88 research outputs found

    Security and risk analysis in the cloud with software defined networking architecture

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    Cloud computing has emerged as the actual trend in business information technology service models, since it provides processing that is both cost-effective and scalable. Enterprise networks are adopting software-defined networking (SDN) for network management flexibility and lower operating costs. Information technology (IT) services for enterprises tend to use both technologies. Yet, the effects of cloud computing and software defined networking on business network security are unclear. This study addresses this crucial issue. In a business network that uses both technologies, we start by looking at security, namely distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack defensive methods. SDN technology may help organizations protect against DDoS assaults provided the defensive architecture is structured appropriately. To mitigate DDoS attacks, we offer a highly configurable network monitoring and flexible control framework. We present a dataset shift-resistant graphic model-based attack detection system for the new architecture. The simulation findings demonstrate that our architecture can efficiently meet the security concerns of the new network paradigm and that our attack detection system can report numerous threats using real-world network data

    Network Threat Detection Using Machine/Deep Learning in SDN-Based Platforms: A Comprehensive Analysis of State-of-the-Art Solutions, Discussion, Challenges, and Future Research Direction

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    A revolution in network technology has been ushered in by software defined networking (SDN), which makes it possible to control the network from a central location and provides an overview of the network’s security. Despite this, SDN has a single point of failure that increases the risk of potential threats. Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) prevent intrusions into a network and preserve the network’s integrity, availability, and confidentiality. Much work has been done on NIDS but there are still improvements needed in reducing false alarms and increasing threat detection accuracy. Recently advanced approaches such as deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) have been implemented in SDN-based NIDS to overcome the security issues within a network. In the first part of this survey paper, we offer an introduction to the NIDS theory, as well as recent research that has been conducted on the topic. After that, we conduct a thorough analysis of the most recent ML- and DL-based NIDS approaches to ensure reliable identification of potential security risks. Finally, we focus on the opportunities and difficulties that lie ahead for future research on SDN-based ML and DL for NIDS.publishedVersio

    Enriched Model of Case Based Reasoning and Neutrosophic Intelligent System for DDoS Attack Defence in Software Defined Network based Cloud

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    Software Defined Networking in Cloud paradigm is most suitable for dynamic functionality and reduces the computation complexity. The routers and switches located at the network's boundaries are managed by software-defined netwrking (SDN) using open protocols and specialised open programmable interfaces. But the security threats often degrade the performance of SDN due to its constraints of resource usage. The most sensitive components which are vulnerable to DDoS attacks are controller and control plane bandwidth. The existing conventional classification algorithms lacks in detection of new or unknown traffic packets which are malicious and results in degradation of SDN performance in cloud resources. Hence, in this paper double filtering methodology is devised to detect both known and unknown pattern of malicious packets which affects the bandwidth of the control panel and the controller. The case-based reasoning is adapted for determining the known incoming traffic patterns before entering the SDN system. It classifies the packets are normal or abnormal based on the previous information gathered. The traffic patterns which is not matched from the previous patterns is treated as indeterministic packet and it is defined more precisely using the triplet representation of Neutrosophic intelligent system. The grade of belongingness, non-belongingness and indeterminacyis used as the main factors to detect the new pattern of attacking packets more effectively. From the experimental outcomes it is proved that DDoS attack detection in SDN based cloud environment is improved by adopting CBR-NIS compared to the existing classification model

    Encountering distributed denial of service attack utilizing federated software defined network

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    This research defines the distributed denial of service (DDoS) problem in software-defined-networks (SDN) environments. The proposes solution uses Software defined networks capabilities to reduce risk, introduces a collaborative, distributed defense mechanism rather than server-side filtration. Our proposed network detection and prevention agent (NDPA) algorithm negotiates the maximum amount of traffic allowed to be passed to server by reconfiguring network switches and routers to reduce the ports' throughput of the network devices by the specified limit ratio. When the passed traffic is back to normal, NDPA starts network recovery to normal throughput levels, increasing ports' throughput by adding back the limit ratio gradually each time cycle. The simulation results showed that the proposed algorithms successfully detected and prevented a DDoS attack from overwhelming the targeted server. The server was able to coordinate its operations with the SDN controllers through a communication mechanism created specifically for this purpose. The system was also able to determine when the attack was over and utilize traffic engineering to improve the quality of service (QoS). The solution was designed with a sophisticated way and high level of separation of duties between components so it would not be affected by the design aspect of the network architecture

    Intrusion Detection System against Denial of Service attack in Software-Defined Networking

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    Das exponentielle Wachstum der Online-Dienste und des über die Kommunikationsnetze übertragenen Datenvolumens macht es erforderlich, die Struktur traditioneller Netzwerke durch ein neues Paradigma zu ersetzen, das sich den aktuellen Anforderungen anpasst. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) ist hierfür eine fortschrittliche Netzwerkarchitektur, die darauf abzielt, das traditionelle Netzwerk in ein flexibleres Netzwerk umzuwandeln, das sich an die wachsenden Anforderungen anpasst. Im Gegensatz zum traditionellen Netzwerk ermöglicht SDN die Entkopplung von Steuer- und Datenebene, um Netzwerkressourcen effizient zu überwachen, zu konfigurieren und zu optimieren. Es verfügt über einen zentralisierten Controller mit einer globalen Netzwerksicht, der seine Ressourcen über programmierbare Schnittstellen verwaltet. Die zentrale Steuerung bringt jedoch neue Sicherheitsschwachstellen mit sich und fungiert als Single Point of Failure, den ein böswilliger Benutzer ausnutzen kann, um die normale Netzwerkfunktionalität zu stören. So startet der Angreifer einen massiven Datenverkehr, der als Distributed-Denial-of-Service Angriff (DDoSAngriff) von der SDN-Infrastrukturebene in Richtung des Controllers bekannt ist. Dieser DDoS-Angriff führt zu einer Sättigung der Steuerkanal-Bandbreite und belegt die Ressourcen des Controllers. Darüber hinaus erbt die SDN-Architektur einige Angriffsarten aus den traditionellen Netzwerken. Der Angreifer fälscht beispielweise die Pakete, um gutartig zu erscheinen, und zielt dann auf die traditionellen DDoS-Ziele wie Hosts, Server, Anwendungen und Router ab. In dieser Arbeit wird das Verhalten von böswilligen Benutzern untersucht. Anschließend wird ein Intrusion Detection System (IDS) zum Schutz der SDN-Umgebung vor DDoS-Angriffen vorgestellt. Das IDS berücksichtigt dabei drei Ansätze, um ausreichendes Feedback über den laufenden Verkehr durch die SDN-Architektur zu erhalten: die Informationen von einem externen Gerät, den OpenFlow-Kanal und die Flow-Tabelle. Daher besteht das vorgeschlagene IDS aus drei Komponenten. Das Inspector Device verhindert, dass böswillige Benutzer einen Sättigungsangriff auf den SDN-Controller starten. Die Komponente Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) verwendet eindimensionale neuronale Faltungsnetzwerke (1D-CNN), um den Verkehr des Controllers über den OpenFlow-Kanal zu analysieren. Die Komponente Deep Learning Algorithm(DLA) verwendet Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), um die vererbten DDoS-Angriffe zu erkennen. Sie unterstützt auch die Unterscheidung zwischen bösartigen und gutartigen Benutzern als neue Gegenmaßnahme. Am Ende dieser Arbeit werden alle vorgeschlagenen Komponenten mit dem Netzwerkemulator Mininet und der Programmiersprache Python modelliert, um ihre Machbarkeit zu testen. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen hierbei, dass das vorgeschlagene IDS im Vergleich zu mehreren Benchmarking- und State-of-the-Art-Vorschlägen überdurchschnittliche Leistungen erbringt.The exponential growth of online services and the data volume transferred over the communication networks raises the need to change the structure of traditional networks to a new paradigm that adapts to the development’s demands. Software- Defined Networking (SDN) is an advanced network architecture aiming to evolve and transform the traditional network into a more flexible network that responds to the new requirements. In contrast to the traditional network, SDN allows decoupling of the control and data planes functionalities to monitor, configure, and optimize network resources efficiently. It has a centralized controller with a global network view to manage its resources using programmable interfaces. The central control brings new security vulnerabilities and acts as a single point of failure, which the malicious user might exploit to disrupt the network functionality. Thus, the attacker launches massive traffic known as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack from the SDN infrastructure layer towards the controller. This DDoS attack leads to saturation of control channel bandwidth and destroys the controller resources. Furthermore, the SDN architecture inherits some attacks types from the traditional networks. Therefore, the attacker forges the packets to appear benign and then targets the traditional DDoS objectives such as hosts, servers, applications, routers. This work observes the behavior of malicious users. It then presents an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to safeguard the SDN environment against DDoS attacks. The IDS considers three approaches to obtain sufficient feedback about the ongoing traffic through the SDN architecture: the information from an external device, the OpenFlow channel, and the flow table. Therefore, the proposed IDS consists of three components; Inspector Device prevents the malicious users from launching the saturation attack towards the SDN controller. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Component employs the One- Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks (1D-CNN) to analyze the controller’s traffic through the OpenFlow Channel. The Deep Learning Algorithm (DLA) component employs Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) to detect the inherited DDoS attacks. The IDS also supports distinguishing between malicious and benign users as a new countermeasure. At the end of this work, the network emulator Mininet and the programming language python model all the proposed components to test their feasibility. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed IDS outperforms compared several benchmarking and state-of-the-art suggestions

    Evaluation of machine learning techniques for intrusion detection in software defined networking

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    Abstract. The widespread growth of the Internet paved the way for the need of a new network architecture which was filled by Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN separated the control and data planes to overcome the challenges that came along with the rapid growth and complexity of the network architecture. However, centralizing the new architecture also introduced new security challenges and created the demand for stronger security measures. The focus is on the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack which is a serious threat to the network system. There are several ways of detecting an attack and with the rapid growth of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence, the study evaluates several ML algorithms for detecting DDoS attacks on the system. Several factors have an effect on the performance of ML based IDS in SDN. Feature selection, training dataset, and implementation of the classifying models are some of the important factors. The balance between usage of resources and the performance of the implemented model is important. The model implemented in the thesis uses a dataset created from the traffic flow within the system and models being used are Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive-Bayes, Decision Tree and Logistic Regression. The accuracy of the models has been over 95% apart from Logistic Regression which has 90% accuracy. The ML based algorithm has been more accurate than the non-ML based algorithm. It learns from different features of the traffic flow to differentiate between normal traffic and attack traffic. Most of the previously implemented ML based IDS are based on public datasets. Using a dataset created from the flow of the experimental environment allows training of the model from a real-time dataset. However, the experiment only detects the traffic and does not take any action. However, these promising results can be used for further development of the model