13 research outputs found

    Decidable classes of documents for XPath

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    We study the satisfiability problem for XPath over XML documents of bounded depth. We define two parameters, called match width and braid width, that assign a number to any class of documents. We show that for all k, satisfiability for XPath restricted to bounded depth documents with match width at most k is decidable; and that XPath is undecidable on any class of documents with unbounded braid width. We conjecture that these two parameters are equivalent, in the sense that a class of documents has bounded match width iff it has bounded braid width

    Two-Variable Logic on Data Trees and XML Reasoning

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    International audienceMotivated by reasoning tasks in the context of XML languages, the satisfiability problem of logics on data trees is investigated. The nodes of a data tree have a label from a finite set and a data value from a possibly infinite set. It is shown that satisfiability for two-variable first-order logic is decidable if the tree structure can be accessed only through the child and the next sibling predicates and the access to data values is restricted to equality tests. From this main result decidability of satisfiability and containment for a data-aware fragment of XPath and of the implication problem for unary key and inclusion constraints is concluded

    Axiomatizing the logical core of XPath 2.0

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    Future-looking Logics on Data Words and Trees

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    International audienceIn a data word or a data tree each position carries a label from a finite alphabet and a data value from an infinite domain. Over data words we consider the logic LTL_↓^1 (F), that extends LTL(F) with one register for storing data values for later comparisons. We show that satisfiability over data words of LTL_↓^1 (F) is already non primitive recursive. We also show that the extension of LTL_↓^1 (F) with either the backward modality F^{−1} or with one extra register is undecidable. All these lower bounds were already known for LTL_↓^1(X, F) and our results essentially show that the X modality was not necessary. Moreover we show that over data trees similar lower bounds hold for certain fragments of XPath

    Axiomatizing the Logical Core of XPath 2.0

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    Alternating register automata on finite words and trees

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    We study alternating register automata on data words and data trees in relation to logics. A data word (resp. data tree) is a word (resp. tree) whose every position carries a label from a finite alphabet and a data value from an infinite domain. We investigate one-way automata with alternating control over data words or trees, with one register for storing data and comparing them for equality. This is a continuation of the study started by Demri, Lazic and Jurdzinski. From the standpoint of register automata models, this work aims at two objectives: (1) simplifying the existent decidability proofs for the emptiness problem for alternating register automata; and (2) exhibiting decidable extensions for these models. From the logical perspective, we show that (a) in the case of data words, satisfiability of LTL with one register and quantification over data values is decidable; and (b) the satisfiability problem for the so-called forward fragment of XPath on XML documents is decidable, even in the presence of DTDs and even of key constraints. The decidability is obtained through a reduction to the automata model introduced. This fragment contains the child, descendant, next-sibling and following-sibling axes, as well as data equality and inequality tests

    Satisfiability of Downward XPath with Data Equality Tests

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    International audienceIn this work we investigate the satisfiability problem for the logic XPath(↓*, ↓, =), that includes all downward axes as well as equality and inequality tests. We address this problem in the absence of DTDs and the sibling axis. We prove that this fragment is decidable, and we nail down its complexity, showing the problem to be ExpTime-complete. The result also holds when path expressions allow closure under the Kleene star operator. To obtain these results, we introduce a new automaton model over data trees that captures XPath(↓*, ↓, =) and has an ExpTime emptiness problem. Furthermore, we give the exact complexity of several downward-looking fragments

    Axiomatizations for downward XPath on Data Trees

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    We give sound and complete axiomatizations for XPath with data tests by "equality" or "inequality", and containing the single "child" axis. This data-aware logic predicts over data trees, which are tree-like structures whose every node contains a label from a finite alphabet and a data value from an infinite domain. The language allows us to compare data values of two nodes but cannot access the data values themselves (i.e. there is no comparison by constants). Our axioms are in the style of equational logic, extending the axiomatization of data-oblivious XPath, by B. ten Cate, T. Litak and M. Marx. We axiomatize the full logic with tests by "equality" and "inequality", and also a simpler fragment with "equality" tests only. Our axiomatizations apply both to node expressions and path expressions. The proof of completeness relies on a novel normal form theorem for XPath with data tests

    Bottom-up automata on data trees and vertical XPath

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    A data tree is a finite tree whose every node carries a label from a finite alphabet and a datum from some infinite domain. We introduce a new model of automata over unranked data trees with a decidable emptiness problem. It is essentially a bottom-up alternating automaton with one register that can store one data value and can be used to perform equality tests with the data values occurring within the subtree of the current node. We show that it captures the expressive power of the vertical fragment of XPath - containing the child, descendant, parent and ancestor axes - obtaining thus a decision procedure for its satisfiability problem

    Decidability of Downward XPath

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    International audienceWe investigate the satisfiability problem for downward-XPath, the fragment of XPath that includes the child and descendant axes, and tests for (in)equality of attributes' values. We prove that this problem is decidable, ExpTime-complete. These bounds also hold when path expressions allow closure under the Kleene star operator. To obtain these results, we introduce a Downward Data automata model (DD automata) over trees with data, which has a decidable emptiness problem. Satisfiability of downward-XPath can be reduced to the emptiness problem of DD automata and hence its decidability follows. Although downward-XPath does not include any horizontal axis, DD automata are more expressive and can perform some horizontal tests. Thus, we show that the satisfiability remains in ExpTime even in the presence of the regular constraints expressible by DD automata. However, the same problem in the presence of any regular constraint is known to have a non-primitive recursive complexity. Finally, we give the exact complexity of the satisfiability problem for several fragments of downward-XPath