176 research outputs found

    Online Social Deception and Its Countermeasures for Trustworthy Cyberspace: A Survey

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    We are living in an era when online communication over social network services (SNSs) have become an indispensable part of people's everyday lives. As a consequence, online social deception (OSD) in SNSs has emerged as a serious threat in cyberspace, particularly for users vulnerable to such cyberattacks. Cyber attackers have exploited the sophisticated features of SNSs to carry out harmful OSD activities, such as financial fraud, privacy threat, or sexual/labor exploitation. Therefore, it is critical to understand OSD and develop effective countermeasures against OSD for building a trustworthy SNSs. In this paper, we conducted an extensive survey, covering (i) the multidisciplinary concepts of social deception; (ii) types of OSD attacks and their unique characteristics compared to other social network attacks and cybercrimes; (iii) comprehensive defense mechanisms embracing prevention, detection, and response (or mitigation) against OSD attacks along with their pros and cons; (iv) datasets/metrics used for validation and verification; and (v) legal and ethical concerns related to OSD research. Based on this survey, we provide insights into the effectiveness of countermeasures and the lessons from existing literature. We conclude this survey paper with an in-depth discussions on the limitations of the state-of-the-art and recommend future research directions in this area.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ACM Computing Survey

    Complexity of Government response to Covid-19 pandemic: A perspective of coupled dynamics on information heterogeneity and epidemic outbreak

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    This study aims at modeling the universal failure in preventing the outbreak of COVID-19 via real-world data from the perspective of complexity and network science. Through formalizing information heterogeneity and government intervention in the coupled dynamics of epidemic and infodemic spreading; first, we find that information heterogeneity and its induced variation in human responses significantly increase the complexity of the government intervention decision. The complexity results in a dilemma between the socially optimal intervention that is risky for the government and the privately optimal intervention that is safer for the government but harmful to the social welfare. Second, via counterfactual analysis against the COVID-19 crisis in Wuhan, 2020, we find that the intervention dilemma becomes even worse if the initial decision time and the decision horizon vary. In the short horizon, both socially and privately optimal interventions agree with each other and require blocking the spread of all COVID-19-related information, leading to a negligible infection ratio 30 days after the initial reporting time. However, if the time horizon is prolonged to 180 days, only the privately optimal intervention requires information blocking, which would induce a catastrophically higher infection ratio than that in the counter-factual world where the socially optimal intervention encourages early-stage information spread. These findings contribute to the literature by revealing the complexity incurred by the coupled infodemic-epidemic dynamics and information heterogeneity to the governmental intervention decision, which also sheds insight into the design of an effective early warning system against the epidemic crisis in the future.Comment: This version contains the full-resolution figures for the paper DOI: 10.1007/s11071-023-08427-

    Protecting infrastructure networks from disinformation

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    Massive amount of information shared on online platforms makes the verification of contents time-consuming. Concern arises when the misleading or false information, called "disinformation", is exposed to many online platform users who have potential to react on it. The spread of disinformation can cause malicious consequences such as damage to critical infrastructure networks such as electric power, gas, and water distribution networks. Imagine a fake electricity discount, shared by disinformation campaigns, is exposed to many users on Twitter encouraging them to shift their electricity usage to a specific peak hour. If the population of users who engage with the fake discount exceeds a threshold, a blackout can happen due to the overconsumption of electricity. Thus, users access and exposure to accurate information on time can reinforce the infrastructures which are backbone of well-being for societies and economic growth. In this dissertation, we propose solutions to protect infrastructure networks from disinformation campaigns. The solutions include: (i) an integrated epidemiological-optimization (EPO) model involving a mixed integer linear programming model (MIP) and SIR (Susceptible, Infected, Recovered) model to protect physical infrastructure networks by counter disinformation (accurate information) spread in information networks, (ii) a disinformation interdiction model to influence physical infrastructure commodity consumers with accurate information given the topology of social network, (ii) a robust mixed integer linear programming model to propose solutions superior to the original EPO model under uncertain spread of disinformation scenarios. We illustrate our proposed models with two different case studies: (i) a sub-network of the western US interconnection power grid located in Los Angeles County in California, and (ii) the New York City subway system

    Protection against Contagion in Complex Networks

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    In real-world complex networks, harmful spreads, commonly known as contagions, are common and can potentially lead to catastrophic events if uncontrolled. Some examples include pandemics, network attacks on crucial infrastructure systems, and the propagation of misinformation or radical ideas. Thus, it is critical to study the protective measures that inhibit or eliminate contagion in these networks. This is known as the network protection problem. The network protection problem investigates the most efficient graph manipulations (e.g., node and/or edge removal or addition) to protect a certain set of nodes known as critical nodes. There are two types of critical nodes: (1) predefined, based on their importance to the functionality of the network; (2) unknown, whose importance depends on their location in the network structure. For both of these groups and with no assumption on the contagion dynamics, I address three major shortcomings in the current network protection research: namely, scalability, imprecise evaluation metric, and assumption on global graph knowledge. First, to address the scalability issue, I show that local community information affects contagion paths through characteristic path length. The relationship between the two suggests that, instead of global network manipulations, we can disrupt the contagion paths by manipulating the local community of critical nodes. Next, I study network protection of predefined critical nodes against targeted contagion attacks with access to partial network information only. I propose the CoVerD protection algorithm that is fast and successfully increases the attacker’s effort for reaching the target nodes by 3 to 10 times compared to the next best-performing benchmark. Finally, I study the more sophisticated problem of protecting unknown critical nodes in the context of biological contagions, with partial and no knowledge of network structure. In the presence of partial network information, I show that strategies based on immediate neighborhood information give the best trade-off between performance and cost. In the presence of no network information, I propose a dynamic algorithm, ComMit, that works within a limited budget and enforces bursts of short-term restriction on small communities instead of long-term isolation of unaffected individuals. In comparison to baselines, ComMit reduces the peak of infection by 73% and shortens the duration of infection by 90%, even for persistent spreads


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学准教授 鳥海 不二夫, 東京大学教授 大橋 弘忠, 東京大学教授 和泉 潔, 東京大学教授 青山 和浩, 東京大学准教授 陳 昱University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Fake News: Finding Truth in Strategic Communication

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    Fake news is an old phenomenon that has become a new obsession and a menace to society due to technological advancement and the proliferation of social media, which has changed traditional journalism norms. As the spread of false information has increased these past few years, it has become increasingly difficult for information consumers to distinguish between facts and fakes. A comprehensive systematic literature review to extract themes revealed the major factors responsible for spreading fake news. This qualitative interpretative meta-synthesis (QIMS) aims to better understand and offer solutions to combat fake news. This Ph.D. dissertation will serve as a guide for ethical communication practice and a reference for future research studies