5 research outputs found

    Semantic Modeling of Analytic-based Relationships with Direct Qualification

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    Successfully modeling state and analytics-based semantic relationships of documents enhances representation, importance, relevancy, provenience, and priority of the document. These attributes are the core elements that form the machine-based knowledge representation for documents. However, modeling document relationships that can change over time can be inelegant, limited, complex or overly burdensome for semantic technologies. In this paper, we present Direct Qualification (DQ), an approach for modeling any semantically referenced document, concept, or named graph with results from associated applied analytics. The proposed approach supplements the traditional subject-object relationships by providing a third leg to the relationship; the qualification of how and why the relationship exists. To illustrate, we show a prototype of an event-based system with a realistic use case for applying DQ to relevancy analytics of PageRank and Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS).Comment: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC 2015

    The Semantic Automated Discovery and Integration (SADI) Web service Design-Pattern, API and Reference Implementation

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The complexity and inter-related nature of biological data poses a difficult challenge for data and tool integration. There has been a proliferation of interoperability standards and projects over the past decade, none of which has been widely adopted by the bioinformatics community. Recent attempts have focused on the use of semantics to assist integration, and Semantic Web technologies are being welcomed by this community.

SADI – Semantic Automated Discovery and Integration – is a lightweight set of fully standards-compliant Semantic Web service design patterns that simplify the publication of services of the type commonly found in bioinformatics and other scientific domains. Using Semantic Web technologies at every level of the Web services “stack”, SADI services consume and produce instances of OWL Classes following a small number of very straightforward best-practices. In addition, we provide codebases that support these best-practices, and plug-in tools to popular developer and client software that dramatically simplify deployment of services by providers, and the discovery and utilization of those services by their consumers.

SADI Services are fully compliant with, and utilize only foundational Web standards; are simple to create and maintain for service providers; and can be discovered and utilized in a very intuitive way by biologist end-users. In addition, the SADI design patterns significantly improve the ability of software to automatically discover appropriate services based on user-needs, and automatically chain these into complex analytical workflows. We show that, when resources are exposed through SADI, data compliant with a given ontological model can be automatically gathered, or generated, from these distributed, non-coordinating resources - a behavior we have not observed in any other Semantic system. Finally, we show that, using SADI, data dynamically generated from Web services can be explored in a manner very similar to data housed in static triple-stores, thus facilitating the intersection of Web services and Semantic Web technologies

    Taverna :un ambiente para el desarrollo de experimentos científicos

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    Taverna es una potente herramienta para el diseño, desarrollo y ejecución de experimentos biológicos y componente central de la plataforma myGrid. Una de sus cualidades más importantes, es su capacidad de mediación entre usuarios y la computadora, simplificando de forma notable varias tareas computacionales avanzadas. En este reporte, se presenta el resultado de un relevamiento de la literatura, con el propósito de describir las principales características y funcionalidades de Taverna, así como la arquitectura, integración con otros proyectos, presentando también algunas limitaciones y debilidades

    EXPRESS: Resource-oriented and RESTful Semantic Web services

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    This thesis investigates an approach that simplifies the development of Semantic Web services (SWS) by removing the need for additional semantic descriptions.The most actively researched approaches to Semantic Web services introduce explicit semantic descriptions of services that are in addition to the existing semantic descriptions of the service domains. This increases their complexity and design overhead. The need for semantically describing the services in such approaches stems from their foundations in service-oriented computing, i.e. the extension of already existing service descriptions. This thesis demonstrates that adopting a resource-oriented approach based on REST will, in contrast to service-oriented approaches, eliminate the need for explicit semantic service descriptions and service vocabularies. This reduces the development efforts while retaining the significant functional capabilities.The approach proposed in this thesis, called EXPRESS (Expressing RESTful Semantic Services), utilises the similarities between REST and the Semantic Web, such as resource realisation, self-describing representations, and uniform interfaces. The semantics of a service is elicited from a resource’s semantic description in the domain ontology and the semantics of the uniform interface, hence eliminating the need for additional semantic descriptions. Moreover, stub-generation is a by-product of the mapping between entities in the domain ontology and resources.EXPRESS was developed to test the feasibility of eliminating explicit service descriptions and service vocabularies or ontologies, to explore the restrictions placed on domain ontologies as a result, to investigate the impact on the semantic quality of the description, and explore the benefits and costs to developers. To achieve this, an online demonstrator that allows users to generate stubs has been developed. In addition, a matchmaking experiment was conducted to show that the descriptions of the services are comparable to OWL-S in terms of their ability to be discovered, while improving the efficiency of discovery. Finally, an expert review was undertaken which provided evidence of EXPRESS’s simplicity and practicality when developing SWS from scratch

    Composição de serviços para aplicações biomédicas

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaA exigente inovação na área das aplicações biomédicas tem guiado a evolução das tecnologias de informação nas últimas décadas. Os desafios associados a uma gestão, integração, análise e interpretação eficientes dos dados provenientes das mais modernas tecnologias de hardware e software requerem um esforço concertado. Desde hardware para sequenciação de genes a registos electrónicos de paciente, passando por pesquisa de fármacos, a possibilidade de explorar com precisão os dados destes ambientes é vital para a compreensão da saúde humana. Esta tese engloba a discussão e o desenvolvimento de melhores estratégias informáticas para ultrapassar estes desafios, principalmente no contexto da composição de serviços, incluindo técnicas flexíveis de integração de dados, como warehousing ou federação, e técnicas avançadas de interoperabilidade, como serviços web ou LinkedData. A composição de serviços é apresentada como um ideal genérico, direcionado para a integração de dados e para a interoperabilidade de software. Relativamente a esta última, esta investigação debruçou-se sobre o campo da farmacovigilância, no contexto do projeto Europeu EU-ADR. As contribuições para este projeto, um novo standard de interoperabilidade e um motor de execução de workflows, sustentam a sucesso da EU-ADR Web Platform, uma plataforma para realizar estudos avançados de farmacovigilância. No contexto do projeto Europeu GEN2PHEN, esta investigação visou ultrapassar os desafios associados à integração de dados distribuídos e heterogéneos no campo do varíoma humano. Foi criada uma nova solução, WAVe - Web Analyses of the Variome, que fornece uma coleção rica de dados de variação genética através de uma interface Web inovadora e de uma API avançada. O desenvolvimento destas estratégias evidenciou duas oportunidades claras na área de software biomédico: melhorar o processo de implementação de software através do recurso a técnicas de desenvolvimento rápidas e aperfeiçoar a qualidade e disponibilidade dos dados através da adopção do paradigma de web semântica. A plataforma COEUS atravessa as fronteiras de integração e interoperabilidade, fornecendo metodologias para a aquisição e tradução flexíveis de dados, bem como uma camada de serviços interoperáveis para explorar semanticamente os dados agregados. Combinando as técnicas de desenvolvimento rápidas com a riqueza da perspectiva "Semantic Web in a box", a plataforma COEUS é uma aproximação pioneira, permitindo o desenvolvimento da próxima geração de aplicações biomédicas.The demand for innovation in the biomedical software domain has been an information technologies evolution driver over the last decades. The challenges associated with the effective management, integration, analyses and interpretation of the wealth of life sciences information stemming from modern hardware and software technologies require concerted efforts. From gene sequencing hardware to pharmacology research up to patient electronic health records, the ability to accurately explore data from these environments is vital to further improve our understanding of human health. This thesis encloses the discussion on building better informatics strategies to address these challenges, primarily in the context of service composition, including warehousing and federation strategies for resource integration, as well as web services or LinkedData for software interoperability. Service composition is introduced as a general principle, geared towards data integration and software interoperability. Concerning the latter, this research covers the service composition requirements within the pharmacovigilance field, namely on the European EU-ADR project. The contributions to this area, the definition of a new interoperability standard and the creation of a new workflow-wrapping engine, are behind the successful construction of the EUADR Web Platform, a workspace for delivering advanced pharmacovigilance studies. In the context of the European GEN2PHEN project, this research tackles the challenges associated with the integration of heterogeneous and distributed data in the human variome field. For this matter, a new lightweight solution was created: WAVe, Web Analysis of the Variome, provides a rich collection of genetic variation data through an innovative portal and an advanced API. The development of the strategies underlying these products highlighted clear opportunities in the biomedical software field: enhancing the software implementation process with rapid application development approaches and improving the quality and availability of data with the adoption of the Semantic Web paradigm. COEUS crosses the boundaries of integration and interoperability as it provides a framework for the flexible acquisition and translation of data into a semantic knowledge base, as well as a comprehensive set of interoperability services, from REST to LinkedData, to fully exploit gathered data semantically. By combining the lightness of rapid application development strategies with the richness of its "Semantic Web in a box" approach, COEUS is a pioneering framework to enhance the development of the next generation of biomedical applications