53 research outputs found

    Online Exploration of Polygons with Holes

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    We study online strategies for autonomous mobile robots with vision to explore unknown polygons with at most h holes. Our main contribution is an (h+c_0)!-competitive strategy for such polygons under the assumption that each hole is marked with a special color, where c_0 is a universal constant. The strategy is based on a new hybrid approach. Furthermore, we give a new lower bound construction for small h.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, submitted to WAOA 201

    An incremental algorithm for uncapacitated facility location problem

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    We study the incremental facility location problem, wherein we are given an instance of the uncapacitated facility location problem (UFLP) and seek an incremental sequence of opening facilities and an incremental sequence of serving customers along with their fixed assignments to facilities open in the partial sequence. We say that a sequence has a competitive ratio of k, if the cost of serving the first ℓ customers in the sequence is at most k times the optimal solution for serving any ℓ customers for all possible values of ℓ. We provide an incremental framework that computes a sequence with a competitive ratio of at most eight and a worst-case instance that provides a lower bound of three for any incremental sequence. We also present the results of our computational experiments carried out on a set of benchmark instances for the UFLP. The problem has applications in multistage network planning

    Online Algorithms for Multi-Level Aggregation

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    In the Multi-Level Aggregation Problem (MLAP), requests arrive at the nodes of an edge-weighted tree T, and have to be served eventually. A service is defined as a subtree X of T that contains its root. This subtree X serves all requests that are pending in the nodes of X, and the cost of this service is equal to the total weight of X. Each request also incurs waiting cost between its arrival and service times. The objective is to minimize the total waiting cost of all requests plus the total cost of all service subtrees. MLAP is a generalization of some well-studied optimization problems; for example, for trees of depth 1, MLAP is equivalent to the TCP Acknowledgment Problem, while for trees of depth 2, it is equivalent to the Joint Replenishment Problem. Aggregation problem for trees of arbitrary depth arise in multicasting, sensor networks, communication in organization hierarchies, and in supply-chain management. The instances of MLAP associated with these applications are naturally online, in the sense that aggregation decisions need to be made without information about future requests. Constant-competitive online algorithms are known for MLAP with one or two levels. However, it has been open whether there exist constant competitive online algorithms for trees of depth more than 2. Addressing this open problem, we give the first constant competitive online algorithm for networks of arbitrary (fixed) number of levels. The competitive ratio is O(D^4 2^D), where D is the depth of T. The algorithm works for arbitrary waiting cost functions, including the variant with deadlines. We also show several additional lower and upper bound results for some special cases of MLAP, including the Single-Phase variant and the case when the tree is a path

    Preemptively Guessing the Center

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    Online Algorithms for Multi-Level Aggregation

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    In the Multi-Level Aggregation Problem (MLAP), requests arrive at the nodes of an edge-weighted tree T, and have to be served eventually. A service is defined as a subtree X of T that contains its root. This subtree X serves all requests that are pending in the nodes of X, and the cost of this service is equal to the total weight of X. Each request also incurs waiting cost between its arrival and service times. The objective is to minimize the total waiting cost of all requests plus the total cost of all service subtrees. MLAP is a generalization of some well-studied optimization problems; for example, for trees of depth 1, MLAP is equivalent to the TCP Acknowledgment Problem, while for trees of depth 2, it is equivalent to the Joint Replenishment Problem. Aggregation problem for trees of arbitrary depth arise in multicasting, sensor networks, communication in organization hierarchies, and in supply-chain management. The instances of MLAP associated with these applications are naturally online, in the sense that aggregation decisions need to be made without information about future requests. Constant-competitive online algorithms are known for MLAP with one or two levels. However, it has been open whether there exist constant competitive online algorithms for trees of depth more than 2. Addressing this open problem, we give the first constant competitive online algorithm for networks of arbitrary (fixed) number of levels. The competitive ratio is O(D^4*2^D), where D is the depth of T. The algorithm works for arbitrary waiting cost functions, including the variant with deadlines. We include several additional results in the paper. We show that a standard lower-bound technique for MLAP, based on so-called Single-Phase instances, cannot give super-constant lower bounds (as a function of the tree depth). This result is established by giving an online algorithm with optimal competitive ratio 4 for such instances on arbitrary trees. We also study the MLAP variant when the tree is a path, for which we give a lower bound of 4 on the competitive ratio, improving the lower bound known for general MLAP. We complement this with a matching upper bound for the deadline setting

    Search Problems in Trees with Symmetries: Near Optimal Traversal Strategies for Individualization-Refinement Algorithms

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    We define a search problem on trees that closely captures the backtracking behavior of all current practical graph isomorphism algorithms. Given two trees with colored leaves, the goal is to find two leaves of matching color, one in each of the trees. The trees are subject to an invariance property which promises that for every pair of leaves of equal color there must be a symmetry (or an isomorphism) that maps one leaf to the other. We describe a randomized algorithm with errors for which the number of visited nodes is quasilinear in the square root of the size of the smaller of the two trees. For inputs of bounded degree, we develop a Las Vegas algorithm with a similar running time. We prove that these results are optimal up to logarithmic factors. For this, we show a lower bound for randomized algorithms on inputs of bounded degree that is the square root of the tree sizes. For inputs of unbounded degree, we show a linear lower bound for Las Vegas algorithms. For deterministic algorithms we can prove a linear bound even for inputs of bounded degree. This shows why randomized algorithms outperform deterministic ones. Our results explain why the randomized "breadth-first with intermixed experimental path" search strategy of the isomorphism tool Traces (Piperno 2008) is often superior to the depth-first search strategy of other tools such as nauty (McKay 1977) or bliss (Junttila, Kaski 2007). However, our algorithm also provides a new traversal strategy, which is theoretically near optimal and which has better worst case behavior than traversal strategies that have previously been used

    New results on multi-level aggregation

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    International audienceIn the Multi-Level Aggregation Problem (MLAP ), requests for service arrive at the nodes of an edge-weighted rooted tree . Each service is represented by a subtree X of that contains its root. This subtree X serves all requests that are pending in the nodes of X, and the cost of this service is equal to the total weight of X. Each request also incurs a waiting cost between its arrival and service time. The objective is to minimize the total waiting cost of all requests plus the total cost of all service subtrees. The currently best online algorithms for the MLAP achieve competitive ratios polynomial in the tree depth, while the best lower bound is only 3.618. In this paper, we report some progress towards closing this gap, by improving this lower bound and providing several tight bounds for restricted variants of MLAP: (1) We first study a Single-Phase variant of MLAP where all requests are released at the beginning and expire at some unknown time θ, for which we provide an online algorithm with optimal competitive ratio of 4. (2) We prove a lower bound of 4 on the competitive ratio for MLAP, even when the tree is a path. We complement this with a matching upper bound for the deadline variant of MLAP on paths. Additionally, we provide two results for the offline case: (3) We prove that the Single-Phase variant can be solved optimally in polynomial time, and (4) we give a simple 2-approximation algorithm for offline MLAP with deadlines