68 research outputs found

    Joint optimization of manifold learning and sparse representations for face and gesture analysis

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    Face and gesture understanding algorithms are powerful enablers in intelligent vision systems for surveillance, security, entertainment, and smart spaces. In the future, complex networks of sensors and cameras may disperse directions to lost tourists, perform directory lookups in the office lobby, or contact the proper authorities in case of an emergency. To be effective, these systems will need to embrace human subtleties while interacting with people in their natural conditions. Computer vision and machine learning techniques have recently become adept at solving face and gesture tasks using posed datasets in controlled conditions. However, spontaneous human behavior under unconstrained conditions, or in the wild, is more complex and is subject to considerable variability from one person to the next. Uncontrolled conditions such as lighting, resolution, noise, occlusions, pose, and temporal variations complicate the matter further. This thesis advances the field of face and gesture analysis by introducing a new machine learning framework based upon dimensionality reduction and sparse representations that is shown to be robust in posed as well as natural conditions. Dimensionality reduction methods take complex objects, such as facial images, and attempt to learn lower dimensional representations embedded in the higher dimensional data. These alternate feature spaces are computationally more efficient and often more discriminative. The performance of various dimensionality reduction methods on geometric and appearance based facial attributes are studied leading to robust facial pose and expression recognition models. The parsimonious nature of sparse representations (SR) has successfully been exploited for the development of highly accurate classifiers for various applications. Despite the successes of SR techniques, large dictionaries and high dimensional data can make these classifiers computationally demanding. Further, sparse classifiers are subject to the adverse effects of a phenomenon known as coefficient contamination, where for example variations in pose may affect identity and expression recognition. This thesis analyzes the interaction between dimensionality reduction and sparse representations to present a unified sparse representation classification framework that addresses both issues of computational complexity and coefficient contamination. Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction is shown to mitigate the coefficient contamination problems associated with SR classifiers. The combination of semi-supervised dimensionality reduction with SR systems forms the cornerstone for a new face and gesture framework called Manifold based Sparse Representations (MSR). MSR is shown to deliver state-of-the-art facial understanding capabilities. To demonstrate the applicability of MSR to new domains, MSR is expanded to include temporal dynamics. The joint optimization of dimensionality reduction and SRs for classification purposes is a relatively new field. The combination of both concepts into a single objective function produce a relation that is neither convex, nor directly solvable. This thesis studies this problem to introduce a new jointly optimized framework. This framework, termed LGE-KSVD, utilizes variants of Linear extension of Graph Embedding (LGE) along with modified K-SVD dictionary learning to jointly learn the dimensionality reduction matrix, sparse representation dictionary, sparse coefficients, and sparsity-based classifier. By injecting LGE concepts directly into the K-SVD learning procedure, this research removes the support constraints K-SVD imparts on dictionary element discovery. Results are shown for facial recognition, facial expression recognition, human activity analysis, and with the addition of a concept called active difference signatures, delivers robust gesture recognition from Kinect or similar depth cameras

    Dimensionality reduction and sparse representations in computer vision

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    The proliferation of camera equipped devices, such as netbooks, smartphones and game stations, has led to a significant increase in the production of visual content. This visual information could be used for understanding the environment and offering a natural interface between the users and their surroundings. However, the massive amounts of data and the high computational cost associated with them, encumbers the transfer of sophisticated vision algorithms to real life systems, especially ones that exhibit resource limitations such as restrictions in available memory, processing power and bandwidth. One approach for tackling these issues is to generate compact and descriptive representations of image data by exploiting inherent redundancies. We propose the investigation of dimensionality reduction and sparse representations in order to accomplish this task. In dimensionality reduction, the aim is to reduce the dimensions of the space where image data reside in order to allow resource constrained systems to handle them and, ideally, provide a more insightful description. This goal is achieved by exploiting the inherent redundancies that many classes of images, such as faces under different illumination conditions and objects from different viewpoints, exhibit. We explore the description of natural images by low dimensional non-linear models called image manifolds and investigate the performance of computer vision tasks such as recognition and classification using these low dimensional models. In addition to dimensionality reduction, we study a novel approach in representing images as a sparse linear combination of dictionary examples. We investigate how sparse image representations can be used for a variety of tasks including low level image modeling and higher level semantic information extraction. Using tools from dimensionality reduction and sparse representation, we propose the application of these methods in three hierarchical image layers, namely low-level features, mid-level structures and high-level attributes. Low level features are image descriptors that can be extracted directly from the raw image pixels and include pixel intensities, histograms, and gradients. In the first part of this work, we explore how various techniques in dimensionality reduction, ranging from traditional image compression to the recently proposed Random Projections method, affect the performance of computer vision algorithms such as face detection and face recognition. In addition, we discuss a method that is able to increase the spatial resolution of a single image, without using any training examples, according to the sparse representations framework. In the second part, we explore mid-level structures, including image manifolds and sparse models, produced by abstracting information from low-level features and offer compact modeling of high dimensional data. We propose novel techniques for generating more descriptive image representations and investigate their application in face recognition and object tracking. In the third part of this work, we propose the investigation of a novel framework for representing the semantic contents of images. This framework employs high level semantic attributes that aim to bridge the gap between the visual information of an image and its textual description by utilizing low level features and mid level structures. This innovative paradigm offers revolutionary possibilities including recognizing the category of an object from purely textual information without providing any explicit visual example

    Manifold Elastic Net: A Unified Framework for Sparse Dimension Reduction

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    It is difficult to find the optimal sparse solution of a manifold learning based dimensionality reduction algorithm. The lasso or the elastic net penalized manifold learning based dimensionality reduction is not directly a lasso penalized least square problem and thus the least angle regression (LARS) (Efron et al. \cite{LARS}), one of the most popular algorithms in sparse learning, cannot be applied. Therefore, most current approaches take indirect ways or have strict settings, which can be inconvenient for applications. In this paper, we proposed the manifold elastic net or MEN for short. MEN incorporates the merits of both the manifold learning based dimensionality reduction and the sparse learning based dimensionality reduction. By using a series of equivalent transformations, we show MEN is equivalent to the lasso penalized least square problem and thus LARS is adopted to obtain the optimal sparse solution of MEN. In particular, MEN has the following advantages for subsequent classification: 1) the local geometry of samples is well preserved for low dimensional data representation, 2) both the margin maximization and the classification error minimization are considered for sparse projection calculation, 3) the projection matrix of MEN improves the parsimony in computation, 4) the elastic net penalty reduces the over-fitting problem, and 5) the projection matrix of MEN can be interpreted psychologically and physiologically. Experimental evidence on face recognition over various popular datasets suggests that MEN is superior to top level dimensionality reduction algorithms.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figure

    Graph learning and its applications : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, Massey University, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

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    Since graph features consider the correlations between two data points to provide high-order information, i.e., more complex correlations than the low-order information which considers the correlations in the individual data, they have attracted much attention in real applications. The key of graph feature extraction is the graph construction. Previous study has demonstrated that the quality of the graph usually determines the effectiveness of the graph feature. However, the graph is usually constructed from the original data which often contain noise and redundancy. To address the above issue, graph learning is designed to iteratively adjust the graph and model parameters so that improving the quality of the graph and outputting optimal model parameters. As a result, graph learning has become a very popular research topic in traditional machine learning and deep learning. Although previous graph learning methods have been applied in many fields by adding a graph regularization to the objective function, they still have some issues to be addressed. This thesis focuses on the study of graph learning aiming to overcome the drawbacks in previous methods for different applications. We list the proposed methods as follows. ‱ We propose a traditional graph learning method under supervised learning to consider the robustness and the interpretability of graph learning. Specifically, we propose utilizing self-paced learning to assign important samples with large weights, conducting feature selection to remove redundant features, and learning a graph matrix from the low dimensional data of the original data to preserve the local structure of the data. As a consequence, both important samples and useful features are used to select support vectors in the SVM framework. ‱ We propose a traditional graph learning method under semi-supervised learning to explore parameter-free fusion of graph learning. Specifically, we first employ the discrete wavelet transform and Pearson correlation coefficient to obtain multiple fully connected Functional Connectivity brain Networks (FCNs) for every subject, and then learn a sparsely connected FCN for every subject. Finally, the ℓ1-SVM is employed to learn the important features and conduct disease diagnosis. ‱ We propose a deep graph learning method to consider graph fusion of graph learning. Specifically, we first employ the Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) method to obtain multi-scale features for every image, and then design a new graph fusion method to fine-tune features of every scale. As a result, the multi-scale feature fine-tuning, graph learning, and feature learning are embedded into a unified framework. All proposed methods are evaluated on real-world data sets, by comparing to state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results demonstrate that our methods outperformed all comparison methods

    Rekonstruktion, Analyse und Editierung dynamisch deformierter 3D-OberflÀchen

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    Dynamically deforming 3D surfaces play a major role in computer graphics. However, producing time-varying dynamic geometry at ever increasing detail is a time-consuming and costly process, and so a recent trend is to capture geometry data directly from the real world. In the first part of this thesis, I propose novel approaches for this research area. These approaches capture dense dynamic 3D surfaces from multi-camera systems in a particularly robust and accurate way. This provides highly realistic dynamic surface models for phenomena like moving garments and bulging muscles. However, re-using, editing, or otherwise analyzing dynamic 3D surface data is not yet conveniently possible. To close this gap, the second part of this dissertation develops novel data-driven modeling and animation approaches. I first show a supervised data-driven approach for modeling human muscle deformations that scales to huge datasets and provides fine-scale, anatomically realistic deformations at high quality not attainable by previous methods. I then extend data-driven modeling to the unsupervised case, providing editing tools for a wider set of input data ranging from facial performance capture and full-body motion to muscle and cloth deformation. To this end, I introduce the concepts of sparsity and locality within a mathematical optimization framework. I also explore these concepts for constructing shape-aware functions that are useful for static geometry processing, registration, and localized editing.Dynamisch deformierbare 3D-OberflĂ€chen spielen in der Computergrafik eine zentrale Rolle. Die Erstellung der fĂŒr Computergrafik-Anwendungen benötigten, hochaufgelösten und zeitlich verĂ€nderlichen OberflĂ€chengeometrien ist allerdings Ă€ußerst arbeitsintensiv. Aus dieser Problematik heraus hat sich der Trend entwickelt, OberflĂ€chendaten direkt aus Aufnahmen der echten Welt zu erfassen. Dazu nötige 3D-Rekonstruktionsverfahren werden im ersten Teil der Arbeit entwickelt. Die vorgestellten, neuartigen Verfahren erlauben die Erfassung dynamischer 3D-OberflĂ€chen aus Mehrkamera-Aufnahmen bei hoher VerlĂ€sslichkeit und PrĂ€zision. Auf diese Weise können detaillierte OberflĂ€chenmodelle von PhĂ€nomenen wie in Bewegung befindliche Kleidung oder sich anspannende Muskeln erfasst werden. Aber auch die Wiederverwendung, Bearbeitung und Analyse derlei gewonnener 3D-OberflĂ€chendaten ist aktuell noch nicht auf eine einfache Art und Weise möglich. Um diese LĂŒcke zu schließen beschĂ€ftigt sich der zweite Teil der Arbeit mit der datengetriebenen Modellierung und Animation. ZunĂ€chst wird ein Ansatz fĂŒr das ĂŒberwachte Lernen menschlicher Muskel-Deformationen vorgestellt. Dieses neuartige Verfahren ermöglicht eine datengetriebene Modellierung mit besonders umfangreichen DatensĂ€tzen und liefert anatomisch-realistische Deformationseffekte. Es ĂŒbertrifft damit die Genauigkeit frĂŒherer Methoden. Im nĂ€chsten Teil beschĂ€ftigt sich die Dissertation mit dem unĂŒberwachten Lernen aus 3D-OberflĂ€chendaten. Es werden neuartige Werkzeuge vorgestellt, die eine weitreichende Menge an Eingabedaten verarbeiten können, von aufgenommenen Gesichtsanimationen ĂŒber Ganzkörperbewegungen bis hin zu Muskel- und Kleidungsdeformationen. Um diese Anwendungsbreite zu erreichen stĂŒtzt sich die Arbeit auf die allgemeinen Konzepte der SpĂ€rlichkeit und LokalitĂ€t und bettet diese in einen mathematischen Optimierungsansatz ein. Abschließend zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit, wie diese Konzepte auch fĂŒr die Konstruktion von oberflĂ€chen-adaptiven Basisfunktionen ĂŒbertragen werden können. Dadurch können Anwendungen fĂŒr die Verarbeitung, Registrierung und Bearbeitung statischer OberflĂ€chenmodelle erschlossen werden

    Learning Discriminative Feature Representations for Visual Categorization

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    Learning discriminative feature representations has attracted a great deal of attention due to its potential value and wide usage in a variety of areas, such as image/video recognition and retrieval, human activities analysis, intelligent surveillance and human-computer interaction. In this thesis we first introduce a new boosted key-frame selection scheme for action recognition. Specifically, we propose to select a subset of key poses for the representation of each action via AdaBoost and a new classifier, namely WLNBNN, is then developed for final classification. The experimental results of the proposed method are 0.6% - 13.2% better than previous work. After that, a domain-adaptive learning approach based on multiobjective genetic programming (MOGP) has been developed for image classification. In this method, a set of primitive 2-D operators are randomly combined to construct feature descriptors through the MOGP evolving and then evaluated by two objective fitness criteria, i.e., the classification error and the tree complexity. Later, the (near-)optimal feature descriptor can be obtained. The proposed approach can achieve 0.9% ∌ 25.9% better performance compared with state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, effective dimensionality reduction algorithms have also been widely used for obtaining better representations. In this thesis, we have proposed a novel linear unsupervised algorithm, termed Discriminative Partition Sparsity Analysis (DPSA), explicitly considering different probabilistic distributions that exist over the data points, simultaneously preserving the natural locality relationship among the data. All these above methods have been systematically evaluated on several public datasets, showing their accurate and robust performance (0.44% - 6.69% better than the previous) for action and image categorization. Targeting efficient image classification , we also introduce a novel unsupervised framework termed evolutionary compact embedding (ECE) which can automatically learn the task-specific binary hash codes. It is regarded as an optimization algorithm which combines the genetic programming (GP) and a boosting trick. The experimental results manifest ECE significantly outperform others by 1.58% - 2.19% for classification tasks. In addition, a supervised framework, bilinear local feature hashing (BLFH), has also been proposed to learn highly discriminative binary codes on the local descriptors for large-scale image similarity search. We address it as a nonconvex optimization problem to seek orthogonal projection matrices for hashing, which can successfully preserve the pairwise similarity between different local features and simultaneously take image-to-class (I2C) distances into consideration. BLFH produces outstanding results (0.017% - 0.149% better) compared to the state-of-the-art hashing techniques

    Synthesization and reconstruction of 3D faces by deep neural networks

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    The past few decades have witnessed substantial progress towards 3D facial modelling and reconstruction as it is high importance for many computer vision and graphics applications including Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR), computer games, movie post-production, image/video editing, medical applications, etc. In the traditional approaches, facial texture and shape are represented as triangle mesh that can cover identity and expression variation with non-rigid deformation. A dataset of 3D face scans is then densely registered into a common topology in order to construct a linear statistical model. Such models are called 3D Morphable Models (3DMMs) and can be used for 3D face synthesization or reconstruction by a single or few 2D face images. The works presented in this thesis focus on the modernization of these traditional techniques in the light of recent advances of deep learning and thanks to the availability of large-scale datasets. Ever since the introduction of 3DMMs by over two decades, there has been a lot of progress on it and they are still considered as one of the best methodologies to model 3D faces. Nevertheless, there are still several aspects of it that need to be upgraded to the "deep era". Firstly, the conventional 3DMMs are built by linear statistical approaches such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) which omits high-frequency information by its nature. While this does not curtail shape, which is often smooth in the original data, texture models are heavily afflicted by losing high-frequency details and photorealism. Secondly, the existing 3DMM fitting approaches rely on very primitive (i.e. RGB values, sparse landmarks) or hand-crafted features (i.e. HOG, SIFT) as supervision that are sensitive to "in-the-wild" images (i.e. lighting, pose, occlusion), or somewhat missing identity/expression resemblance with the target image. Finally, shape, texture, and expression modalities are separately modelled by ignoring the correlation among them, placing a fundamental limit to the synthesization of semantically meaningful 3D faces. Moreover, photorealistic 3D face synthesis has not been studied thoroughly in the literature. This thesis attempts to address the above-mentioned issues by harnessing the power of deep neural network and generative adversarial networks as explained below: Due to the linear texture models, many of the state-of-the-art methods are still not capable of reconstructing facial textures with high-frequency details. For this, we take a radically different approach and build a high-quality texture model by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) that preserves details. That is, we utilize GANs to train a very powerful generator of facial texture in the UV space. And then show that it is possible to employ this generator network as a statistical texture prior to 3DMM fitting. The resulting texture reconstructions are plausible and photorealistic as GANs are faithful to the real-data distribution in both low- and high- frequency domains. Then, we revisit the conventional 3DMM fitting approaches making use of non-linear optimization to find the optimal latent parameters that best reconstruct the test image but under a new perspective. We propose to optimize the parameters with the supervision of pretrained deep identity features through our end-to-end differentiable framework. In order to be robust towards initialization and expedite the fitting process, we also propose a novel self-supervised regression-based approach. We demonstrate excellent 3D face reconstructions that are photorealistic and identity preserving and achieve for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, facial texture reconstruction with high-frequency details. In order to extend the non-linear texture model for photo-realistic 3D face synthesis, we present a methodology that generates high-quality texture, shape, and normals jointly. To do so, we propose a novel GAN that can generate data from different modalities while exploiting their correlations. Furthermore, we demonstrate how we can condition the generation on the expression and create faces with various facial expressions. Additionally, we study another approach for photo-realistic face synthesis by 3D guidance. This study proposes to generate 3D faces by linear 3DMM and then augment their 2D rendering by an image-to-image translation network to the photorealistic face domain. Both works demonstrate excellent photorealistic face synthesis and show that the generated faces are improving face recognition benchmarks as synthetic training data. Finally, we study expression reconstruction for personalized 3D face models where we improve generalization and robustness of expression encoding. First, we propose a 3D augmentation approach on 2D head-mounted camera images to increase robustness to perspective changes. And, we also propose to train generic expression encoder network by populating the number of identities with a novel multi-id personalized model training architecture in a self-supervised manner. Both approaches show promising results in both qualitative and quantitative experiments.Open Acces

    Multi-Modal Similarity Learning for 3D Deformable Registration of Medical Images

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    Alors que la perspective de la fusion d images médicales capturées par des systÚmes d imageries de type différent est largement contemplée, la mise en pratique est toujours victime d un obstacle théorique : la définition d une mesure de similarité entre les images. Des efforts dans le domaine ont rencontrés un certain succÚs pour certains types d images, cependant la définition d un critÚre de similarité entre les images quelle que soit leur origine et un des plus gros défis en recalage d images déformables. Dans cette thÚse, nous avons décidé de développer une approche générique pour la comparaison de deux types de modalités donnés. Les récentes avancées en apprentissage statistique (Machine Learning) nous ont permis de développer des solutions innovantes pour la résolution de ce problÚme complexe. Pour appréhender le problÚme de la comparaison de données incommensurables, nous avons choisi de le regarder comme un problÚme de plongement de données : chacun des jeux de données est plongé dans un espace commun dans lequel les comparaisons sont possibles. A ces fins, nous avons exploré la projection d un espace de données image sur l espace de données lié à la seconde image et aussi la projection des deux espaces de données dans un troisiÚme espace commun dans lequel les calculs sont conduits. Ceci a été entrepris grùce à l étude des correspondances entre les images dans une base de données images pré-alignées. Dans la poursuite de ces buts, de nouvelles méthodes ont été développées que ce soit pour la régression d images ou pour l apprentissage de métrique multimodale. Les similarités apprises résultantes sont alors incorporées dans une méthode plus globale de recalage basée sur l optimisation discrÚte qui diminue le besoin d un critÚre différentiable pour la recherche de solution. Enfin nous explorons une méthode qui permet d éviter le besoin d une base de données pré-alignées en demandant seulement des données annotées (segmentations) par un spécialiste. De nombreuses expériences sont conduites sur deux bases de données complexes (Images d IRM pré-alignées et Images TEP/Scanner) dans le but de justifier les directions prises par nos approches.Even though the prospect of fusing images issued by different medical imagery systems is highly contemplated, the practical instantiation of it is subject to a theoretical hurdle: the definition of a similarity between images. Efforts in this field have proved successful for select pairs of images; however defining a suitable similarity between images regardless of their origin is one of the biggest challenges in deformable registration. In this thesis, we chose to develop generic approaches that allow the comparison of any two given modality. The recent advances in Machine Learning permitted us to provide innovative solutions to this very challenging problem. To tackle the problem of comparing incommensurable data we chose to view it as a data embedding problem where one embeds all the data in a common space in which comparison is possible. To this end, we explored the projection of one image space onto the image space of the other as well as the projection of both image spaces onto a common image space in which the comparison calculations are conducted. This was done by the study of the correspondences between image features in a pre-aligned dataset. In the pursuit of these goals, new methods for image regression as well as multi-modal metric learning methods were developed. The resulting learned similarities are then incorporated into a discrete optimization framework that mitigates the need for a differentiable criterion. Lastly we investigate on a new method that discards the constraint of a database of images that are pre-aligned, only requiring data annotated (segmented) by a physician. Experiments are conducted on two challenging medical images data-sets (Pre-Aligned MRI images and PET/CT images) to justify the benefits of our approach.CHATENAY MALABRY-Ecole centrale (920192301) / SudocSudocFranceF
