4,071 research outputs found

    Vision-based techniques for gait recognition

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    Global security concerns have raised a proliferation of video surveillance devices. Intelligent surveillance systems seek to discover possible threats automatically and raise alerts. Being able to identify the surveyed object can help determine its threat level. The current generation of devices provide digital video data to be analysed for time varying features to assist in the identification process. Commonly, people queue up to access a facility and approach a video camera in full frontal view. In this environment, a variety of biometrics are available - for example, gait which includes temporal features like stride period. Gait can be measured unobtrusively at a distance. The video data will also include face features, which are short-range biometrics. In this way, one can combine biometrics naturally using one set of data. In this paper we survey current techniques of gait recognition and modelling with the environment in which the research was conducted. We also discuss in detail the issues arising from deriving gait data, such as perspective and occlusion effects, together with the associated computer vision challenges of reliable tracking of human movement. Then, after highlighting these issues and challenges related to gait processing, we proceed to discuss the frameworks combining gait with other biometrics. We then provide motivations for a novel paradigm in biometrics-based human recognition, i.e. the use of the fronto-normal view of gait as a far-range biometrics combined with biometrics operating at a near distance

    A smart vision sensor for detecting risk factors of a toddler's fall in a home environment

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    This paper presents a smart vision sensor for detecting risk factors of a toddler's fall in an indoor home environment assisting parents' supervision to prevent fall injuries. We identified the risk factors by analyzing real fall injury stories and referring to a related organization's suggestions to prevent falls. In order to detect the risk factors using computer vision, two major image processing methods, clutter detection and toddler tracking, were studied with using only one commercial web-camera. For practical purposes, there is no need for a toddler to wear any sensors or markers. The algorithms for detection have been developed, implemented and tested

    A depth camera motion analysis framework for tele-rehabilitation : motion capture and person-centric kinematics analysis

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    With increasing importance given to telerehabilitation, there is a growing need for accurate, low-cost, and portable motion capture systems that do not require specialist assessment venues. This paper proposes a novel framework for motion capture using only a single depth camera, which is portable and cost effective compared to most industry-standard optical systems, without compromising on accuracy. Novel signal processing and computer vision algorithms are proposed to determine motion patterns of interest from infrared and depth data. In order to demonstrate the proposed framework’s suitability for rehabilitation, we developed a gait analysis application that depends on the underlying motion capture sub-system. Each subject’s individual kinematics parameters, which are unique to that subject, are calculated and these are stored for monitoring individual progress of the clinical therapy. Experiments were conducted on 14 different subjects, 5 healthy and 9 stroke survivors. The results show very close agreement of the resulting relevant joint angles with a 12-camera based VICON system, a mean error of at most 1.75% in detecting gait events w.r.t the manually generated ground-truth, and significant performance improvements in terms of accuracy and execution time compared to a previous Kinect-based system

    Robust fulfillment of constraints in robot visual servoing

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    [EN] In this work, an approach based on sliding mode ideas is proposed to satisfy constraints in robot visual servoing. In particular, different types of constraints are defined in order to: fulfill the visibility constraints (camera fieldof-view and occlusions) for the image features of the detected object; to avoid exceeding the joint range limits and maximum joint speeds; and to avoid forbidden areas in the robot workspace. Moreover, another task with low-priority is considered to track the target object. The main advantages of the proposed approach are low computational cost, robustness and fully utilization of the allowed space for the constraints. The applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by simulation results for a simple 2D case and a complex 3D case study. Furthermore, the feasibility and robustness of the proposed approach is substantiated by experimental results using a conventional 6R industrial manipulator.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government under grants BES-2010-038486 and Project DPI2013-42302-R, and the Generalitat Valenciana under grants VALi+d APOSTD/2016/044 and BEST/2017/029.Muñoz-Benavent, P.; Gracia Calandin, LI.; Solanes Galbis, JE.; Esparza Peidro, A.; Tornero Montserrat, J. (2018). Robust fulfillment of constraints in robot visual servoing. Control Engineering Practice. 71(1):79-95. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2017.10.017S799571

    Vision-based toddler tracking at home

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    This paper presents a vision-based toddler tracking system for detecting risk factors of a toddler's fall within the home environment. The risk factors have environmental and behavioral aspects and the research in this paper focuses on the behavioral aspects. Apart from common image processing tasks such as background subtraction, the vision-based toddler tracking involves human classification, acquisition of motion and position information, and handling of regional merges and splits. The human classification is based on dynamic motion vectors of the human body. The center of mass of each contour is detected and connected with the closest center of mass in the next frame to obtain position, speed, and directional information. This tracking system is further enhanced by dealing with regional merges and splits due to multiple object occlusions. In order to identify the merges and splits, two directional detections of closest region centers are conducted between every two successive frames. Merges and splits of a single object due to errors in the background subtraction are also handled. The tracking algorithms have been developed, implemented and tested

    Intelligent Global Vision for Teams of Mobile Robots

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    Efficient Physics-Based Tracking of Heart Surface Motion for Beating Heart Surgery Robotic Systems

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    Purpose: Tracking of beating heart motion in a robotic surgery system is required for complex cardiovascular interventions. Methods: A heart surface motion tracking method is developed, including a stochastic physics-based heart surface model and an efficient reconstruction algorithm. The algorithm uses the constraints provided by the model that exploits the physical characteristics of the heart. The main advantage of the model is that it is more realistic than most standard heartmodels. Additionally, no explicit matching between the measurements and the model is required. The application of meshless methods significantly reduces the complexity of physics-based tracking. Results: Based on the stochastic physical model of the heart surface, this approach considers the motion of the intervention area and is robust to occlusions and reflections. The tracking algorithm is evaluated in simulations and experiments on an artificial heart. Providing higher accuracy than the standardmodel-based methods, it successfully copes with occlusions and provides high performance even when all measurements are not available. Conclusions: Combining the physical and stochastic description of the heart surface motion ensures physically correct and accurate prediction. Automatic initialization of the physics-based cardiac motion tracking enables system evaluation in a clinical environment

    A Framework for Interactive Teaching of Virtual Borders to Mobile Robots

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    The increasing number of robots in home environments leads to an emerging coexistence between humans and robots. Robots undertake common tasks and support the residents in their everyday life. People appreciate the presence of robots in their environment as long as they keep the control over them. One important aspect is the control of a robot's workspace. Therefore, we introduce virtual borders to precisely and flexibly define the workspace of mobile robots. First, we propose a novel framework that allows a person to interactively restrict a mobile robot's workspace. To show the validity of this framework, a concrete implementation based on visual markers is implemented. Afterwards, the mobile robot is capable of performing its tasks while respecting the new virtual borders. The approach is accurate, flexible and less time consuming than explicit robot programming. Hence, even non-experts are able to teach virtual borders to their robots which is especially interesting in domains like vacuuming or service robots in home environments.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Mobile Robot Navigation for Person Following in Indoor Environments

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    Service robotics is a rapidly growing area of interest in robotics research. Service robots inhabit human-populated environments and carry out specific tasks. The goal of this dissertation is to develop a service robot capable of following a human leader around populated indoor environments. A classification system for person followers is proposed such that it clearly defines the expected interaction between the leader and the robotic follower. In populated environments, the robot needs to be able to detect and identify its leader and track the leader through occlusions, a common characteristic of populated spaces. An appearance-based person descriptor, which augments the Kinect skeletal tracker, is developed and its performance in detecting and overcoming short and long-term leader occlusions is demonstrated. While following its leader, the robot has to ensure that it does not collide with stationary and moving obstacles, including other humans, in the environment. This requirement necessitates the use of a systematic navigation algorithm. A modified version of navigation function path planning, called the predictive fields path planner, is developed. This path planner models the motion of obstacles, uses a simplified representation of practical workspaces, and generates bounded, stable control inputs which guide the robot to its desired position without collisions with obstacles. The predictive fields path planner is experimentally verified on a non-person follower system and then integrated into the robot navigation module of the person follower system. To navigate the robot, it is necessary to localize it within its environment. A mapping approach based on depth data from the Kinect RGB-D sensor is used in generating a local map of the environment. The map is generated by combining inter-frame rotation and translation estimates based on scan generation and dead reckoning respectively. Thus, a complete mobile robot navigation system for person following in indoor environments is presented