510 research outputs found

    Scalable Synthesis and Verification: Towards Reliable Autonomy

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    We have seen the growing deployment of autonomous systems in our daily life, ranging from safety-critical self-driving cars to dialogue agents. While impactful and impressive, these systems do not often come with guarantees and are not rigorously evaluated for failure cases. This is in part due to the limited scalability of tools available for designing correct-by-construction systems, or verifying them posthoc. Another key limitation is the lack of availability of models for the complex environments with which autonomous systems often have to interact with. In the direction of overcoming these above mentioned bottlenecks to designing reliable autonomous systems, this thesis makes contributions along three fronts. First, we develop an approach for parallelized synthesis from linear-time temporal logic Specifications corresponding to the generalized reactivity (1) fragment. We begin by identifying a special case corresponding to singleton liveness goals that allows for a decomposition of the synthesis problem, which facilitates parallelized synthesis. Based on the intuition from this special case, we propose a more generalized approach for parallelized synthesis that relies on identifying equicontrollable states. Second, we consider learning-based approaches to enable verification at scale for complex systems, and for autonomous systems that interact with black-box environments. For the former, we propose a new abstraction refinement procedure based on machine learning to improve the performance of nonlinear constraint solving algorithms on large-scale problems. For the latter, we present a data-driven approach based on chance-constrained optimization that allows for a system to be evaluated for specification conformance without an accurate model of the environment. We demonstrate this approach on several tasks, including a lane-change scenario with real-world driving data. Lastly, we consider the problem of interpreting and verifying learning-based components such as neural networks. We introduce a new method based on Craig's interpolants for computing compact symbolic abstractions of pre-images for neural networks. Our approach relies on iteratively computing approximations that provably overapproximate and underapproximate the pre-images at all layers. Further, building on existing work for training neural networks for verifiability in the classification setting, we propose extensions that allow us to generalize the approach to more general architectures and temporal specifications.</p

    Scalable Approach to Uncertainty Quantification and Robust Design of Interconnected Dynamical Systems

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    Development of robust dynamical systems and networks such as autonomous aircraft systems capable of accomplishing complex missions faces challenges due to the dynamically evolving uncertainties coming from model uncertainties, necessity to operate in a hostile cluttered urban environment, and the distributed and dynamic nature of the communication and computation resources. Model-based robust design is difficult because of the complexity of the hybrid dynamic models including continuous vehicle dynamics, the discrete models of computations and communications, and the size of the problem. We will overview recent advances in methodology and tools to model, analyze, and design robust autonomous aerospace systems operating in uncertain environment, with stress on efficient uncertainty quantification and robust design using the case studies of the mission including model-based target tracking and search, and trajectory planning in uncertain urban environment. To show that the methodology is generally applicable to uncertain dynamical systems, we will also show examples of application of the new methods to efficient uncertainty quantification of energy usage in buildings, and stability assessment of interconnected power networks

    Design and optimal control of a multistable, cooperative microactuator

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    In order to satisfy the demand for the high functionality of future microdevices, research on new concepts for multistable microactuators with enlarged working ranges becomes increasingly important. A challenge for the design of such actuators lies in overcoming the mechanical connections of the moved object, which limit its deflection angle or traveling distance. Although numerous approaches have already been proposed to solve this issue, only a few have considered multiple asymptotically stable resting positions. In order to fill this gap, we present a microactuator that allows large vertical displacements of a freely moving permanent magnet on a millimeter-scale. Multiple stable equilibria are generated at predefined positions by superimposing permanent magnetic fields, thus removing the need for constant energy input. In order to achieve fast object movements with low solenoid currents, we apply a combination of piezoelectric and electromagnetic actuation, which work as cooperative manipulators. Optimal trajectory planning and flatness-based control ensure time- and energy-efficient motion while being able to compensate for disturbances. We demonstrate the advantage of the proposed actuator in terms of its expandability and show the effectiveness of the controller with regard to the initial state uncertainty

    Neural Networks for Fast Optimisation in Model Predictive Control: A Review

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    Model Predictive Control (MPC) is an optimal control algorithm with strong stability and robustness guarantees. Despite its popularity in robotics and industrial applications, the main challenge in deploying MPC is its high computation cost, stemming from the need to solve an optimisation problem at each control interval. There are several methods to reduce this cost. This survey focusses on approaches where a neural network is used to approximate an existing controller. Herein, relevant and unique neural approximation methods for linear, nonlinear, and robust MPC are presented and compared. Comparisons are based on the theoretical guarantees that are preserved, the factor by which the original controller is sped up, and the size of problem that a framework is applicable to. Research contributions include: a taxonomy that organises existing knowledge, a summary of literary gaps, discussion on promising research directions, and simple guidelines for choosing an approximation framework. The main conclusions are that (1) new benchmarking tools are needed to help prove the generalisability and scalability of approximation frameworks, (2) future breakthroughs most likely lie in the development of ties between control and learning, and (3) the potential and applicability of recently developed neural architectures and tools remains unexplored in this field.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures 3 tables. Submitted to ACM Computing Survey

    Dynamic Understeer Control Using Active Rear Toe

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    This thesis was conducted to show the ability of Active Rear Toe to control the understeer characteristics of a vehicle. Active rear toe is the ability to control the angle of the rear wheels around the vertical axis, allowing the car’s turning radius to change. By changing this radius, the lateral acceleration can be controlled, therefore the understeer of the vehicle can be controlled. The controls scheme is a sliding mode control, specifically a hyperbolic tangent boundary layer and a type 1 zeno controller. The system shows effectiveness to control the understeer of the vehicle up until limit grip on the tire. Once this level is achieved, lateral acceleration can only be removed, not added. It is recommended that ART should supplement controls through the brakes of the car, allowing for the car to be controlled over a larger range of performance

    Advanced multiparametric optimization and control studies for anaesthesia

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    Anaesthesia is a reversible pharmacological state of the patient where hypnosis, analgesia and muscle relaxation are guaranteed and maintained throughout the surgery. Analgesics block the sensation of pain; hypnotics produce unconsciousness, while muscle relaxants prevent unwanted movement of muscle tone. Controlling the depth of anaesthesia is a very challenging task, as one has to deal with nonlinearity, inter- and intra-patient variability, multivariable characteristics, variable time delays, dynamics dependent on the hypnotic agent, model analysis variability, agent and stability issues. The modelling and automatic control of anaesthesia is believed to (i) benefit the safety of the patient undergoing surgery as side-effects may be reduced by optimizing the drug infusion rates, and (ii) support anaesthetists during critical situations by automating the drug delivery systems. In this work we have developed several advanced explicit/multi-parametric model predictive (mp-MPC) control strategies for the control of depth of anaesthesia. State estimation techniques are developed and used simultaneously with mp-MPC strategies to estimate the state of each individual patient, in an attempt to overcome the challenges of inter- and intra- patient variability, and deal with possible unmeasurable noisy outputs. Strategies to deal with the nonlinearity have been also developed including local linearization, exact linearization as well as a piece-wise linearization of the Hill curve leading to a hybrid formulation of the patient model and thereby the development of multiparametric hybrid model predictive control methodology. To deal with the inter- and intra- patient variability, as well as the noise on the process output, several robust techniques and a multiparametric moving horizon estimation technique have been design and implemented. All the studies described in the thesis are performed on clinical data for a set of 12 patients who underwent general anaesthesia.Open Acces

    Dynaamisten mallien puoliautomaattinen parametrisointi käyttäen laitosdataa

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    The aim of this thesis was to develop a new methodology for estimating parameters of NAPCON ProsDS dynamic simulator models to better represent data containing several operating points. Before this thesis, no known methodology had existed for combining operating point identification with parameter estimation of NAPCON ProsDS simulator models. The methodology was designed by assessing and selecting suitable methods for operating space partitioning, parameter estimation and parameter scheduling. Previously implemented clustering algorithms were utilized for the operating space partition. Parameter estimation was implemented as a new tool in the NAPCON ProsDS dynamic simulator and iterative parameter estimation methods were applied. Finally, lookup tables were applied for tuning the model parameters according to the state. The methodology was tested by tuning a heat exchanger model to several operating points based on plant process data. The results indicated that the developed methodology was able to tune the simulator model to better represent several operating states. However, more testing with different models is required to verify general applicability of the methodology.Tämän diplomityön tarkoitus oli kehittää uusi parametrien estimointimenetelmä NAPCON ProsDS -simulaattorin dynaamisille malleille, jotta ne vastaisivat paremmin dataa useista prosessitiloista. Ennen tätä diplomityötä NAPCON ProsDS -simulaattorin malleille ei ollut olemassa olevaa viritysmenetelmää, joka yhdistäisi operointitilojen tunnistuksen parametrien estimointiin. Menetelmän kehitystä varten tutkittiin ja valittiin sopivat menetelmät operointiavaruuden jakamiselle, parametrien estimoinnille ja parametrien virittämiseen prosessitilan mukaisesti. Aikaisemmin ohjelmoituja klusterointialgoritmeja hyödynnettiin operointiavaruuden jakamisessa. Parametrien estimointi toteutettiin uutena työkaluna NAPCON ProsDS -simulaattoriin ja estimoinnissa käytettiin iteratiivisia optimointimenetelmiä. Lopulta hakutaulukoita sovellettiin mallin parametrien hienosäätöön prosessitilojen mukaisesti. Menetelmää testattiin virittämällä lämmönvaihtimen malli kahteen eri prosessitilaan käyttäen laitokselta kerättyä prosessidataa. Tulokset osoittavat että kehitetty menetelmä pystyi virittämään simulaattorin mallin vastaamaan paremmin dataa useista prosessitiloista. Kuitenkin tarvitaan lisää testausta erityyppisten mallien kanssa, jotta voidaan varmistaa menetelmän yleinen soveltuvuus

    Robust Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Sample-Data Systems

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    In the past decades, model predictive control (MPC) has been widely used as an efficient tool in areas such as process control, power grids, transportation systems, and manufacturing. It provides an approach that aims to design stabilizing feedback to the system so that the performance criterion gets minimized while the state and input constraints get satisfied. In many situations, MPC may outperform other approaches to design and implement feedback control systems. Furthermore, MPC may solve optimization problems with large and practically important sets of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems efficiently. A typical implementation of MPC predicts the optimal control inputs that guarantee a certain level of optimality based on the interest of model behavior to the actual dynamical system. Many schemes of model predictive control have been addressed in the past years. Recently, the technology development of computers, sensors, and communications make the control systems much larger and more complex than ever before. These advances also increase the need for MPC to design the controllers for complex multiple-input multiple-output systems. Besides, the advanced computation hardware has significantly improved the speed and reliability of solving optimization problems. In general, we can differentiate the MPC scheme into linear and nonlinear model predictive control. Linear MPC refers to the MPC schemes that deal with linear models to predict the system dynamics. Besides, the constraints on the states and inputs should be linear, and the cost function can be as simple as quadratic. The optimal solutions of linear MPC rely on the dynamic models, the constraints, and the optimal problems that aim to minimize the system performance, which is usually expressed as the cost function. Nonlinear MPC refers to the MPC schemes based on nonlinear models or non-quadratic cost functionals with corresponding nonlinear constraints on the states and inputs. Nevertheless, linear models are often inadequate in describing the optimal problem because of higher product quality specifications, increasing productivity demands, tighter environmental regulations, and the requirements of operating conditions. In this case, people need to use nonlinear MPC to describe the models accurately. This dissertation studies several MPC algorithms for solving nonlinear continuous-time systems with uncertainties. The work focuses on systems with disturbances, system discretization, and explicit model predictive control. Meanwhile, we ensure these algorithms may provide a series of feasible solutions and stabilize the control systems along the prediction horizon

    Reliably-stabilizing piecewise-affine neural network controllers

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    A common problem affecting neural network (NN) approximations of model predictive control (MPC) policies is the lack of analytical tools to assess the stability of the closed-loop system under the action of the NN-based controller. We present a general procedure to quantify the performance of such a controller, or to design minimum complexity NNs with rectified linear units (ReLUs) that preserve the desirable properties of a given MPC scheme. By quantifying the approximation error between NN-based and MPC-based state-to-input mappings, we first establish suitable conditions involving two key quantities, the worst-case error and the Lipschitz constant, guaranteeing the stability of the closed-loop system. We then develop an offline, mixed-integer optimization-based method to compute those quantities exactly. Together these techniques provide conditions sufficient to certify the stability and performance of a ReLU-based approximation of an MPC control law