75,264 research outputs found

    Design of a Remote Signal Processing Student Lab

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    [EN] We describe our experience of introducing digital signal processing (DSP) concepts via a software-defined radio project using a very inexpensive TV USB capture dongle. Through a series of weekly lab exercises, the students learned and applied DSP concepts to design a completely digital FM receiver. The proposed lab experience introduced concepts, such as sampling, IQ signal representation, sample rate conversion, filter design, filter delays, and more, all with an attractive learn-by-doing approach. The first offering of this course initially took place in Fall 2014 and has been successfully offered and repeated with growing success ever since. Our experience can serve as a proof of concept of the possibility of carrying out, in a massive open online course-like fashion, certain engineering labs that require inexpensive and readily available hardware components.This work was supported by the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja through the Research Institute for Innovation and Technology in Education.Albiol Colomer, A.; Corbi, A.; Burgos, D. (2017). Design of a Remote Signal Processing Student Lab. IEEE Access. 5:16068-16076. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2736165S1606816076

    A Real-Time GPP Software-Defined Radio Testbed for the Physical Layer of Wireless Standards

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    We present our contribution to the general-purpose-processor-(GPP)-based radio. We describe a baseband software-defined radio testbed for the physical layer of wireless LAN standards. All physical layer functions have been successfully mapped on a Pentium 4 processor that performs these functions in real time. The testbed consists of a transmitter PC with a DAC board and a receiver PC with an ADC board. In our project, we have implemented two different types of standards on this testbed, a continuous-phase-modulation-based standard, Bluetooth, and an OFDM-based standard, HiperLAN/2. However, our testbed can easily be extended to other standards, because the only limitation in our testbed is the maximal channel bandwidth of 20 MHz and of course the processing capabilities of the used PC. The transmitter functions require at most 714 M cycles per second and the receiver functions need 1225 M cycles per second on a Pentium 4 processor. In addition, baseband experiments have been carried out successfully

    Design and Validation of a Software Defined Radio Testbed for DVB-T Transmission

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    This paper describes the design and validation of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) testbed, which can be used for Digital Television transmission using the Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial (DVB-T) standard. In order to generate a DVB-T-compliant signal with low computational complexity, we design an SDR architecture that uses the C/C++ language and exploits multithreading and vectorized instructions. Then, we transmit the generated DVB-T signal in real time, using a common PC equipped with multicore central processing units (CPUs) and a commercially available SDR modem board. The proposed SDR architecture has been validated using fixed TV sets, and portable receivers. Our results show that the proposed SDR architecture for DVB-T transmission is a low-cost low-complexity solution that, in the worst case, only requires less than 22% of CPU load and less than 170 MB of memory usage, on a 3.0 GHz Core i7 processor. In addition, using the same SDR modem board, we design an off-line software receiver that also performs time synchronization and carrier frequency offset estimation and compensation

    Discrete-Time Mixing Receiver Architecture for RF-Sampling Software-Defined Radio

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    A discrete-time (DT) mixing architecture for RF-sampling receivers is presented. This architecture makes RF sampling more suitable for software-defined radio (SDR) as it achieves wideband quadrature demodulation and wideband harmonic rejection. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part, different downconversion techniques are classified and compared, leading to the definition of a DT mixing concept. The suitability of CT-mixing and RF-sampling receivers to SDR is also discussed. In the second part, we elaborate the DT-mixing architecture, which can be realized by de-multiplexing. Simulation shows a wideband 90° phase shift between I and Q outputs without systematic channel bandwidth limitation. Oversampling and harmonic rejection relaxes RF pre-filtering and reduces noise and interference folding. A proof-of-concept DT-mixing downconverter has been built in 65 nm CMOS, for 0.2 to 0.9 GHz RF band employing 8-times oversampling. It can reject 2nd to 6th harmonics by 40 dB typically and without systematic channel bandwidth limitation. Without an LNA, it achieves a gain of -0.5 to 2.5 dB, a DSB noise figure of 18 to 20 dB, an IIP3 = +10 dBm, and an IIP2 = +53 dBm, while consuming less than 19 mW including multiphase clock generation

    Advanced Algorithms for Satellite Communication Signal Processing

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    Dizertační práce je zaměřena na softwarově definované přijímače určené k úzkopásmové družicové komunikaci. Komunikační kanály družicových spojů zahrnujících komunikaci s hlubokým vesmírem jsou zatíženy vysokými úrovněmi šumu, typicky modelovaného AWGN, a silným Dopplerovým posuvem signálu způsobeným mimořádnou rychlostí pohybu objektu. Dizertační práce představuje možné postupy řešení výpočetně efektivní digitální downkonverze úzkopásmových signálů a systému odhadu kmitočtu nosné úzkopásmových signálů zatížených Dopplerovým posuvem v řádu násobků šířky pásma signálu. Popis navrhovaných algoritmů zahrnuje analytický postup jejich vývoje a tam, kde je to možné, i analytické hodnocení jejich chování. Algoritmy jsou modelovány v prostředí MATLAB Simulink a tyto modely jsou využity pro ověření vlastností simulacemi. Modely byly také využity k experimentálním testům na reálném signálu přijatém z družice PSAT v laboratoři experimentálních družic na ústavu radioelektroniky.The dissertation is focused on software defined receivers intended for narrowband satellite communication. The satellite communication channel including deep space communication suffers from a high level of noise, typically modeled by AWGN, and from a strong Doppler shift of a signal caused by the unprecedented speed of an object in motion. The dissertation shows possible approaches to the issues of computationally efficient digital downconversion of narrowband signals and the carrier frequency estimation of narrowband signals distorted by the Doppler shift in the order of multiples of the signal bandwidth. The description of the proposed algorithms includes an analytical approach of its development and, if possible, the analytical performance assessment. The algorithms are modeled in MATLAB Simulink and the models are used for validating the performance by the simulation. The models were also used for experimental tests on the real signal received from the PSAT satellite at the laboratory of experimental satellites at the department of radio electronics.

    An Analogue Front-End Test-Bed for Software Defined Radio

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    A Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a radio receiver and/or transmitter, whose characteristics can to a large extent be defined by software. Thus, an SDR can receive and/or transmit a wide variety of signals, supporting many different standards. In our research, we currently focus on a demonstrator that is able to receive both Bluetooth and HiperLAN/2. This helps us to identify problems associated with SDR, and will provide a test-bed for possible solutions to these problems. The two standards differ significantly in characteristics like frequency band, signal bandwidth and modulation type. Combining two different standards in one receiver appears to pose new design challenges. For example, in the wide frequency range that we want to receive, many strong signals\ud may exist. This leads to severe linearity requirements for wideband receivers. This paper describes some receiver architectures. One\ud design has been selected. This receiver has been built, and some measurement results are included