23,095 research outputs found

    Глагол вскричать: всегда ли права статистика?

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    The present study focuses on a single Russian verb вскричать. This verb was the object of statistical analysis of lexical vocabulary changes in 19th-century Russian prose by A. Shaikevich (2013). His paper presents the results of the analysis of small historical corpora. The size of the corpus is about 25 million words. Shaikevich’s statistical data have shown that this verb had almost disappeared by the end of the 19th century. In our study, the analysis of the historical and modern usage of the verb вскричать was done with the help of the large Russian National Corpus (230 million words), and all the examples were taken from 19th- and 20th-century texts. Our analysis has shown that this verb was very frequent in the language of some writers (e.g. F. Dostoyevsky), while L. Tolstoy did not use it at all. In the 20th century, the verb вскричать became quite frequent again for numerous writers. In recent times, poets and journalists have also used it as a marked stylistic device

    От социологии к оценке

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    The article deals with figurative meanings of nominations of the social hierarchy relating to the upper, middle and lower strata of Russian society of the 18th and 19th centuries, and their reflection in the explanatory dictionary of the beginning of the 21st century. The use of adjectives, formed from personal nouns in the Russian National Corpus in the period 2000–2017, is analyzed

    Russian constructions with ‘take’ expressing an unexpected event: Their historical origin and development in the 19th century

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    This study aims at elucidating the rise and expansion of four competing Russian constructions expressing the unexpectedness of an event. Тhree of them are built according to the pseudo-coordinative model ‘take and do’ and one follows the serial model ‘take do’. The historical data stemming from the Russian national corpus and covering the whole 19th century reveals striking differences between these constructions in terms of frequency and grammaticalisation, the most peripheral being the serial model. Evidence for ongoing grammaticalisation is mainly based on the rise of non-canonical second verbs denoting an uncontrollable event and inanimate subjects. Special attention will be given to the meanings of the imperative and contextually bound pragmatic effects. Keywords: “Surprise” constructions; pseudo-coordination; verb serialisation; syndetic linking; grammaticalisation of ‘take’; imperativus dramaticus; pragmatic effects; Russian colloquial syntax

    Динамика семантических процессов в развитии оценочной лексики русского языка в XIX веке

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    SEMANTIC DYNAMIC PROCESSES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EVALUATIVE LEXIS OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IN THE 19th CENTURY Т. NIKITSENKAРетроспективно анализируются лексемы русского языка, которые в XIX веке подверглись семантическим изменениям под воздействием внутри- и внеязыковых факторов, вследствие чего в их семантике закрепились негативно-оценочные семы. Рассматриваются основные семантические переходы, в результате которых в XIX веке у слов фиксируются новые негативные значения, как общеоценочного, так и частнооценочного характера. Выделяются определенные тематические группы, члены которых чаще подвержены процессам пейорации (предметно-бытовая лексика, зоонимы и т.д.). Отмечается, что в семантических процессах, результатом которых становилось ухудшение значения первоначально нейтрально- или положительно-оценочного слова, участвовали разнородные лексемы с точки зрения их происхождения (церковнославянизмы, диалектизмы, разговорные слова, заимствования и т.д.). Установлено, что в XIX веке многие оценочные единицы оформились в результате семантического переноса от слов, достаточно долгое время функционировавших в языке и известных с древнерусского периода.= The study considers evaluative lexemes of Modern Russian in a retrospective way which developed their pejorative meanings in the 19th century under the influence of linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The data was collected from the academic dictionaries of Modern Russian. The pejorative lexemes are represented by all notional parts of speech and by different topical domains. The main methods employed in the research are descriptive, contrastive, within which historical-semantic analysis is carried out, definitional, corpus analysis. The common semantic shifts are considered due to which the nineteenth-century words developed pejorative meaning. Some topical domains are studied that acquire negative sense development more easily. It is stated that the words which underwent semantic changes were of different origin (Church Slavic, dialectal, borrowings, spoken words, ect.). It has been found out that the majority of pejorative lexemes emerged as a result of semantic (frequently metaphorical) extension of the words which had existed in Russian for quite a lot of time. The driving force for appearing new negative meanings happened to be the formation of Modern Standard Russian in the first third of the 19th century. Besides, the formation of the publicist style along with the numerous coming out of social and political literature had a great impact on pejorative sense development

    Translation and linguistic innovation : the rise and fall of Russian loanwords in literary translation into Dutch

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    This paper examines the use of Russian loanwords in Dutch translations of Russian literary texts from the period 1970-2009. In an increasingly globalized world, as more information is exchanged across cultural borders worldwide, one might expect a growth in the number and use of loanwords, even between cultures that are relatively distant from each other such as Dutch and Russian. In the case study conducted, which was based on a representative corpus of 20 Dutch translations of Russian novels, we found that while there was a relative growth in the number of loanwords used in the 1970's and 1980's, the trend since the 1990's has been downwards. In the earlier period the public's interest in dissident Russian literature and in the cultural developments of the Glasnost period was intense, which in turn stimulated literary translators to use foreignizing translation strategies, bringing the (Russian) source text closer to the (Dutch) target public. With the rise of new genres (postmodernism and crime novels) in Russian literature and the changes in publishing policies this tendency diminished and the number of loanwords in translation decreased, which indicates a rise of domesticating translation strategies in Dutch culture in recent decades

    Tibull in Russland zur produktiven rezeption der elegie i 1 in Russland am beginn des 19. jahrhunderts

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    At the beginning of the 19th century, there was an intensive productive reception of the Corpus Tibullianum in Russian poetry, particularly of Tibullus’ elegy I 1. By analyzing the titles, the notes, and selected aspects of the main text of the six Russian translations of the elegy, Oraić Tolić’s Romantic notion of the paradigm shift from “illustrative” to “illuminative” quotation can be seen. However, this change does not take place in a linear fashion: Although the change in the titles and notes occurs in a consequential manner, the main texts meander between the stated poles

    The Role of the Bible in the Formation of Philosophical Thought in Kievan Rus’ (as Exemplified by Ilarion of Kiev, Kliment Smolatič, and Kirill of Turov)

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    The article is an attempt to critically evaluate the manifestations of the philosophical culture sprouting in Rus’. With the baptism in the Byzantine Rite, Rus’ in the 10th century joined the family of Christian nations and defined the future direction of her own cultural development. The Middle Ages in Rus’ were eminently theocentric. Literature (which was mostly translated from the Greek in Bulgarian monasteries) had a religious character. Sacral content, assimilated in Rus’ mainly through the Old Church Slavonic (due to the scarce knowledge of Greek) had a decisive influence on formation of the philosophical worldview of Rus’ intellectual elite. The Bible thus became the main reference framework for the first Rus’ thinkers-philosophers: Ilarion of Kiev († 1055), Kirill of Turov († 1183) and Kliment Smolatič († 1164). Ilarion of Kiev, the first metropolitan of the Kievan Rus’ in his rhetoric work (which postulated the superiority of the New Testament to the Old) expressed a philosophical thesis of the equality of all Christian nations before God. Kliment Smolatič, the second metropolitan of Rus’, in his Letter to Presbyter Foma, defended the allegorical method of interpretating the Bible. Kirill of Turov, in his turn, in his Parable of the human soul and body allegorically tried to answer the question about the relationship of the body and the soul. For the Rus’ thinkers the content of the Bible served as a pretext for philosophical reflection, e.g. on the role of man in the universe, on the nature of reality, on the relation between matter and spirit. In their works we find the beginnings of the theory of knowledge, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics

    Society, Politics, and Ideology of Classical Athens

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    В книге – на основании анализа разнообразных источников и использования последних достижений историографии – рассматриваются дискуссионные проблемы истории Афин V–IV вв. до н.э., а также сопутствующие темы. Взаимоотношение политических лидеров и толп (неорганизованных массовых сборищ) рассматривается в первых двух разделах. Совершенно разных (даже противоположных по политическим взглядам) лидеров классических Афин объединяла общая вписанность в «политические рамки», невозможность использовать «энергию масс» в своих целях. На основе анализа слов, обозначающих толпу, и сообщений источников о возможных действиях неорганизованных массовых сборищ автор делает вывод о том, что толпа в классических Афинах не играла почти никакой роли в политической жизни, однако использовалась как средство идеологического устрашения. Для характеристики идеологии демократических Афин используется неожиданный источник: собственные имена, которые анализируются с использованием как просопографических методов, так и методов описательной статистики. Особый интерес представляет анализ «закрытых» ономастических комплексов, который позволяет провести корреляцию между «демократическими» именами и социальным статусом афинских граждан. В исследовании использованы оригинальные подходы, которые позволяют по-новому взглянуть как на афинское общество V–IV вв. до н.э., так и на другие проблемы истории античного мира. In the book debatable problems of Athenian history in 5th-4th centuries B.C. and concomitant issues are examined on the basis of various sources analysis and usage of recent advances in historiography. Interrelations between political leaders and crowds (unorganized mass gatherings) are considered in the two first parts. In terms of analysis of words designating crowds and sources information on probable actions of unorganized mass gatherings, the author concludes that the crowd in classical Athens almost did not influence politics but was used as a tool of ideological frightening. For description of democratic Athens ideology, proper names are analyzed with use of both prosopographical and descriptive statistics methods. In the paper original approaches are utilized; they make it possible to look in a new way at both Athenian society in 5th-4th centuries B.C. and other issues in ancient world history