17 research outputs found

    Teachers’ concerns on integrating information and communications technologies into physical science in Lesotho

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    The integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) into teaching depends on teachers’ viewpoints manifested as concerns. This paper investigates teachers’ concerns in selected Lesotho schools regarding the new reform namely, the integration of ICTs into physical science instruction. Data were collected from a random cluster sample using the stages of concern questionnaire with an 8-point Likert scale. Statistical analysis software (SAS) was employed to analyse the data to get the descriptive results and the ANOVA of the hypothesis. The percentile score for the informational self-concerns was the highest at 87.5. This demonstrates that the teachers were concerned about gaining knowledge of ICT integration. These teachers therefore require ongoing support providing more information on available ICTs and their potential to improve teachingInstitute for Science and Technology Education (ISTE

    Psychological and Pedagogical Technologies Safety of the Educational Process Schools in the Conditions of Digitalization

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    The article discusses the issues of psychological and pedagogical support of the safety of the educational process of the school in the context of the formation and development of digitalization of modern education.В статье рассматриваются вопросы психолого-педагогического сопровождения безопасности образовательного процесса школы в условиях становления и развития цифровизации современного образования

    Принцип безопасности в психологических исследованиях проблем цифровизации

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    The research is devoted to the psychological effects of digitalization due to the relevance of developing approaches for systematizing their study. Its purpose was to substantiate the systematizing role of the security principle in the construction of research into the psychological effects of digitalization. The authors used the methods of theoretical analysis of the problem field of research, the classification method and the method of psychological forecasting.It is established that digitalization is based on new information technologies, which are manifested in various aspects: as a means of presenting information to a person, organizing their activities, organizing social interaction or self-expression and self-realization of a person. A comprehensive and holistic identification and analysis of the psychological effects of digitalization are possible with the involvement of the research capabilities of the security principle, which sets the need for their consideration in terms of threats and resources to human security as the main commissioner, performer and consumer of its processes. Every aspect of digitalization contains certain threats and security resources of the user of new information technologies: on the individual level it is informationalpsychological security, on the level of the subject — subject security, on the level of personality — psychological security of the human, and on the level of identity —social psychological security.The study into the psychological effects of digitalization requires their holistic consideration at all levels of human organization. This is possible when using the capabilities of fundamental (general, social, age, differential) and a number of applied (pedagogical, organizational psychology, labor psychology) branches of psychological science. We associate the optimization of human inclusion in digitalization processes with overcoming all levels of security threats and maximizing the opportunities of the resources created by them.Исследование посвящено психологическим эффектам цифровизации в силу актуальности выработки подходов для систематизации их изучения. Его целью явилось обоснование систематизирующей роли принципа безопасности в построении исследований психологических эффектов цифровизации. Были привлечены методы теоретического анализа проблемного поля исследования, метод классификации и метод психологического прогнозирования.Установлено, что цифровизация основана на новых информационных технологиях, которые проявляются в разных аспектах: как средство представления человеку информации, организации его деятельности, организации социального взаимодействия или самовыражения и самореализации человека. Всестороннее и целостное выявление и анализ психологических эффектов цифровизации возможны с привлечением исследовательских возможностей принципа безопасности, задающего необходимость их рассмотрения с точки зрения угроз и ресурсов безопасности человека как основного заказчика, исполнителя и потребителя ее процессов. Каждый аспект цифровизации содержит определенные угрозы и ресурсы безопасности пользователя новых информационных технологий: на уровне индивида — это информационно-психологическая безопасность, субъекта — субъектная безопасность, личности — социально-психологическая безопасность, индивидуальности — психологическая безопасность человека.Изучение психологических эффектов цифровизации требует их целостного рассмотрения на всех уровнях организации человека. Это возможно при использовании возможностей, которыми обладают фундаментальные (общая, социальная, возрастная, дифференциальная) и ряд прикладных (педагогическая, организационная психология, психология труда) отраслей психологической науки. Оптимизацию включения человека в процессы цифровизации мы связываем с преодолением всех уровней угроз безопасности и максимизации возможностей создаваемых ими ресурсов


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    Although ICT could bring many benefit  in learning ,however implementation of ICT in the learning process is not easy. In fact, adoption of ICT in learning, is not only occurs in higher education but also in schools. The aim of This study is to identify the impact of Subjective Norm, Image and Computer Self-Efficacy against the behavior of teachers in using ICT in learning.Technology Acceptance Models (TAM) 2 used in the analysis of the behavior of the reception. Data was collected from high school teachers in the city of Jambi. Data were analyzed using SEM method with applications SmartPLS.This study reveals that the consistency of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use has a direct influence on Intention to Use . Subjective Norm and Image provides indirect influence on Intention to Use Computer Self - Efficacy whereas no effect on of Perceived Usefulness , Perceived Ease of Use and Intention to Us

    Policy Analysis on ICT in Education: A Case of Public High Schools in New Juaben Municipal of Ghana

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    ICT has brought some degree of changes in every bit of our daily life from education, health, sports etc. Educators and governments have also devoted huge resources to the provision of technology in the learning environment. Despite the increase in ICT tools in Ghanaian Senior High schools, most of the schools seem to be teaching ICT literacy instead of complete integration of the ICT tools in the curriculum to enhance the teaching and learning process. This study assessed whether ICT policy has accomplished its aim, thus enhancing the teaching and learning process in all the five schools in the New Juaben District of the Eastern Region. A purposive sampling method was used in the selection of the participants. The selected participants consist of administrators and teachers which was taken from all the five senior high schools for the interview. The main findings of the study were that most of the teachers lack training and knowledge about computers and have no previous experience in the use of computers. Also, inadequate ICT infrastructure in the schools was the other major factors inhibiting the integration of ICT into the learning and teaching process. Furthermore, it was found that there were schools which after receiving technical equipment failed to use equipment properly due to negligence and irresponsibility. Moreover, the study revealed that lack of training and technical knowledge made it difficult for teachers to make use of the given equipment. Finally, it was revealed through the study that majority of the participants considered the use of the ICTs as the preferred of the younger generation and that ICT should be taught as a subject on its own and not integrated into all the other subjects.It is recommended that ICT infrastructures should be provided to the Senior High Schools for effective teaching and learning process since it is the basic stage of equipping the youth with the necessary skills and knowledge for national development. Teachers should be given the necessary training in ICT usage so that they become familiar with the modern pedagogy of imparting knowledge and skills, and possibly become part of the curriculum structure for their professional training. Governments ought to move forward the training of principals, teachers and computer staff on the utilize of computers and other ICT tools through seminars, workshops and in-service training. Keywords: ICT in Education, Policy Implementation, High School, New Juaben. DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-7-05 Publication date:July 31st 201

    ICT Integration in Educational curriculum in Higher Education: Challenges and opportunities in the University of Rwanda-College of Education

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    Information and Communication Technology is significantly relevant in all domains of today’s economy specifically in higher education. In this study, the researchers wanted to identify the opportunities and challenges available in the ICT integration with particular interest in educational curriculum at the University of Rwanda - College of Education. Framed on Constructive theory, the study is not only descriptive but also quantitative as it includes some quantifiable information. Using Yamane’s table of sample determination; 150 respondents were selected from 1984 people. Questionnaire, observation and focused discussions were used as research instruments. Results disclosed a range of ICT opportunities such as computer laboratories, loudspeakers and microphones, internet, projectors and personal mobile phones among others. As to how those resources are used profitably; findings revealed the provision of online assignments; urging students to use social networks responsibly especially for academic purposes, using personal computers, projectors, audio equipment and internet sharing in their daily practices of teacher - education journey. The identified challenges affecting effective integration of ICT in education include insufficiency of computers, limited skills of using ICT resources; slow network; big class size and for lecturers’ overload, among others.  Findings also revealed that there is a need for provision of enough computers to students; increase of connectivity and other ICT infrastructure; reduction of lecturers’ workload and number of students in one classroom; train people in ICT usage and design a dual - mode policy to allow students and lecturers to use it as an accepted way of learning paired with the normal face to face method

    Feasibility study of the acceptance of e-assessment by lecturers from security perspective

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    The role of technology in education system has enriched the teaching and learning process, be it from preschool to higher universities education. The development of online education systems such as e-learning and e-assessment provide many advantages to the users especially the flexibility in teaching and learning. The online education system has the capability to improve the quality of delivery education. However, security risks have been the major weakness in the acceptance of technology in education field which limits the user acceptance of the online education system. Even though there are other studies providing solutions for identified security threats in online education usage, there is no particular model which addresses the factors that influences the acceptance of e-assessment system by lecturers from security perspective. The aim of this study is to explore security aspects of e-assessment in regard to the acceptance of technology. A conceptual framework of secure acceptance of e-assessment is proposed and analysed. Both human and security factors are considered in the formulation of this conceptual framework. The data for this study was collected through online survey and paper-based survey. This study proves that security factors mainly influence the acceptance of e-assessment by lecturers. This study will be useful in providing more insightful understanding regarding relationships of factors towards the acceptance of e-assessment system considering the security perspective

    E-Learning quality: The role of learning technology utilization effectiveness teacher leadership and curriculum during the pandemic season in Indonesia

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    The impact of teacher leadership and curriculum on the effectiveness of learning technology utilization and the quality of e-learning has been proven by research. The study included 165 samples of teachers from Halang Island, Riau, Indonesia. Respondents are certified teachers with a minimum of ten years of experience, as determined by the purposive sampling method. Respondents completed a research questionnaire, which was used to collect data. Data ws proceeded with Smart PLS software, including validity, reliability, and hypothesis testing. The study's findings demonstrated that teacher leadership and curriculum directly impacted the effectiveness of learning technology utilization. The quality of e-learning was directly influenced by teacher leadership, curriculum, and the effectiveness of learning technology utilization. Finally, teacher leadership and curriculum impacted e-learning quality through the effectiveness of learning technology utilization. This study suggests two points. First, if you want to improve the effectiveness of learning technology utilization, the policy priority should be to update and then improve teacher leadership. Second, increasing the effectiveness of learning technology utilization is a policy priority if you want to improve the quality of e-learning. It was followed by curriculum updates and increased teacher leadership

    Análisis de los procesos de implementación del modelo 1:1 en aulas de Secundaria

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    In Spain, the "Project School 2.0" has joined the model 1:1 in Secondary Education Centers. However, in most schools is not perceived the full integration of ITC in classrooms, therefore, its regular use in the teaching-learning process.This paper aims to provide a description and analysis of educational practices that has been doing inside the 1:1 model in the context of three secondary schools, to deepen about current state of ICT integration processes.Through classroom observation and analysis of the recorded categories, can be seen that educational practices reproduce traditional teaching models and can't be considered as innovative experiences. Across the board, the developed practices are individualistic and active by students. They are based on different exercises that do not promote collaboration among students. However, we can say that laptop promotes students motivation toward learning, and promote teacher's roles change to a counselor and guide role. However, the classroom organization has been influenced negatively by the introduction of laptops, the laptops forces to immobilize the tables and establish traditional models of organization.En España, el Proyecto Escuela 2.0 ha incorporado el modelo 1:1 en los centros educativos de secundaria. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los centros escolares no se percibe una plena integración de las TIC en las aulas y, por tanto, su uso normalizado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En el presente trabajo se pretende realizar una descripción y análisis del tipo de prácticas educativas que se están realizando dentro del modelo 1:1 en el contexto de tres Institutos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, para profundizar sobre el estado actual de los procesos de integración de las TIC.A través de la observación de aula y el análisis de las categorías registradas se puede observar que las prácticas educativas reproducen un modelo tradicional de la enseñanza y no pueden considerarse como experiencias innovadoras. De forma generalizada, las prácticas desarrolladas son individualistas y activas por parte del alumnado. Están basadas en ejercicios pre-elaborados de ensayo error y de corrección inmediata y que no favorece la colaboración entre el alumnado. Sin embargo, se puede afirmar que el uso del ordenador portátil favorece la motivación del estudiante hacia el aprendizaje, además de promover el cambio de rol docente a uno más de orientador y guía. No obstante, la organización y distribución del aula se ha visto influida de manera negativa por la introducción de las ordenadores portátiles en el aula, puesto que obliga a inmovilizar los mesas y establecer modelos tradicionales de organización.

    The importance of effective learning technology utilization, teacher leadership, student engagement, and curriculum in the online learning environment

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    Research has shown the effect of student engagement, teacher leadership, and curriculum on the effectiveness of the use of learning technologies and the online learning environment. The study included a total of 382 samples that included both teachers and students. Survey respondents are qualified teachers with at least 10 years of teaching experience, as determined through sampling. Participants responded to a study questionnaire that was used to collect data. Data were collected using Smart PLS software, which included validity and reliability assessments and hypothesis tests. The results of the study indicated that the dissemination of learning technology is directly affected by teacher leadership and student participation, which affects its effectiveness. Instructor leadership, student engagement, and successful use of learning technologies directly impact the online learning environment. The use of learning technology is influenced by teacher leadership, curriculum, and student engagement, which ultimately impacts the online learning environment. This study suggests two main results. To enhance the efficiency of learning technology deployment, the focus of public policy should be on enhancing teacher leadership and student performance. Moreover, enhancing the efficient use of learning technology is a critical policy goal to improve the quality of the online learning environment. Students and teachers with enhanced skills should collaborate to share their technological learning materials and management practices to improve students' online learning experiences. Subsequently, modifications were made to the curriculum and there was an increase in teacher leadership