337 research outputs found

    TemperatureGAN: Generative Modeling of Regional Atmospheric Temperatures

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    Stochastic generators are useful for estimating climate impacts on various sectors. Projecting climate risk in various sectors, e.g. energy systems, requires generators that are accurate (statistical resemblance to ground-truth), reliable (do not produce erroneous examples), and efficient. Leveraging data from the North American Land Data Assimilation System, we introduce TemperatureGAN, a Generative Adversarial Network conditioned on months, locations, and time periods, to generate 2m above ground atmospheric temperatures at an hourly resolution. We propose evaluation methods and metrics to measure the quality of generated samples. We show that TemperatureGAN produces high-fidelity examples with good spatial representation and temporal dynamics consistent with known diurnal cycles

    Virtual Reality

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    At present, the virtual reality has impact on information organization and management and even changes design principle of information systems, which will make it adapt to application requirements. The book aims to provide a broader perspective of virtual reality on development and application. First part of the book is named as "virtual reality visualization and vision" and includes new developments in virtual reality visualization of 3D scenarios, virtual reality and vision, high fidelity immersive virtual reality included tracking, rendering and display subsystems. The second part named as "virtual reality in robot technology" brings forth applications of virtual reality in remote rehabilitation robot-based rehabilitation evaluation method and multi-legged robot adaptive walking in unstructured terrains. The third part, named as "industrial and construction applications" is about the product design, space industry, building information modeling, construction and maintenance by virtual reality, and so on. And the last part, which is named as "culture and life of human" describes applications of culture life and multimedia-technology

    Datascape: speculative city for data to inhabit

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    La creciente exponencial de datos está afectando profundamente el entorno físico, y su proliferación descontrolada continuará reconfigurando y alterando el paisaje. Sin embargo, estas afectaciones pueden no ser inmediatamente aparentes. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo explorar y representar visualmente el impacto de la producción masiva de datos en el paisaje físico, diseñando una ciudad especulativa para que los datos la habiten para ilustrar las posibles implicaciones de esta posibilidad en el futuro. El objetivo es estudiar el estado actual de la producción de datos, comprender sus efectos en el medio ambiente y crear una representación visual que resalte las posibles consecuencias del crecimiento de los datos. A través de la investigación, el análisis y el diseño, este proyecto pretende contribuir al discurso sobre las implicaciones ambientales de la producción de datos y ofrecer ideas sobre los posibles escenarios futuros que esperan a nuestro entorno construido. Se invita a realizar un examen crítico de nuestras prácticas digitales y se fomenta un enfoque responsable y sostenible en la producción y consumo de datos.The exponential rise in data is profoundly affecting the physical environment, and its uncontrolled proliferation will continue to reshape and alter the landscape. However, these impacts may not be immediately apparent. This project aims to explore and visually represent the impact of massive data production on the physical landscape by designing a speculative city for data to inhabit, illustrating the potential implications of this impact in the future. The objective is to study the current state of data production, understand its effects on the environment, and create a compelling visual representation that highlights the potential consequences of data growth. Through research, analysis, and design, this project aims to contribute to the discourse on the environmental implications of data production and offer insights into potential future scenarios that await our built environment. It calls for a critical examination of our digital practices and encourages responsible and sustainable approaches to data production and consumption

    Crit-i-kit (playing cards and raw list)

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    Crit-i-kit is a game that explores the tools, equipment and supplies that are considered ‘essential’ to the inhabitation of landscape. Walkers encountered by the artist in a variety of environments anonymously shared the complete contents of the bags they were carrying at the time; items were then catalogued and grouped into broad thematic categories. Each category is printed onto a card that is then randomly selected by a player and used to guide a new walk. This work prompts consideration of the structures we individually build and respond to as we walk within the world. Each item is proposed as a structure that guides our inhabitation; a vessel for carrying, a gesture of care, or an item of potential are each thought of as prompts for spontaneous architectures that result in profoundly different modes of liv-ing

    Object Detection and Recognition Using YOLO: Detect and Recognize URL(s) in an Image Scene

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    The world in the 21st century is ever evolving towards automation. This upsurge seemingly has no decline in the foreseeable future. Image recognition is at the forefront of this charge which seeks to revolutionize the way of living of the average man. If robotics can be likened to the creation of a body for computers to live in, then image processing is the development of the part of its brain which deal with identification and recognition of images. To accomplish this task, we developed an object detection algorithm using YOLO, and acronym for “You Only Look Once”. Our algorithm was trained on fifty thousand images and evaluated on ten thousand images and employed a 21 x 21 grid. We also programmed a text generator which randomly creates texts and URLs in an image. A record of useful information about the location of the URLs in the image is also recorded and later passed to the YOLO algorithm for training. At the end of this project, we observed significant difference in the accuracy of URL detection when using an OCR software or our YOLO algorithm. However, our algorithm would be best used to specify the region of interest before converting to texts which greatly improves accuracy when combined with OCR software

    Distributed Implementation of eXtended Reality Technologies over 5G Networks

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe revolution of Extended Reality (XR) has already started and is rapidly expanding as technology advances. Announcements such as Meta’s Metaverse have boosted the general interest in XR technologies, producing novel use cases. With the advent of the fifth generation of cellular networks (5G), XR technologies are expected to improve significantly by offloading heavy computational processes from the XR Head Mounted Display (HMD) to an edge server. XR offloading can rapidly boost XR technologies by considerably reducing the burden on the XR hardware, while improving the overall user experience by enabling smoother graphics and more realistic interactions. Overall, the combination of XR and 5G has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and experience the world around us. However, XR offloading is a complex task that requires state-of-the-art tools and solutions, as well as an advanced wireless network that can meet the demanding throughput, latency, and reliability requirements of XR. The definition of these requirements strongly depends on the use case and particular XR offloading implementations. Therefore, it is crucial to perform a thorough Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) analysis to ensure a successful design of any XR offloading solution. Additionally, distributed XR implementations can be intrincated systems with multiple processes running on different devices or virtual instances. All these agents must be well-handled and synchronized to achieve XR real-time requirements and ensure the expected user experience, guaranteeing a low processing overhead. XR offloading requires a carefully designed architecture which complies with the required KPIs while efficiently synchronizing and handling multiple heterogeneous devices. Offloading XR has become an essential use case for 5G and beyond 5G technologies. However, testing distributed XR implementations requires access to advanced 5G deployments that are often unavailable to most XR application developers. Conversely, the development of 5G technologies requires constant feedback from potential applications and use cases. Unfortunately, most 5G providers, engineers, or researchers lack access to cutting-edge XR hardware or applications, which can hinder the fast implementation and improvement of 5G’s most advanced features. Both technology fields require ongoing input and continuous development from each other to fully realize their potential. As a result, XR and 5G researchers and developers must have access to the necessary tools and knowledge to ensure the rapid and satisfactory development of both technology fields. In this thesis, we focus on these challenges providing knowledge, tools and solutiond towards the implementation of advanced offloading technologies, opening the door to more immersive, comfortable and accessible XR technologies. Our contributions to the field of XR offloading include a detailed study and description of the necessary network throughput and latency KPIs for XR offloading, an architecture for low latency XR offloading and our full end to end XR offloading implementation ready for a commercial XR HMD. Besides, we also present a set of tools which can facilitate the joint development of 5G networks and XR offloading technologies: our 5G RAN real-time emulator and a multi-scenario XR IP traffic dataset. Firstly, in this thesis, we thoroughly examine and explain the KPIs that are required to achieve the expected Quality of Experience (QoE) and enhanced immersiveness in XR offloading solutions. Our analysis focuses on individual XR algorithms, rather than potential use cases. Additionally, we provide an initial description of feasible 5G deployments that could fulfill some of the proposed KPIs for different offloading scenarios. We also present our low latency muti-modal XR offloading architecture, which has already been tested on a commercial XR device and advanced 5G deployments, such as millimeter-wave (mmW) technologies. Besides, we describe our full endto- end complex XR offloading system which relies on our offloading architecture to provide low latency communication between a commercial XR device and a server running a Machine Learning (ML) algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first successful XR offloading implementations for complex ML algorithms in a commercial device. With the goal of providing XR developers and researchers access to complex 5G deployments and accelerating the development of future XR technologies, we present FikoRE, our 5G RAN real-time emulator. FikoRE has been specifically designed not only to model the network with sufficient accuracy but also to support the emulation of a massive number of users and actual IP throughput. As FikoRE can handle actual IP traffic above 1 Gbps, it can directly be used to test distributed XR solutions. As we describe in the thesis, its emulation capabilities make FikoRE a potential candidate to become a reference testbed for distributed XR developers and researchers. Finally, we used our XR offloading tools to generate an XR IP traffic dataset which can accelerate the development of 5G technologies by providing a straightforward manner for testing novel 5G solutions using realistic XR data. This dataset is generated for two relevant XR offloading scenarios: split rendering, in which the rendering step is moved to an edge server, and heavy ML algorithm offloading. Besides, we derive the corresponding IP traffic models from the captured data, which can be used to generate realistic XR IP traffic. We also present the validation experiments performed on the derived models and their results.This work has received funding from the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ETN TeamUp5G, grant agreement No. 813391.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidente: Narciso García Santos.- Secretario: Fernando Díaz de María.- Vocal: Aryan Kaushi

    Arkansas Law Review - Volume 75 Issue 3

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    BEYOND ALL LIMITS : Procedings on International Conference on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning, and Design : 11-12, 13 May 2022

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    [Italiano]: Il volume raccoglie gli atti della seconda edizione del convegno “BEYOND ALL LIMITS. International Conference on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning, and Design”, tenutosi nei giorni 11 e 12 maggio 2022, presso il Complesso del Belvedere di San Leucio, sede di Officina Vanvitelli. Il convegno è stato promosso e organizzato dal Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale dell'Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, in partnership con la Faculty of Architecture della Çankaya University di Ankara e la Faculty of Engineering della University of Strathclyde di Glasgow. L’obiettivo principale di questo convegno scientifico e multidisciplinare, che ha interessato i campi dell'architettura, della pianificazione e del design, è stato quello di affrontare il tema della sostenibilità all’interno dell'attuale dibattito internazionale scaturito dal New European Bauhaus (NEB)./[English]: This volume collects the Proceedings of the second edition of the conference “BEYOND ALL LIMITS. International Conference on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning, and Design”, held on May 11 and 12, 2022, at the San Leucio Belvedere Complex, home of Officina Vanvitelli. The conference was sponsored and organized by the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, in partnership with the Faculty of Architecture of Çankaya University in Ankara and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. The main objective of this scientific and multidisciplinary conference, which covered the fields of architecture, planning and design, was to address the issue of sustainability within the current international debate that has arisen from the New European Bauhaus (NEB)