765 research outputs found

    Real-Time Machine Learning Based Open Switch Fault Detection and Isolation for Multilevel Multiphase Drives

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    Due to the rapid proliferation interest of the multiphase machines and their combination with multilevel inverters technology, the demand for high reliability and resilient in the multiphase multilevel drives is increased. High reliability can be achieved by deploying systematic preventive real-time monitoring, robust control, and efficient fault diagnosis strategies. Fault diagnosis, as an indispensable methodology to preserve the seamless post-fault operation, is carried out in consecutive steps; monitoring the observable signals to generate the residuals, evaluating the observations to make a binary decision if any abnormality has occurred, and identifying the characteristics of the abnormalities to locate and isolate the failed components. It is followed by applying an appropriate reconfiguration strategy to ensure that the system can tolerate the failure. The primary focus of presented dissertation was to address employing computational and machine learning techniques to construct a proficient fault diagnosis scheme in multilevel multiphase drives. First, the data-driven nonlinear model identification/prediction methods are used to form a hybrid fault detection framework, which combines module-level and system-level methods in power converters, to enhance the performance and obtain a rapid real-time detection. Applying suggested nonlinear model predictors along with different systems (conventional two-level inverter and three-level neutral point clamped inverter) result in reducing the detection time to 1% of stator current fundamental period without deploying component-level monitoring equipment. Further, two methods using semi-supervised learning and analytical data mining concepts are presented to isolate the failed component. The semi-supervised fuzzy algorithm is engaged in building the clustering model because the deficient labeled datasets (prior knowledge of the system) leads to degraded performance in supervised clustering. Also, an analytical data mining procedure is presented based on data interpretability that yields two criteria to isolate the failure. A key part of this work also dealt with the discrimination between the post-fault characteristics, which are supposed to carry the data reflecting the fault influence, and the output responses, which are compensated by controllers under closed-loop control strategy. The performance of all designed schemes is evaluated through experiments

    Improved Predictive Control in Multi-Modular Matrix Converter for Six-Phase Generation Systems

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    Distributed generation systems are emerging as a good solution as part of the response to the world’s growing energy demand. In this context multi-phase wind generation systems are a feasible option. These systems consist of renewable AC sources which requires efficient and controlled power conversion stages. This work proposes a novel predictive current control strategy that takes advantage of a multi-modular matrix converter topology in the power stage of a six-phase generation system. The proposed method uses a coupling signal between the modules to decrease the error and the total harmonic distortion compared to independent control of each module. Experimental results validate the new control strategy showing the improvement regarding the target parameters

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 1

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    Common-mode voltage elimination in multilevel power inverter-based motor drive applications

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    The industry and academia are focusing their efforts on finding more efficient and reliable electrical machines and motor drives. However, many of the motors driven by pulse-width modulated converters face the recurring problem of common-mode voltage (CMV). In fact, this voltage leads to other problems such as bearing breakdown, deterioration of the stator winding insulation and electromagnetic interferences (EMI) that can affect the lifespan and correct operation of the motors. In this sense, multilevel converters have proven to be a useful tool for solving these problems and mitigating CMV over the past few decades. Among other reasons, because they provide additional degrees of freedom when comparing with two-level converters. However, although there are several proposals in the scientific literature on this topic, no complete information has been reviewed about the CMV issues and the different multilevel alternatives that can be used to solve it. In this context, the objective of this work is to determine how multilevel power converters provide additional degrees of freedom to make the reduction of the CMV possible by using specific modulation techniques, making it easier for engineers and scientists in this field to find solutions to this problem. This document consists of a descriptive study that collects the strengths and weaknesses of most important multilevel power converters, with special emphasis on how CMV affects each of them. In addition, the differences of modulation techniques aimed to the CMV reduction are explained in terms of output voltage, operating linear range, and generated CMV. Considering this last, it is recommended to use those modulation techniques that allow the generation of CMV levels of 0 V in order to be able to completely eliminate said voltage.This work was supported in part by the Government of the Basque Country within the Fund for Research Groups of the Basque University System under Grant IT978-16; in part by the Research Program ELKARTEK under Project ENSOL2-KK-2020/00077; in part by the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya; in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades of Spain under Project PID2019-111420RB-I00 and Project PID2020-115126RB-I00; and in part by the FEDER Funds.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Predictive current control in electrical drives: an illustrated review with case examples using a five-phase induction motor drive with distributed windings

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    The industrial application of electric machines in variable-speed drives has grown in the last decades thanks to the development of microprocessors and power converters. Although three-phase machines constitute the most common case, the interest of the research community has been recently focused on machines with more than three phases, known as multiphase machines. The principal reason lies in the exploitation of their advantages like reliability, better current distribution among phases or lower current harmonic production in the power converter than conventional three-phase ones, to name a few. Nevertheless, multiphase drives applications require the development of complex controllers to regulate the torque (or speed) and flux of the machine. In this regard, predictive current controllers have recently appeared as a viable alternative due to an easy formulation and a high flexibility to incorporate different control objectives. It is found however that these controllers face some peculiarities and limitations in their use that require attention. This work attempts to tackle the predictive current control technique as a viable alternative for the regulation of multiphase drives, paying special attention to the development of the control technique and the discussion of the benefits and limitations. Case examples with experimental results in a symmetrical five-phase induction machine with distributed windings in motoring mode of operation are used to this end


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    Multiphase electric machines are attractive in comparison with three-phase ones due to advantages such as fault-tolerant nature, smaller rating per phase and lower torque ripple. More specifically, the machines with multiple three-phase windings are particularly convenient, because they are suitable for standard off-the-shelf three-phase dc/ac converter modules. For instance, they are becoming a serious option for applications such as electric vehicles and wind turbines. On the other hand, in these applications, operation at low power is often required for long time intervals; hence, improving the efficiency under such conditions is highly desired and could save a significant amount of energy in the long term. This dissertation proposes a method to enhance the efficiency of electric drives based on multiple three-phase windings at light load. The number of active legs is selected depending on the required torque at each instant. To ensure that the overall efficiency is effectively optimized, not only the converter losses, but also the stator copper losses, are taken into account. Experimental results verify the theoretical outcomes. Surface-mounted permanent-magnet synchronous motors (SPMSMs) require a position measurement to ensure a high-performance control. To avoid the cost and maintenance associated to position sensors, sensorless methods are often preferred. The approaches based on high-frequency signal injection are currently a well-established solution to obtain an accurate position estimation in SPMSMs. These techniques can be roughly divided into two groups: those based on sinusoidal or on square-wave high-frequency signals. The main drawback of the former is the limitation on the response speed, due to the presence of several low-pass filters (LPFs). On the other hand, the latter methods are sensitive to deadtime effects, and high-frequency closed-loop current control is required to overcome it. This dissertation proposes to improve the sensorless strategies based on sinusoidal high-frequency injection by simplifying the scheme employed to extract the information about the position error. Namely, two LPFs and several multiplications are removed. Such simplification does not only reduce the computational complexity, but also permits to obtain a faster response to the changes in the angle/speed, and hence, a faster closed-loop control. Experimental results based on a SPMSM prove the enhanced functionality of the proposed method with respect to the previous ones based on high-frequency sinusoidal signal injection

    Review of Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies, Configurations, and Architectures

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    Electric Vehicles (EVs) are projected to be one of the major contributors to energy transition in the global transportation due to their rapid expansion. The EVs will play a vital role in achieving a sustainable transportation system by reducing fossil fuel dependency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, high level of EVs integration into the distribution grid has introduced many challenges for the power grid operation, safety, and network planning due to the increase in load demand, power quality impacts and power losses. An increasing fleet of electric mobility requires the advanced charging systems to enhance charging efficiency and utility grid support. Innovative EV charging technologies are obtaining much attention in recent research studies aimed at strengthening EV adoption while providing ancillary services. Therefore, analysis of the status of EV charging technologies is significant to accelerate EV adoption with advanced control strategies to discover a remedial solution for negative grid impacts, enhance desired charging efficiency and grid support. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the current deployment of EV charging systems, international standards, charging configurations, EV battery technologies, architecture of EV charging stations, and emerging technical challenges. The charging systems require a dedicated converter topology, a control strategy and international standards for charging and grid interconnection to ensure optimum operation and enhance grid support. An overview of different charging systems in terms of onboard and off-board chargers, AC-DC and DC-DC converter topologies, and AC and DC-based charging station architectures are evaluated

    Extension of Finite-Control Set Model-Based Predictive Control Techniques to Fault-Tolerant Multiphase Drives: Analysis and Contributions

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    Las máquinas eléctricas son una de las principales tecnologías que hacen posible las energías renovables y los vehículos eléctricos. La necesidad constante de incrementar la capacidad de potencia para generar más energía o para impulsar vehículos cada vez más grandes, ha motivado la investigación y el desarrollo en el área de las máquinas multifásicas las cuales, gracias a su número de fases, permiten no sólo manejar más potencia con menos pulsaciones de par y contenido armónico en la corriente que las máquinas trifásicas convencionales, sino que también permiten obtener una mayor tolerancia a fallos, aumentando el interés de su implementación en aplicaciones donde la fiabilidad juega un papel importante por razones económicas y de seguridad. La investigación más reciente en el área de sistemas multifásicos se centra en el desarrollo de técnicas que permitan explotar las características específicas y especiales de las máquinas multifásicas, viendo el incremento en el número de fases no como un aumento en la complejidad de implementación, sino como un mayor número de grados de libertad tanto en el diseño como en el control, permitiendo mejorar sus prestaciones y fiabilidad, haciéndolas más atractivas para su uso en aplicaciones industriales. Es así como se han desarrollado técnicas de control que permitan operar a alta velocidad o alto par, tolerancia a diferentes tipos de fallos y máquinas con diferentes conexionados de devanados o con sistemas formados por múltiples variadores y máquinas. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es la extensión del control predictivo para máquinas multifásicas (específicamente el control predictivo de estados finitos basado en modelo o FCS-MPC por sus siglas en inglés) a la operación tolerante a fallos, aprovechando la capacidad de tolerancia a fallos que las máquinas multifásicas poseen, asegurando su funcionamiento de una manera eficiente y controlada. Con este fin se estudió el modelo matemático de la máquina en condiciones de pre- y post- falta considerando diferentes tipos de faltas, permitiendo establecer el efecto que las condiciones de fallo tienen en el comportamiento del sistema. Se desarrollaron modelos de simulación de una máquina de inducción de cinco fases, considerando faltas de fase abierta y en el disparo de los IGBT’s de una fase, permitiendo el diseño y validación del controlador FCS-MPC tolerante a fallos, cuyos resultados obtenidos fueron presentados en diversos congresos internacionales. La posterior implementación y validación experimental del control tolerante a fallos propuesto dio lugar a la publicación de dos de los artículos científicos presentados en esta tesis. Del mismo modo, se desarrolló un control tolerante a fallos basado en controladores lineales (de tipo resonante), teniendo en cuenta los esquemas propuestos en publicaciones científicas recientes y se realizó una comparativa entre el control tolerante a fallos basado en FCS-MPC y el controlador resonante ante un fallo de fase abierta, mediante resultados de simulación y experimentales, dando lugar a la publicación en un congreso internacional y en un artículo de revista científica. Las contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral se han publicado en la revista científica IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics entre los años 2013/2015

    Advances in Electrical Machine, Power Electronic, and Drive Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection: State of the Art

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Recently, research concerning electrical machines and drives condition monitoring and fault diagnosis has experienced extraordinarily dynamic activity. The increasing importance of these energy conversion devices and their widespread use in uncountable applications have motivated significant research efforts. This paper presents an analysis of the state of the art in this field. The analyzed contributions were published in most relevant journals and magazines or presented in either specific conferences in the area or more broadly scoped events.Riera-Guasp, M.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Capolino, G. (2015). Advances in Electrical Machine, Power Electronic, and Drive Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection: State of the Art. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 62(3):1746-1759. doi:10.1109/TIE.2014.2375853S1746175962