-core processor. The Bloom filter approach enables the potentially large number of network intrusion attack patterns to be efficiently represented and searched primarily using accesses to FPGA on-chip memory. The thesis demonstrates, the viability of hybrid hardware-software co-designed approach for SB-NIDS. Future work is required to investigate the effects of later generation FPGA technology and multi-core processors in order to clearly prove the benefits over conventional processor platforms for SB-NIDS. The strengths and weaknesses of the hardware accelerators and algorithms are analysed, and experimental results are examined to determine the effectiveness of the implementation. Experimental results confirm that the PMHA is capable of performing network packet analysis for gigabit rate network traffic. Experimental test results indicate that our SB-NIDS prototype implementation on relatively low clock rate embedded processing platform performance is approximately 1.7 times better than Snort executing on a general purpose processor on PC when comparing processor cycles rather than wall clock time

    Reconfiguration of field programmable logic in embedded systems

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    Fast, Scalable, and Flexible C++ Hardware Architectures for Network Data Plane Queuing and Traffic Management

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    Les réseaux de communication actuels et ceux de la prochaine génération font face à des défis majeurs en matière de commutation et de routage de paquets dans le contexte des réseaux définis par logiciel (SDN–Software Defined Networking), de l’augmentation du trafic provenant des diffèrents utilisateurs et dispositifs connectés, et des exigences strictes de faible latence et haut débit. Avec la prochaine technologie de communication, la cinquième génération (5G) permettra des applications et services indispensables tels que l’automatisation des usines, les systèmes de transport intelligents, les réseaux d’énergie intelligents, la chirurgie à distance, la réalité virtuelle/augmentée, etc. Ces services et applications exigent des performances très strictes en matière de latence, de l’ordre de 1 ms, et des débits de données atteignant 1 Gb/s. Tout le trafic Internet transitant dans le réseau est traité par le plan de données, aussi appelé traitement associé au chemin dit d’accès rapide. Le plan de données contient des dispositifs et équipements qui gèrent le transfert et le traitement des différents trafics. La hausse de la demande en bande passante Internet a accru le besoin de processeurs plus puissants, spécialement conçus pour le traitement rapide des paquets, à savoir les unités de traitement réseau ou les processeurs de réseau (NPU–Network Processing Units). Les NPU sont des dispositifs de réseau pouvant couvrir l’ensemble du modèle d’interconnexion de systèmes ouverts (OSI–Open Systems Interconnect) en raison de leurs capacités d’opération haute vitesse et de fonctionnalités traitant des millions de paquets par seconde. Compte tenu des besoins en matière de haut débit sur les réseaux actuels, les NPU doivent accélérer les fonctionnalités de traitement des paquets afin d’atteindre les requis des réseaux actuels et pour pouvoir supporter la nouvelle génération 5G. Les NPU fournissent divers ensembles de fonctionnalités, depuis l’analyse, la classification, la mise en file d’attente, la gestion du trafic et la mise en mémoire tampon du trafic réseau.----------ABSTRACT: Current and next generation networks are facing major challenges in packet switching and routing in the context of software defined networking (SDN), with a significant increase of traffic from different connected users and devices, and tight requirements of high-speed networking devices with high throughput and low latency. The network trend with the upcoming fifth generation communication technology (5G) is such that it would enable some desired applications and services such as factory automation, intelligent transportation systems, smart grid, health care remote surgery, virtual/augmented reality, etc. that require stringent performance of latency in the order of 1 ms and data rates as high as 1 Gb/s. All traffic passing through the network is handled by the data plane, that is called the fast path processing. The data plane contains networking devices that handles the forwarding and processing of the different traffic. The request for higher Internet bandwidth has increased the need for more powerful processors, specifically designed for fast packet processing, namely the network processors or the network processing units (NPUs). NPUs are networking devices which can span the entire open systems interconnection (OSI) model due to their high-speed capabilities while processing millions of packets per second. With the high-speed requirement in today’s networks, NPUs must accelerate packet processing functionalities to meet the required throughput and latency in today’s networks, and to best support the upcoming next generation networks. NPUs provide various sets of functionalities, from parsing, classification, queuing, traffic management, and buffering of the network traffic. In this thesis, we are mainly interested in the queuing and traffic management functionalities in the context of high-speed networking devices. These functionalities are essential to provide and guarantee quality of service (QoS) to various traffic, especially in the network data plane of NPUs, routers, switches, etc., and may represent a bottleneck as they reside in the critical path. We present new architecures for NPUs and networking equipment. These functionalities are integrated as external accelerators that can be used to speed up the operation through field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Also, we aim to propose a high-level coding style that can be used to solve the optimization problems related to the different requirement in networking that are parallel processing, pipelined operation, minimizing memory access latency, etc., leading to faster time-to-market and lower development efforts from high-level design in comparison to hand-written hardware description language (HDL) coded designs