10 research outputs found

    Scale Estimation with Dual Quadrics for Monocular Object SLAM

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    The scale ambiguity problem is inherently unsolvable to monocular SLAM without the metric baseline between moving cameras. In this paper, we present a novel scale estimation approach based on an object-level SLAM system. To obtain the absolute scale of the reconstructed map, we derive a nonlinear optimization method to make the scaled dimensions of objects conforming to the distribution of their sizes in the physical world, without relying on any prior information of gravity direction. We adopt the dual quadric to represent objects for its ability to fit objects compactly and accurately. In the proposed monocular object-level SLAM system, dual quadrics are fastly initialized based on constraints of 2-D detections and fitted oriented bounding box and are further optimized to provide reliable dimensions for scale estimation.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted by IROS202

    OA-SLAM: Leveraging Objects for Camera Relocalization in Visual SLAM

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    In this work, we explore the use of objects in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in unseen worlds and propose an object-aided system (OA-SLAM). More precisely, we show that, compared to low-level points, the major benefit of objects lies in their higher-level semantic and discriminating power. Points, on the contrary, have a better spatial localization accuracy than the generic coarse models used to represent objects (cuboid or ellipsoid). We show that combining points and objects is of great interest to address the problem of camera pose recovery. Our main contributions are: (1) we improve the relocalization ability of a SLAM system using high-level object landmarks; (2) we build an automatic system, capable of identifying, tracking and reconstructing objects with 3D ellipsoids; (3) we show that object-based localization can be used to reinitialize or resume camera tracking. Our fully automatic system allows on-the-fly object mapping and enhanced pose tracking recovery, which we think, can significantly benefit to the AR community. Our experiments show that the camera can be relocalized from viewpoints where classical methods fail. We demonstrate that this localization allows a SLAM system to continue working despite a tracking loss, which can happen frequently with an uninitiated user. Our code and test data are released at gitlab.inria.fr/tangram/oa-slam.Comment: ISMAR 202

    ObVi-SLAM: Long-Term Object-Visual SLAM

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    Robots responsible for tasks over long time scales must be able to localize consistently and scalably amid geometric, viewpoint, and appearance changes. Existing visual SLAM approaches rely on low-level feature descriptors that are not robust to such environmental changes and result in large map sizes that scale poorly over long-term deployments. In contrast, object detections are robust to environmental variations and lead to more compact representations, but most object-based SLAM systems target short-term indoor deployments with close objects. In this paper, we introduce ObVi-SLAM to overcome these challenges by leveraging the best of both approaches. ObVi-SLAM uses low-level visual features for high-quality short-term visual odometry; and to ensure global, long-term consistency, ObVi-SLAM builds an uncertainty-aware long-term map of persistent objects and updates it after every deployment. By evaluating ObVi-SLAM on data from 16 deployment sessions spanning different weather and lighting conditions, we empirically show that ObVi-SLAM generates accurate localization estimates consistent over long-time scales in spite of varying appearance conditions.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table plus appendix with 4 figures and 1 tabl

    Robust Object-based SLAM for High-speed Autonomous Navigation

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    We present Robust Object-based SLAM for High-speed Autonomous Navigation (ROSHAN), a novel approach to object-level mapping suitable for autonomous navigation. In ROSHAN, we represent objects as ellipsoids and infer their parameters using three sources of information - bounding box detections, image texture, and semantic knowledge - to overcome the observability problem in ellipsoid-based SLAM under common forward-translating vehicle motions. Each bounding box provides four planar constraints on an object surface and we add a fifth planar constraint using the texture on the objects along with a semantic prior on the shape of ellipsoids. We demonstrate ROSHAN in simulation where we outperform the baseline, reducing the median shape error by 83% and the median position error by 72% in a forward-moving camera sequence. We demonstrate similar qualitative result on data collected on a fast-moving autonomous quadrotor.NASA (Award NNX15AQ50A)DARPA (Contract HR0011-15-C-0110

    Online Synthesis Of Speculative Building Information Models For Robot Motion Planning

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    Autonomous mobile robots today still lack the necessary understanding of indoor environments for making informed decisions about the state of the world beyond their immediate field of view. As a result, they are forced to make conservative and often inaccurate assumptions about unexplored space, inhibiting the degree of performance being increasingly expected of them in the areas of high-speed navigation and mission planning. In order to address this limitation, this thesis explores the use of Building Information Models (BIMs) for providing the existing ecosystem of local and global planning algorithms with informative compact higher-level representations of indoor environments. Although BIMs have long been used in architecture, engineering, and construction for a number of different purposes, to our knowledge, this is the first instance of them being used in robotics. Given the technical constraints accompanying this domain, including a limited and incomplete set of observations which grows over time, the systems we present are designed such that together they produce BIMs capable of providing explanations of both the explored and unexplored space in an online fashion. The first is a SLAM system that uses the structural regularity of buildings in order to mitigate drift and provide the simplest explanation of architectural features such as floors, walls, and ceilings. The planar model generated is then passed to a secondary system that then reasons about their mutual relationships in order to provide a water-tight model of the observed and inferred freespace. Our experimental results demonstrate this to be an accurate and efficient approach towards this end

    Shaped-based IMU/Camera Tightly Coupled Object-level SLAM using Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filtering

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a decades-old problem. The classical solution to this problem utilizes entities such as feature points that cannot facilitate the interactions between a robot and its environment (e.g., grabbing objects). Recent advances in deep learning have paved the way to accurately detect objects in the image under various illumination conditions and occlusions. This led to the emergence of object-level solutions to the SLAM problem. Current object-level methods depend on an initial solution using classical approaches and assume that errors are Gaussian. This research develops a standalone solution to object-level SLAM that integrates the data from a monocular camera and an IMU (available in low-end devices) using Rao Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF). RBPF does not assume Gaussian distribution for the error; thus, it can handle a variety of scenarios (such as when a symmetrical object with pose ambiguities is encountered). The developed method utilizes shape instead of texture; therefore, texture-less objects can be incorporated into the solution. In the particle weighing process, a new method is developed that utilizes the Intersection over the Union (IoU) area of the observed and projected boundaries of the object that does not require point-to-point correspondence. Thus, it is not prone to false data correspondences. Landmark initialization is another important challenge for object-level SLAM. In the state-of-the-art delayed initialization, the trajectory estimation only relies on the motion model provided by IMU mechanization (during the initialization), leading to large errors. In this thesis, two novel undelayed initializations are developed. One relies only on a monocular camera and IMU, and the other utilizes an ultrasonic rangefinder as well. The developed object-level SLAM is tested using wheeled robots and handheld devices, and an error (in the position) of 4.1 to 13.1 cm (0.005 to 0.028 of the total path length) has been obtained through extensive experiments using only a single object. These experiments are conducted in different indoor environments under different conditions (e.g. illumination). Further, it is shown that undelayed initialization using an ultrasonic sensor can reduce the algorithm's runtime by half