110 research outputs found

    Recompression: a simple and powerful technique for word equations

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    In this paper we present an application of a simple technique of local recompression, previously developed by the author in the context of compressed membership problems and compressed pattern matching, to word equations. The technique is based on local modification of variables (replacing X by aX or Xa) and iterative replacement of pairs of letters appearing in the equation by a `fresh' letter, which can be seen as a bottom-up compression of the solution of the given word equation, to be more specific, building an SLP (Straight-Line Programme) for the solution of the word equation. Using this technique we give a new, independent and self-contained proofs of most of the known results for word equations. To be more specific, the presented (nondeterministic) algorithm runs in O(n log n) space and in time polynomial in log N, where N is the size of the length-minimal solution of the word equation. The presented algorithm can be easily generalised to a generator of all solutions of the given word equation (without increasing the space usage). Furthermore, a further analysis of the algorithm yields a doubly exponential upper bound on the size of the length-minimal solution. The presented algorithm does not use exponential bound on the exponent of periodicity. Conversely, the analysis of the algorithm yields an independent proof of the exponential bound on exponent of periodicity. We believe that the presented algorithm, its idea and analysis are far simpler than all previously applied. Furthermore, thanks to it we can obtain a unified and simple approach to most of known results for word equations. As a small additional result we show that for O(1) variables (with arbitrary many appearances in the equation) word equations can be solved in linear space, i.e. they are context-sensitive.Comment: Submitted to a journal. Since previous version the proofs were simplified, overall presentation improve

    A Fine-Grained Hierarchy of Hard Problems in the Separated Fragment

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    Recently, the separated fragment (SF) has been introduced and proved to be decidable. Its defining principle is that universally and existentially quantified variables may not occur together in atoms. The known upper bound on the time required to decide SF's satisfiability problem is formulated in terms of quantifier alternations: Given an SF sentence ∃z⃗∀x⃗1∃y⃗1…∀x⃗n∃y⃗n.ψ\exists \vec{z} \forall \vec{x}_1 \exists \vec{y}_1 \ldots \forall \vec{x}_n \exists \vec{y}_n . \psi in which ψ\psi is quantifier free, satisfiability can be decided in nondeterministic nn-fold exponential time. In the present paper, we conduct a more fine-grained analysis of the complexity of SF-satisfiability. We derive an upper and a lower bound in terms of the degree of interaction of existential variables (short: degree)}---a novel measure of how many separate existential quantifier blocks in a sentence are connected via joint occurrences of variables in atoms. Our main result is the kk-NEXPTIME-completeness of the satisfiability problem for the set SF≤kSF_{\leq k} of all SF sentences that have degree kk or smaller. Consequently, we show that SF-satisfiability is non-elementary in general, since SF is defined without restrictions on the degree. Beyond trivial lower bounds, nothing has been known about the hardness of SF-satisfiability so far.Comment: Full version of the LICS 2017 extended abstract having the same title, 38 page

    The two-variable fragment with counting and equivalence

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    We consider the two-variable fragment of first-order logic with counting, subject to the stipulation that a sin-gle distinguished binary predicate be interpreted as an equivalence. We show that the satisfiability and finite satisfiability problems for this logic are both NEXPTIME-complete. We further show that the corresponding problems for two-variable first-order logic with counting and two equivalences are both undecidable. Copyright line will be provided by the publisher

    Strings at MOSCA

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    Complex Algebras of Arithmetic

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    An 'arithmetic circuit' is a labeled, acyclic directed graph specifying a sequence of arithmetic and logical operations to be performed on sets of natural numbers. Arithmetic circuits can also be viewed as the elements of the smallest subalgebra of the complex algebra of the semiring of natural numbers. In the present paper, we investigate the algebraic structure of complex algebras of natural numbers, and make some observations regarding the complexity of various theories of such algebras

    Finding All Solutions of Equations in Free Groups and Monoids with Involution

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    The aim of this paper is to present a PSPACE algorithm which yields a finite graph of exponential size and which describes the set of all solutions of equations in free groups as well as the set of all solutions of equations in free monoids with involution in the presence of rational constraints. This became possible due to the recently invented emph{recompression} technique of the second author. He successfully applied the recompression technique for pure word equations without involution or rational constraints. In particular, his method could not be used as a black box for free groups (even without rational constraints). Actually, the presence of an involution (inverse elements) and rational constraints complicates the situation and some additional analysis is necessary. Still, the recompression technique is general enough to accommodate both extensions. In the end, it simplifies proofs that solving word equations is in PSPACE (Plandowski 1999) and the corresponding result for equations in free groups with rational constraints (Diekert, Hagenah and Gutierrez 2001). As a byproduct we obtain a direct proof that it is decidable in PSPACE whether or not the solution set is finite.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper was presented as an invited talk at CSR 2014 in Moscow, June 7 - 11, 201

    Decidable Classes of Tree Automata Mixing Local and Global Constraints Modulo Flat Theories

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    We define a class of ranked tree automata TABG generalizing both the tree automata with local tests between brothers of Bogaert and Tison (1992) and with global equality and disequality constraints (TAGED) of Filiot et al. (2007). TABG can test for equality and disequality modulo a given flat equational theory between brother subterms and between subterms whose positions are defined by the states reached during a computation. In particular, TABG can check that all the subterms reaching a given state are distinct. This constraint is related to monadic key constraints for XML documents, meaning that every two distinct positions of a given type have different values. We prove decidability of the emptiness problem for TABG. This solves, in particular, the open question of the decidability of emptiness for TAGED. We further extend our result by allowing global arithmetic constraints for counting the number of occurrences of some state or the number of different equivalence classes of subterms (modulo a given flat equational theory) reaching some state during a computation. We also adapt the model to unranked ordered terms. As a consequence of our results for TABG, we prove the decidability of a fragment of the monadic second order logic on trees extended with predicates for equality and disequality between subtrees, and cardinality.Comment: 39 pages, to appear in LMCS journa
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