110 research outputs found

    The geometry of characters of Hopf algebras

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    Character groups of Hopf algebras appear in a variety of mathematical contexts such as non-commutative geometry, renormalisation of quantum field theory, numerical analysis and the theory of regularity structures for stochastic partial differential equations. In these applications, several species of "series expansions" can then be described as characters from a Hopf algebra to a commutative algebra. Examples include ordinary Taylor series, B-series, Chen-Fliess series from control theory and rough paths. In this note we explain and review the constructions for Lie group and topological structures for character groups. The main novel result of the present article is a Lie group structure for characters of graded and not necessarily connected Hopf algebras (under the assumption that the degree zero subalgebra is finite-dimensional). Further, we establish regularity (in the sense of Milnor) for these Lie groups.Comment: 25 pages, notes for the Abelsymposium 2016: "Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and Control", v4: corrected typos and mistakes, main results remains valid, updated reference

    A flow-based approach to rough differential equations

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    These are lecture notes for a Master 2 course on rough differential equations driven by weak geometric Holder p-rough paths, for any p>2. They provide a short, self-contained and pedagogical account of the theory, with an emphasis on flows. The theory is illustrated by some now classical applications to stochastic analysis, such as the basics of Freidlin-Wentzel theory of large deviations for diffusions, or Stroock and Varadhan support theorem.Comment: 63 page

    Variational principles for fluid dynamics on rough paths

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    In this paper, we introduce a new framework for parametrization schemes (PS) in GFD. Using the theory of controlled rough paths, we derive a class of rough geophysical fluid dynamics (RGFD) models as critical points of rough action functionals. These RGFD models characterize Lagrangian trajectories in fluid dynamics as geometric rough paths (GRP) on the manifold of diffeomorphic maps. Three constrained variational approaches are formulated for the derivation of these models. The first is the Clebsch formulation, in which the constraints are imposed as rough advection laws. The second is the Hamilton-Pontryagin formulation, in which the constraints are imposed as right-invariant rough vector fields. The third is the Euler--Poincar\'e formulation in which the variations are constrained. These variational principles lead directly to the Lie--Poisson Hamiltonian formulation of fluid dynamics on geometric rough paths. The GRP framework preserves the geometric structure of fluid dynamics obtained by using Lie group reduction to pass from Lagrangian to Eulerian variational principles, thereby yielding a rough formulation of the Kelvin circulation theorem. The rough-path variational approach includes non-Markovian perturbations of the Lagrangian fluid trajectories. In particular, memory effects can be introduced through this formulation through a judicious choice of the rough path (e.g. a realization of a fractional Brownian motion). In the special case when the rough path is a realization of a semimartingale, we recover the SGFD models in Holm (2015). However, by eliminating the need for stochastic variational tools, we retain a pathwise interpretation of the Lagrangian trajectories. In contrast, the Lagrangian trajectories in the stochastic framework are described by stochastic integrals which do not have a pathwise interpretation. Thus, the rough path formulation restores this property

    Variational principles for fluid dynamics on rough paths

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    Analysis of Hamiltonian boundary value problems and symplectic integration: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics at Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand

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    Listed in 2020 Dean's List of Exceptional ThesesCopyright is owned by the Author of the thesis. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for research and private study only. The thesis may not be reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the Author.Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs) arise in most scientific disciplines that make use of mathematical techniques. As exact solutions are in general not computable, numerical methods are used to obtain approximate solutions. In order to draw valid conclusions from numerical computations, it is crucial to understand which qualitative aspects numerical solutions have in common with the exact solution. Symplecticity is a subtle notion that is related to a rich family of geometric properties of Hamiltonian systems. While the effects of preserving symplecticity under discretisation on long-term behaviour of motions is classically well known, in this thesis (a) the role of symplecticity for the bifurcation behaviour of solutions to Hamiltonian boundary value problems is explained. In parameter dependent systems at a bifurcation point the solution set to a boundary value problem changes qualitatively. Bifurcation problems are systematically translated into the framework of classical catastrophe theory. It is proved that existing classification results in catastrophe theory apply to persistent bifurcations of Hamiltonian boundary value problems. Further results for symmetric settings are derived. (b) It is proved that to preserve generic bifurcations under discretisation it is necessary and sufficient to preserve the symplectic structure of the problem. (c) The catastrophe theory framework for Hamiltonian ODEs is extended to PDEs with variational structure. Recognition equations for AA-series singularities for functionals on Banach spaces are derived and used in a numerical example to locate high-codimensional bifurcations. (d) The potential of symplectic integration for infinite-dimensional Lie-Poisson systems (Burgers' equation, KdV, fluid equations,...) using Clebsch variables is analysed. It is shown that the advantages of symplectic integration can outweigh the disadvantages of integrating over a larger phase space introduced by a Clebsch representation. (e) Finally, the preservation of variational structure of symmetric solutions in multisymplectic PDEs by multisymplectic integrators on the example of (phase-rotating) travelling waves in the nonlinear wave equation is discussed

    Applications of infinite-dimensional geometry and Lie theory

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    Habilitation thesisHabilitationsschriftInfinite-dimensional manifolds and Lie groups arise from problems related to differential geometry, fluid dynamics, and the symmetry of evolution equations. Among the most prominent examples of infinite-dimensional manifolds are manifolds of (differentiable) mappings and the diffeomorphism groups Diff(K), where K is a smooth and compact manifold. The group Diff(K) is an infinite-dimensional Lie group which arises naturally in fluid dynamics if K is a three-dimensional torus. The motion of a particle in the fluid corresponds, under periodic boundary conditions, to a curve in Diff(K). As a working definition, an infinite-dimensional Lie group will be a group which at the same time is an infinite-dimensional manifold that turns the group operations into smooth mappings. An infinite-dimensional manifold will be a topological space which is locally (in charts) homeomorphic to an open subset of an infinite-dimensional space. Moreover, we require the change of charts to be smooth. Beyond the realm of Banach spaces, the usual concept of smoothness is no longer available and we replace it with the requirement that all directional derivatives exist and induce continuous mappings, the so called Bastiani calculus. Infinite-dimensional Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces will be the objects of our main interest. In conjunction with Lie theory, we exploit tools from (infinite-dimensional) Riemannian geometry. Recall that a Riemannian metric on a manifold is a choice of inner product for every tangent space which ”depends smoothly” on the basepoint. Generalising Riemannian geometry to infinite-dimensional manifolds, one faces in general the problem that there are no (smooth) partitions of unity. Further, the inner products will in general not be compatible with the topology of the tangent spaces as they are not Hilbert spaces. Thus the finite-dimensional definition of a Riemannian metric (what we will call a ’strong Riemannian metric’) has to be relaxed to admit relevant examples beyond the Hilbert manifold setting. This leads to the notion of a ’weak Riemannian metric’, i.e. a smooth choice of inner products on each tangent space which do not necessarily induce the topology of the tangent space. Constructing weak Riemannian metrics on manifolds of mappings from the L2-inner product, the resulting metrics are studied for example in shape analysis, fluid dynamics and optimal transport. The present thesis explores structures from infinite-dimensional Lie theory and Riemannian geometry, their interplay and applications in three main topics: - Connections between infinite-dimensional Lie groups and higher geometry, - Hopf algebra character groups as Lie groups, and - Applications of the interplay between Lie theory and Riemannian geometry.publishedVersio

    On the integration of weakly geometric rough paths

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    We close a gap in the theory of integration for weakly geometric rough paths in the in…nite-dimensional setting. We show that the integral of a weakly geometric rough path against a su¢ ciently regular one form is, once again, a weakly geometric rough path