8 research outputs found

    Structure and motion estimation from apparent contours under circular motion

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    In this paper, we address the problem of recovering structure and motion from the apparent contours of a smooth surface. Fixed image features under circular motion and their relationships with the intrinsic parameters of the camera are exploited to provide a simple parameterization of the fundamental matrix relating any pair of views in the sequence. Such a parameterization allows a trivial initialization of the motion parameters, which all bear physical meaning. It also greatly reduces the dimension of the search space for the optimization problem, which can now be solved using only two epipolar tangents. In contrast to previous methods, the motion estimation algorithm introduced here can cope with incomplete circular motion and more widely spaced images. Existing techniques for model reconstruction from apparent contours are then reviewed and compared. Experiment on real data has been carried out and the 3D model reconstructed from the estimated motion is presented. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.postprin

    Virtual Visual Hulls: Example-Based 3D Shape Estimation from a Single Silhouette

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    Recovering a volumetric model of a person, car, or other object of interest from a single snapshot would be useful for many computer graphics applications. 3D model estimation in general is hard, and currently requires active sensors, multiple views, or integration over time. For a known object class, however, 3D shape can be successfully inferred from a single snapshot. We present a method for generating a ``virtual visual hull''-- an estimate of the 3D shape of an object from a known class, given a single silhouette observed from an unknown viewpoint. For a given class, a large database of multi-view silhouette examples from calibrated, though possibly varied, camera rigs are collected. To infer a novel single view input silhouette's virtual visual hull, we search for 3D shapes in the database which are most consistent with the observed contour. The input is matched to component single views of the multi-view training examples. A set of viewpoint-aligned virtual views are generated from the visual hulls corresponding to these examples. The 3D shape estimate for the input is then found by interpolating between the contours of these aligned views. When the underlying shape is ambiguous given a single view silhouette, we produce multiple visual hull hypotheses; if a sequence of input images is available, a dynamic programming approach is applied to find the maximum likelihood path through the feasible hypotheses over time. We show results of our algorithm on real and synthetic images of people

    Modeling and rendering architecture from photographs

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    Reconstruction of Sculpture From Its Profiles With Unknown Camera Positions

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    Robust Shape Recovery from Occluding Contours Using a Linear Smoother

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    Recovering the shape of an object from two views, or binocular stereo, fails at occluding contours of smooth objects because the extremal contours are view dependent. For three or more views, shape recovery is possible, and several algorithms have recently been developed for this purpose. We present a new approach to the multiframe stereo problem which does not depend on differential measurements in the image, which may be noise sensitive. Instead, we use a linear smoother to optimally combine all of the measurements available at the contours (and other edges) in all of the images. This allows us to extract a robust and dense estimate of surface shape, and to integrate shape information from both surface markings and occluding contours. 1 Introduction Most visually-guided systems require representations of surfaces in the environment in order to integrate sensing, planning, and action. The task considered in this paper is the recovery of 3D structure (shape) of objects with piecewi..

    Robust Shape Recovery from Occluding Contours Using a Linear Smoother

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    Recovering the shape of an object from two views fails at occluding contours of smooth objects because the extremal contours are view dependent. For three or more views, shape recovery is possible, and several algorithms have recently been developed for this purpose. We present a new approach to the multiframe stereo problem which does not depend on differential measurements in the image, which may be noise sensitive. Instead, we use a linear smoother to optimally combine all of the measurements available at the contours (and other edges) in all of the images. This allows us to extract a robust and dense estimate of surface shape, and to integrate shape information from both surface markings and occluding contours. Keywords: Computer vision, image sequence analysis, motion analysis and multiframe stereo, shape and object representation, occluding contours (profiles). c flDigital Equipment Corporation 1993. All rights reserved. 1 Computer and Information Science Department, University..

    Learning and recovering 3D surface deformations

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    Recovering the 3D deformations of a non-rigid surface from a single viewpoint has applications in many domains such as sports, entertainment, and medical imaging. Unfortunately, without any knowledge of the possible deformations that the object of interest can undergo, it is severely under-constrained, and extremely different shapes can have very similar appearances when reprojected onto an image plane. In this thesis, we first exhibit the ambiguities of the reconstruction problem when relying on correspondences between a reference image for which we know the shape and an input image. We then propose several approaches to overcoming these ambiguities. The core idea is that some a priori knowledge about how a surface can deform must be introduced to solve them. We therefore present different ways to formulate that knowledge that range from very generic constraints to models specifically designed for a particular object or material. First, we propose generally applicable constraints formulated as motion models. Such models simply link the deformations of the surface from one image to the next in a video sequence. The obvious advantage is that they can be used independently of the physical properties of the object of interest. However, to be effective, they require the presence of texture over the whole surface, and, additionally, do not prevent error accumulation from frame to frame. To overcome these weaknesses, we propose to introduce statistical learning techniques that let us build a model from a large set of training examples, that is, in our case, known 3D deformations. The resulting model then essentially performs linear or non-linear interpolation between the training examples. Following this approach, we first propose a linear global representation that models the behavior of the whole surface. As is the case with all statistical learning techniques, the applicability of this representation is limited by the fact that acquiring training data is far from trivial. A large surface can undergo many subtle deformations, and thus a large amount of training data must be available to build an accurate model. We therefore propose an automatic way of generating such training examples in the case of inextensible surfaces. Furthermore, we show that the resulting linear global models can be incorporated into a closed-form solution to the shape recovery problem. This lets us not only track deformations from frame to frame, but also reconstruct surfaces from individual images. The major drawback of global representations is that they can only model the behavior of a specific surface, which forces us to re-train a new model for every new shape, even though it is made of a material observed before. To overcome this issue, and simultaneously reduce the amount of required training data, we propose local deformation models. Such models describe the behavior of small portions of a surface, and can be combined to form arbitrary global shapes. For this purpose, we study both linear and non-linear statistical learning methods, and show that, whereas the latter are better suited for traking deformations from frame to frame, the former can also be used for reconstruction from a single image