54 research outputs found

    On Designing Lightweight RFID Security Protocols for Medical IoT

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    Recently, in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Fan et al. proposed a lightweight RFID protocol which has been suggested to be employed for protecting the Medical Privacy in an IoT system. However, the protocol has trivial flaws, as it is shown recently by Aghili et al., in Future Generation Computer Systems. Aghili et al. also proposed an improved version of the protocol, based on the similar designing paradigm, called SecLAP. Although the protocol\u27s designers claimed full security against all attacks, we show that the proposed protocol has serious security flaws, by presenting traceability and passive secret disclosure attacks against this protocol. More precisely, we present passive partial secret disclosure attack with the complexity of eavesdropping one session of the protocol and success probability of `1\u27. The disclosed parameters can be used to trace the tag/reader in any later session which compromises the tag/reader privacy. In addition, we present a passive full secret disclosure attack against SecLAP which can disclose 2n2n-bit secret key, nn-bit TIDTID and nn-bit RIDRID with the computational complexity of 27n727n^7. In addition, we show that, as it is expected, Fan et al.\u27s protocol has security flaws in random oracle model, where the adversary\u27s advantage after qq queries to distinguish the protocol from a random oracle is 12q1- 2^{-q} . We also evaluate the security of SecLAP in the random oracle model and show that it is as insecure as its predecessor

    State of the Art in Lightweight Symmetric Cryptography

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    Lightweight cryptography has been one of the ``hot topics'' in symmetric cryptography in the recent years. A huge number of lightweight algorithms have been published, standardized and/or used in commercial products. In this paper, we discuss the different implementation constraints that a ``lightweight'' algorithm is usually designed to satisfy. We also present an extensive survey of all lightweight symmetric primitives we are aware of. It covers designs from the academic community, from government agencies and proprietary algorithms which were reverse-engineered or leaked. Relevant national (\nist{}...) and international (\textsc{iso/iec}...) standards are listed. We then discuss some trends we identified in the design of lightweight algorithms, namely the designers' preference for \arx{}-based and bitsliced-S-Box-based designs and simple key schedules. Finally, we argue that lightweight cryptography is too large a field and that it should be split into two related but distinct areas: \emph{ultra-lightweight} and \emph{IoT} cryptography. The former deals only with the smallest of devices for which a lower security level may be justified by the very harsh design constraints. The latter corresponds to low-power embedded processors for which the \aes{} and modern hash function are costly but which have to provide a high level security due to their greater connectivity

    Security of Ubiquitous Computing Systems

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    The chapters in this open access book arise out of the EU Cost Action project Cryptacus, the objective of which was to improve and adapt existent cryptanalysis methodologies and tools to the ubiquitous computing framework. The cryptanalysis implemented lies along four axes: cryptographic models, cryptanalysis of building blocks, hardware and software security engineering, and security assessment of real-world systems. The authors are top-class researchers in security and cryptography, and the contributions are of value to researchers and practitioners in these domains. This book is open access under a CC BY license

    A New Strong Adversary Model for RFID Authentication Protocols

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems represent a key technology for ubiquitous computing and for the deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT). In RFID technology, authentication protocols are often necessary in order to confirm the identity of the parties involved (i.e. RFID readers, RFID tags and/or database servers). In this article, we analyze the security of a mutual authentication protocol proposed by Wang and Ma. Our security analysis clearly shows major security pitfalls in this protocol. Firstly, we show two approaches that an adversary may use to mislead an honest reader into thinking that it is communicating with a legitimate database. Secondly, we show how an adversary that has compromised some tags can impersonate an RFID reader to a legitimate database. Furthermore, we present a new adversary model, which pays heed on cases missed by previous proposals. In contrast to previous models where the communication between an RFID reader and a back-end server is through a secure channel, our model facilitates the security analysis of more general schemes where this communication channel (RFID reader-to-server) is insecure. This model determines whether the compromise of RFID tags has any impact on the security of the readerto-server communication or vice versa. In a secure protocol, the possible compromise of RFID tags should not affect the RFID reader-server communication. In this paper, we show that compromising of RFID tags in Wang and Ma protocol has a direct impact on the reader-server security. Finally, we propose a new authentication protocol that offers an adequate security level and is resistant against the mentioned security risks. The security proofs of the proposed protocol are supported with Gong-Needham-Yahalom (GNY) logic and Scyther tool, which are formal methods to evaluate the security of a cryptographic protocol

    Security of lightweight cryptographic algorithms

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    Η διπλωματική εργασία μελετά τους lightweight κρυπτογραφικούς αλγορίθμους, εστιάζοντας σε συγκεκριμένα χαρακτηριστικά ασφάλειας. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, θα αναλυθούν, θα αξιολογηθούν και θα ταξινομηθούν σε διάφορες κατηγορίες, όπως αν είναι block ή stream ciphers και αν είναι authenticated ή όχι, κάποιοι lightweight αλγόριθμοι. Αυτή η ταξινόμηση αφορά αλγόριθμους που βρίσκονται σε διαδικασία προτυποποίησης και συμμετέχουν στο διαγωνισμό του NIST (National Institution of Standards and Technology), Lightweight Crypto. Στη συνέχεια, θα δοθεί έμφαση στις Boolean Functions που χρησιμοποιούν αυτοί οι lightweight κρυπτογραφικοί αλγόριθμοι, με σκοπό να υπολογιστούν οι κρυπτογραφικές ιδιότητες των συναρτήσεων αυτών και να αξιολογηθεί η ανθεκτικότητα αυτών των αλγορίθμων ενάντια σε κρυπταναλυτικές επιθέσεις. Η ανάλυσή μας δείχνει πως δεν υπάρχει καμία Boolean function που να ικανοποιεί όλες τις κρυπτογραφικές ιδιότητες και έτσι απαιτείται περαιτέρω έρευνα για να διευκρινιστεί αν οι ευπάθειες αυτές των Boolean functions μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την διεξαγωγή κρυπταναλυτικής επίθεσης.This thesis studies the lightweight cryptographic algorithms, focusing on specific security features. In particular, many lightweight algorithms are being analyzed, evaluated and classified into several categories including but not limited to block/stream ciphers, either being authenticated or not. This categorization consists of algorithms that are in the progress of standardization, competing in the NIST (National Institution of Standards and Technology) Lightweight Crypto Standardization process. Next, emphasis will be given on the Boolean functions that these Lightweight cryptographic algorithms utilize, with the aim to calculate the cryptographic properties of such functions towards evaluating the resistance of these algorithms against several cryptanalytic attacks. Our analysis illustrates that there is no cryptographic Boolean function satisfying all the cryptographic properties and, thus, further research is needed in order to evaluate whether such vulnerabilities of underlying Boolean functions can actually be exploited in order to mount a cryptanalytic attac

    Security of Ubiquitous Computing Systems

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    The chapters in this open access book arise out of the EU Cost Action project Cryptacus, the objective of which was to improve and adapt existent cryptanalysis methodologies and tools to the ubiquitous computing framework. The cryptanalysis implemented lies along four axes: cryptographic models, cryptanalysis of building blocks, hardware and software security engineering, and security assessment of real-world systems. The authors are top-class researchers in security and cryptography, and the contributions are of value to researchers and practitioners in these domains. This book is open access under a CC BY license

    Lightweight cryptography on ultra-constrained RFID devices

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    Devices of extremely small computational power like RFID tags are used in practice to a rapidly growing extent, a trend commonly referred to as ubiquitous computing. Despite their severely constrained resources, the security burden which these devices have to carry is often enormous, as their fields of application range from everyday access control to human-implantable chips providing sensitive medical information about a person. Unfortunately, established cryptographic primitives such as AES are way to 'heavy' (e.g., in terms of circuit size or power consumption) to be used in corresponding RFID systems, calling for new solutions and thus initiating the research area of lightweight cryptography. In this thesis, we focus on the currently most restricted form of such devices and will refer to them as ultra-constrained RFIDs. To fill this notion with life and in order to create a profound basis for our subsequent cryptographic development, we start this work by providing a comprehensive summary of conditions that should be met by lightweight cryptographic schemes targeting ultra-constrained RFID devices. Building on these insights, we then turn towards the two main topics of this thesis: lightweight authentication and lightweight stream ciphers. To this end, we first provide a general introduction to the broad field of authentication and study existing (allegedly) lightweight approaches. Drawing on this, with the (n,k,L)^-protocol, we suggest our own lightweight authentication scheme and, on the basis of corresponding hardware implementations for FPGAs and ASICs, demonstrate its suitability for ultra-constrained RFIDs. Subsequently, we leave the path of searching for dedicated authentication protocols and turn towards stream cipher design, where we first revisit some prominent classical examples and, in particular, analyze their state initialization algorithms. Following this, we investigate the rather young area of small-state stream ciphers, which try to overcome the limit imposed by time-memory-data tradeoff (TMD-TO) attacks on the security of classical stream ciphers. Here, we present some new attacks, but also corresponding design ideas how to counter these. Paving the way for our own small-state stream cipher, we then propose and analyze the LIZARD-construction, which combines the explicit use of packet mode with a new type of state initialization algorithm. For corresponding keystream generator-based designs of inner state length n, we prove a tight (2n/3)-bound on the security against TMD-TO key recovery attacks. Building on these theoretical results, we finally present LIZARD, our new lightweight stream cipher for ultra-constrained RFIDs. Its hardware efficiency and security result from combining a Grain-like design with the LIZARD-construction. Most notably, besides lower area requirements, the estimated power consumption of LIZARD is also about 16 percent below that of Grain v1, making it particularly suitable for passive RFID tags, which obtain their energy exclusively through an electromagnetic field radiated by the reading device. The thesis is concluded by an extensive 'Future Research Directions' chapter, introducing various new ideas and thus showing that the search for lightweight cryptographic solutions is far from being completed

    LIZARD – A Lightweight Stream Cipher for Power-constrained Devices

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    Time-memory-data (TMD) tradeoff attacks limit the security level of many classical stream ciphers (like E0, A5/1, Trivium, Grain) to 1/2n, where n denotes the inner state length of the underlying keystream generator. In this paper, we present Lizard, a lightweight stream cipher for power-constrained devices like passive RFID tags. Its hardware efficiency results from combining a Grain-like design with the FP(1)-mode, a recently suggested construction principle for the state initialization of stream ciphers, which offers provable 2/3n-security against TMD tradeoff attacks aiming at key recovery. Lizard uses 120-bit keys, 64-bit IVs and has an inner state length of 121 bit. It is supposed to provide 80-bit security against key recovery attacks. Lizard allows to generate up to 218 keystream bits per key/IV pair, which would be sufficient for many existing communication scenarios like Bluetooth, WLAN or HTTPS