951 research outputs found

    Monifysikaalisen energiavirtaus-simulaattorin kehitys ja hyödyntäminen irtolastialuksen energiatehokkuuden parantamiseen

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    Due to more stringent legislation regarding ship emissions and higher fuel prices, ships owners and naval architects have lately been focusing more on energy efficiency. Traditionally, ship design process has been concentrating on optimizing the ship in one design point, where the ship is the most efficient in. However, ships are not always operating near design points, and thus, the optimization to a single design point does not lead to holistic optimization of ship energy efficiency. Therefore, ship designers require a tool that takes into account varying operation conditions and ship parameters. This thesis introduces a simulation tool for handysize bulk carrier for utilization in concept design phase. The tool is based on multi-domain energy flow method. This tool covers all the main machinery components such as main engine, diesel generators, exhaust gas and oil fired-boilers and cooling circuits. The dynamic results acquired from the tool include fuel and energy consumption for main- and auxiliary engines, steam energy produced from the exhaust gas and oil-fired boilers, sea water pump mass flow and evaporator energy consumption. Simulation tool was applied to two different case studies. First, a steam system was modified by lowering steam pressure produced by the exhaust gas boiler. Secondly, cooling circuit components were optimized for obtaining lower total fuel consumption. In the first case, the energy recovered from the exhaust gas was higher and thus oil fired boiler was less utilized, as was expected. This also leads to lower fuel consumption and maintenance costs. In the second case, the results were also as expected. The variable speed drive sea water pump decreases the total fuel consumption and maintenance costs of auxiliary engines due to less electrical energy utilized. The validation of results was excluded from the thesis, and thus, the results are just guide values rather than absolute truth. Therefore, the simulation tool is suitable for quick analysis to be utilized in concept phase and is usable by any designer, without an extensive background of ship machinery.Tiukentuvat säädökset laivojen päästöjen osalta ja polttoainehintojen noususta on ohjannut varustamot ja laivasuunnittelijat keskittymään lisää energiatehokkuuteen. Perinteisesti, laivan suunnitteluprosessi on fokusoitunut optimoimaan laivan yhteen suunnittelupisteeseen, jossa laiva on hyötysuhteeltaan parhaimmillaan. Laivat eivät aina kuitenkaan operoi lähellä suunnittelupistettä, ja täten laivan optimointi suunnittelupisteen ympärille ei ole kokonaisvaltaisesti tehokkainta. Näin on tarve kehittää laivan suunnittelijoille työkalu, joka ottaa huomioon vaihtelevat operointi olosuhteet ja laivan parametrit. Tässä työssä esitellään handy-kokoluokan irtotavara-aluksen simulointityökalu, jota käytetään konseptivaiheessa. Työkalu käyttää monifysikaalista energiavirtaus menetelmää. Työkalu käsittää kaikki pääkomponentit kuten pääkoneen, diesel-generaattorit, lämmöntalteenoton- ja öljypoltinkattilat sekä jäähdytyspiirin. Työkalulla saadaan dynaamisia tuloksia kuten polttoaine- ja energiankulutuksia pää- sekä apumoottoreille, höyryenergian tuotto lämmöntalteenotto- ja öljypoltinkattilasta, merivesipumpun massavirta sekä makeanvedenkehittimen energian kulutus. Simulointityökalua sovellettiin kahdessa eri tapaustutkimuksessa. Ensimmäisessä tapauksessa höyrysysteemi modifioitiin alentamalla lämmöntalteenottokattilan tuottamaa höyrynpainetta. Toisessa tapauksessa jäähdytyspiirin komponentit optimoitiin pienemmälle polttoaineenkulutukselle. Ensimmäisen tapauksen tulos oli odotettavissa eli lämmöntalteenottokattilan tuottama höyryenergia kasvoi ja vastaavasti öljypoltinkattilaa käytettiin vähemmän. Tämä johti pienempään polttoaineen kulutukseen ja pienempiin huoltokustannuksiin. Myös toisessa tapauksessa tulos oli odotettavissa. Taajuusmuuttajaan kytketty merivesipumppu alentaa kokonaispolttoainekustannuksia ja apumoottoreiden huoltokustannuksia pienemmän sähkönkulutuksen takia. Tulosten varmentaminen rajattiin työn ulkopuolelle, joten ne ovat vain suuntaa-antavia. Tästä syystä simulointityökalu on sopiva nopeaan analyysiin, jota käytettäisiin konseptivaiheessa ja olisi kenen tahansa suunnittelijan käytettävissä, riippumatta kyseisen suunnittelijan taustasta laivan koneistoissa

    Gaining Insights into Dwelling Characteristics Using Machine Learning for Policy Making on Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings with the Use of Smart Meter and Weather Data.

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    Machine learning models have proven to be reliable methods in classification tasks. However, little research has been conducted on the classification of dwelling characteristics based on smart meter and weather data before. Gaining insights into dwelling characteristics, which comprise of the type of heating system used, the number of inhabitants, and the number of solar panels installed, can be helpful in creating or improving the policies to create new dwellings at nearly zero-energy standard. This paper compares different supervised machine learning algorithms, namely Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Long-short term memory, and methods used to correctly implement these algorithms. These methods include data pre-processing, model validation, and evaluation. Smart meter data, which was used to train several machine learning algorithms, was provided by Groene Mient. The models that were generated by the algorithms were compared on their performance. The results showed that the Long-short term memory performed the best with 96% accuracy. Cross Validation was used to validate the models, where 80% of the data was used for training purposes and 20% was used for testing purposes. Evaluation metrics were used to produce classification reports, which indicates that the Long-short term memory outperforms the compared models on the evaluation metrics for this specific problem.post-print1304 K

    Gaining Insights into Dwelling Characteristics Using Machine Learning for Policy Making on Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings with the Use of Smart Meter and Weather Data

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    Machine learning models have proven to be reliable methods in classification tasks. However, little research has been conducted on the classification of dwelling characteristics based on smart meter and weather data before. Gaining insights into dwelling characteristics, which comprise of the type of heating system used, the number of inhabitants, and the number of solar panels installed, can be helpful in creating or improving the policies to create new dwellings at nearly zero-energy standard. This paper compares different supervised machine learning algorithms, namely Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Long-short term memory, and methods used to correctly implement these algorithms. These methods include data pre-processing, model validation, and evaluation. Smart meter data, which was used to train several machine learning algorithms, was provided by Groene Mient. The models that were generated by the algorithms were compared on their performance. The results showed that the Long-short term memory performed the best with 96% accuracy. Cross Validation was used to validate the models, where 80% of the data was used for training purposes and 20% was used for testing purposes. Evaluation metrics were used to produce classification reports, which indicates that the Long-short term memory outperforms the compared models on the evaluation metrics for this specific problem

    Best Environmental Management Practice in the Tourism Sector

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    The tourism sector has a large potential to reduce its environmental impacts and many measures are already effectively implemented by companies of this sector. This document describes what are the best practices employed by frontrunners in all aspects under their direct control or on which they have a considerable influence. They cover cross-cutting issues, destination management, tour operators and travel agents, water and energy consumption and waste production in accommodation, restaurant and hotel kitchens, and campsites management. The document also contains sector-specific environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence. These can be used by all the actors involved in the tourism sector to monitor their environmental performance and to benchmark it against the performance of frontrunners in each given specific area. Overall, this document aims at supporting all actors in the tourism sector who intend to improve their environmental performance and seek for reliable and proven information on how best to do it.JRC.J.5-Sustainable Production and Consumptio

    COOLFACADE: Architectural Integration of Solar Cooling Technologies in the Building Envelope

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    The thesis ‘COOLFACADE – Architectural integration of solar cooling strategies in the building envelope’ aims to shed light on the possibilities and constraints for architectural integration of solar cooling systems in façades, in order to support the design of climate responsive architectural products for office buildings as self-sufficient alternatives to conventional air-conditioning systems. Increasing cooling needs in the built environment present an important and complex challenge for the design of sustainable buildings and cities. Even though the first course of action should always aim to reduce energy consumption through saving measures and passive design, this is often not enough to avoid mechanical equipment altogether, particularly in the case of office buildings in warm climate contexts. Solar cooling technologies have been increasingly explored, as an environmentally friendly alternative to harmful refrigerants used within vapour compression systems; while also being driven by solar, thus, renewable energy. The principles behind some of these technologies have been researched for over a century, reaching mature solutions and components, and being recognised as promising alternatives to common air-conditioning units. Nonetheless, building application remains mostly limited to demonstration projects and pilot experiences. Recently, façade integrated concepts have been explored, as a way to promote widespread application throughout the development of multifunctional building components. However, while these are regarded as relevant and promising standalone concepts, further research is still needed to assess the integration potential of diverse solar cooling technologies, and identify barriers to overcome, in order to promote the widespread application of solar cooling components in the built environment. The aim of this research project is to explore the possibilities and constraints for architectural integration of solar cooling strategies in façades, in order to support the design of climate responsive architectural products for office buildings, without compromising the thermal comfort of users. The underlying hypothesis then is that self-sufficient solar cooling integrated facades may be a promising alternative to conventional centralised air-conditioning systems widely used in office buildings in warm climates. Most research efforts on solar cooling currently deal with the optimisation of the systems in terms of their performance, testing new materials and simplifying their operation to increase reported efficiencies. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the requirements and current limits for widespread façade application. In order to achieve the research goal and comprehensively assess the façade integration potential of solar technologies and discuss current barriers, different aspects must be acknowledged. These distinct aspects are addressed through several research questions, which in turn define the different chapters of the dissertation. Introduction and conclusions aside, the research body is structured on three sequential parts, with 2-3 chapters each. The first part deals with the state-of-the-art in the field and the theoretical framework, laying the groundwork for the following sections. The second part explores different aspects required as input for façade integration; while the third part comprises the evaluation of solar cooling technologies in terms of current possibilities and constraints for the development of integrated façades, based on the inputs identified in the second part. Furthermore, all chapters were published or submitted for publication as scientific articles in peer review academic journals. The first part considers two chapters that lay the foundations for the research project, The first chapter after the introduction expands the background of the dissertation by identifying knowledge gaps and research trends while contributing to the generation of a reference database of research experiences, throughout a systematic literature review of cooling research in office buildings during the last 25 years. On the other hand, the following chapter delves specifically in the main themes addressed within the dissertation, proposing a framework for the understanding of solar cooling integrated façades. This considers the theoretical discussion of the concept of architectural façade integration; and the identification of the main working principles and technical components from most common solar cooling technologies, based on a state-of-the-art review. The second part explores different required inputs for façade integration. Design and construction requirements for façade integration are explored; while the response from façade design parameters to various climate conditions is assessed in parallel. The exploration of design and construction requirements is conducted through the identification of the main perceived problems for the façade integration of building services and solar technologies, by means of a survey addressed to façade professionals. On the other hand, a separate chapter explores the relation between climate conditions and cooling requirements in office buildings, evaluating the potential impact of several passive cooling strategies in various warm climates, as a first step before considering further technologies. This was conducted through the statistical analysis of reported research experiences, and dynamic energy simulations of a base scenario using specialised software. The third part of the dissertation consists of two chapters that incorporate previous outcomes for the evaluation of selected solar cooling technologies in terms of current possibilities and constraints for the development of integrated façades. The first of these chapters showcases a qualitative evaluation of the façade integration potential of several solar cooling technologies, based on a comprehensive review of key aspects of each technology and their prospects to overcome the identified barriers for façade integration. This is complemented by a feasibility assessment of integrated concepts in several climates, throughout numerical calculations based on climate data and building scenarios simulated with specialised software; showcased in the following and final chapter. The driving force of the research project is the intention to test the limits of solar cooling integration in façades, showcasing current possibilities while identifying technical constrains and barriers to overcome for the widespread application of integrated façade concepts. Although interesting prospects were identified in this dissertation, important technical constraints need to be solved to conceive a façade component fail-tested for application in buildings. Furthermore, several barriers related to the façade design and development process would need to be tackled in order to introduce architectural products such as these into the building market. The identification and discussion of these barriers, along with the definition of technology driven development paths and recommendations for the generation of distinct architectural products, are regarded as the main outcomes of this dissertation, serving as a compass to guide further explorations in the topic, under an overall environmentally conscious design approach


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    The thesis ‘COOLFACADE – Architectural integration of solar cooling strategies in the building envelope’ aims to shed light on the possibilities and constraints for architectural integration of solar cooling systems in façades, in order to support the design of climate responsive architectural products for office buildings as self-sufficient alternatives to conventional air-conditioning systems. Increasing cooling needs in the built environment present an important and complex challenge for the design of sustainable buildings and cities. Even though the first course of action should always aim to reduce energy consumption through saving measures and passive design, this is often not enough to avoid mechanical equipment altogether, particularly in the case of office buildings in warm climate contexts. Solar cooling technologies have been increasingly explored, as an environmentally friendly alternative to harmful refrigerants used within vapour compression systems; while also being driven by solar, thus, renewable energy. The principles behind some of these technologies have been researched for over a century, reaching mature solutions and components, and being recognised as promising alternatives to common  air-conditioning units. Nonetheless, building application remains mostly limited to demonstration projects and pilot experiences. Recently, façade integrated concepts have been explored, as a way to promote widespread application throughout the development of multifunctional building components. However, while these are regarded as relevant and promising standalone concepts, further research is still needed to assess the integration potential of diverse solar cooling technologies, and identify barriers to overcome, in order to promote the widespread application of solar cooling components in the built environment. The aim of this research project is to explore the possibilities and constraints for architectural integration of solar cooling strategies in façades, in order to support the design of climate responsive architectural products for office buildings, without compromising the thermal comfort of users. The underlying hypothesis then is that self-sufficient solar cooling integrated facades may be a promising alternative to conventional centralised air-conditioning systems widely used in office buildings in warm climates. Most research efforts on solar cooling currently deal with the optimisation of the systems in terms of their performance, testing new materials and simplifying their operation to increase reported efficiencies. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the requirements and current limits for widespread façade application. In order to achieve the research goal and comprehensively assess the façade integration potential of solar technologies and discuss current barriers, different aspects must be acknowledged. These distinct aspects are addressed through several research questions, which in turn define the different chapters of the dissertation. Introduction and conclusions aside, the research body is structured on three sequential parts, with 2-3 chapters each. The first part deals with the state-of-the-art in the field and the theoretical framework, laying the groundwork for the following sections. The second part explores different aspects required as input for façade integration; while the third part comprises the evaluation of solar cooling technologies in terms of current possibilities and constraints for the development of integrated façades, based on the inputs identified in the second part. Furthermore, all chapters were published or submitted for publication as scientific articles in peer review academic journals. The first part considers two chapters that lay the foundations for the research project, The first chapter after the introduction expands the background of the dissertation by identifying knowledge gaps and research trends while contributing to the generation of a reference database of research experiences, throughout a systematic literature review of cooling research in office buildings during the last 25 years. On the other hand, the following chapter delves specifically in the main themes addressed within the dissertation, proposing a framework for the understanding of solar cooling integrated façades. This considers the theoretical discussion of the concept of architectural façade integration; and the identification of the main working principles and technical components from most common solar cooling technologies, based on a state-of-the-art review. The second part explores different required inputs for façade integration. Design and construction requirements for façade integration are explored; while the response from façade design parameters to various climate conditions is assessed in parallel. The exploration of design and construction requirements is conducted through the identification of the main perceived problems for the façade integration of building services and solar technologies, by means of a survey addressed to façade professionals. On the other hand, a separate chapter explores the relation between climate conditions and cooling requirements in office buildings, evaluating the potential impact of several passive cooling strategies in various warm climates, as a first step before considering further technologies. This was conducted through the statistical analysis of reported research experiences, and dynamic energy simulations of a base scenario using specialised software. The third part of the dissertation consists of two chapters that incorporate previous outcomes for the evaluation of selected solar cooling technologies in terms of current possibilities and constraints for the development of integrated façades. The first of these chapters showcases a qualitative evaluation of the façade integration potential of several solar cooling technologies, based on a comprehensive review of key aspects of each technology and their prospects to overcome the identified barriers for façade integration. This is complemented by a feasibility assessment of integrated concepts in several climates, throughout numerical calculations based on climate data and building scenarios simulated with specialised software; showcased in the following and final chapter. The driving force of the research project is the intention to test the limits of solar cooling integration in façades, showcasing current possibilities while identifying technical constrains and barriers to overcome for the widespread application of integrated façade concepts. Although interesting prospects were identified in this dissertation, important technical constraints need to be solved to conceive a façade component fail-tested for application in buildings. Furthermore, several barriers related to the façade design and development process would need to be tackled in order to introduce architectural products such as these into the building market. The identification and discussion of these barriers, along with the definition of technology driven development paths and recommendations for the generation of distinct architectural products, are regarded as the main outcomes of this dissertation, serving as a compass to guide further explorations in the topic, under an overall environmentally conscious design approach. &nbsp

    Retrospective Examination of Demand-side Energy-efficiency Policies

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    Energy efficiency policies are a primary avenue for reducing carbon emissions, with potential additional benefits from improved air quality and energy security. We review literature on a broad range of existing non-transportation energy efficiency policies covering appliance standards, financial incentives, information and voluntary programs, and government energy use (building and professional codes are not included). Estimates indicate these programs are likely to have collectively saved up to 4 quads of energy annually, with appliance standards and utility demand-side management likely making up at least half these savings. Energy Star, Climate Challenge, and 1605b voluntary emissions reductions may also contribute significantly to aggregate energy savings, but how much of these savings would have occurred absent these programs is less clear. Although even more uncertain, reductions in CO2, NOX, SO2, and PM-10 associated with energy savings may contribute about 10% more to the value of energy savings.energy efficiency policy, appliance standards, information, incentives, voluntary programs

    New Vision 2050: A Platinum Society

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    This book presents the "New Vision 2050," which adds the concept of the “platinum society” to the “Vision 2050”. The 20th century was a century in which energy led the development of material civilization, resulting in deletion of resources, global warming and climate change. What form should sustainable material and energy take to protect the Earth? The "Vision 2050" was established 20 years ago as a model that we should pursue for the next half century. Fortunately, the world is on course for the Vision 2050. The 21st century will be a century in which we seek qualitative richness, with the Vision 2050 as the material basis. That is, a “platinum society” that has resource self-sufficiency and resource symbiosis, and where people remain active throughout their lives and have a wide range of choices and opportunities for free participation. Since the author presented the concept of "Vision 2050" in 1999, the idea has been introduced in two books entitled Vision 2050: Roadmap for a Sustainable Earth (2008) and Beyond the Limits to Growth: New Ideas for Sustainability from Japan (2014). The latter includes a chapter that sheds light on the concept of a “platinum society”. In this publication, the author presents the "New Vision 2050" in more detail

    The NEBLINE, May 2005

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    Contents:Successful Shade Gardening: Key is Proper Plant Choice, Care Why So Many Weeds? 2005 All-America Roses Flowers That Tower Be Good to Your Worms Winged Termites or Ants? Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrels What is Mange? Soybean Rust is on the Horizon Effect of Increasing Energy Prices on Farming Costs Pioneer Farm Award Nominations Due May 1 Buying High-Quality Trees Conserving Water in the Landscape NEP Partners with LPS to Teach Nutrition in Teen Parenting Classes Cocoa-Berry Yogurt Tarts Recipe Enjoy Beef Nutrition during May, National Beef Month Mexican Beef Salad Recipe Fruit Slush Recipe Spicy Ranch Dressing Recipe President’s Notes — Janet’s Jargon Household Hints: No- or Low-Cost Ways to Save Energy FCE News & Events Cut Cooling Costs Three Strategies to Help Manage Anger Denise Farley 2005 4-H Incentive Program Starts May 1 Salt Creek Wranglers Hold Pre-Districts Practice for 4-H’ers, April 24 and June 12 District/State Entries Due May 13 4-H Stampede Results Clover College Analyzing Community Problems Training on Measuring Progress, May 17 & 18 Extension Calendar 4-H Camps Open House, April 24 and May 1 5th Graders Learn about Land, Water & Air at earth wellness festival Students Watch Eggs Hatch in the Classroom! 4-H Speech/PSA Contest Winners Special Insert: Acreage Views -- Helping Acreage and Small Farm Owners Manage their Rural Living Environmen

    South Dakota Farm and Home Research

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    Director’s Comments [p] 2 The Human Factor [p] 4 Beyond Our Borders [p] 6 Barleys Just for Us [p] 9 Bread and Butter [p] 13 Outreach [p] 15 A Day’s Work [p] 18 A Great Combination [p] 20 IPM [p] 23 93rd Annual Report [p] 25https://openprairie.sdstate.edu/agexperimentsta_sd-fhr/1123/thumbnail.jp