9 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Control of Yaw and Roll Angles of a Simulated Helicopter Model Includes Articulated Manipulators

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    Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is a heuristic method by If-Then Rules which resembles human intelligence and it is a good method for designing Non-linear control systems. In this paper, an arbitrary helicopter model includes articulated manipulators has been simulated with Matlab SimMechanics toolbox and then we designed a fuzzy controller for its yaw and roll angles when the manipulators are moving for a task. Results reveal that a simple FLC can control this complex system well

    Flight control design for small-scale helicopter using disturbance observer based backstepping

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    Flight control design for small-scale helicopter using disturbance observer based backsteppin

    The passivity of adaptive output regulation of nonlinear exosystem with application of aircraft motions

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    This paper deals with passivity of adaptive output regulation of nonlinear exosystem. It is shown that factorisable low-high frequency gains and harmonic uncertainties are estimated to the exogenous signals with adaptive nonlinear system. The design methodology guarantees asymptotic regulation in the case where the dimension of the regulator is sufficiently large in relation, which affects the number of harmonics acting on the system. On the other hand, harmonics of uncertain amplitude, phase, and frequency are the major sources, and the bounded steady-state regulation error ensures that adaptive nonlinear system is globally asymptotically stable via passivity theory. Kalman–Yacubovitch–Popov property provides that the uncertain adaptive nonlinear system is passive. Finally, specific examples are shown in order to demonstrate the applicability of the result

    Desarrollo de una plataforma de tiempo real para la implementación de algoritmos de control multivariables: Ampliación al control de orienta

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    En esta tesina, se presenta una nueva plataforma de tiempo real para el desarrollo y validación de algoritmos de control de vehículos aéreos no tripulados. Se dispone de dos plataformas un quad-rotor fijo sobre un eje y un quad-rotor preparado para vuelo-libre. En ellas se han desarrollado y implementado diversos tipos de control multivariable.Berna Ferri, A. (2010). Desarrollo de una plataforma de tiempo real para la implementación de algoritmos de control multivariables: Ampliación al control de orienta. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1128

    Contribution à la modélisation énergétique des hélicoptères en vue de la maîtrise de leurs comportements dynamiques

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    Les hélicoptères sont le siège de comportements dynamiques difficiles à maîtriser et récurrents en phase de conception. Ces comportements sont essentiellement liés à des couplages mal maîtrisés entre certains sous-systèmes. Un état de l'art sur les pratiques de modélisation existantes met en évidence un manque de prise en compte des interactions énergétiques entre sous-systèmes, rendant difficile l'analyse et la maîtrise de ces phénomènes et conduisant à des solutions ponctuelles, sans capitalisation possible des méthodes mises en œuvre. Ces travaux offrent une introduction à une approche de représentation multiphysique et multiniveau, complémentaire aux approches existantes, offrant une vision énergétique et structurelle pour la maîtrise de la dynamique des systèmes tels que les hélicoptères. Une réflexion sur les outils de représentation existants a conduit au choix du bond graph (BG), du multibond graph (MBG) et de la Représentation Energétique Macroscopique (REM) en tant qu'outils complémentaires pour la modélisation et la commande des systèmes multiphysiques multicorps. Une analyse énergétique d'hélicoptère a conduit à la proposition d'une description macroscopique basée sur le MBG à mots, complétée par deux autres niveaux détaillant le modèle MBG du sous-système rotor-fuselage. Les hypothèses de modélisation sont choisies de manière à reproduire les conditions d'apparition du phénomène de résonance air, phénomène de couplage connu sur les hélicoptères. Cette étude met en évidence le potentiel des représentations énergétiques en application aux hélicoptères et ouvre de nombreuses perspectives, tant pour l'analyse des appareils existants que pour la conception d'aéronefs innovants.Rotorcraft are complex systems and are thus sources of recurring (i.e. for many new design projects) and poorly understood problems. Considering a specific phenomenon, implying interactions between many subsystems, the analysis of the system from a global but "sufficiently" detailed point of view becomes necessary. Current global modeling methodologies are mainly based on a subsystem-by-subsystem approach and the knowledge of their interactions is insufficient. This work proposes an introduction to a multiphysic and multilevel representation, complementary to existing modeling approaches, offering an energetic and structural view to support analysis and control of rotorcraft. A first study leads to the choice of, the bond graph (BG), the multibond graph (MBG) and the Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) as complementary multiphysic tools for the modeling and control of multiphysic and multibody systems. Then, an energetic analysis of helicopter dynamics is presented and a global energetic and macroscopic representation, using the word bond graph, is proposed. After that, the MBG is used for rotor-fuselage modeling in order to reproduce the air resonance phenomenon. This work shows the potential of energetic representations on rotorcraft and opens many perspectives, not only for the analysis of the existing rotorcraft, but also for the design of innovative rotorcraft.PARIS-Arts et Métiers (751132303) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Advanced control for miniature helicopters : modelling, design and flight test

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have been receiving unprecedented development during the past two decades. Among different types of UAVs, unmanned helicopters exhibit promising features gained from vertical-takeoff-and-landing, which make them as a versatile platform for both military and civil applications. The work reported in this thesis aims to apply advanced control techniques, in particular model predictive control (MPC), to an autonomous helicopter in order to enhance its performance and capability. First, a rapid prototyping testbed is developed to enable indoor flight testing for miniature helicopters. This testbed is able to simultaneously observe the flight state, carry out complicated algorithms and realtime control of helicopters all in a Matlab/Simulink environment, which provides a streamline process from algorithm development, simulation to flight tests. Next, the modelling and system identification for small-scale helicopters are studied. A parametric model is developed and the unknown parameters are estimated through the designed identification process. After a mathematical model of the selected helicopter is available, three MPC based control algorithms are developed focusing on different aspects in the operation of autonomous helicopters. The first algorithm is a nonlinear MPC framework. A piecewise constant scheme is used in the MPC formulation to reduce the intensive computation load. A two-level framework is suggested where the nonlinear MPC is combined with a low-level linear controller to allow its application on the systems with fast dynamics. The second algorithm solves the local path planning and the successive tracking control by using nonlinear and linear MPC, respectively. The kinematics and obstacle information are incorporated in the path planning, and the linear dynamics are used to design a flight controller. A guidance compensator dynamically links the path planner and flight controller. The third algorithm focuses on the further reduction of computational load in a MPC scheme and the trajectory tracking control in the presence of uncertainties and disturbances. An explicit nonlinear MPC is developed for helicopters to avoid online optimisation, which is then integrated with a nonlinear disturbance observer to significantly improve its robustness and disturbance attenuation. All these algorithms have been verified by flight tests for autonomous helicopters in the dedicated rapid prototyping testbed developed in this thesis.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Commande référencée vision pour drones à décollages et atterrissages verticaux

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    La miniaturisation des calculateurs a permis le développement des drones, engins volants capable de se déplacer de façon autonome et de rendre des services, comme se rendre clans des lieux peu accessibles ou remplacer l'homme dans des missions pénibles. Un enjeu essentiel dans ce cadre est celui de l'information qu'ils doivent utiliser pour se déplacer, et donc des capteurs à exploiter pour obtenir cette information. Or nombre de ces capteurs présentent des inconvénients (risques de brouillage ou de masquage en particulier). L'utilisation d'une caméra vidéo dans ce contexte offre une perspective intéressante. L'objet de cette thèse était l'étude de l'utilisation d'une telle caméra dans un contexte capteur minimaliste: essentiellement l'utilisation des données visuelles et inertielles. Elle a porté sur le développement de lois de commande offrant au système ainsi bouclé des propriétés de stabilité et de robustesse. En particulier, une des difficultés majeures abordées vient de la connaissance très limitée de l'environnement dans lequel le drone évolue. La thèse a tout d'abord étudié le problème de stabilisation du drone sous l'hypothèse de petits déplacements (hypothèse de linéarité). Dans un second temps, on a montré comment relâcher l'hypothèse de petits déplacements via la synthèse de commandes non linéaires. Le cas du suivi de trajectoire a ensuite été considéré, en s'appuyant sur la définition d'un cadre générique de mesure d'erreur de position par rapport à un point de référence inconnu. Enfin, la validation expérimentale de ces résultats a été entamée pendant la thèse, et a permis de valider bon nombre d'étapes et de défis associés à leur mise en œuvre en conditions réelles. La thèse se conclut par des perspectives pour poursuivre les travaux.The computers miniaturization has paved the way for the conception of Unmanned Aerial vehicles - "UAVs"- that is: flying vehicles embedding computers to make them partially or fully automated for such missions as e.g. cluttered environments exploration or replacement of humanly piloted vehicles for hazardous or painful missions. A key challenge for the design of such vehicles is that of the information they need to find in order to move, and, thus, the sensors to be used in order to get such information. A number of such sensors have flaws (e.g. the risk of being jammed). In this context, the use of a videocamera offers interesting prospectives. The goal of this PhD work was to study the use of such a videocamera in a minimal sensors setting: essentially the use of visual and inertial data. The work has been focused on the development of control laws offering the closed loop system stability and robustness properties. In particular, one of the major difficulties we faced came from the limited knowledge of the UAV environment. First we have studied this question under a small displacements assumption (linearity assumption). A control law has been defined, which took performance criteria into account. Second, we have showed how the small displacements assumption could be given up through nonlinear control design. The case of a trajectory following has then been considered, with the use of a generic error vector modelling with respect to an unknown reference point. Finally, an experimental validation of this work has been started and helped validate a number of steps and challenges associated to real conditions experiments. The work was concluded with prospectives for future work.TOULOUSE-ISAE (315552318) / SudocSudocFranceF