30 research outputs found

    Kontinuität der Biotechnologie Ausbildung am TWI gesichert

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    The Educator vs. Gentrification. Consequences of Social and Spatial Transformations of the Contemporary City for Urban Educational Communities

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    Gentrification is increasingly mentioned among the processes that transform the contemporary city. The term denotes a series of transformations of social and economic, occurring in neglected urban areas due to the influx of new residents with a high socio7economic status. The article focuses on the consequences of gentrification for local educational systems, particularly for those operating in schools and neighborhoods.3911361Studia Edukacyjn

    Germany\u27s attitude toward Swiss neutrality 1933-1945

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    “[B]eide zu einem harmonischen Ganzen verschmolzen”: Particularism, Universalism, and the Hybrid Jewish Nation in Early German Zionist Discourse

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    Living in Permanent Temporariness: The Multigenerational Ordeal of Living under Germany’s Toleration Status

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    Toleration status (temporary suspension of deportation) has been Germany’s hesitant answer to providing humanitarian relief for Palestinians escaping the dismal conditions of refugee camps and the civil war in Lebanon in the late 1980s and early 1990s. At the same time, the status has subjected families to years, even decades, of insecurity and uncertainty through constant threats of deportation and restrictions on work, travel and higher education. Based on 19 months of ethnographic research, the article shows the story of one family during their 16 years on toleration status and their experiences after gaining permanent residency. The family’s experiences illuminate the insecurity and uncertainty large communities on toleration status in Berlin-Neukölln experienced, all sharing the fate of constantly wavering between hope, fear and disillusionment. Their struggles also show how the permanent temporariness of long-term toleration status affects both the parents who fled the conflict and their children, most of whom were born and raised in Germany. I argue that toleration status limits the capabilities of children stuck in the stagnant realities of their family’s insecure status, along the lines of gender and birth order. Moreover, toleration status as a multigenerational ordeal persists long after the legal insecurity has ended

    The educational network One Square Kilometre of Education Berlin-Neukölln. Results of the final evaluation

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    2006 wurde in Berlin-Neukölln, im sogenannten Reuterkiez, der erste Standort des von der Freudenberg Stiftung für Schulen in schwieriger Lage entwickelten Programms \u27Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung\u27 eröffnet und für zehn Jahre konzeptionelle und finanzielle Unterstützung durch verschiedene zivilgesellschaftliche und politische Partner für den Auf- und Ausbau eines Bildungsnetzwerks zugesagt. Das "Herzstück" des Programms stellt die Pädagogische Werkstatt dar, ein eigenständiges, stadteilbezogenes und allen zugängliches Unterstützungssystem. Wie sich \u27Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung Berlin-Neukölln\u27 über die zehn Jahre entwickelt hat, war Gegenstand einer Abschlussevaluation; ausgewählte Ergebnisse, insbesondere zur Pädagogischen Werkstatt, werden im folgenden Beitrag vorgestellt. (DIPF/Orig.)In 2006, One Square Kilometre of Education, a program for schools in deprived areas founded by the Freudenberg Foundation, started in Berlin-Neukölln. For ten years, conceptual and financial support from various civil society and political partners were pledged for the development of an educational network. The centrepiece of the program is the Pedagogical Workshop, an independent support system for educational institutions in the district. How One Square Kilometre of Education Berlin-Neukölln developed over the ten years, was the subject of a final evaluation. Central findings of the evaluation are presented, especially with regard to the Pedagogical Workshop. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Ledger and Times, August 18, 1966

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    The Ledger and Times, August 18, 1966

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