31 research outputs found

    Sampling-based sublinear low-rank matrix arithmetic framework for dequantizing quantum machine learning

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    We present an algorithmic framework for quantum-inspired classical algorithms on close-to-low-rank matrices, generalizing the series of results started by Tang’s breakthrough quantum-inspired algorithm for recommendation systems [STOC’19]. Motivated by quantum linear algebra algorithms and the quantum singular value transformation (SVT) framework of GilyĂ©n et al. [STOC’19], we develop classical algorithms for SVT that run in time independent of input dimension, under suitable quantum-inspired sampling assumptions. Our results give compelling evidence that in the corresponding QRAM data structure input model, quantum SVT does not yield exponential quantum speedups. Since the quantum SVT framework generalizes essentially all known techniques for quantum linear algebra, our results, combined with sampling lemmas from previous work, suffices to generalize all recent results about dequantizing quantum machine learning algorithms. In particular, our classical SVT framework recovers and often improves the dequantization results on recommendation systems, principal component analysis, supervised clustering, support vector machines, low-rank regression, and semidefinite program solving. We also give additional dequantization results on low-rank Hamiltonian simulation and discriminant analysis. Our improvements come from identifying the key feature of the quantum-inspired input model that is at the core of all prior quantum-inspired results: ℓÂČ-norm sampling can approximate matrix products in time independent of their dimension. We reduce all our main results to this fact, making our exposition concise, self-contained, and intuitive

    Quantum-Inspired Sublinear Algorithm for Solving Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming

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    Semidefinite programming (SDP) is a central topic in mathematical optimization with extensive studies on its efficient solvers. In this paper, we present a proof-of-principle sublinear-time algorithm for solving SDPs with low-rank constraints; specifically, given an SDP with mm constraint matrices, each of dimension nn and rank rr, our algorithm can compute any entry and efficient descriptions of the spectral decomposition of the solution matrix. The algorithm runs in time O(m⋅poly(log⁥n,r,1/Δ))O(m\cdot\mathrm{poly}(\log n,r,1/\varepsilon)) given access to a sampling-based low-overhead data structure for the constraint matrices, where Δ\varepsilon is the precision of the solution. In addition, we apply our algorithm to a quantum state learning task as an application. Technically, our approach aligns with 1) SDP solvers based on the matrix multiplicative weight (MMW) framework by Arora and Kale [TOC '12]; 2) sampling-based dequantizing framework pioneered by Tang [STOC '19]. In order to compute the matrix exponential required in the MMW framework, we introduce two new techniques that may be of independent interest: ∙\bullet Weighted sampling: assuming sampling access to each individual constraint matrix A1,
,AτA_{1},\ldots,A_{\tau}, we propose a procedure that gives a good approximation of A=A1+⋯+AτA=A_{1}+\cdots+A_{\tau}. ∙\bullet Symmetric approximation: we propose a sampling procedure that gives the \emph{spectral decomposition} of a low-rank Hermitian matrix AA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first sampling-based algorithm for spectral decomposition, as previous works only give singular values and vectors.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2020

    Quantum computing for finance

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    Quantum computers are expected to surpass the computational capabilities of classical computers and have a transformative impact on numerous industry sectors. We present a comprehensive summary of the state of the art of quantum computing for financial applications, with particular emphasis on stochastic modeling, optimization, and machine learning. This Review is aimed at physicists, so it outlines the classical techniques used by the financial industry and discusses the potential advantages and limitations of quantum techniques. Finally, we look at the challenges that physicists could help tackle

    Quantum-Inspired Classical Algorithms for Singular Value Transformation

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    A recent breakthrough by Tang (STOC 2019) showed how to "dequantize" the quantum algorithm for recommendation systems by Kerenidis and Prakash (ITCS 2017). The resulting algorithm, classical but "quantum-inspired", efficiently computes a low-rank approximation of the users' preference matrix. Subsequent works have shown how to construct efficient quantum-inspired algorithms for approximating the pseudo-inverse of a low-rank matrix as well, which can be used to (approximately) solve low-rank linear systems of equations. In the present paper, we pursue this line of research and develop quantum-inspired algorithms for a large class of matrix transformations that are defined via the singular value decomposition of the matrix. In particular, we obtain classical algorithms with complexity polynomially related (in most parameters) to the complexity of the best quantum algorithms for singular value transformation recently developed by Chakraborty, Gily\'{e}n and Jeffery (ICALP 2019) and Gily\'{e}n, Su, Low and Wiebe (STOC19).Comment: 19 page

    An Improved Classical Singular Value Transformation for Quantum Machine Learning

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    We study quantum speedups in quantum machine learning (QML) by analyzing the quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) framework. QSVT, introduced by [GSLW, STOC'19, arXiv:1806.01838], unifies all major types of quantum speedup; in particular, a wide variety of QML proposals are applications of QSVT on low-rank classical data. We challenge these proposals by providing a classical algorithm that matches the performance of QSVT in this regime up to a small polynomial overhead. We show that, given a matrix A∈Cm×nA \in \mathbb{C}^{m\times n}, a vector b∈Cnb \in \mathbb{C}^{n}, a bounded degree-dd polynomial pp, and linear-time pre-processing, we can output a description of a vector vv such that ∄v−p(A)b∄≀Δ∄b∄\|v - p(A) b\| \leq \varepsilon\|b\| in O~(d11∄A∄F4/(Δ2∄A∄4))\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{11} \|A\|_{\mathrm{F}}^4 / (\varepsilon^2 \|A\|^4 )) time. This improves upon the best known classical algorithm [CGLLTW, STOC'20, arXiv:1910.06151], which requires O~(d22∄A∄F6/(Δ6∄A∄6))\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{22} \|A\|_{\mathrm{F}}^6 /(\varepsilon^6 \|A\|^6 ) ) time, and narrows the gap with QSVT, which, after linear-time pre-processing to load input into a quantum-accessible memory, can estimate the magnitude of an entry p(A)bp(A)b to Δ∄b∄\varepsilon\|b\| error in O~(d∄A∄F/(Δ∄A∄))\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(d\|A\|_{\mathrm{F}}/(\varepsilon \|A\|)) time. Our key insight is to combine the Clenshaw recurrence, an iterative method for computing matrix polynomials, with sketching techniques to simulate QSVT classically. We introduce several new classical techniques in this work, including (a) a non-oblivious matrix sketch for approximately preserving bi-linear forms, (b) a new stability analysis for the Clenshaw recurrence, and (c) a new technique to bound arithmetic progressions of the coefficients appearing in the Chebyshev series expansion of bounded functions, each of which may be of independent interest.Comment: 62 pages, v3: fixed bug, runtime exponent now 11 instead of 9; v2: revised abstract to clarify result

    Robust Dequantization of the Quantum Singular value Transformation and Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Several quantum algorithms for linear algebra problems, and in particular quantum machine learning problems, have been "dequantized" in the past few years. These dequantization results typically hold when classical algorithms can access the data via length-squared sampling. In this work we investigate how robust these dequantization results are. We introduce the notion of approximate length-squared sampling, where classical algorithms are only able to sample from a distribution close to the ideal distribution in total variation distance. While quantum algorithms are natively robust against small perturbations, current techniques in dequantization are not. Our main technical contribution is showing how many techniques from randomized linear algebra can be adapted to work under this weaker assumption as well. We then use these techniques to show that the recent low-rank dequantization framework by Chia, Gily\'en, Li, Lin, Tang and Wang (JACM 2022) and the dequantization framework for sparse matrices by Gharibian and Le Gall (STOC 2022), which are both based on the Quantum Singular Value Transformation, can be generalized to the case of approximate length-squared sampling access to the input. We also apply these results to obtain a robust dequantization of many quantum machine learning algorithms, including quantum algorithms for recommendation systems, supervised clustering and low-rank matrix inversion.Comment: 55 page

    Quantum-Inspired Algorithms for Solving Low-Rank Linear Equation Systems with Logarithmic Dependence on the Dimension

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    We present two efficient classical analogues of the quantum matrix inversion algorithm [16] for low-rank matrices. Inspired by recent work of Tang [27], assuming length-square sampling access to input data, we implement the pseudoinverse of a low-rank matrix allowing us to sample from the solution to the problem Ax = b using fast sampling techniques. We construct implicit descriptions of the pseudo-inverse by finding approximate singular value decomposition of A via subsampling, then inverting the singular values. In principle, our approaches can also be used to apply any desired “smooth” function to the singular values. Since many quantum algorithms can be expressed as a singular value transformation problem [15], our results indicate that more low-rank quantum algorithms can be effectively “dequantised” into classical length-square sampling algorithms

    Dequantizing the Quantum Singular Value Transformation: Hardness and Applications to Quantum Chemistry and the Quantum PCP Conjecture

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    The Quantum Singular Value Transformation (QSVT) is a recent technique that gives a unified framework to describe most quantum algorithms discovered so far, and may lead to the development of novel quantum algorithms. In this paper we investigate the hardness of classically simulating the QSVT. A recent result by Chia, Gily\'en, Li, Lin, Tang and Wang (STOC 2020) showed that the QSVT can be efficiently "dequantized" for low-rank matrices, and discussed its implication to quantum machine learning. In this work, motivated by establishing the superiority of quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry and making progress on the quantum PCP conjecture, we focus on the other main class of matrices considered in applications of the QSVT, sparse matrices. We first show how to efficiently "dequantize", with arbitrarily small constant precision, the QSVT associated with a low-degree polynomial. We apply this technique to design classical algorithms that estimate, with constant precision, the singular values of a sparse matrix. We show in particular that a central computational problem considered by quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry (estimating the ground state energy of a local Hamiltonian when given, as an additional input, a state sufficiently close to the ground state) can be solved efficiently with constant precision on a classical computer. As a complementary result, we prove that with inverse-polynomial precision, the same problem becomes BQP-complete. This gives theoretical evidence for the superiority of quantum algorithms for chemistry, and strongly suggests that said superiority stems from the improved precision achievable in the quantum setting. We also discuss how this dequantization technique may help make progress on the central quantum PCP conjecture.Comment: 32 pages, accepted to STOC 2022; v2: minor corrections and revisions (especially in Section 4.2

    An improved quantum-inspired algorithm for linear regression

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    We give a classical algorithm for linear regression analogous to the quantum matrix inversion algorithm [Harrow, Hassidim, and Lloyd, Physical Review Letters'09] for low-rank matrices [Wossnig et al., Physical Review Letters'18], when the input matrix AA is stored in a data structure applicable for QRAM-based state preparation. Namely, given an A∈Cm×nA \in \mathbb{C}^{m\times n} with minimum singular value σ\sigma and which supports certain efficient ℓ2\ell_2-norm importance sampling queries, along with a b∈Cmb \in \mathbb{C}^m, we can output a description of an x∈Cnx \in \mathbb{C}^n such that ∄x−A+b∄≀Δ∄A+b∄\|x - A^+b\| \leq \varepsilon\|A^+b\| in O~(∄A∄F6∄A∄2σ8Δ4)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\Big(\frac{\|A\|_{\mathrm{F}}^6\|A\|^2}{\sigma^8\varepsilon^4}\Big) time, improving on previous "quantum-inspired" algorithms in this line of research by a factor of ∄A∄14σ14Δ2\frac{\|A\|^{14}}{\sigma^{14}\varepsilon^2} [Chia et al., STOC'20]. The algorithm is stochastic gradient descent, and the analysis bears similarities to those of optimization algorithms for regression in the usual setting [Gupta and Sidford, NeurIPS'18]. Unlike earlier works, this is a promising avenue that could lead to feasible implementations of classical regression in a quantum-inspired setting, for comparison against future quantum computers.Comment: 16 pages, bug fixe