7 research outputs found

    Resource Management Services for a Grid Analysis Environment

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    Selecting optimal resources for submitting jobs on a computational Grid or accessing data from a data grid is one of the most important tasks of any Grid middleware. Most modern Grid software today satisfies this responsibility and gives a best-effort performance to solve this problem. Almost all decisions regarding scheduling and data access are made by the software automatically, giving users little or no control over the entire process. To solve this problem, a more interactive set of services and middleware is desired that provides users more information about Grid weather, and gives them more control over the decision making process. This paper presents a set of services that have been developed to provide more interactive resource management capabilities within the Grid Analysis Environment (GAE) being developed collaboratively by Caltech, NUST and several other institutes. These include a steering service, a job monitoring service and an estimator service that have been designed and written using a common Grid-enabled Web Services framework named Clarens. The paper also presents a performance analysis of the developed services to show that they have indeed resulted in a more interactive and powerful system for user-centric Grid-enabled physics analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Workshop on Web and Grid Services for Scientific Data Analysis at the Int Conf on Parallel Processing (ICPP05). Norway June 200

    Towards Understanding Uncertainty in Cloud Computing Resource Provisioning

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    In spite of extensive research of uncertainty issues in different fields ranging from computational biology to decision making in economics, a study of uncertainty for cloud computing systems is limited. Most of works examine uncertainty phenomena in users’ perceptions of the qualities, intentions and actions of cloud providers, privacy, security and availability. But the role of uncertainty in the resource and service provisioning, programming models, etc. have not yet been adequately addressed in the scientific literature. There are numerous types of uncertainties associated with cloud computing, and one should to account for aspects of uncertainty in assessing the efficient service provisioning. In this paper, we tackle the research question: what is the role of uncertainty in cloud computing service and resource provisioning? We review main sources of uncertainty, fundamental approaches for scheduling under uncertainty such as reactive, stochastic, fuzzy, robust, etc. We also discuss potentials of these approaches for scheduling cloud computing activities under uncertainty, and address methods for mitigating job execution time uncertainty in the resource provisioning.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Parallelization of Finite Element Analysis Codes Using Heterogeneous Distributed Computing

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    Performance gains in computer design are quickly consumed as users seek to analyze larger problems to a higher degree of accuracy. Innovative computational methods, such as parallel and distributed computing, seek to multiply the power of existing hardware technology to satisfy the computational demands of large applications. In the early stages of this project, experiments were performed using two large, coarse-grained applications, CSTEM and METCAN. These applications were parallelized on an Intel iPSC/860 hypercube. It was found that the overall speedup was very low, due to large, inherently sequential code segments present in the applications. The overall execution time T(sub par), of the application is dependent on these sequential segments. If these segments make up a significant fraction of the overall code, the application will have a poor speedup measure

    Run-time statistical estimation of task execution times for heterogeneous distributed computing

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    In this paper, an efficient, run-time, statistical scheme for estimating the execution time of a task is presented, in order to facilitate run-time matching and scheduling in a distributed heterogeneous computing environment. This scheme is based upon a nonparametric regression technique, where the execution time estimate for a task is computed from past observations. Furthermore, this technique is able to compensate for different parameters upon which the execution time depends, and does not require any knowledge of the architecture of the target machine. It is also able to make accurate predictions when erroneous data is present in the set of observations, and has been experimentally shown to produce estimates with very low error, even with few past values from which to calculate a new estimate. 1

    Improving the reliability of an offloading engine for Android mobile devices and testing its performance with interactive applications

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    Projecte realitzat en el marc d’un programa de mobilitat amb la Freie Universität Berlin. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Institute of Computer Science.In order to save energy and improve the performance of some computationally intensive Android applications, an offloading system decides dynamically whether to execute in the mobile device or in a remote server a defined part of an application, basing the decision on execution time estimations

    An efficient, practical, portable mapping technique on computational grids

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    Grid computing provides a powerful, virtual parallel system known as a computational Grid on which users can run parallel applications to solve problems quickly. However, users must be careful to allocate tasks to nodes properly because improper allocation of only one task could result in lengthy executions of applications, or even worse, applications could crash. This allocation problem is called the mapping problem, and an entity that tackles this problem is called a mapper. In this thesis, we aim to develop an efficient, practical, portable mapper. To study the mapping problem, researchers often make unrealistic assumptions such as that nodes of Grids are always reliable, that execution times of tasks assigned to nodes are known a priori, or that detailed information of parallel applications is always known. As a result, the practicality and portability of mappers developed in such conditions are uncertain. Our review of related work suggested that a more efficient tool is required to study this problem; therefore, we developed GMap, a simulator researchers/developers can use to develop practical, portable mappers. The fact that nodes are not always reliable leads to the development of an algorithm for predicting the reliability of nodes and a predictor for identifying reliable nodes of Grids. Experimental results showed that the predictor reduced the chance of failures in executions of applications by half. The facts that execution times of tasks assigned to nodes are not known a priori and that detailed information of parallel applications is not alw ays known, lead to the evaluation of five nearest-neighbour (nn) execution time estimators: k-nn smoothing, k-nn, adaptive k-nn, one-nn, and adaptive one-nn. Experimental results showed that adaptive k-nn was the most efficient one. We also implemented the predictor and the estimator in GMap. Using GMap, we could reliably compare the efficiency of six mapping algorithms: Min-min, Max-min, Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search, and Quick-quality Map, with none of the preceding unrealistic assumptions. Experimental results showed that Quick-quality Map was the most efficient one. As a result of these findings, we achieved our goal in developing an efficient, practical, portable mapper