2,578 research outputs found

    Lattice Modeling of Early-Age Behavior of Structural Concrete.

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    The susceptibility of structural concrete to early-age cracking depends on material composition, methods of processing, structural boundary conditions, and a variety of environmental factors. Computational modeling offers a means for identifying primary factors and strategies for reducing cracking potential. Herein, lattice models are shown to be adept at simulating the thermal-hygral-mechanical phenomena that influence early-age cracking. In particular, this paper presents a lattice-based approach that utilizes a model of cementitious materials hydration to control the development of concrete properties, including stiffness, strength, and creep resistance. The approach is validated and used to simulate early-age cracking in concrete bridge decks. Structural configuration plays a key role in determining the magnitude and distribution of stresses caused by volume instabilities of the concrete material. Under restrained conditions, both thermal and hygral effects are found to be primary contributors to cracking potential

    Damage monitoring in fibre reinforced mortar by combined digital image correlation and acoustic emission

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    International audienceThe present work aims at developing a methodology for the detection and monitoring of damage and fractures in building materials in the prospects of energetic renovation. Digital image correlation (DIC) and acoustic emission (AE) monitoring were simultaneously performed during tensile loading tests of fibre reinforced mortar samples. The full-field displacement mappings obtained by DIC revealed all ranges of cracks, from microscopic to macroscopic, and an image processing procedure was conducted as to quantify their evolution in the course of the degradation of the samples. The comparison of these measurements with the acoustic activity of the material showed a fair match in terms of quantification and localisation of damage. It is shown that after such a calibration procedure, AE monitoring can be autonomously used for the characterisation of damage and fractures at larger scales

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography, supplement 122

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    This bibliography lists 303 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in April 1980

    Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Coupled Shear Walls

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    This thesis is concerned with the development of an inelastic material model to be used in conjunction with the finite element technique to simulate the behaviour of reinforced concrete shear-walls under lateral loads. The proposed computational model is capable of tracing the entire nonlinear response up to ultimate load conditions. The main features of the nonlinear behaviour of concrete and steel are incorporated in the numerical model. These include cracking, nonlinear biaxial stress-strain relationships in concrete up to crushing and yielding of steel. The investigation first considers the linear elastic behaviour of coupled shear-walls then a consistent material model that matches the existing experimental evidence for the behaviour of plain concrete under monotonic biaxial loading is considered. The reinforcing steel is idealized as bilinear uniaxially stressed material. The individual material models are combined with the finite element technique to demonstrate their applicability. To check the validity and accuracy of the numerical model, finite element calculations are compared with experimental results for shallow and deep beams, shear panels subjected to monotonic loading. Finally, various hypothetical coupled shear-walls and tested microconcrete shear walls were analysed highlighting the history of crack propagation, deflections, crushing of concrete and yielding of steel up to failure. The resulting model should prove to be a simple useful research tool for use in the study of any reinforced concrete structure which may be considered to be in a state of plane stress

    Beurteilung der ResttragfÀhigkeit von Bauwerken mit Hilfe der Fuzzy-Logik und Entscheidungstheorie

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    Whereas the design of new structures is almost completely regulated by codes, there are no objective ways for the evaluation of existing facilities. Experts often are not familiar with the new tasks in system identification and try to retrieve at least some information from available documents. They therefore make compromises which, for many stakeholders, are not satisfying. Consequently, this publication presents a more objective and more realistic method for condition assessment. Necessary basics for this task are fracture mechanics combined with computational analysis, methods and techniques for geometry recording and material investigation, ductility and energy dissipation, risk analysis and uncertainty consideration. Present tools for evaluation perform research on how to analytically conceptualize a structure directly from given loads and measured response. Since defects are not necessarily visible or in a direct way detectable, several damage indices are combined and integrated in a model of the real system. Fuzzy-sets are ideally suited to illustrate parametric/data uncertainty and system- or model uncertainty. Trapezoidal membership functions may very well represent the condition state of structural components as function of damage extent or performance. Tthe residual load-bearing capacity can be determined by successively performing analyses in three steps. The "Screening assessment" shall eliminate a large majority of structures from detailed consideration and advise on immediate precautions to save lives and high economic values. Here, the defects have to be explicitly defined and located. If this is impossible, an "approximate evaluation" should follow describing system geometry, material properties and failure modes in detail. Here, a fault-tree helps investigate defaults in a systematic way avoiding random search or negligence of important features or damage indices. In order to inform about the structural system it is deemed essential not only due to its conceptual clarity, but also due to its applicational simplicity. It therefore represents an important prerequisite in condition assessment though special circumstances might require "fur-ther investigations" to consider the actual material parameters and unaccounted reserves due to spatial or other secondary contributions. Here, uncertainties with respect to geometry, material, loading or modeling should in no case be neglected, but explicitly quantified. Postulating a limited set of expected failure modes is not always sufficient, since detectable signature changes are seldom directly attributable and every defect might -together with other unforeseen situations- become decisive. So, a determination of all possible scenarios to consider every imaginable influence would be required. Risk is produced by a combination of various and ill-defined failure modes. Due to the interaction of many variables there is no simple and reliable way to predict which failure mode is dominant. Risk evaluation therefore comprises the estimation of the prognostic factor with respect to undesir-able events, component importance and the expected damage extent.WĂ€hrend die Bemessung von Tragwerken im allgemeinen durch Vorschriften geregelt ist, gibt es fĂŒr die Zustandsbewertung bestehender Bauwerken noch keine objektiven Richtlinien. Viele Experten sind mit der neuen Problematik (Systemidentifikation anhand von Belastung und daraus entstehender Strukturantwort) noch nicht vertraut und begnĂŒgen sich daher mit Kompromißlösungen. FĂŒr viele Bauherren ist dies unbefriedigend, weshalb hier eine objektivere und wirklichkeitsnĂ€here Zustandsbewertung vorgestellt wird. Wichtig hierfĂŒr sind theoretische Grundlagen der Schadensanalyse, Methoden und Techniken zur Geometrie- und Materialerkundung, DuktilitĂ€t und Energieabsorption, Risikoanalyse und Beschreibung von Unsicherheiten. Da nicht alle SchĂ€den offensichtlich sind, kombiniert man zur Zeit mehrere Zustandsindikatoren, bereitet die registrierten Daten gezielt auf, und integriert sie vor einer endgĂŒltigen Bewertung in ein validiertes Modell. Werden deterministische Nachweismethoden mit probabilstischen kombiniert, lassen sich nur zufĂ€llige Fehler problemlos minimieren. Systematische Fehler durch ungenaue Modellierung oder vagem Wissen bleiben jedoch bestehen. Daß EntscheidungstrĂ€ger mit unsicheren, oft sogar widersprĂŒchlichen Angaben subjektiv urteilen, ist also nicht zu vermeiden. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie mit Hilfe eines dreistufigen Bewertungsverfahrens Tragglieder in QualitĂ€tsklassen eingestuft werden können. AbhĂ€ngig von ihrem mittleren Schadensausmaß, ihrer Strukturbedeutung I (wiederum von ihrem Stellenwert bzw. den Konsequenzen ihrer SchĂ€digung abhĂ€ngig) und ihrem Prognosefaktor L ergibt sich ihr Versagensrisiko mit. Das Risiko fĂŒr eine Versagen der Gesamtstruktur wird aus der Topologie ermittelt. Wenn das mittlere Schadensausmaß nicht eindeutig festgelegt werden kann, oder wenn die Material-, Geometrie- oder Lastangaben vage sind, wird im Rahmen "Weitergehender Untersuchungen" ein mathematisches Verfahren basierend auf der Fuzzy-Logik vorgeschlagen. Es filtert auch bei komplexen Ursache-Wirkungsbeziehungen die dominierende Schadensursache heraus und vermeidet, daß mit Unsicherheiten behaftete Parameter fĂŒr zuverlĂ€ssige Absolutwerte gehalten werden. Um den mittleren Schadensindex und daraus das Risiko zu berechnen, werden die einzelnen Schadensindizes (je nach Fehlermodus) abhĂ€ngig von ihrer Bedeutung mit Wichtungsfaktoren belegt,und zusĂ€tzlich je nach Art, Bedeutung und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit der erhaltenen Information durch Gamma dividiert. Hiermit wurde ein neues Verfahren zur Analyse komplexer Versagensmechanismen vorgestellt, welches nachvollziehbare Schlußfolgerungen ermöglicht

    Sustainable Construction II

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    Construction is one of the main sectors that generates greenhouse gases. This industry consumes large amounts of raw materials, such as stone, timber, water, etc. Additionally, infrastructure should provide service over many years without safety problems. Therefore, their correct design, construction, maintenance, and dismantling are essential to reducing economic, environmental, and societal consequences. That is why promoting sustainable construction has recently become extremely important. To help address and resolve these types of questions, this book explores new ways of reducing the environmental impacts caused by the construction sector, as well promotes social progress and economic growth. The chapters collect the papers included in the “Sustainable Construction II” Special Issue of the Sustainability journal. The papers cover a wide spectrum of issues related to the use of sustainable materials in construction, the optimization of designs based con sustainable indicators, the life-cycle assessment, the decision-making processes that integrate economic, social, and environmental aspects, and the promotion of durable materials that reduce future maintenanc

    6th International Probabilistic Workshop - 32. DarmstÀdter Massivbauseminar: 26-27 November 2008 ; Darmstadt, Germany 2008 ; Technische UniversitÀt Darmstadt

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    These are the proceedings of the 6th International Probabilistic Workshop, formerly known as Dresden Probabilistic Symposium or International Probabilistic Symposium. The workshop was held twice in Dresden, then it moved to Vienna, Berlin, Ghent and finally to Darmstadt in 2008. All of the conference cities feature some specialities. However, Darmstadt features a very special property: The element number 110 was named Darmstadtium after Darmstadt: There are only very few cities worldwide after which a chemical element is named. The high element number 110 of Darmstadtium indicates, that much research is still required and carried out. This is also true for the issue of probabilistic safety concepts in engineering. Although the history of probabilistic safety concepts can be traced back nearly 90 years, for the practical applications a long way to go still remains. This is not a disadvantage. Just as research chemists strive to discover new element properties, with the application of new probabilistic techniques we may advance the properties of structures substantially. (Auszug aus Vorwort
