6 research outputs found

    Combined AI Capabilities for Enhancing Maritime Safety in a Common Information Sharing Environment

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    The complexity of maritime traffic operations indicates an unprecedented necessity for joint introduction and exploitation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, that take advantage of the vast amount of vessels’ data, offered by disparate surveillance systems to face challenges at sea. This paper reviews the recent Big Data and AI technology implementations for enhancing the maritime safety level in the common information sharing environment (CISE) of the maritime agencies, including vessel behavior and anomaly monitoring, and ship collision risk assessment. Specifically, the trajectory fusion implemented with InSyTo module for soft information fusion and management toolbox, and the Early Notification module for Vessel Collision are presented within EFFECTOR Project. The focus is to elaborate technical architecture features of these modules and combined AI capabilities for achieving the desired interoperability and complementarity between maritime systems, aiming to provide better decision support and proper information to be distributed among CISE maritime safety stakeholders

    Vessel Tracking System Based LoRa SX1278

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    This research presents a vessel tracking system that provides real-time coordinate and speed information. The idea behind the development of this system originated from Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology, which functions as a vessel monitoring system in maritime areas. The system aims to improve navigation safety, monitor vessel traffic, and maritime security. In Indonesia, AIS is regulated by the Ministry of Transportation. However, this technology has not yet been implemented in river waters. In addition, AIS is a complex and expensive system. In this research, geographic location detection information in the form of a vessel tracking system is obtained using the UBlox Neo-6M GPS module based on LoRa technology. The LoRa mechanism periodically sends location data and vessel speed from the node to the gateway. The data is then sent to the ThingSpeak server using the MQTT protocol. On the server, the data can be accessed for further analysis. The developed system shows that the research can be realized and the system functions properly through a series of experimental tests. While in the in situ test, the system displayed good performance on LoRa SF 7 configuration with a signal strength of -118 dBm within the communication range of 1000 meters. This result can be improved by considering the MAPL value of -138 dBm

    Vessel Tracking System Based LoRa SX1278

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    This research presents a vessel tracking system that provides real-time coordinate and speed information. The idea behind the development of this system originated from Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology, which functions as a vessel monitoring system in maritime areas. The system aims to improve navigation safety, monitor vessel traffic, and maritime security. In Indonesia, AIS is regulated by the Ministry of Transportation. However, this technology has not yet been implemented in river waters. In addition, AIS is a complex and expensive system. In this research, geographic location detection information in the form of a vessel tracking system is obtained using the UBlox Neo-6M GPS module based on LoRa technology. The LoRa mechanism periodically sends location data and vessel speed from the node to the gateway. The data is then sent to the ThingSpeak server using the MQTT protocol. On the server, the data can be accessed for further analysis. The developed system shows that the research can be realized and the system functions properly through a series of experimental tests. While in the in situ test, the system displayed good performance on LoRa SF 7 configuration with a signal strength of -118 dBm within the communication range of 1000 meters. This result can be improved by considering the MAPL value of -138 dBm

    Pathways to spatial cognition : a multi-domain approach SpatialTrain I

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    “Opening a window into the future is not an easy task. Attempting to open one in a generation after the initial launching step might seemed either idealistic, naïve or with hindsight plain driven” (Formosa, 2017, p35). The drive to introduce Spatial Information integration across the Maltese Islands was an ideal, one that brought in technology, methodologies and results. However, as in the classic GIS evolution through the decades pointers on what constitutes a spatial information system were the subject of extensive debate Initially this was driven by the Push – Pull factor where entities using the primitive systems were being pushed by the availability of a mapping system and provision of base maps and hence creating data to fit the system. Initiated in the 1960s through military use, porting the processes to the physical and urban domains in the 1980s and 1990s, further takeup was made in the environmental domains in the 1990s to 2000s and eventually to the social domain in the 2000 to 2010s. Jumping through the decades, the global explosion of GIS and Spatial awareness as well as software, methods and integrative constructs morphed GIS into an availability that made it all possible, particularly through online and web-enabled GIS. This Pull – Push factor caused entities and private organisations to finally break through by creating their own data and then going for the mapping systems that fit their needs, systems that have evolved beyond recognition, both in the proprietary and open-source/open-access arenas. [Excerpt from the Introduction by Prof. Saviour Formosa]peer-reviewe

    SAR and AIS Fusion for Maritime Surveillance

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    This paper presents a novel approach to fuse Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images and Automatic Identification System (AIS) data for maritime surveillance. The procedure consists of four steps. First, ship detection is performed in the SAR image using a Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) algorithm; then feature extraction (ship position, heading and size) is performed on ships detected in the SAR image, the third step consists in identifying the detected ships and extracting the same features from the AIS data. The final step is to feed the fusion block with both features vectors extracted separately from the SAR and AIS. Here the arithmetic mean function is established. The algorithm is tested using simulated SAR images and AIS data. Preliminary results of the fusion of SAR and AIS data are presented and discussed

    SAR and AIS Fusion for Maritime Surveillance

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    This paper presents a novel approach to fuse Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images and Automatic Identification System (AIS) data for maritime surveillance. The procedure consists of four steps. First, ship detection is performed in the SAR image using a Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) algorithm; then feature extraction (ship position, heading and size) is performed on ships detected in the SAR image, the third step consists in identifying the detected ships and extracting the same features from the AIS data. The final step is to feed the fusion block with both features vectors extracted separately from the SAR and AIS. Here the arithmetic mean function is established. The algorithm is tested using simulated SAR images and AIS data. Preliminary results of the fusion of SAR and AIS data are presented and discussed