51,998 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Effect of Virtual Atmospheric Cues, Sales Promotions, and Situational Factors on Online Impulse Buying in Manado

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    The growth of e-commerce in Indonesia has increased significantly in recent years, while Indonesias shoppers tend to be more impulsive, and it includes shoppers in Manado. There are many factors that could possibly affect online impulse buying. Some of them are virtual atmospheric cues, sales promotions, and situational factors. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of virtual atmospheric cues, sales promotions, and situational factors on online impulse buying. This research collects primary data through questionnaires and uses Multiple Regression. Population observed is internet users in Manado who have ever bought products online with 60 respondents as the sample size. The result of this study shows that sales promotions and situational factors have significant positive effect on online impulse buying, while virtual atmospheric cues does not have that effect. To attract more consumers to buy impulsively, the recommendations for online shop owners are to keep offering sales promotions effectively, giving affordable price to increase purchasing power of consumer, and also maintaining the 24 hours services and easiness of accessing online shop to stimulate consumer to spend more time at the online shop. Keywords: impulse buying, virtual atmospheric cues, sales promotions, situational factor

    Consumer reaction and perception of the physical, visual presentation of Debenhams’ Discounting Prime Trading versus Sale Visual Merchandising Standards

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    This case study centers on the potential effects of a department store window display and its impact on sales in the bricks-and-mortar retail environment. As the “high street” battles with the internet, visual presentation is key to driving sales in the bricks-and-mortar environment. Prime trading and promotion of new season lines (e.g. spring/summer) and seasonal promotions (e.g. Christmas, Mother’s Day) are highly designed and pleasing aesthetically as they are calendar driven and financial targets are high. In the UK, sale (discounting) often has a much lower standard of presentation that is not aesthetically pleasing and that some consumers dislike (or even avoid) on account of the basic nature of the window (often a poster, fallen off the glass in front of a dressed window) and fragmented store merchandising. As existing literature on the subject tends to focus on the “best,” prime trading windows, this case study of Debenhams department store puts forward the argument that discount promotions are treated as “second best” visually and asks students to consider the risks of such a strategy and to suggest potential alternatives

    Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Volume Penjualan Tepung Terigu Kemasan Premium PT. XYZ

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    To be able to compete continuously in the market, PT. XYZ carries out promotions to increase sales volume of premium packaged flour products (CP Premium), including above the line and below the line promotion. This study aims to determine the effect of promotion on sales volume, analyze the effectiveness of the promotion, and provide recommendations referring to the results of the study. The research method used is descriptive quantitative and multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS software. The type of data is secondary data in the form of time series sales volume and monthly promotion costs for the period 2013-2015. The steps used in multiple regression analysis are 1) Coefficient of Determination; 2) F test and 3) t test, with a significance level of 10%. The results of this study are the promotion costs above the line and below the line, affect the sales volume of CP Premium, and have an effect of 20.9% on sales volume. The results of the t-test (partial) show that the effective promotion categories are Others ATL (ATL) & Marketing Tools (BTL). Companies should increase promotional activities in the Others ATL and Marketing Tools categories because they have a significant effect on sales volume, evaluate other promotional categories, including trying promotions through TV commercials outside of peak season, and adding variations to internet promotions. Keywords: sales volume, multiple regression analysis, promotion effect, above the line promotion, below the line promotio

    Role of Pop-Up Advertising and Sales Promotion on Customer Purchasing Decisions with Customer Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable

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    This research will contribute valuable insight into the role of pop-up advertising and sales promotions on customer purchasing decisions, with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. The population of this study is the Indonesian population who are able and accustomed to using the Internet. This research uses a probability sampling method. The research method used by researchers is simple random sampling, namely members of a certain population, namely some Indonesian citizens who can use the internet and are familiar with pop-up advertisements and sales promotions, will be used as samples. The results of the research show that pop-up advertising has a direct and positive effect on customer satisfaction, sales promotions have a direct and positive effect on customer satisfaction, and show that pop-up advertising does not have a direct and positive effect on customer purchasing decisions. Sales promotion initiatives have a direct and beneficial effect. in increasing the overall level of customer satisfaction

    Analisis Pengaruh Endorsement dan Paid Promote terhadap Penjualan Online Shop dengan Teori Permainan

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    Abstrak. Peningkatan jumlah pengguna internet memberikan inovasi terbaru dalam berbelanja yaitu online shop. Penjual dapat merepresentasikan insight penjualan dengan menggunakan strategi paid promote dan endorsement. Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh paid promote dan endorsement terhadap penjualan menggunakan teori permainan. Teori permainan adalah sebuah pendekatan matematis untuk merumuskan konflik dan persaingan yang melibatkan berbagai kepentingan serta memiliki keinginan untuk menang. Selanjutnya, digunakan analisis varians untuk menguji signifikansi pengaruh beberapa variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen. Adapun atribut yang digunakan adalah harga, kualitas konten dan influencer. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk strategi pemasaran terbaik paid promote agar mendapatkan keuntungan yang maksimal adalah strategi kualitas konten paid promote. Sedangkan untuk strategi pemasaran terbaik endorsement agar mendapatkan keuntungan yang maksimal adalah strategi kualitas konten endorsement. Selanjutnya hasil analisis varians menunjukkan bahwa paid promote dan endorsement berpengaruh nyata terhadap penjualan online shop.Kata Kunci: Teori Permainan, Analisis Permainan, Paid promote, Endorsement.Abstract. The growth of internet users gives the latest innovation in shopping, which is online shopping. Sellers can use paid promotions and endorsement strategies to represent the sales insights. This study examines the impact of paid promotions and endorsements on sales using game theory and variance analysis. Game theory is a mathematical approach to formulating conflict and competition that involves a variety of interests and has a desire to win. Then, variance analysis is used to test the significance of the influence some independent variables have on a dependent variable. The attributes used in this research are price, content quality, and influencer. The result for the best marketing strategies of paid promotion maximum profit is content quality of the paid promotions. Whereas, for the best marketing strategies for endorsement maximum profit is content quality of the endorsement. Then, the result of the variance analysis showed paid promotions and endorsements make a real difference to online store sales.Keywords: Game Theory, Variance Analysis, Paid Promote, Endorsement

    Information Technology as Tools of Public Relations Inform in Health Services

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    Internet usage in Indonesia has jumped from just 2 million in 2000 to 45 million in 2011. The use of communication technology has impacted on all aspects of life in Indonesia, including the marketing of medical services by public and private hospitals. This paper reports on a survey ofthree private hospitals in Surakarta, Indonesia, that have usedfive types of marketing communications including: advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations and direct marketing. One of direct marketing methods used is internet marketing with the development of hospital website. This paper describes ICT used by RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu in informing the public of its health services

    Building heritage brand equity through social media sales promotion: The role of Power Distance

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    This paper aims to look into the moderating effect of individual's cultural characteristics—Power Distance—on the relationship between the use of discounts and gifts and the formation of the brand equity of a heritage tourist site is assessed. The results of a quasi-experimental 2×2 factorial design among Internet users from two countries and using two different promotional stimuli showed: a positive effect of sales promotions on social media on the formation of brand equity of a heritage tourist site; a lesser effect of online price discounts than free gifts; the moderating role of Power Distance on the formation of brand equity.Andalusian Program for R&D, Grant/AwardNumber: P20-0102

    "The Best Price You'll Ever Get" The 2005 Employee Discount Pricing Promotions in the U.S. Automobile Industry

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    During the summer of 2005, the Big Three U.S. automobile manufacturers offered a customer promotion that allowed customers to buy new cars at the discounted price formerly offered only to employees. The initial months of the promotion were record sales months for each of the Big Three firms, suggesting that customers thought that the prices offered during the promotions were particularly attractive. In fact, such large rebates had been available before the employee discount promotion that many customers paid higher prices following the introduction of the promotions than they would have in the weeks just before. We hypothesize that the complex nature of auto prices, the fact that prices are negotiated rather than posted, and the fact that buyers do not participate frequently in the market leads customers to rely on "price cues" in evaluating how good current prices are. We argue that the employee discount pricing promotions were price cues, and that customers responded to the promotions as a signal that prices were discounted.

    Rural consumers' adoption of CRM in a developing country context

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    This paper illustrates how understanding consumer preferences through market research may enhance CRM adoption among the rural customers of a developing country like Bangladesh. It presents the case of Community Information Centre (CIC) established by Grameenphone, a company owned by Telenor, the Norwegian telecommunications company and Grameen Bank, the Nobel prize winning micro credit organisation in the rural settings of Bangladesh. The paper shows that CIC is an innovative way of building and maintaining customer relationships and technological interface with the financially constrained consumers in a poor developing economy like Bangladesh
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