1,591 research outputs found

    A hybrid deep learning approach for texture analysis

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    Texture classification is a problem that has various applications such as remote sensing and forest species recognition. Solutions tend to be custom fit to the dataset used but fails to generalize. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in combination with Support Vector Machine (SVM) form a robust selection between powerful invariant feature extractor and accurate classifier. The fusion of classifiers shows the stability of classification among different datasets and slight improvement compared to state of the art methods. The classifiers are fused using confusion matrix after independent training of each using the same training set, then put to test. Statistical information about each classifier is fed to a confusion matrix that generates two confidence measures used in building two binary classifiers. The binary classifier is allowed to activate or deactivate a classifier during testing time based on a confidence measure obtained from the confusion matrix. The method obtained results approaching state of the art with a difference less than 1% in classification success rates. Moreover, the method was able to maintain this success rate among different datasets while other methods had failed to obtain similar stability. Two datasets had been used in this research Brodatz and Kylberg where the results came 98.17% and 99.70%. In comparison to conventional methods in the literature, it came as 98.9% and 99.64% respectively

    Methods for the acquisition and analysis of volume electron microscopy data

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    Complexity in Developmental Systems: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Organ Formation

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    During animal development, embryonic cells assemble into intricately structured organs by working together in organized groups capable of implementing tightly coordinated collective behaviors, including patterning, morphogenesis and migration. Although many of the molecular components and basic mechanisms underlying such collective phenomena are known, the complexity emerging from their interplay still represents a major challenge for developmental biology. Here, we first clarify the nature of this challenge and outline three key strategies for addressing it: precision perturbation, synthetic developmental biology, and data-driven inference. We then present the results of our effort to develop a set of tools rooted in two of these strategies and to apply them to uncover new mechanisms and principles underlying the coordination of collective cell behaviors during organogenesis, using the zebrafish posterior lateral line primordium as a model system. To enable precision perturbation of migration and morphogenesis, we sought to adapt optogenetic tools to control chemokine and actin signaling. This endeavor proved far from trivial and we were ultimately unable to derive functional optogenetic constructs. However, our work toward this goal led to a useful new way of perturbing cortical contractility, which in turn revealed a potential role for cell surface tension in lateral line organogenesis. Independently, we hypothesized that the lateral line primordium might employ plithotaxis to coordinate organ formation with collective migration. We tested this hypothesis using a novel optical tool that allows targeted arrest of cell migration, finding that contrary to previous assumptions plithotaxis does not substantially contribute to primordium guidance. Finally, we developed a computational framework for automated single-cell segmentation, latent feature extraction and quantitative analysis of cellular architecture. We identified the key factors defining shape heterogeneity across primordium cells and went on to use this shape space as a reference for mapping the results of multiple experiments into a quantitative atlas of primordium cell architecture. We also propose a number of data-driven approaches to help bridge the gap from big data to mechanistic models. Overall, this study presents several conceptual and methodological advances toward an integrated understanding of complex multi-cellular systems

    Multi-scale active shape description in medical imaging

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    Shape description in medical imaging has become an increasingly important research field in recent years. Fast and high-resolution image acquisition methods like Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging produce very detailed cross-sectional images of the human body - shape description is then a post-processing operation which abstracts quantitative descriptions of anatomically relevant object shapes. This task is usually performed by clinicians and other experts by first segmenting the shapes of interest, and then making volumetric and other quantitative measurements. High demand on expert time and inter- and intra-observer variability impose a clinical need of automating this process. Furthermore, recent studies in clinical neurology on the correspondence between disease status and degree of shape deformations necessitate the use of more sophisticated, higher-level shape description techniques. In this work a new hierarchical tool for shape description has been developed, combining two recently developed and powerful techniques in image processing: differential invariants in scale-space, and active contour models. This tool enables quantitative and qualitative shape studies at multiple levels of image detail, exploring the extra image scale degree of freedom. Using scale-space continuity, the global object shape can be detected at a coarse level of image detail, and finer shape characteristics can be found at higher levels of detail or scales. New methods for active shape evolution and focusing have been developed for the extraction of shapes at a large set of scales using an active contour model whose energy function is regularized with respect to scale and geometric differential image invariants. The resulting set of shapes is formulated as a multiscale shape stack which is analysed and described for each scale level with a large set of shape descriptors to obtain and analyse shape changes across scales. This shape stack leads naturally to several questions in regard to variable sampling and appropriate levels of detail to investigate an image. The relationship between active contour sampling precision and scale-space is addressed. After a thorough review of modem shape description, multi-scale image processing and active contour model techniques, the novel framework for multi-scale active shape description is presented and tested on synthetic images and medical images. An interesting result is the recovery of the fractal dimension of a known fractal boundary using this framework. Medical applications addressed are grey-matter deformations occurring for patients with epilepsy, spinal cord atrophy for patients with Multiple Sclerosis, and cortical impairment for neonates. Extensions to non-linear scale-spaces, comparisons to binary curve and curvature evolution schemes as well as other hierarchical shape descriptors are discussed

    Learning Discriminative Features and Structured Models for Segmentation in Microscopy and Natural Images

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    Segmenting images is a significant challenge that has drawn a lot of attention from different fields of artificial intelligence and has many practical applications. One such challenge addressed in this thesis is the segmentation of electron microscope (EM) imaging of neural tissue. EM microscopy is one of the key tools used to analyze neural tissue and understand the brain, but the huge amounts of data it produces make automated analysis necessary. In addition to the challenges specific to EM data, the common problems encountered in image segmentation must also be addressed. These problems include extracting discriminative features from the data and constructing a statistical model using ground-truth data. Although complex models appear to be more attractive because they allow for more expressiveness, they also lead to a higher computational complexity. On the other hand, simple models come with a lower complexity but less faithfully express the real world. Therefore, one of the most challenging tasks in image segmentation is in constructing models that are expressive enough while remaining tractable. In this work, we propose several automated graph partitioning approaches that address these issues. These methods reduce the computational complexity by operating on supervoxels instead of voxels, incorporating features capable of describing the 3D shape of the target objects and using structured models to account for correlation in output variables. One of the non-trivial issues with such models is that their parameters must be carefully chosen for optimal performance. A popular approach to learning model parameters is a maximum-margin approach called Structured SVM (SSVM) that provides optimality guarantees but also suffers from two main drawbacks. First, SSVM-based approaches are usually limited to linear kernels, since more powerful nonlinear kernels cause the learning to become prohibitively expensive. In this thesis, we introduce an approach to “kernelize” the features so that a linear SSVM framework can leverage the power of nonlinear kernels without incurring their high computational cost. Second, the optimality guarentees are violated for complex models with strong inter-relations between the output variables. We propose a new subgradient-based method that is more robust and leads to improved convergence properties and increased reliability. The different approaches presented in this thesis are applicable to both natural and medical images. They are able to segment mitochondria at a performance level close to that of a human annotator, and outperform state-of-the-art segmentation techniques while still benefiting from a low learning time

    Registration of histology and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain

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    Combining histology and non-invasive imaging has been attracting the attention of the medical imaging community for a long time, due to its potential to correlate macroscopic information with the underlying microscopic properties of tissues. Histology is an invasive procedure that disrupts the spatial arrangement of the tissue components but enables visualisation and characterisation at a cellular level. In contrast, macroscopic imaging allows non-invasive acquisition of volumetric information but does not provide any microscopic details. Through the establishment of spatial correspondences obtained via image registration, it is possible to compare micro- and macroscopic information and to recover the original histological arrangement in three dimensions. In this thesis, I present: (i) a survey of the literature relative to methods for histology reconstruction with and without the help of 3D medical imaging; (ii) a graph-theoretic method for histology volume reconstruction from sets of 2D sections, without external information; (iii) a method for multimodal 2D linear registration between histology and MRI based on partial matching of shape-informative boundaries

    Quantitative MRI correlates of hippocampal and neocortical pathology in intractable temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Intractable or drug-resistant epilepsy occurs in over 30% of epilepsy patients, with many of these patients undergoing surgical excision of the affected brain region to achieve seizure control. Advances in MRI have the potential to improve surgical treatment of epilepsy through improved identification and delineation of lesions. However, validation is currently needed to investigate histopathological correlates of these new imaging techniques. The purpose of this work is to investigate histopathological correlates of quantitative relaxometry and DTI from hippocampal and neocortical specimens of intractable TLE patients. To achieve this goal I developed and evaluated a pipeline for histology to in-vivo MRI image registration, which finds dense spatial correspondence between both modalities. This protocol was divided in two steps whereby sparsely sectioned histology from temporal lobe specimens was first registered to the intermediate ex-vivo MRI which is then registered to the in-vivo MRI, completing a pipeline for histology to in-vivo MRI registration. When correlating relaxometry and DTI with neuronal density and morphology in the temporal lobe neocortex, I found T1 to be a predictor of neuronal density in the neocortical GM and demonstrated that employing multi-parametric MRI (combining T1 and FA together) provided a significantly better fit than each parameter alone in predicting density of neurons. This work was the first to relate in-vivo T1 and FA values to the proportion of neurons in GM. When investigating these quantitative multimodal parameters with histological features within the hippocampal subfields, I demonstrated that MD correlates with neuronal density and size, and can act as a marker for neuron integrity within the hippocampus. More importantly, this work was the first to highlight the potential of subfield relaxometry and diffusion parameters (mainly T2 and MD) as well as volumetry in predicting the extent of cell loss per subfield pre-operatively, with a precision so far unachievable. These results suggest that high-resolution quantitative MRI sequences could impact clinical practice for pre-operative evaluation and prediction of surgical outcomes of intractable epilepsy