9 research outputs found


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    It is important to refactor software source code from time to time to preserve its maintainability and understandability. Despite this, software developers rarely dedicate time for refactoring due to deadline pressure or resource limitations. To help developers take advantage of refactoring opportunities, researchers have been working towards automated refactoring recommendation systems for a long time. However, these techniques suffer from low precision, as many of their recommendations are irrelevant to the developers. As a result, most developers do not rely on these systems and prefer to perform refactoring based on their own experience and intuition. To shed more light on the practice of refactoring, we investigate the characteristics of the code fragments that get refactored most frequently across software repositories. Finding the most repeatedly refactored fragments can be very challenging due to the following factors: i) Refactorings are highly influenced by the context of the code. Therefore, it is difficult to remove context-specific information and find similarities. ii) Refactorings are usually more complex than simple code edits such as line additions or deletions. Therefore, basic source code matching techniques, such as token sequence matching do not produce good results. iii) A higher level of abstraction is required to match refactored code fragments within projects of a different domain. At the same time, the structural detail of the code must be preserved to find accurate results. In this study, we tried to overcome the above-mentioned challenges and explore several ways to compare refactored code from different contexts. We transformed the refactored code to different source code representations and attempted to find non-trivial refactored code idioms, which cannot be identified using the standard code comparison techniques. In this thesis, we are presenting the findings of our study, in which we examine the repetitiveness of refactorings on a large java codebase of 1,025 projects. We discuss how we analyze our dataset of 47,647 refactored code fragments using a combination of state-of-art code matching techniques. Finally, we report the most common refactoring actions and discuss the motivations behind those

    Learning syntactic program transformations from examples.

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    Ferramentas como ErrorProne, ReSharper e PMD ajudam os programadores a detectar e/ou remover automaticamente vários padrões de códigos suspeitos, possíveis bugs ou estilo de código incorreto. Essas regras podem ser expressas como quick fixes que detectam e reescrevem padrões de código indesejados. No entanto, estender seus catálogos de regras é complexo e demorado. Nesse contexto, os programadores podem querer executar uma edição repetitiva automaticamente para melhorar sua produtividade, mas as ferramentas disponíveis não a suportam. Além disso, os projetistas de ferramentas podem querer identificar regras úteis para automatizarem. Fenômeno semelhante ocorre em sistemas de tutoria inteligente, onde os instrutores escrevem transformações complicadas que descrevem "falhas comuns" para consertar submissões semelhantes de estudantes a tarefas de programação. Nesta tese, apresentamos duas técnicas. REFAZER, uma técnica para gerar automaticamente transformações de programa. Também propomos REVISAR, nossa técnica para aprender quick fixes em repositórios. Nós instanciamos e avaliamos REFAZER em dois domínios. Primeiro, dados exemplos de edições de código dos alunos para corrigir submissões de tarefas incorretas, aprendemos transformações para corrigir envios de outros alunos com falhas semelhantes. Em nossa avaliação em quatro tarefas de programação de setecentos e vinte alunos, nossa técnica ajudou a corrigir submissões incorretas para 87% dos alunos. No segundo domínio, usamos edições de código repetitivas aplicadas por desenvolvedores ao mesmo projeto para sintetizar a transformação de programa que aplica essas edições a outros locais no código. Em nossa avaliação em 56 cenários de edições repetitivas de três grandes projetos de código aberto em C#, REFAZER aprendeu a transformação pretendida em 84% dos casos e usou apenas 2.9 exemplos em média. Para avaliar REVISAR, selecionamos 9 projetos e REVISAR aprendeu 920 transformações entre projetos. Atuamos como projetistas de ferramentas, inspecionamos as 381 transformações mais comuns e classificamos 32 como quick fixes. Para avaliar a qualidade das quick fixes, realizamos uma survey com 164 programadores de 124 projetos, com os 10 quick fixes que apareceram em mais projetos. Os programadores suportaram 9 (90%) quick fixes. Enviamos 20 pull requests aplicando quick fixes em 9 projetos e, no momento da escrita, os programadores apoiaram 17 (85%) e aceitaram 10 delas.Tools such as ErrorProne, ReSharper, and PMD help programmers by automatically detecting and/or removing several suspicious code patterns, potential bugs, or instances of bad code style. These rules could be expressed as quick fixes that detect and rewrite unwanted code patterns. However, extending their catalogs of rules is complex and time-consuming. In this context, programmers may want to perform a repetitive edit into their code automatically to improve their productivity, but available tools do not support it. In addition, tool designers may want to identify rules helpful to be automated. A similar phenomenon appears in intelligent tutoring systems where instructors have to write cumbersome code transformations that describe “common faults” to fix similar student submissions to programming assignments. In this thesis, we present two techniques. REFAZER, a technique for automatically generating program transformations. We also propose REVISAR, our technique for learning quick fixes from code repositories. We instantiate and evaluate REFAZER in two domains. First, given examples of code edits used by students to fix incorrect programming assignment submissions, we learn program transformations that can fix other students’ submissions with similar faults. In our evaluation conducted on four programming tasks performed by seven hundred and twenty students, our technique helped to fix incorrect submissions for 87% of the students. In the second domain, we use repetitive code edits applied by developers to the same project to synthesize a program transformation that applies these edits to other locations in the code. In our evaluation conducted on 56 scenarios of repetitive edits taken from three large C# open-source projects, REFAZER learns the intended program transformation in 84% of the cases and using only 2.9 examples on average. To evaluate REVISAR, we select 9 projects, and REVISAR learns 920 transformations across projects. We acted as tool designers, inspected the most common 381 transformations and classified 32 as quick fixes. To assess the quality of the quick fixes, we performed a survey with 164 programmers from 124 projects, showing the 10 quick fixes that appeared in most projects. Programmers supported 9 (90%) quick fixes. We submitted 20 pull requests applying our quick fixes to 9 projects and, at the time of the writing, programmers supported 17 (85%) and accepted 10 of them.Cape

    Transforming Programs between APIs with Many-to-Many Mappings

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    Transforming programs between two APIs or different versions of the same API is a common software engineering task. However, existing languages supporting for such transformation cannot satisfactorily handle the cases when the relations between elements in the old API and the new API are many-to-many mappings: multiple invocations to the old API are supposed to be replaced by multiple invocations to the new API. Since the multiple invocations of the original APIs may not appear consecutively and the variables in these calls may have different names, writing a tool correctly to cover all such invocation cases is not an easy task. In this paper we propose a novel guided-normalization approach to address this problem. Our core insight is that programs in different forms can be semantics-equivalently normalized into a basic form guided by transformation goals, and developers only need to write rules for the basic form to address the transformation. Based on this approach, we design a declarative program transformation language, PATL, for adapting Java programs between different APIs. PATL has simple syntax and basic semantics to handle transformations only considering consecutive statements inside basic blocks, while with guided-normalization, it can be extended to handle complex forms of invocations. Furthermore, PATL ensures that the user-written rules would not accidentally break def-use relations in the program. We formalize the semantics of PATL on Middleweight Java and prove the semantics-preserving property of guided-normalization. We also evaluated our language with three non-trivial case studies: i.e. updating Google Calendar API, switching from JDom to Dom4j, and switching from Swing to SWT. The result is encouraging; it shows that our language allows successful transformations of real world programs with a small number of rules and little manual resolution

    Practical synthesis from real-world oracles

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    As software systems become increasingly heterogeneous, the ability of compilers to reason about an entire system has decreased. When components of a system are not implemented as traditional programs, but rather as specialised hardware, optimised architecture-specific libraries, or network services, the compiler is unable to cross these abstraction barriers and analyse the system as a whole. If these components could be modelled or understood as programs, then the compiler would be able to reason about their behaviour without concern for their internal implementation details: a homogeneous view of the entire system would be afforded. However, it is not often the case that such components ever corresponded to an original program. This means that to facilitate this homogenenous analysis, programmatic models of component behaviour must be learned or constructed automatically. Constructing these models is an inductive program synthesis problem, albeit a challenging one that is largely beyond the ability of existing implementations. In order for the problem to be made tractable, information provided by the underlying context (i.e. the real component behaviour to be matched) must be integrated. This thesis presents three program synthesis approaches that integrate contextual information to synthesise programmatic models for real, existing components. The first, Annote, exploits informally-encoded information about a component's interface (e.g. from documentation) by weaving that information into an extended type-and-attribute system for component interfaces. The second, Presyn, learns a pair of cooperating probabilistic models from prior syntheses, that aim to predict likely program structure based on a component's interface. Finally, Haze uses observations of common side-effects of component executions to bias the search for programs. These approaches are each evaluated against comparable synthesisers from the literature, on a set of benchmark problems derived from real components. Learning models for component behaviour is only a partial solution; the compiler must also have some mechanism to use those models for program analysis and transformation. This thesis additionally proposes a novel mechanism for context-sensitive automatic API migration based on synthesised programmatic models, and evaluates the effectiveness of doing so on real application code. In summary, this thesis proposes a new framing for program synthesis problems that target the behaviour of real components, and demonstrates three different potential approaches to synthesis in this spirit. The success of these approaches is evaluated against implementations from the literature, and their results used to drive a novel API migration technique