7 research outputs found

    Sandboxing in myKlaim

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    From policies to aspects in KLAIM

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    Analysing Access Control Specifications

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    Inclusión de servicios en aplicaciones basados en patrones de usabilidad : Caso UNDO/REDO

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    Los patrones de usabilidad son un aspecto central en el desarrollo de software, pues estos son los encargados de sentar las bases de un conjunto de principios validados y establecidos para la creación de una apropiada interfaz de usuario. En este sentido el esfuerzo por desarrollar un modelo de patrones de usabilidad esta justificado y permite sumar una instancia mas al proceso de automatización en el desarrollo de software. En esta tesis doctoral se propone un mecanismo que ha evolucionado desde los patrones hasta una arquitectura de usabilidad, detallando el proceso evolutivo que ha llevado el mismo, define en detalle el patrón de usabilidad UNDO/REDO y construye los cimientos para extender este modelo a otros patrones de usabilidad.Usability patterns are a central aspect of software development, as these are responsible for laying the foundations of a set of validated and established principles for creating an appropriate user interface. In this sense the effort to develop a model of usability patterns is justified and can then add another instance to process automation in software. This PhD thesis proposes a mechanism that has evolved from an architecture patterns to usability, detailing the evolutionary process that has led it defines in detail the usability pattern UNDO/REDO and builds the foundation for extending this model to other usability patterns.La tesis contó con la doble dirección de la Dr. Patricia Pesado (UNLP) y del Prof. Oscar Dieste (UPM).Facultad de Informátic

    Proceedings of The 13. Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems, NordSec 2008, Kongens Lyngby Oct 9-10, 2008

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    Sandboxing in myKlaim

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    The µKlaim calculus is a process algebra designed to study the programming of distributed systems consisting of a number of locations each having their own tuple space and collection of mobile processes. Previous work has explored how to incorporate a notion of capabilities to be enforced dynamically by means of a reference monitor. Our first contribution is to describe a sandboxing semantics for the remote evaluation of mobile code; we then develop a succinct flow logic for statically guaranteeing the properties enforced by the reference monitor and hence for dispensing with the overhead of a dynamic reference monitor. Our second contribution is an extension of the calculus to interact with an environment; here processes enter the system from the environment and we develop an entry-condition that is sufficient for ensuring that the resulting system continues to guarantee the properties that would otherwise need to be dynamically enforced by the reference monitor. We call the resulting calculus myKlaim.