104 research outputs found

    Continuously Non-Malleable Codes from Authenticated Encryptions in 2-Split-State Model

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    Tampering attack is the act of deliberately modifying the codeword to produce another codeword of a related message. The main application is to find out the original message from the codeword. Non-malleable codes are introduced to protect the message from such attack. Any tampering attack performed on the message encoded by non-malleable codes, guarantee that output is either completely unrelated or original message. It is useful mainly in the situation when privacy and integrity of the message is important rather than correctness. Unfortunately, standard version of non-malleable codes are used for one-time tampering attack. In literature, we show that it is possible to construct non-malleable codes from authenticated encryptions. But, such construction does not provide security when an adversary tampers the codeword more than once. Later, continuously non-malleable codes are constructed where an attacker can tamper the message for polynomial number of times. In this work, we propose a construction of continuously non-malleable code from authenticated encryption in 2-split-state model. Our construction provides security against polynomial number of tampering attacks and non-malleability property is preserved. The security of proposed continuously non-malleable code reduces to the security of underlying leakage resilient storage when tampering experiment triggers self-destruct

    FMNV Continuous Non-malleable Encoding Scheme is More Efficient Than Believed

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    Non-malleable codes are kind of encoding schemes which are resilient to tampering attacks. The main idea behind the non-malleable coding is that the adversary can\u27t be able to obtain any valuable information about the message. Non-malleable codes are used in tamper resilient cryptography and protecting memory against tampering attacks. Several kinds of definitions for the non-malleability exist in the literature. The Continuous non-malleability is aiming to protect messages against the adversary who issues polynomially many tampering queries. The first continuous non-malleable encoding scheme has been proposed by Faust et el. (FMNV) in 2014. In this paper, we propose a new method for proving continuous non-malleability of FMNV scheme. This new proof leads to an improved and more efficient scheme than previous one. The new proof shows we can have the continuous non-malleability with the same security by using a leakage resilient storage scheme with about (k+1)(log(q)-2) bits fewer leakage bound (where k is the output size of the collision resistant hash function and q is the maximum number of tampering queries)

    Fully leakage-resilient signatures revisited: Graceful degradation, noisy leakage, and construction in the bounded-retrieval model

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    We construct new leakage-resilient signature schemes. Our schemes remain unforgeable against an adversary leaking arbitrary (yet bounded) information on the entire state of the signer (sometimes known as fully leakage resilience), including the random coin tosses of the signing algorithm. The main feature of our constructions is that they offer a graceful degradation of security in situations where standard existential unforgeability is impossible

    The Bottleneck Complexity of Secure Multiparty Computation

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    In this work, we initiate the study of bottleneck complexity as a new communication efficiency measure for secure multiparty computation (MPC). Roughly, the bottleneck complexity of an MPC protocol is defined as the maximum communication complexity required by any party within the protocol execution. We observe that even without security, bottleneck communication complexity is an interesting measure of communication complexity for (distributed) functions and propose it as a fundamental area to explore. While achieving O(n) bottleneck complexity (where n is the number of parties) is straightforward, we show that: (1) achieving sublinear bottleneck complexity is not always possible, even when no security is required. (2) On the other hand, several useful classes of functions do have o(n) bottleneck complexity, when no security is required. Our main positive result is a compiler that transforms any (possibly insecure) efficient protocol with fixed communication-pattern for computing any functionality into a secure MPC protocol while preserving the bottleneck complexity of the underlying protocol (up to security parameter overhead). Given our compiler, an efficient protocol for any function f with sublinear bottleneck complexity can be transformed into an MPC protocol for f with the same bottleneck complexity. Along the way, we build cryptographic primitives - incremental fully-homomorphic encryption, succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge with ID-based simulation-extractability property and verifiable protocol execution - that may be of independent interest

    A Note On Groth-Ostrovsky-Sahai Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof System

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    In 2006, Groth, Ostrovsky and Sahai designed one non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof system [new version, J. ACM, 59(3), 1-35, 2012] for plaintext being zero or one using bilinear groups with composite order. Based on the system, they presented the first perfect NIZK argument system for any NP language and the first universal composability secure NIZK argument for any NP language in the presence of a dynamic/adaptive adversary. This resolves a central open problem concerning NIZK protocols. In this note, we remark that in their proof system the prover has not to invoke the trapdoor key to generate witnesses. The mechanism was dramatically different from the previous works, such as Blum-Feldman-Micali proof system and Blum-Santis-Micali-Persiano proof system. We would like to stress that the prover can cheat the verifier to accept a false claim if the trapdoor key is available to him

    Using Fully Homomorphic Hybrid Encryption to Minimize Non-interative Zero-Knowledge Proofs

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    A non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof can be used to demonstrate the truth of a statement without revealing anything else. It has been shown under standard cryptographic assumptions that NIZK proofs of membership exist for all languages in NP. While there is evidence that such proofs cannot be much shorter than the corresponding membership witnesses, all known NIZK proofs for NP languages are considerably longer than the witnesses. Soon after Gentry’s construction of fully homomorphic encryption, several groups independently contemplated the use of hybrid encryption to optimize the size of NIZK proofs and discussed this idea within the cryptographic community. This article formally explores this idea of using fully homomorphic hybrid encryption to optimize NIZK proofs and other related cryptographic primitives. We investigate the question of minimizing the communication overhead of NIZK proofs for NP and show that if fully homomorphic encryption exists then it is possible to get proofs that are roughly of the same size as the witnesses. Our technique consists in constructing a fully homomorphic hybrid encryption scheme with ciphertext size |m|+poly(k), where m is the plaintext and k is the security parameter. Encrypting the witness for an NP-statement allows us to evaluate the NP-relation in a communication-efficient manner. We apply this technique to both standard non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs and to universally composable non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs. The technique can also be applied outside the realm of non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, for instance to get witness-size interactive zero-knowledge proofs in the plain model without any setup or to minimize the communication in secure computation protocols

    A Transform for NIZK Almost as Efficient and General as the Fiat-Shamir Transform Without Programmable Random Oracles

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    The Fiat-Shamir (FS) transform is a popular technique for obtaining practical zero-knowledge argument systems. The FS transform uses a hash function to generate, without any further overhead, non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) argument systems from public-coin honest-verifier zero-knowledge (public-coin HVZK) proof systems. In the proof of zero knowledge, the hash function is modeled as a programmable random oracle (PRO). In TCC 2015, Lindell embarked on the challenging task of obtaining a similar transform with improved heuristic security. Lindell showed that, for several interesting and practical languages, there exists an efficient transform in the non-programmable random oracle (NPRO) model that also uses a common reference string (CRS). A major contribution of Lindell’s transform is that zero knowledge is proved without random oracles and this is an important step towards achieving efficient NIZK arguments in the CRS model without random oracles. In this work, we analyze the efficiency and generality of Lindell’s transform and notice a significant gap when compared with the FS transform. We then propose a new transform that aims at filling this gap. Indeed our transform is almost as efficient as the FS transform and can be applied to a broad class of public-coin HVZK proof systems. Our transform requires a CRS and an NPRO in the proof of soundness, similarly to Lindell’s transform
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