12,204 research outputs found

    Chaotic communications over radio channels

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    State-dependent Kalman filters for robust engine control

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    Vehicle emissions variations impose significant challenges to the automotive industry. In these simulation studies, nonlinear estimation techniques based on state-dependent and extended Kalman filtering are developed for spark ignition engines to enhance robustness of the feedforward fuel controllers to changes in nominal system parameters and measurement errors. A model-based approach is used to derive the optimal filters. Numerical simulations indicate the superiority of estimation-based approaches to enhance robustness of in-cylinder air estimation which directly contributes to the precision of engine exhaust air-fuel ratio and, consequently the consistency of the tailpipe emissions. The results obtained are for an aggressive driving profile and are presented and discusse

    Robustness from flexibility in the fungal circadian clock

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    Background Robustness is a central property of living systems, enabling function to be maintained against environmental perturbations. A key challenge is to identify the structures in biological circuits that confer system-level properties such as robustness. Circadian clocks allow organisms to adapt to the predictable changes of the 24-hour day/night cycle by generating endogenous rhythms that can be entrained to the external cycle. In all organisms, the clock circuits typically comprise multiple interlocked feedback loops controlling the rhythmic expression of key genes. Previously, we showed that such architectures increase the flexibility of the clock's rhythmic behaviour. We now test the relationship between flexibility and robustness, using a mathematical model of the circuit controlling conidiation in the fungus Neurospora crassa. Results The circuit modelled in this work consists of a central negative feedback loop, in which the frequency (frq) gene inhibits its transcriptional activator white collar-1 (wc-1), interlocked with a positive feedback loop in which FRQ protein upregulates WC-1 production. Importantly, our model reproduces the observed entrainment of this circuit under light/dark cycles with varying photoperiod and cycle duration. Our simulations show that whilst the level of frq mRNA is driven directly by the light input, the falling phase of FRQ protein, a molecular correlate of conidiation, maintains a constant phase that is uncoupled from the times of dawn and dusk. The model predicts the behaviour of mutants that uncouple WC-1 production from FRQ's positive feedback, and shows that the positive loop enhances the buffering of conidiation phase against seasonal photoperiod changes. This property is quantified using Kitano's measure for the overall robustness of a regulated system output. Further analysis demonstrates that this functional robustness is a consequence of the greater evolutionary flexibility conferred on the circuit by the interlocking loop structure. Conclusions Our model shows that the behaviour of the fungal clock in light-dark cycles can be accounted for by a transcription-translation feedback model of the central FRQ-WC oscillator. More generally, we provide an example of a biological circuit in which greater flexibility yields improved robustness, while also introducing novel sensitivity analysis techniques applicable to a broader range of cellular oscillators

    Some Remarks about the Complexity of Epidemics Management

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    Recent outbreaks of Ebola, H1N1 and other infectious diseases have shown that the assumptions underlying the established theory of epidemics management are too idealistic. For an improvement of procedures and organizations involved in fighting epidemics, extended models of epidemics management are required. The necessary extensions consist in a representation of the management loop and the potential frictions influencing the loop. The effects of the non-deterministic frictions can be taken into account by including the measures of robustness and risk in the assessment of management options. Thus, besides of the increased structural complexity resulting from the model extensions, the computational complexity of the task of epidemics management - interpreted as an optimization problem - is increased as well. This is a serious obstacle for analyzing the model and may require an additional pre-processing enabling a simplification of the analysis process. The paper closes with an outlook discussing some forthcoming problems

    Control of Multiple Remote Servers for Quality-Fair Delivery of Multimedia Contents

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    This paper proposes a control scheme for the quality-fair delivery of several encoded video streams to mobile users sharing a common wireless resource. Video quality fairness, as well as similar delivery delays are targeted among streams. The proposed controller is implemented within some aggregator located near the bottleneck of the network. The transmission rate among streams is adapted based on the quality of the already encoded and buffered packets in the aggregator. Encoding rate targets are evaluated by the aggregator and fed back to each remote video server (fully centralized solution), or directly evaluated by each server in a distributed way (partially distributed solution). Each encoding rate target is adjusted for each stream independently based on the corresponding buffer level or buffering delay in the aggregator. Communication delays between the servers and the aggregator are taken into account. The transmission and encoding rate control problems are studied with a control-theoretic perspective. The system is described with a multi-input multi-output model. Proportional Integral (PI) controllers are used to adjust the video quality and control the aggregator buffer levels. The system equilibrium and stability properties are studied. This provides guidelines for choosing the parameters of the PI controllers. Experimental results show the convergence of the proposed control system and demonstrate the improvement in video quality fairness compared to a classical transmission rate fair streaming solution and to a utility max-min fair approach

    Limitations and tradeoffs in synchronization of large-scale networks with uncertain links

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    We study synchronization in scalar nonlinear systems connected over a linear network with stochastic uncertainty in their interactions. We provide a sufficient condition for the synchronization of such network systems expressed in terms of the parameters of the nonlinear scalar dynamics, the second and largest eigenvalues of the mean interconnection Laplacian, and the variance of the stochastic uncertainty. The sufficient condition is independent of network size thereby making it attractive for verification of synchronization in a large size network. The main contribution of this paper is to provide analytical characterization for the interplay of roles played by the internal dynamics of the nonlinear system, network topology, and uncertainty statistics in network synchronization. We show there exist important tradeoffs between these various network parameters necessary to achieve synchronization. We show for nearest neighbor networks with stochastic uncertainty in interactions there exists an optimal number of neighbors with maximum margin for synchronization. This proves in the presence of interaction uncertainty, too many connections among network components is just as harmful for synchronization as the lack of connection. We provide an analytical formula for the optimal gain required to achieve maximum synchronization margin thereby allowing us to compare various complex network topology for their synchronization property