25,642 research outputs found

    A Kernel Perspective for Regularizing Deep Neural Networks

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    We propose a new point of view for regularizing deep neural networks by using the norm of a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). Even though this norm cannot be computed, it admits upper and lower approximations leading to various practical strategies. Specifically, this perspective (i) provides a common umbrella for many existing regularization principles, including spectral norm and gradient penalties, or adversarial training, (ii) leads to new effective regularization penalties, and (iii) suggests hybrid strategies combining lower and upper bounds to get better approximations of the RKHS norm. We experimentally show this approach to be effective when learning on small datasets, or to obtain adversarially robust models.Comment: ICM

    Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification: Earth monitoring with statistical learning methods

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    Hyperspectral images show similar statistical properties to natural grayscale or color photographic images. However, the classification of hyperspectral images is more challenging because of the very high dimensionality of the pixels and the small number of labeled examples typically available for learning. These peculiarities lead to particular signal processing problems, mainly characterized by indetermination and complex manifolds. The framework of statistical learning has gained popularity in the last decade. New methods have been presented to account for the spatial homogeneity of images, to include user's interaction via active learning, to take advantage of the manifold structure with semisupervised learning, to extract and encode invariances, or to adapt classifiers and image representations to unseen yet similar scenes. This tutuorial reviews the main advances for hyperspectral remote sensing image classification through illustrative examples.Comment: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 201

    Testing the martingale difference hypothesis using integrated regression functions

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    An omnibus test for testing a generalized version of the martingale difference hypothesis (MDH) is proposed. This generalized hypothesis includes the usual MDH, testing for conditional moments constancy such as conditional homoscedasticity (ARCH effects) or testing for directional predictability. A unified approach for dealing with all of these testing problems is proposed. These hypotheses are long standing problems in econometric time series analysis, and typically have been tested using the sample autocorrelations or in the spectral domain using the periodogram. Since these hypotheses cover also nonlinear predictability, tests based on those second order statistics are inconsistent against uncorrelated processes in the alternative hypothesis. In order to circumvent this problem pairwise integrated regression functions are introduced as measures of linear and nonlinear dependence. The proposed test does not require to chose a lag order depending on sample size, to smooth the data or to formulate a parametric alternative model. Moreover, the test is robust to higher order dependence, in particular to conditional heteroskedasticity. Under general dependence the asymptotic null distribution depends on the data generating process, so a bootstrap procedure is considered and a Monte Carlo study examines its finite sample performance. Then, the martingale and conditional heteroskedasticity properties of the Pound/Dollar exchange rate are investigated.Publicad

    Quantile-Based Spectral Analysis in an Object-Oriented Framework and a Reference Implementation in R: The quantspec Package

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    Quantile-based approaches to the spectral analysis of time series have recently attracted a lot of attention. Despite a growing literature that contains various estimation proposals, no systematic methods for computing the new estimators are available to date. This paper contains two main contributions. First, an extensible framework for quantile-based spectral analysis of time series is developed and documented using object-oriented models. A comprehensive, open source, reference implementation of this framework, the R package quantspec, was recently contributed to CRAN by the author of this paper. The second contribution of the present paper is to provide a detailed tutorial, with worked examples, to this R package. A reader who is already familiar with quantile-based spectral analysis and whose primary interest is not the design of the quantspec package, but how to use it, can read the tutorial and worked examples (Sections 3 and 4) independently.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, R package available via CRAN (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/quantspec) or GitHub (https://github.com/tobiaskley/quantspec
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