193 research outputs found

    Curvelet Approach for SAR Image Denoising, Structure Enhancement, and Change Detection

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    In this paper we present an alternative method for SAR image denoising, structure enhancement, and change detection based on the curvelet transform. Curvelets can be denoted as a two dimensional further development of the well-known wavelets. The original image is decomposed into linear ridge-like structures, that appear in different scales (longer or shorter structures), directions (orientation of the structure) and locations. The influence of these single components on the original image is weighted by the corresponding coefficients. By means of these coefficients one has direct access to the linear structures present in the image. To suppress noise in a given SAR image weak structures indicated by low coefficients can be suppressed by setting the corresponding coefficients to zero. To enhance structures only coefficients in the scale of interest are preserved and all others are set to zero. Two same-sized images assumed even a change detection can be done in the curvelet coefficient domain. The curvelet coefficients of both images are differentiated and manipulated in order to enhance strong and to suppress small scale (pixel-wise) changes. After the inverse curvelet transform the resulting image contains only those structures, that have been chosen via the coefficient manipulation. Our approach is applied to TerraSAR-X High Resolution Spotlight images of the city of Munich. The curvelet transform turns out to be a powerful tool for image enhancement in fine-structured areas, whereas it fails in originally homogeneous areas like grassland. In the change detection context this method is very sensitive towards changes in structures instead of single pixel or large area changes. Therefore, for purely urban structures or construction sites this method provides excellent and robust results. While this approach runs without any interaction of an operator, the interpretation of the detected changes requires still much knowledge about the underlying objects

    Multiplicative Noise Removal Using L1 Fidelity on Frame Coefficients

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    We address the denoising of images contaminated with multiplicative noise, e.g. speckle noise. Classical ways to solve such problems are filtering, statistical (Bayesian) methods, variational methods, and methods that convert the multiplicative noise into additive noise (using a logarithmic function), shrinkage of the coefficients of the log-image data in a wavelet basis or in a frame, and transform back the result using an exponential function. We propose a method composed of several stages: we use the log-image data and apply a reasonable under-optimal hard-thresholding on its curvelet transform; then we apply a variational method where we minimize a specialized criterion composed of an ℓ1\ell^1 data-fitting to the thresholded coefficients and a Total Variation regularization (TV) term in the image domain; the restored image is an exponential of the obtained minimizer, weighted in a way that the mean of the original image is preserved. Our restored images combine the advantages of shrinkage and variational methods and avoid their main drawbacks. For the minimization stage, we propose a properly adapted fast minimization scheme based on Douglas-Rachford splitting. The existence of a minimizer of our specialized criterion being proven, we demonstrate the convergence of the minimization scheme. The obtained numerical results outperform the main alternative methods

    Unsupervised multi-scale change detection from SAR imagery for monitoring natural and anthropogenic disasters

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2017Radar remote sensing can play a critical role in operational monitoring of natural and anthropogenic disasters. Despite its all-weather capabilities, and its high performance in mapping, and monitoring of change, the application of radar remote sensing in operational monitoring activities has been limited. This has largely been due to: (1) the historically high costs associated with obtaining radar data; (2) slow data processing, and delivery procedures; and (3) the limited temporal sampling that was provided by spaceborne radar-based satellites. Recent advances in the capabilities of spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors have developed an environment that now allows for SAR to make significant contributions to disaster monitoring. New SAR processing strategies that can take full advantage of these new sensor capabilities are currently being developed. Hence, with this PhD dissertation, I aim to: (i) investigate unsupervised change detection techniques that can reliably extract signatures from time series of SAR images, and provide the necessary flexibility for application to a variety of natural, and anthropogenic hazard situations; (ii) investigate effective methods to reduce the effects of speckle and other noise on change detection performance; (iii) automate change detection algorithms using probabilistic Bayesian inferencing; and (iv) ensure that the developed technology is applicable to current, and future SAR sensors to maximize temporal sampling of a hazardous event. This is achieved by developing new algorithms that rely on image amplitude information only, the sole image parameter that is available for every single SAR acquisition. The motivation and implementation of the change detection concept are described in detail in Chapter 3. In the same chapter, I demonstrated the technique's performance using synthetic data as well as a real-data application to map wildfire progression. I applied Radiometric Terrain Correction (RTC) to the data to increase the sampling frequency, while the developed multiscaledriven approach reliably identified changes embedded in largely stationary background scenes. With this technique, I was able to identify the extent of burn scars with high accuracy. I further applied the application of the change detection technology to oil spill mapping. The analysis highlights that the approach described in Chapter 3 can be applied to this drastically different change detection problem with only little modification. While the core of the change detection technique remained unchanged, I made modifications to the pre-processing step to enable change detection from scenes of continuously varying background. I introduced the Lipschitz regularity (LR) transformation as a technique to normalize the typically dynamic ocean surface, facilitating high performance oil spill detection independent of environmental conditions during image acquisition. For instance, I showed that LR processing reduces the sensitivity of change detection performance to variations in surface winds, which is a known limitation in oil spill detection from SAR. Finally, I applied the change detection technique to aufeis flood mapping along the Sagavanirktok River. Due to the complex nature of aufeis flooded areas, I substituted the resolution-preserving speckle filter used in Chapter 3 with curvelet filters. In addition to validating the performance of the change detection results, I also provide evidence of the wealth of information that can be extracted about aufeis flooding events once a time series of change detection information was extracted from SAR imagery. A summary of the developed change detection techniques is conducted and suggested future work is presented in Chapter 6

    Effective denoising and classification of hyperspectral images using curvelet transform and singular spectrum analysis

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) classification has become a popular research topic in recent years, and effective feature extraction is an important step before the classification task. Traditionally, spectral feature extraction techniques are applied to the HSI data cube directly. This paper presents a novel algorithm for HSI feature extraction by exploiting the curvelet transformed domain via a relatively new spectral feature processing technique – singular spectrum analysis (SSA). Although the wavelet transform has been widely applied for HSI data analysis, the curvelet transform is employed in this paper since it is able to separate image geometric details and background noise effectively. Using the support vector machine (SVM) classifier, experimental results have shown that features extracted by SSA on curvelet coefficients have better performance in terms of classification accuracies over features extracted on wavelet coefficients. Since the proposed approach mainly relies on SSA for feature extraction on the spectral dimension, it actually belongs to the spectral feature extraction category. Therefore, the proposed method has also been compared with some state-of-the-art spectral feature extraction techniques to show its efficacy. In addition, it has been proven that the proposed method is able to remove the undesirable artefacts introduced during the data acquisition process as well. By adding an extra spatial post-processing step to the classified map achieved using the proposed approach, we have shown that the classification performance is comparable with several recent spectral-spatial classification methods

    Curvelets and Ridgelets

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    International audienceDespite the fact that wavelets have had a wide impact in image processing, they fail to efficiently represent objects with highly anisotropic elements such as lines or curvilinear structures (e.g. edges). The reason is that wavelets are non-geometrical and do not exploit the regularity of the edge curve. The Ridgelet and the Curvelet [3, 4] transforms were developed as an answer to the weakness of the separable wavelet transform in sparsely representing what appears to be simple building atoms in an image, that is lines, curves and edges. Curvelets and ridgelets take the form of basis elements which exhibit high directional sensitivity and are highly anisotropic [5, 6, 7, 8]. These very recent geometric image representations are built upon ideas of multiscale analysis and geometry. They have had an important success in a wide range of image processing applications including denoising [8, 9, 10], deconvolution [11, 12], contrast enhancement [13], texture analysis [14, 15], detection [16], watermarking [17], component separation [18], inpainting [19, 20] or blind source separation[21, 22]. Curvelets have also proven useful in diverse fields beyond the traditional image processing application. Let’s cite for example seismic imaging [10, 23, 24], astronomical imaging [25, 26, 27], scientific computing and analysis of partial differential equations [28, 29]. Another reason for the success of ridgelets and curvelets is the availability of fast transform algorithms which are available in non-commercial software packages following the philosophy of reproducible research, see [30, 31]

    Learning a Dilated Residual Network for SAR Image Despeckling

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    In this paper, to break the limit of the traditional linear models for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image despeckling, we propose a novel deep learning approach by learning a non-linear end-to-end mapping between the noisy and clean SAR images with a dilated residual network (SAR-DRN). SAR-DRN is based on dilated convolutions, which can both enlarge the receptive field and maintain the filter size and layer depth with a lightweight structure. In addition, skip connections and residual learning strategy are added to the despeckling model to maintain the image details and reduce the vanishing gradient problem. Compared with the traditional despeckling methods, the proposed method shows superior performance over the state-of-the-art methods on both quantitative and visual assessments, especially for strong speckle noise.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 7 table

    Automatic Side-Scan Sonar Image Enhancement in Curvelet Transform Domain

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    We propose a novel automatic side-scan sonar image enhancement algorithm based on curvelet transform. The proposed algorithm uses the curvelet transform to construct a multichannel enhancement structure based on human visual system (HVS) and adopts a new adaptive nonlinear mapping scheme to modify the curvelet transform coefficients in each channel independently and automatically. Firstly, the noisy and low-contrast sonar image is decomposed into a low frequency channel and a series of high frequency channels by using curvelet transform. Secondly, a new nonlinear mapping scheme, which coincides with the logarithmic nonlinear enhancement characteristic of the HVS perception, is designed without any parameter tuning to adjust the curvelet transform coefficients in each channel. Finally, the enhanced image can be reconstructed with the modified coefficients via inverse curvelet transform. The enhancement is achieved by amplifying subtle features, improving contrast, and eliminating noise simultaneously. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm produces better enhanced results than state-of-the-art algorithms

    Bounded PCA based Multi Sensor Image Fusion Employing Curvelet Transform Coefficients

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    The fusion of thermal and visible images acts as an important device for target detection. The quality of the spectral content of the fused image improves with wavelet-based image fusion. However, compared to PCA-based fusion, most wavelet-based methods provide results with a lower spatial resolution. The outcome gets better when the two approaches are combined, but they may still be refined. Compared to wavelets, the curvelet transforms more accurately depict the edges in the image. Enhancing the edges is a smart way to improve spatial resolution and the edges are crucial for interpreting the images. The fusion technique that utilizes curvelets enables the provision of additional data in both spectral and spatial areas concurrently. In this paper, we employ an amalgamation of Curvelet Transform and a Bounded PCA (CTBPCA) method to fuse thermal and visible images. To evidence the enhanced efficiency of our proposed technique, multiple evaluation metrics and comparisons with existing image merging methods are employed. Our approach outperforms others in both qualitative and quantitative analysis, except for runtime performance. Future Enhancement-The study will be based on using the fused image for target recognition. Future work should also focus on this method’s continued improvement and optimization for real-time video processing
