4 research outputs found

    Primal and Dual Combinatorial Dimensions

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    We give tight bounds on the relation between the primal and dual of various combinatorial dimensions, such as the pseudo-dimension and fat-shattering dimension, for multi-valued function classes. These dimensional notions play an important role in the area of learning theory. We first review some classical results that bound the dual dimension of a function class in terms of its primal, and after that give (almost) matching lower bounds. In particular, we give an appropriate generalization to multi-valued function classes of a well-known bound due to Assouad (1983), that relates the primal and dual VC-dimension of a binary function class.</p

    On Error and Compression Rates for Prototype Rules

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    We study the close interplay between error and compression in the non-parametric multiclass classification setting in terms of prototype learning rules. We focus in particular on a recently proposed compression-based learning rule termed OptiNet (Kontorovich, Sabato, and Urner 2016; Kontorovich, Sabato, and Weiss 2017; Hanneke et al. 2021). Beyond its computational merits, this rule has been recently shown to be universally consistent in any metric instance space that admits a universally consistent rule--the first learning algorithm known to enjoy this property. However, its error and compression rates have been left open. Here we derive such rates in the case where instances reside in Euclidean space under commonly posed smoothness and tail conditions on the data distribution. We first show that OptiNet achieves non-trivial compression rates while enjoying near minimax-optimal error rates. We then proceed to study a novel general compression scheme for further compressing prototype rules that locally adapts to the noise level without sacrificing accuracy. Applying it to OptiNet, we show that under a geometric margin condition, further gain in the compression rate is achieved. Experimental results comparing the performance of the various methods are presented