5 research outputs found

    Adding Organizations and Roles as Primitives to the JADE Framework

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    The organization metaphor is often used in the design and implementation of multiagent systems. However, few agent programming languages provide facilities to define them. Several frameworks are proposed to coordinate MAS with organizations, but they are not programmable with general purpose languages. In this paper we extend the JADE framework with primitives to program in Java organizations structured in roles and to enable agents to play roles in organizations. Roles facilitate the coordination of agents inside an organization and give new abilities in the context of organizations, called powers, to the agents which satisfy the requirements necessary to play the roles. As primitives to program organizations and roles we provide classes and protocols which enable an agent to enact a new role in an organization and to interact with the role by invoking the execution of powers, and to receive new goals to be fulfilled. Roles have state and behaviour, thus, they are instances of classes and are strictly connected with the organization offering them. Since roles and organizations can be on a different platform with respect to the role player, the communication with them happens via protocols. Moreover, since, besides using protocols, roles and organizations can have complex behaviours, they are implemented by extending the JADE agent class

    Families of Roles: A new theory of occurrent-dependent roles

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    PublishedRoles are important both theoretically and practically for modelling the world around us. Although many theories of roles have been proposed, there remain aspects which are little understood. In this paper we investigate roles and their contexts from a temporal point of view.We introduce the idea of a family of occurrent-dependent roles as a means to organise prospective and retrospective derived roles around an original role from which they are derived. By this means we account for the existence of groups of similar roles which are difficult to distinguish without a careful analysis of the temporal aspects. Following detailed informal discussion, we present a preliminary formalisation of the key concepts and relations.Air Force Research Laborator

    On-Demand Composition of Smart Service Systems in Decentralized Environments

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    The increasing number of smart systems inevitably leads to a huge number of systems that potentially provide independently designed, autonomously operating services. In near-future smart computing systems, such as smart cities, smart grids or smart mobility, independently developed and heterogeneous services need to be dynamically interconnected in order to develop their full potential in a rather complex collaboration with others. Since the services are developed independently, it is challenging to integrate them on-the-fly at run time. Due to the increasing degree of distribution, such systems operate in a decentralized and volatile environment, where central management is infeasible. Conversely, the increasing computational power of such systems also supersedes the need for central management. The four identified key problems of adaptable, collaborative Smart Service Systems are on-demand composition of complex service structures in decentralized environments, the absence of a comprehensive, serendipity-aware specification, a discontinuity from design-time specification to run-time execution, and the lack of a development methodology that separates the development of a service from that of its role essential to a collaboration. This approach utilizes role-based models, which have a collaborative nature, for automated, on-demand service composition. A rigorous two-phase development methodology is proposed in order to demarcate the development of the services from that of their role essential to a collaboration. Therein, a collaboration designer specifies the collaboration including its abstract functionality using the proposed role-based collaboration specification for Smart Service Systems. Thereof, a partial implementation is derived, which is complemented by services developed in the second phase. The proposed middleware architecture provides run-time support and bridges the gap between design and run time. It implements a protocol for coordinated, role-based composition and adaptation of Smart Service Systems. The approach is quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated by means of a case study and a performance evaluation in order to identify limitations of complex service structures and the trade-off of employing the concept of roles for composition and adaptation of Smart Service Systems.:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Terminology 1.3 Problem Statement 1.4 Requirements Analysis 1.5 Research Questions and Hypothesis 1.6 Focus and Limitations 1.7 Outline 2 The Role Concept in Computer Science 2.1 What is a Role in Computer Science? 2.2 Roles in RoleDiSCo 3 State of the Art & Related Work 3.1 Role-based Modeling Abstractions for Software Systems 3.1.1 Classification 3.1.2 Approaches 3.1.3 Summary 3.2 Role-based Run-Time Systems 3.2.1 Classification 3.2.2 Approaches 3.2.3 Summary 3.3 Spontaneously Collaborating Run-Time Systems 3.3.1 Classification 3.3.2 Approaches 3.3.3 Summary 3.4 Summary 4 On-Demand Composition and Adaptation of Smart Service Systems 4.1 RoleDiSCo Development Methodology 4.1.1 Role-based Collaboration Specification for Smart Service Systems 4.1.2 Derived Partial Implementation 4.1.3 Player & Context Provision 4.2 RoleDiSCo Middleware Architecture for Smart Service Systems 4.2.1 Infrastructure Abstraction Layer 4.2.2 Context Management 4.2.3 Local Repositories & Knowledge 4.2.4 Discovery 4.2.5 Dispatcher 4.3 Coordinated Composition and Subsequent Adaptation 4.3.1 Initialization and Planning 4.3.2 Composition: Coordinating Subsystem 4.3.3 Composition: Non-Coordinating Subsystem 4.3.4 Competing Collaborations & Negotiation 4.3.5 Subsequent Adaptation 4.3.6 Terminating a Pervasive Collaboration 4.4 Summary 5 Implementing RoleDiSCo 5.1 RoleDiSCo Development Support 5.2 RoleDiSCo Middleware 5.2.1 Infrastructure Abstraction Layer 5.2.2 Knowledge Repositories and Local Class Discovery 5.2.3 Planner 6 Evaluation 6.1 Case Study: Distributed Slideshow 6.1.1 Scenario 6.1.2 Phase 1: Collaboration Design 6.1.3 Phase 2: Player Complementation 6.1.4 Coordinated Composition and Adaptation at Run Time 6.2 Runtime Evaluation 6.2.1 General Testbed Setup and Scenarios 6.2.2 Discovery Time 6.2.3 Composition Time 6.2.4 Discussion 6.3 The ›Role‹ of Roles 6.4 Summary 7 Conclusion 7.1 Summary 7.2 Research Results 7.3 Future Wor

    Run-time Adaptation of Role-based Software Systems

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    Self-adaptive software systems possess the ability to modify their own structure or behavior in response to changes in their operational environment. Access to sensor data providing information on the monitored environment is a necessary prerequisite in such software systems. In the future, self-adaptive software systems will be increasingly distributed and interconnected to perform their assigned tasks, e.g., within smart environments or as part of autonomous systems. Adaptations of the software systems\\\' structure or behavior will therefore have to be performed consistently on multiple remote subsystems. Current approaches, however, do not completely support the run-time adaptation of distributed and interconnected software systems. Supported adaptations are local to a specific device and do not require further coordination or the execution of such adaptations is controlled by a centralized management system. Approaches that support the decentralized adaptation process, help to determine a stable state, e.g., defined by quiescence, of one adaptable entity without central knowledge ahead of the actual adaptation process. The execution of complex adaptation scenarios comprising several adaptations on multiple computational devices is currently not supported. Consequently, inherent properties of a distributed system such as intermittent connectivity or local adaptation failures pose further challenges on the execution of adaptations affecting system parts deployed to multiple devices. Adaptation operations in the current research landscape cover different types of changes that can be performed upon a self-adaptive software system. Simple adaptations allow the modification of bindings between components or services as well as the removal or creation and integration of such components or services into the system. Semantically more expressive operations allow for the relocation of behavioral parts of the system. In this thesis, a coordination protocol is presented that supports the decentralized execution of multiple, possibly dependent adaptation operations and ensures a consistent transition of the software system from its source to a desired target configuration. An adaptation operation describes exactly one behavioral modification of the system, e.g., the addition or replacement of a component representing a behavioral element of the system\\\'s configuration. We rely on the notion of Roles as an abstraction to define the software system\\\'s static and dynamic, i.e., context-dependent, parts. Roles are an intuitive means to describe behavioral adaptations in distributed, context-dependent software systems due to their behavioral, relational and context-dependent nature. Adaptation operations therefore utilize the Role concept to describe the intended run-time modifications of the software system. The proposed protocol is designed to maintain a consistent transition of the software system from a given source to a target configuration in the presence of link failures between remote subsystems, i.e., messages used by the protocol to coordinate the adaptation process are lost on transmission, and in case of local failures during the adaptation process. The evaluation of our approach comprises two aspects: In one step, the correctness of the coordination protocol is formally validated using the model checking tool PRISM. The protocol is shown to be deadlock-free even in the presence of coordination message losses and local adaptation failures. In a second step, the approach is evaluated with the help of an emulated execution environment in which the degree of coordination message losses and adaptation failures is varied. The adaptation duration and the partial unavailability of the system, i.e., the time roles are passive due to ongoing adaptations, is measured as well as the success rate of the adaptation process for different rates of message losses and adaptation failures

    Roles, players and adaptable organizations

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    Role is a commonly used concept in software development, but a concept with divergent definitions. This paper discusses the characteristics of roles in software organizations, and contrasts such organization roles with other player-centric conceptions. Roles in organizations have their own identity and do not depend on role players for their existence. In software terms, such roles are first-class runtime entities rather than just design concepts. We define characteristic properties of both roles and players in organizational contexts, and show how the boundary between a role and its player varies depending on the level of autonomy the player is allowed. We show how roles can facilitate the separation of structure from process facilitating greater adaptivity in software. The problem of preservation of state in role-based organizations is also discussed. Possible implementation strategies for both roles and players are discussed and illustrated with various role-oriented approaches to building software organizations