9 research outputs found


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    Using SMART criteria and Institutional Isomorphism perspective, this study intends to evaluate the Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia (BPK)’s audit recommendation follow-up at the Directorate General Z. Although the audit recommendation follow-up has been Directorate General Z’s Key Performance Indicator (KPI) since 2018, it still fails to complete all recommendations within the last five years. This study intends to identify factors causing the non-optimal completion of the follow-up of BPK's audit as the institution’s KPI. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study as well as content analysis and Miles and Huberman's model for analyzing the interview results. The results show that the KPI related to the follow-up on BPK recommendations have not fully met the SMART criteria, namely (1) Measurable; and (2) Achievable/Attainable criteria. Thus, this study suggests an adjustment to KPI is needed to ensure a full completion of audit recommendation follow up. Additionally, institution needs to account for factors that may influence KPI adjustment, namely the involvement of external parties, employee performance incentives, innovation, and society’s expectations

    Graph-based prediction of missing KPIs through optimization and random forests for KPI systems

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    Key performance indicators (KPIs) are widely used to monitor and control the production in industry. On an aggregated level, often represented as graphs or interrelated KPI systems, a comprehensive overview is given. However, missing or inaccurate sensor data and KPIs, as well inconsistencies in KPI based management are a major hurdle disturbing operations. To counter the impact of such missing KPIs, we propose a value optimization based approach to reconstruct the values of missing KPIs within a KPI system. While the approach shows successful reconstruction in the case study, the value optimization can be sped up through a random forest prediction of the initial optimization set. Thus, the inclusion of previous knowledge about the system behavior proves beneficial and superior to the pure optimization based approach, as validated by both randomized and simulation-based measurement data

    Enhancing a shipping company's safety through utilization of safety KPIs

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    All shipping companies are required to maintain the adaptation of the International Safety Management (ISM) which was introduced by the IMO in the late 1990s (IMO, 2019). The general aim of the ISM code is to provide an adequate level of operational safety for the maritime industry. Thus, the shipping companies are required to keep records of the Performance Indicators, including the KPIs, which can also be called the leading indicators for the accidents (OCIMF, 1997), as the leading indicators can be utilised to predict accidents before they happen. (Grabowski et al., 2007). The leading KPIs are beneficial for taking proactive mitigating measures and predicting potential accidents. In this way, the shipping companies will have a tool to measure their safety culture level by comparing their KPIs with the standardised shipping KPIs (Rialland et al., 2014). Therefore, shipping companies are required to identify which KPIs to record with the aim of trying to identify the areas that need improvement. Consequently, the organisations which keep a close eye on the KPIs will achieve continuous improvement of their safety culture. This paper presents a case study which includes screening and further analyses of the collected KPIs from a shipping company over the years and then compared to the KPIs listed by BIMCO (BIMCO, 2018), and are related to the environment, health and safety, navigational accidents, operation, and inspections. The presented results will cover the gaps identified by the collected KPIs from the company and the effectiveness of these KPIs, together with further discussions. The paper will propose general improvements to enhance the company’s safety culture even further, which are applicable to the whole industry

    Key performance indicators for turboelectric distributed propulsion

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    Purpose Recent advancements in electrified transportation have been necessitated by the need to reduce environmentally harmful emissions. Accordingly, several aviation organisations and governments have introduced stringent emission reduction targets for 2050. One of the most promising technologies proposed for achieving these targets is turboelectric distributed propulsion (TeDP). The objective of this study was to explore and identify key indicators for enhancing the applicability of TeDP in air transportation. Design/methodology/approach An enhancement valuation method was proposed to overcome the challenges associated with TeDP in terms of technological, economic and environmental impacts. The result indicators (RIs) were determined; the associated performance indicators (PIs) were analysed and the key RIs and PIs for TeDP were identified. Quantitative measurements were acquired from a simulated TeDP case study model to estimate the established key PIs. Findings It was determined that real-world TeDP efficiency could be enhanced by up to 8% by optimising the identified key PIs. Originality/value This study is the first to identify the key PIs of TeDP and to include a techno-economic environmental risk analysis (TERA) based on the identified key PIs. The findings could guide developers and researchers towards potential focus areas to realise the adoption of TeDP

    Introducing sustainability in supply chain: application to Hilti

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    La sostenibilitat de les nostres cadenes de subministrament que cada cop son més complexes i globals, és una preocupació important en la gestió estratègica d’aquestes. Tant a l'acadèmia com a la indústria, s'estan invertint molts recursos en el desenvolupament de mètodes que permetin avaluar la sostenibilitat d’una cadena de subministrament i els proveidors que la formen. Després d'una revisió bibliogràfica exhaustiva, una selecció qualitativa i quantitativa d'indicadors clau de rendiment, així com diverses entrevistes i qüestionaris a diferents experts en sostenibilitat i cadenes de subministrament tant acadèmics com de la indústria; aquesta tesi proposa un marc conceptual com a base per desenvolupar un model d’evaluació de la sostenibilitat de lq configuració de cadenes de subministrament. El model proposat permet avaluar numèricament, centrant-se en el proveïdor principal i les condicions aigües amunt i aigües avall, la sostenibilitat d'una configuració de subministrament i classificar-les en relació al resultat, de millor a pitjor. Els valors matemàtics assignats es calculen assignant pesos relatius als diferents aspectes de sostenibilitat dels proveïdors. Aquests pesos s'obtenen aplicant el Mètode de Jerarquia Analítica sobre criteris subjectius amb informació recopilada a través del mètode Delphi. El resultat es construeix com una eina simple i eficient, aprofitant la màxima precisió amb el mínim esforç tant per als gerents de subministrament com per als proveïdors per avaluar i administrar la informació requerida. Aquest model servirà per donar suport a les decisions de configuració del subministrament que permetran millorar l'exercici de sostenibilitat de les cadenes de subministrament.The sustainability of our evermore complex and global supply chains is an important concern in strategic supply chain management. In both academia and industry, important resources are invested into developing methods for evaluating supply chain sustainability. After a thorough literature review, a qualitative and quantitative selection of key performance indicators, as well as several interviews and questionnaires to different sustainability and supply experts of the industry; this thesis proposes a conceptual framework as a base to develop a supply chain sustainability evaluation model. The proposed model allows to evaluate, focusing on the main supplier and its upstream and downstream conditions, the sustainability of a supply set-up numerically and rank them accordingly. The assigned mathematical values are calculated upon assigning relative weights to the different supplier sustainability feedback. These weights are obtained by applying the Analytical Hierarchy Method on subjective criteria with information gathered via the Delphi method. The result is constructed as a simple but efficient tool, leveraging the maximum accuracy with minimum effort for both supply managers and suppliers to assess and manage the required information to support on supply set-up decisions which will enable improvement on the sustainability performance of supply chains

    Impacto da liderança no desempenho dos colaboradores: o compromisso organizacional como mecanismo de mediação

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    A liderança desempenha um papel importante em qualquer organização, porque além de contribuir para o seu sucesso, também influencia significativamente o compromisso dos colaboradores e, consequentemente, o seu desempenho profissional. Esta investigação recai sobre esta temática e pretende analisar o papel mediador do compromisso organizacional na relação existente entre a liderança e o desempenho individual dos colaboradores. A amostra é constituída por 303 indivíduos, com idades que oscilam entre os 20 e os 62 anos e cuja maioria pertence ao sexo feminino. Os dados foram recolhidos através do Organizational Commitment Questionnaire, do Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire e do Individual Work Performance Questionnaire. Os resultados demonstram que a liderança, o compromisso organizacional e o desempenho individual se encontram correlacionados. Verificou-se, ainda, que a liderança influencia o compromisso organizacional, que por sua vez, tem impacto no desempenho individual dos colaboradores, o que evidencia a existência de uma mediação parcial do compromisso organizacional, pois verifica-se que o mesmo tem um efeito indireto no desempenho individual dos participantes no estudo