553 research outputs found

    Polarimetric Measures in Biomass Change Prediction Using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 Data

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    The use of multiple synthetic aperture radar polarizations can improve biomass estimations compared to using a single polarization. In this study, we compared predictions of aboveground biomass change from ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 backscatter using linear regression based on (1) the cross-polarization channels, (2) the co- and cross-polarizations from fully polarimetric SAR, (3) Freeman-Durden polarimetric decomposition, and (4) the polarimetric radar vegetation index (RVI). Additionally, the impact of forest structure on the sensitivity of the polarimetric backscatter to AGB and AGB change was assessed. The biomass consisted of mainly coniferous trees at the hemi-boreal test site Remningstorp, located in southern Sweden. We found some improvements in the predictions when quad-polarized data (RMSE = 79.4 tons/ha) were used instead of solely cross-polarized data (RMSE = 84.9 tons/ha). However, when using Freeman-Durden decomposition, the prediction accuracy improved further (RMSE = 69.7 tons/ha), and the highest accuracy was obtained with the radar vegetation index (RMSE = 50.4 tons/ha). The corresponding R2 values ranged from 0.45 to 0.82. The bias was less than 1 t/ha for all models. An analysis of forest variables showed that the sensitivity to AGB was reduced for high values of basal-area-weighted mean height, basal area, and stem density when predicting absolute AGB, but the best change prediction model was sensitive to changes larger than the apparent saturation point for AGB state estimates. We conclude that by using fully polarimetric SAR images, forest biomass changes can be estimated more accurately compared to using single- or dual-polarization images. The results were improved the most (in terms of RMSE and R2) by using the Freeman-Durden decomposition model or the RVI, which captured especially the large changes better

    SMF-POLOPT: an adaptive multitemporal pol(DIn)SAR filtering and phase optimization algorithm for PSI applications

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Speckle noise and decorrelation can hamper the application and interpretation of PolSAR images. In this paper, a new adaptive multitemporal Pol(DIn)SAR filtering and phase optimization algorithm is proposed to address these limitations. This algorithm first categorizes and adaptively filters permanent scatterer (PS) and distributed scatterer (DS) pixels according to their polarimetric scattering mechanisms [i.e., the scattering-mechanism-based filtering (SMF)]. Then, two different polarimetric DInSAR (POLDInSAR) phase OPTimization methods are applied separately on the filtered PS and DS pixels (i.e., POLOPT). Finally, an inclusive pixel selection approach is used to identify high-quality pixels for ground deformation estimation. Thirty-one full-polarization Radarsat-2 SAR images over Barcelona (Spain) and 31 dual-polarization TerraSAR-X images over Murcia (Spain) have been used to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The PolSAR filtering results show that the speckle of PolSAR images has been well reduced with the preservation of details by the proposed SMF. The obtained ground deformation monitoring results have shown significant improvements, about ×7.2 (the full-polarization case) and ×3.8 (the dual-polarization case) with respect to the classical full-resolution single-pol amplitude dispersion method, on the valid pixels' densities. The excellent PolSAR filtering and ground deformation monitoring results achieved by the adaptive Pol(DIn)SAR filtering and phase optimization algorithm (i.e., the SMF-POLOPT) have validated the effectiveness of this proposed scheme.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Polarization Optimization for the Detection of Multiple Persistent Scatterers Using SAR Tomography

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    The detection of multiple interfering persistent scatterers (PSs) using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) tomography is an efficient tool for generating point clouds of urban areas. In this context, detection methods based upon the polarization information of SAR data are effective at increasing the number of PSs and producing high-density point clouds. This paper presents a comparative study on the effects of the polarization design of a radar antenna on further improving the probability of detecting persistent scatterers. For this purpose, we introduce an extension of the existing scattering property-based generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) with realistic dependence on the transmitted/received polarizations. The test is based upon polarization basis optimization by synthesizing all possible polarimetric responses of a given scatterer from its measurements on a linear orthonormal basis. Experiments on both simulated and real data show, by means of objective metrics (probability of detection, false alarm rate, and signal-to-noise ratio), that polarization waveform optimization can provide a significant performance gain in the detection of multiple scatterers compared to the existing full-polarization-based detection method. In particular, the increased density of detected PSs at the studied test sites demonstrates the main contribution of the proposed method

    Indoor experiments on polarimetric SAR interferometry

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    A coherence optimization method, which makes use of polarimetry to enhance the quality of SAR interferograms, has been experimentally tested under laboratory conditions in an anechoic chamber. By carefully selecting the polarization in both images, the resulting interferogram exhibits an improved coherence above the standard HH or VV channel. This higher coherence produces a lower phase variance, thus estimating the underlying topography more accurately. The potential improvement that this technique provides in the generation of digital elevation models (DEM) of non-vegetated natural surfaces has been observed for the first time on some artificial surfaces created with gravel. An experiment on a true outdoor DEM has not been accomplished yet, but the first laboratory results show that the height error for an almost planar surface can be drastically reduced within a wide range of baselines by using the optimization algorithm. This algorithm leads to three possible interferograms associated with statistically independent scattering mechanisms. The phase difference between those interferograms has been employed for extracting the height of vegetation samples. This retrieval technique has been tested on three different samples: maize, rice, and young fir trees. The inverted heights are compared with ground truth for different frequency bands. The estimates are quite variable with frequency, but their complete physical justification is still in progress. Finally, an alternative simplified scheme for the optimization is proposed. The new approach (called polarization subspace method) yields suboptimum results but is more intuitive and has been used for illustrating the working principle of the original optimization algorithm.Peer Reviewe

    Advanced signal processing solutions for ATR and spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems

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    Previously held under moratorium from 11 September 2017 until 16 February 2022This Thesis presents advanced signal processing solutions for Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) operations and for spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems. Two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ATR algorithms are described for full- and single-polarimetric images, and tested on the GOTCHA and the MSTAR datasets. The first one exploits the Krogager polarimetric decomposition in order to enhance peculiar scattering mechanisms from manmade targets, used in combination with the pseudo-Zernike image moments. The second algorithm employs the Krawtchouk image moments, that, being discrete defined, provide better representations of targets’ details. The proposed image moments based framework can be extended to the availability of several images from multiple sensors through the implementation of a simple fusion rule. A model-based micro-Doppler algorithm is developed for the identification of helicopters. The approach relies on the proposed sparse representation of the signal scattered from the helicopter’s rotor and received by the radar. Such a sparse representation is obtained through the application of a greedy sparse recovery framework, with the goal of estimating the number, the length and the rotation speed of the blades, parameters that are peculiar for each helicopter’s model. The algorithm is extended to deal with the identification of multiple helicopters flying in formation that cannot be resolved in another domain. Moreover, a fusion rule is presented to integrate the results of the identification performed from several sensors in a distributed radar system. Tests performed both on simulated signals and on real signals acquired from a scale model of a helicopter, confirm the validity of the algorithm. Finally, a waveform design framework for joint radar-communication systems is presented. The waveform is composed by quasi-orthogonal chirp sub-carriers generated through the Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT), with the aim of preserving the radar performance of a typical Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) pulse while embedding data to be sent to a cooperative system. Techniques aimed at optimise the design parameters and mitigate the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) caused by the quasiorthogonality of the chirp sub-carriers are also described. The FrFT based waveform is extensively tested and compared with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and LFM waveforms, in order to assess both its radar and communication performance.This Thesis presents advanced signal processing solutions for Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) operations and for spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems. Two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ATR algorithms are described for full- and single-polarimetric images, and tested on the GOTCHA and the MSTAR datasets. The first one exploits the Krogager polarimetric decomposition in order to enhance peculiar scattering mechanisms from manmade targets, used in combination with the pseudo-Zernike image moments. The second algorithm employs the Krawtchouk image moments, that, being discrete defined, provide better representations of targets’ details. The proposed image moments based framework can be extended to the availability of several images from multiple sensors through the implementation of a simple fusion rule. A model-based micro-Doppler algorithm is developed for the identification of helicopters. The approach relies on the proposed sparse representation of the signal scattered from the helicopter’s rotor and received by the radar. Such a sparse representation is obtained through the application of a greedy sparse recovery framework, with the goal of estimating the number, the length and the rotation speed of the blades, parameters that are peculiar for each helicopter’s model. The algorithm is extended to deal with the identification of multiple helicopters flying in formation that cannot be resolved in another domain. Moreover, a fusion rule is presented to integrate the results of the identification performed from several sensors in a distributed radar system. Tests performed both on simulated signals and on real signals acquired from a scale model of a helicopter, confirm the validity of the algorithm. Finally, a waveform design framework for joint radar-communication systems is presented. The waveform is composed by quasi-orthogonal chirp sub-carriers generated through the Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT), with the aim of preserving the radar performance of a typical Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) pulse while embedding data to be sent to a cooperative system. Techniques aimed at optimise the design parameters and mitigate the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) caused by the quasiorthogonality of the chirp sub-carriers are also described. The FrFT based waveform is extensively tested and compared with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and LFM waveforms, in order to assess both its radar and communication performance

    A Tutorial on Speckle Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    Speckle is a granular disturbance, usually modeled as a multiplicative noise, that affects synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, as well as all coherent images. Over the last three decades, several methods have been proposed for the reduction of speckle, or despeckling, in SAR images. Goal of this paper is making a comprehensive review of despeckling methods since their birth, over thirty years ago, highlighting trends and changing approaches over years. The concept of fully developed speckle is explained. Drawbacks of homomorphic filtering are pointed out. Assets of multiresolution despeckling, as opposite to spatial-domain despeckling, are highlighted. Also advantages of undecimated, or stationary, wavelet transforms over decimated ones are discussed. Bayesian estimators and probability density function (pdf) models in both spatial and multiresolution domains are reviewed. Scale-space varying pdf models, as opposite to scale varying models, are promoted. Promising methods following non-Bayesian approaches, like nonlocal (NL) filtering and total variation (TV) regularization, are reviewed and compared to spatial- and wavelet-domain Bayesian filters. Both established and new trends for assessment of despeckling are presented. A few experiments on simulated data and real COSMO-SkyMed SAR images highlight, on one side the costperformance tradeoff of the different methods, on the other side the effectiveness of solutions purposely designed for SAR heterogeneity and not fully developed speckle. Eventually, upcoming methods based on new concepts of signal processing, like compressive sensing, are foreseen as a new generation of despeckling, after spatial-domain and multiresolution-domain method

    A Tower-Based Radar Study of Temporal Coherence of a Boreal Forest at P-, L-, and C-Bands and Linear Cross Polarization

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    Cross-polarized temporal coherence observations of a boreal forest, acquired using a tower-based radar, are presented in this article. Temporal coherence is analyzed with respect to frequency, temporal baseline, time of day of observation, season, meteorological variables, and biophysical variables. During the summer, P- and L-band temporal coherence exhibited diurnal cycles, which appeared to be due to high rates of transpiration and convective winds during the day. During the winter, freeze-thaw cycles and precipitation resulted in decorrelation. At temporal baselines of seconds to hours, a high temporal coherence was observed even at C-band. The best observation times of the day were midnight and dawn. Temporal coherence is the main limitation of accuracy in interferometric and tomographic forest applications. The observations from this experiment will allow for better spaceborne SAR mission designs for forest applications, better temporal decorrelation modeling, and more accurate forest parameter estimation algorithms using interferometric and tomographic SAR data
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