77 research outputs found

    Reinforcement Learning based Gateway Selection in VANETs

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    In vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), providing the Internet has become an urgent necessity, where mobile gateways are used to ensure network connection to all customer vehicles in the network. However, the highly dynamic topology and bandwidth limitations of the network represent a significant issue in the gateway selection process. Two objectives are defined to overcome these challenges. The first objective aims to maximize the number of vehicles connected to the Internet by finding a suitable gateway for them depending on the connection lifetime. The second objective seeks to minimize the number of connected vehicles to the same gateway to overcome the limitation of gateways\u27 bandwidth and distribute the load in the network. For this purpose, A gateway discovery system assisted by the vehicular cloud is implemented to find a fair trade-off between the two conflicting objectives. Proximal Policy Optimization, a well-known reinforcement learning strategy, is used to define and train the agent. The trained agent was evaluated and compared with other multi-objective optimization methods under different conditions. The obtained results show that the proposed algorithm has better performance in terms of the number of connected vehicles, load distribution over the mobile gateways, link connectivity duration, and execution time

    New Gateway Selection Algorithm Based on Multi-Objective Integer Programming and Reinforcement Learning

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    Connecting vehicles to the infrastructure and benefiting from the services provided by the network is one of the main objectives to increase safety and provide well-being for passengers. Providing such services requires finding suitable gateways to connect the source vehicles to the infrastructure. The major feature of using gateways is to decrease the load of the network infrastructure resources so that each gateway is responsible for a group of vehicles. Unfortunately, the implementation of this goal is facing many challenges, including the highly dynamic topology of VANETs, which causes network instability, and the deployment of applications with high bandwidth demand that can cause network congestion, particularly in urban areas with a high-density vehicle. This work introduces a novel gateway selection algorithm for vehicular networks in urban areas, consisting of two phases. The first phase identifies the best gateways among the deployed vehicles using multi-objective integer programming. While in the second phase, reinforcement learning is employed to select a suitable gateway for any vehicular node in need to access the VANET infrastructure. The proposed model is evaluated and compared to other existing solutions. The obtained results show the efficiency of the proposed system in identifying and selecting the gateways


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    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have been envisioned to be useful in road safety and many commercial applications. The growing trend to provide communication among the vehicles on the road has provided the opportunities for developing a variety of applications for VANET. The unique characteristics of VANET bring about new research challenges

    Evolution of 5G Network: A Precursor towards the Realtime Implementation of VANET for Safety Applications in Nigeria

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      A crucial requirement for the successful real-time design and deployment of Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANET) is to ensure high speed data rates, low latency, information security, and a wide coverage area without sacrificing the required Quality of Service (QoS) in VANET. These requirements must be met for flawless communication on the VANET. This study examines the generational patterns in mobile wireless communication and looks into the possibilities of adopting fifth generation (5G) network technology for real-time communication of road abnormalities in VANET. The current paper addresses the second phase of a project that is now underway to develop real-time road anomaly detection, characterization, and communication systems for VANET. The major goal is to reduce the amount of traffic accidents on Nigerian roadways. It will also serve as a platform for the real-time deployment and testing of various road anomaly detection algorithms, as well as schemes for communicating such detected anomalies in the VANET.   &nbsp

    From grids to clouds: recap on challenges and solutions

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    Grid Computing is a set of resources; the separate computational power of these resources has combination to execute a huge task. Usually, in a Computational Grid environment, the main resource is the Central Processing Unit (CPU), mostly used in research fields that demand high computational power to perform massive and complicated calculations. Cloud Computing is a promising computing pattern which offers facilities and common resources on demand over the Web. The implementation of cloud computing applications has high priority, especially in the modern world, for example in providing adequate funding for social services and purchasing programs. In this paper, we discuss the implementation of cloud computing over a Smart Grid: reliable, guaranteed and efficient with low cost, it is expected to offer Long Term Evolution (LTE). This allows larger pieces of the spectrum, or bands, to be used, with greater coverage and less latency. The third technology is the Vehicular Network, an important research area because of its unique features and potential applications. In this survey, we present an overview of the smart grid, LTE and vehicular network integrated with cloud computing. We also highlight the open issues and research directions in implementing these technologies with cloud computing in terms of energy and information management for smart grids; applying cloud computing platforms for 4G networks to achieve specific criteria; and finally architectural formation, privacy and security for vehicular cloud computing

    QoS-Balancing Algorithm for Optimal Relay Selection in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks

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    Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) could facilitate communications among various road entities to improve the driver's safety and driving experience. These communications are called Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications that can be supported by LTE-V2X protocols. Due to frequent changes of network topology in V2X, the source node (e.g., a vehicle) may have to choose a Device-to-Device(D2D) relay node to forward its packet to the destination node. In this paper, we propose a new method for choosing an optimal D2D relay node. The proposed method considers Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for selecting D2D relay nodes. It employs an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for making decisions. The decision criteria are linked with channel capacity, link stability and end-to-end delay. A number of simulations were performed considering various network scenarios to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. Simulation results show that the proposed method improves Packet Dropping Rate (PDR) by 30% and delivery ratio by 23% in comparison with the existing methods

    A Presence-Based Architecture for a Gateway to Integrate Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs), the IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

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    RĂ©sumĂ© Le IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS) est un sujet de recherche qui attire l’attention de la communautĂ© de recherche. Il a comme but de fournir un accĂšs mobile aux diffĂ©rents services internet. Il s’agit d’une architecture de contrĂŽle au-dessus de la couche IP dont le but est de fournir une qualitĂ© de service, services intĂ©grĂ©s et un systĂšme de tarification Ă©quitable Ă  travers des interfaces standards. D’autre part, le rĂ©seau Ad-hoc de vĂ©hicules (VANETs) fournit un nouveau moyen de communication sans-fil entre les vĂ©hicules circulants Ă  grande vitesse ainsi que les Ă©quipements installĂ©s tout au long des cĂŽtĂ©s de la route. Cette technologie ouvre la porte pour dĂ©velopper des applications diverses comme la gĂ©nie de trafic, gestion du trafic, diffusion d’information en cas d’urgence pour Ă©viter des situations critiques, divertissement et bien d’autres choses. VANETs forme une sous-classe des rĂ©seaux Ad-hoc mobile dont la performance est fortement liĂ©e au protocole de routage utilisĂ© dans le rĂ©seau. L’intĂ©gration des deux technologies, IMS et VANET, permettra de mettre en Ɠuvre de nouveaux services multimĂ©dias. Ce mĂ©moire de maĂźtrise propose une architecture d’une passerelle incorporant ces deux technologies ensemble. Étant donnĂ© que les deux architectures utilisent des formats de communication diffĂ©rents, on a conçu un middleware afin d’adapter le format en fonction de la destination et de choisir la meilleur stratĂ©gie de livraison d’information entre eux. La passerelle, qui est le cƓur de notre architecture, est une couche au-dessus du IMS et le VANET. ----------ABSTRACT On one hand, IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS) are a research area that has been gaining attention from the research community. It aims to provide cellular access to all Internet services. It is a control architecture on the top of the IP layer whose goal is dependent on the provision of the Quality of Service (QoS), integrated services and fair charging scheme throughout standard interfaces. On the other hand, Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are a new communication paradigm that enables the wireless communication between vehicles moving with high speeds, as well as the vehicles and the road side equipments found along the roads. This opened the door to develop several new applications like, traffic engineering, traffic management, dissemination of emergency information to avoid critical situations, comfort and entertainment and other user applications. Moreover, VANETs are a sub-class of mobile ad-hoc networks; the performance of the communication depends on how better the routing takes place in the network. Routing of data depends on the routing protocols being used in the network. Combining the capabilities of IMS world with the VANET world opens the door to deploy a wide range of novel multimedia services. This dissertation proposes a presence-based architecture for the integration of IMS with VANETs. The presence of the middleware is used to make an instantaneous awareness of the VANETs changes as well as of the IMS format and to select the best delivery strategy between the two architectures. The gateway which is the heart of our architecture is an overlay built on the top of the IMS as well as the VANETs

    Software-defined Networking enabled Resource Management and Security Provisioning in 5G Heterogeneous Networks

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    Due to the explosive growth of mobile data traffic and the shortage of spectral resources, 5G networks are envisioned to have a densified heterogeneous network (HetNet) architecture, combining multiple radio access technologies (multi-RATs) into a single holistic network. The co-existing of multi-tier architectures bring new challenges, especially on resource management and security provisioning, due to the lack of common interface and consistent policy across HetNets. In this thesis, we aim to address the technical challenges of data traffic management, coordinated spectrum sharing and security provisioning in 5G HetNets through the introduction of a programmable management platform based on Software-defined networking (SDN). To address the spectrum shortage problem in cellular networks, cellular data traffic is efficiently offloaded to the Wi-Fi network, and the quality of service of user applications is guaranteed with the proposed delay tolerance based partial data offloading algorithm. A two-layered information collection is also applied to best load balancing decision-making. Numerical results show that the proposed schemes exploit an SDN controller\u27s global view of the HetNets and take optimized resource allocation decisions. To support growing vehicle-generated data traffic in 5G-vehicle ad hoc networks (VANET), SDN-enabled adaptive vehicle clustering algorithm is proposed based on the real-time road traffic condition collected from HetNet infrastructure. Traffic offloading is achieved within each cluster and dynamic beamformed transmission is also applied to improve trunk link communication quality. To further achieve a coordinated spectrum sharing across HetNets, an SDN enabled orchestrated spectrum sharing scheme that integrates participating HetNets into an amalgamated network through a common configuration interface and real-time information exchange is proposed. In order to effectively protect incumbent users, a real-time 3D interference map is developed to guide the spectrum access based on the SDN global view. MATLAB simulations confirm that average interference at incumbents is reduced as well as the average number of denied access. Moreover, to tackle the contradiction between more stringent latency requirement of 5G and the potential delay induced by frequent authentications in 5G small cells and HetNets, an SDN-enabled fast authentication scheme is proposed in this thesis to simplify authentication handover, through sharing of user-dependent secure context information (SCI) among related access points. The proposed SCI is a weighted combination of user-specific attributes, which provides unique fingerprint of the specific device without additional hardware and computation cost. Numerical results show that the proposed non-cryptographic authentication scheme achieves comparable security with traditional cryptographic algorithms, while reduces authentication complexity and latency especially when network load is high
